April 25, 2024

Television Technology Movies and Demons - How Do Demons Move

Published May 31, 2023, 3:33 p.m. by Courtney

Are movies bad? Is TV bad? How do demons move through technology? What in the world was Nikola Tesla talking about with his Spirit Radio/Crystal Radio? Can we hear demons? I try to answer and explain the connection of all these things so that you are more aware and can better protect yourself against demonic influence in the world today.

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okay something a little bit more i want to  talk about is demonic entities and technology  

and television and stuff related to that which is  something that's a little bit confusing a lot of  

people don't really have a good understanding of  it but i want to explain that when nikola tesla  

created the radio um the first raid was a crystal  radio ironically um demons like titan crystals  

like i was telling you but when he created  this uh he developed a radio and he said he  

is hearing voices speaking in a language he does  not understand he was hearing voices this is  

well documented you can look up nikola tesla's uh  discussion about this speaking in a voice that he  

does not understand or in voices that he doesn't  understand now nikola tesla i believe was obsessed  

with some of this technology in fact he wanted to  build the world's biggest radio because he wanted  

to hear all of the voices that he could possibly  hear and still to this day nasa actually uses  

radio signals to try to hear voices  in the atmosphere because they believe  

that radio frequencies are the ways of sounds  traveling and we might be able to pick up on  

entities if they exist in another realm  creating radio signals or frequency sounds  

that we might be able to perceive okay and so  we point these into outer space but the real the  

real thing is we should be pointing these things  back at ourselves to be able to listen which is  

what nicola tessa originally wanted to do and the  project got halted and the world's largest radio  

got like it stood for a long long time unfinished  and then he died shortly thereafter in new york  

um and you can look up the history about it it's  very interesting but one of the things like i  

said he said he was hearing voices speaking in a  language that he did not understand i personally  

believe nikola tesla was probably listening and  trying to decode some of these voices and probably  

got some of his understanding of electricity  and the technology that they developed from  

listening to these voices now these voices  he was listening to was the spiritual realm  

it was the spiritual angelic voices and the  demonic voices possibly that he was eavesdropping  

in on and listening to now i know that sounds  a little out there sounds a little crazy  

but there is this thing called the conjuring  of raw which don't go looking this up but i'm  

going to tell you right now about it i've studied  like again i study a lot of demonology and a lot  

of occult stuff and a lot of things related to  it but conjuring raw was this experience where  

they channeled demons but it wasn't a demon it was  raw the raw sun god ironically um they channeled  

this demon through this individual and the demon  translated and spoke a bunch of information  

about humanity and the where humanity's going and  whatever and what not and one of the things that  

the the woman that was being the translator said  as raw was that nikola tesla was one of them they  

actually wiped his memory and he was really one  of these higher level entity spiritual beings that  

gave information to the world when the reality  is he was just a man who was eavesdropping  

in on these demons and was stealing some of  their technology and translating it over to  

for us to observe and use and whatever so  a lot of technology um comes to us through  

angelic understanding if you will um i  believe this is just my personal belief um and  

when it comes to television i want to explain  how demons travel through telecast a lot of  

a lot of people in church are like oh my gosh  don't watch that movie it's it's a demons there  

don't look at that oh my gosh it's evil okay  demons move kind of like police i believe okay  

um now if there is no demon present when you  sin the demon can't necessarily go into you  

because when you sin is when you're vulnerable  because when you sin god can't look upon sin  

so he can't look upon you and so when you sin  god turns his eye and the demons know when you  

sin and they see that sin happen and they're like  oh he's available god's not looking we can go into  

him now look at this sin and they use your sin  as an agreement like this is why we're here do  

you see this sin look what he has done this is our  agreement to be able to mess with him and that's  

kind of how they work they're very legalistic in  ways but like let's say you were to sin and there  

was no demons present they might not find you and  they might not go into you but let's say you have  

some crystals on your shelf and stuff and all  these things and then you sin um then the demon  

sees and he's like oh opportunity i can go into  him so demons use sin as a doorway to get into  

you so demons use your sin and your vulnerability  to say oh god's not looking we can go into him now  

that's okay and they use it as an agreement to  say oh look look at this look at he sinned this  

is why we're here okay so they're very legalistic  in that sense and when it comes to your behavior  

in uh television and things that you watch this  is a perspective that i feel that was given to me  

again this there's no biblical grounds for this  one but i'm gonna share this in the world today  

understanding movies okay this is kind  of a big one because a lot of christians  

debate like how do demons move and demons  move through television okay well listen  

now if you were to watch a movie in your home and  there's no demons present um and it's a bad movie  

like you know it's not good to do this  you might not get a demon jumping on you  

or you might i don't exactly know if they can  travel through the television i don't know how  

i do believe there's a verse that kind of alludes  to the fact that i think demons might be born  

of your sin they might be born out of your sin  um it's possible i'm not 100 sure on this still  

debating trying to figure this stuff out a little  bit um actually let me explain something first  

which burning i know this is like really crazy  but back in the day demons would go into a person  

okay and then they'd fill up this person they'd  be fighting like oh i want a controller i want  

a controller i want to control her and then  they'd be like okay like we're gonna say a  

witch to go into a witch and then they'd be like  you know what we're sick of this witch let's get  

some other people to possess so what would they do  they would get the woman to be sacrificed and this  

is what they would do they would they would put  the woman on a stake and they would burn her alive  

they would get this woman to be burned alive it  was a terrible thing horrible terrible thing we  

should have been praying for the demons to leave  these people not burning them alive like this is  

so horrible but they would set a woman on a  stake and burn her alive and all the demons  

that were in that woman could sit there and  look at all of the audience of all the people  

watching this witch get burned and they would be  like okay who's a safe person that i can go into  

they're not smiling ah maybe i don't want to  go into them they're smiling they've got no god  

i can go into them so witchburning was a way for  the demons they would all jump into this one woman  

this poor woman they would burn at the stake and  they would be able to identify quickly and easily  

people for them to spread into because demons  don't want to just go into random people always  

it's like if they go into a believer  or a christian or somebody that has god  

there's a possibility that they might get cast out  there's a great possibility they might get in the  

name of jesus demonic entities leave my body now  and go into the abyss and that kind of frightens  

frightens them a little so it's not very safe for  them to just like jump in a random people always  

okay but if you touch somebody that has a demon  in them they can sort of like look in you and see  

if your doors and windows are properly shut and  how well your house is kept and then they can  

be like okay maybe i can go into this person um  but that's kind of how they move a little bit  

but when you're at a movie theater um the all the  demons go to the front and they can see oh this is  

the part where the guy gets his head chopped off  let's look at the audience and they can see who  

in the audience is smiling and watching and who is  going like oh i don't i don't want to watch this  

and to them it's like oh that guy's smiling over  there that girl over there she's she's okay with  

it that dude over there he's like kind of churning  his eye he might have god in him he might have  

jesus in him we're not gonna go into that guy  but it's a way for them to basically pass into  

people so that's why we don't need which burnings  anymore which burning was a way it was a demonic  

behavioral practice of sacrifice for demons to  allow them the freedom to move into the audience  

and move into the people that are in there okay  nowadays we have movie theaters movie theaters  

are the equivalent of which burning back then we  don't really actually have to burn the witch we  

could just fake burn a witch on the television  and still get the same expression and response  

out of all the people in the audience and we can  see who is an available candidate for the demons  

can see rather who is an available candidate  for them to go into and so this is a very  

it's a very cautious thing you need to be  very careful at the things you watch this  

is why they say be careful what you watch  be careful what you do be careful what you  

expose yourself to um again a lot of things you  might watch is idle worship you might be watching  

something and worshiping this idol and the demon  sees it and you could be watching it with another  

person in the room and the demons in them see you  watching the same thing with them and they're like  

they're available this person's in the same room  so their demons can see that you're watching the  

same thing and they see the expression on  your face and they're like oh they're not  

bothered by this okay he's a worthy candidate  we can go into him too and their demons might  

jump into you anyways i hope this gives some  information about demonic entities in the  

world today and how they move and whatever and  again this is not biblical knowledge this is  

personal experience and studying from demonology  and trying to understand and expose the demonic  

realm so that way you can better understand and  how to fight and be aware of it again but don't  

go taking this to the bank and be like oh this is  what is true blah blah blah you know you got to  

study and read and research yourself and test this  stuff and figure it out but from my experience of  

smashing things that demons often times attach  themselves to i've learned that demons do go  

into objects jewelry necklaces rings um blankets  even like you know it's it's very interesting to  

know these types of stuff that demons will attach  themselves to and move into and it gives them some  

type of legal right over individuals so anyways i  hope this information helps you guys in some way  

you can start to look at this stuff  and right now i'll just pray lord god  

if there's anything that i have said that is  not of you god i pray right now that it leave  

anybody's ears right now in the name of jesus  if it is not of you but if it is god i pray  

that it continues to resonate and it continues  to be something that gives and gives truth to  

the world lord and gives and gives positivity to  the people in the world right now lord god in the  

name of jesus i thank you for all the things that  you're doing in my life and that you continue to  

do and the many people's lives that are around and  i praise you and i thank you in the name of jesus


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