April 25, 2024

Fermentation technology for animal nutrition

Published May 23, 2023, 3:20 p.m. by Jerald Waisoki

As the world progresses, so does the technology we use to complete various tasks. One such task is fermentation, which has been used for centuries to create various food and beverage products. In recent years, fermentation technology has been increasingly used in animal nutrition, providing a number of benefits for both livestock and producers.

Fermentation technology can be used to create a number of different products, such as enzymes, probiotics, and vitamins. These products can be used to improve the health and productivity of livestock. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions in the body, and can be used to improve digestion. Probiotics are live microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the host, and can be used to improve gut health. Vitamins are essential nutrients that are required for various metabolic processes, and can be used to prevent or treat deficiencies.

There are a number of benefits associated with using fermentation technology in animal nutrition. Fermented products are more easily absorbed by the body, meaning that livestock can get more nutrients from their feed. Fermentation also increases the shelf life of feed, as well as the safety and quality. In addition, fermentation can be used to create value-added products, such as enzymes and probiotics, which can be sold separately.

There are a number of different fermentation technologies available, and the best one for a particular application will depend on a number of factors, such as the type of product being produced, the desired characteristics of the product, and the available infrastructure. Some of the most common fermentation technologies include batch fermentation, continuous fermentation, and solid-state fermentation.

Batch fermentation is the most common type of fermentation, and is typically used for the production of food and beverage products. In batch fermentation, a group of microorganisms is inoculated into a batch of substrate, and the fermentation is allowed to proceed until the desired product is produced.

Continuous fermentation is a type of fermentation in which the substrate is continuously fed into the fermentation vessel, and the product is continuously removed. Continuous fermentation is typically used for the production of enzymes, probiotics, and vitamins.

Solid-state fermentation is a type of fermentation in which the substrate is a solid, such as grains or seeds. Solid-state fermentation is typically used for the production of enzymes and vitamins.

Fermentation technology has a number of advantages over other methods of animal nutrition, such as chemical synthesis. Fermentation is a natural process, and therefore there is no need for harsh chemicals or expensive equipment. In addition, fermentation can be used to produce a variety of products, including enzymes, probiotics, and vitamins.

If you are looking for a way to improve the health and productivity of your livestock, fermentation technology may be the answer. There are a number of different fermentation technologies available, and the best one for your particular application will depend on a number of factors.

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we found particularly in poultry

we give the probiotics which is a lack

yeast we found that the animals which

were suffering from a neurotoxic the

area could recover within three weeks

and recovered in their body weight gain

and also the mortality which was around

three percent came down to 1% so just by

providing small quantities of these

probiotics or the feeder duties we could

bring in enormous change in the health

of the animals because of the defense

mechanism and defense of because of the

immune response that was inculcated into

the animals by providing this feed


well there are two things today if you

look into poultry and pig arre the

backyard poultry or the piggery

the smallholders are taking it up in a

big way for it works for the small

holders but the problem in particularly

feed additives in large ruminants has

been that the results are not very

consistent because of the simple reason

the type of diet which is associated

that tied the physiological conditions

of the animals vary and there is reports

which is not very consistent in the

results but let me tell you the problem

of addressing going to biotechnology

reaching the farmers he is very

important if you can take the farmers

along with you the farmers had to be

taken with you when you are doing this

kind of research in biotechnology give

them the proper transparent information

about what is being done and I am

telling you the farmers are hungry for

good science they are ready to accept it

today in India when we see no farmer

when I am interviewing them they say no

no they say we don't want subsidy what

we want is a quality product we want

something which can enhance the

productivity of our animals

I think this was a very very interesting

symposium where we talked about

biotechnology and particularly

addressing the small holder system I

think this is the type of interaction

which we require with the Academy away

the industry and yesterday we had with

the students across the globe and

there's something new which has been

introduced by FAO and I think this

should be further taken up so that we

understand the problems at the grassroot

level and also biotechnology is one

field today which is very very important

and critical in addressing various

situations whether it is food security

or nutrition security or addressing the

climate change impact


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