April 20, 2024

UHS Health Education Video: Whole Person Wellness

Published May 17, 2023, 7:20 a.m. by Liam Bradley

Whole Person wellness by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

We all know that leading a healthy lifestyle is important for our overall wellbeing. However, with our hectic lifestyles, it can be difficult to find the time to focus on our health. That's why the Whole Person wellness program by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University is so important.

This program is designed to help us learn about and adopt healthy habits that can improve our physical, mental and emotional health. The program covers a wide range of topics, from nutrition and exercise, to stress management and sleep hygiene.

Importantly, the program is not just about learning theory. It also provides practical tools and tips that we can use in our everyday lives to improve our health. For example, the program includes a healthy eating guide, which provides recommendations on what to eat (and what to avoid) to promote good health.

The Whole Person wellness program is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their health and wellbeing. I highly recommend it to everyone!

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Hey I haven't seen you in ages the only

want to see me

that's okay let's call it quits look I

have to study for my midterm tests all


what's up me just why you didn't respond

to my messages last night you could say

goodbye before you dropped off I was up

on that alright how earth could it take

say good night sweetheart

starting to lose your sleep again it's

been nearly for a month oh my god

next we go to flank done it let's go and

see the doctor at the University Health

Service don't be fuzzy come on I'll make

an appointment for you


hey Tommy who came down with flu coming


it's not a big problem but you've been

losing sleep for months that's not

something to overlook well doctor law

actually I always asleep when any

important tests or exams are approaching

and I get headache diarrhea I'm running

to the toilet all the time but my

friends don't get such problems so well

when we feel stressful our bodies will

react to it I've seen so many students

suffering from similar problems it's not

just you all right just before my very

first exam my eye was twitching well

when we feel unwell of course you need

to first book a medical consultation and

see a doctor for clinical assessment

fest how many times I told you exercise

more Donnie this instant noodles that's

how we stay so healthy well we talked

about staying healthy do you have any

idea how to maintain whole-person

wellness what let me tell you what the

whole person wellness is all about to

take care of our well-being we must

understand the four important aspects of

our health

they are our physical health

psychological condition the social

aspect and finally the spiritual


you may wonder what our spiritual

well-being is simply put our spiritual

being involves upholding our own values

our philosophy about life and of course

our religious beliefs and so on whether

you have faith or feel unwell wear it

off your tips on taking care of your

whole person wellness with very support

from our University Health Service and

just besides the mental one is clinic on

campus which provides support and advice

to enhance students mental health the

University Health Service also offers

such travel vaccinations in a medical

device we had a travel health clinic

our Woma health clinic provides services

to female students like women's health

check HPV vaccination and sex education

UHS also offers general body checkup and

vaccination services while our

traditional Chinese medicine services

also help students to maintain good

health clicking good care of students

health is always our mission we seek to

do our best to help you stay healthy to

achieve whole-person wellness apart from

gaining book knowledge and work hard on

pursuing education don't forget to keep

your body fit and be able to manage your

emotions are all very important for your

personal growth

first night to learn more about UHS

information please visit our website

doctor doctor hey Tommy the meat hunters

are over what makes you so nervous

actually I'm not nervous at all I've

been sleeping very well all night and

I'm here to get my flu inject it was

ruthless and Vince is so hard and I to


so painful okay we'll take care



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