Published June 11, 2023, 10:20 p.m. by Naomi Charles
Congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains how democratic socialism can help America and doubles down on her commitment to refuse corporate political donations.
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my guest tonight is the 28 year old
progressive activist who defeated a
10:00 term congressman in the Democratic
primary for New York's 14th
congressional district
please welcome House Democratic nominee
Alexandria Acacio Claire
welcome to the show
thank you congratulations on being the
nominee and more importantly
congratulations from being both the
dream of half the country and a
nightmare of another half I'll take you
you seem like you have been taking it
the term democratic socialist has never
felt like it has more weights to it then
now we hear your name on the news every
single day when you use that term what
do you want people to understand by it
well I think what I want people to
understand is that we live in a society
that is capable we are capable of
ensuring that we have basic frameworks
where people can be covered by health
insurance can send their kids to college
where we can pursue a very bold action
on climate change and save our future
and that it is part of a moral and
ethical economy and that we can
legislate from that value and where it
is possible I believe we are morally
obliged to pursue it right now when you
when you speak about that it seems like
a logical idea for a politician to have
in America the way you are framed the
way you are framed is oftentimes the
crazy socialist who wants to turn
America into Venezuela into Cuba now
what I find interesting is you know when
I think of ideas of socialism I go okay
there's maybe Venezuela and there's Cuba
and then I go but then there's also no
way and Denmark
do you think there's a there's a
branding disconnect connecting America
between some of these policy ideas
between generations maybe well between
generations I absolutely think so I
think us as Millennials we grew up in a
time we grew we came of age in a time of
9/11 happened in middle school right the
financial crisis happened in college we
have never really known or grown up in a
time of true economic prosperity in the
United States we came of age in a time
of hyper concentration of wealth with
the very tippy top of people in in the
country and the world right and so for
us to have access we also grew up seeing
our peers in other countries it like in
the UK and Canada with
we'll pay our healthcare systems we grew
up with peers being able to go to
college without you know graduating with
a mortgages worth of debt and we we know
that economically there's a better way
because it has already been done right
when when you get spoken about and this
has been interesting it's been a
conversation that I haven't just heard
from Republicans which you would expect
but I've noticed some establishment
Democrats who have come out and said oh
I've seen the young lady
Acacio Cortez say the things she says
but it's a little unrealistic you know
she has to be a bit more realistic to
move things forward do you think that
when you move into Congress if you were
to win that seats would you be in a
position where you would have to augment
your views or do you think that you
would come to an impasse with other
Democrats well I think I often say in
terms of my style
I'm very idealistic and optimistic about
my values and my goals and where I think
we should head but I'm very pragmatic
and how we head there and so I think
that I'm willing to work with folks in
the direction that I think we need to
head and so I'm not a take-no-prisoners
kind of person as much as Fox News and
all of these folks want me to want to
portray me as but I think it's it's
about getting to where we need to be you
know and and that made mean some
spirited conversation within the party
but that doesn't mean we can't I really
do believe that we have a much longer
path to travel together than one that
then before we travel apart when you
look at ideas you have like supporting a
minimum wage you were very pro the idea
of people earning enough to make a
living yeah right shocking crazy ideas
but but then there are those who say
look I I agree with you but how do you
pay for this how do you make it
economically feasible there there are
some who argue and say I hear what
you're saying miss Cortes and I'm with
you but a $15 minimum wage may stifle
economic growth
well first we see for example studies in
the City of Seattle that have
implemented $15 minimum wage show that
that is not the case secondly one of the
big biggest problems that we have is 200
million Americans may
less than $20,000 a year that's 40% of
this country and how can we have an
economy that grows how can we build
wealth as an economy if a large
plurality of Americans are too poor to
participate in it
raising the living the minimum wage to a
living wage will expand our economy it
will create wealth in our economy and it
will increase economic activity in this
country so for those that say it's
unrealistic this that and the other it
comes back to money in politics who's
financing your campaign right and are
the folks financing your campaign are
the private equity groups financing your
campaign it's not a coincidence that
they profit off of low wages do you
worry that when you get into the halls
of Congress that you may become infected
by that money and the reason I ask this
is because I've seen many politicians
who start out with beautiful ideals and
once they get into the Machine they'll
tell you that from the inside it's so
different you you have to get money from
big corporations and you have to start
working with business do you worry that
maybe your ideals will be met with
reality once you get to to the Capitol
well I I think that what makes our
campaign and my candidacy a little
different is that I have taken a public
pledge not to accept any corporate PAC
money whatsoever
we are now starting to see a movement in
Congress I think there's about eight
eight members of Congress I believe
they're all Democrats that have accepted
that pledge but I actually think I may
be one of the only ones that actually
got elected for the first time on that
many many folks got elected with some
corporate money and then they swore it
off after but I think I'm one of the
first to get elected right out of the
gate without any corporate PAC money
which gives me I believe a very large
degree of Independence I am a little you
know I am a little afraid because I know
of the I know that the culture of
Congress is one that I think the
majority of Americans are just
exasperated with right right right and
in to a certain extent you have to be
kind of an emissary and that there are
ways that you get things done and
there's the implication that you need to
get committee assignments by purchasing
them through fundraising and all of that
and I think it's one of those things
where you know I think first of all I
got elected on not taking corporate PAC
money and I have absolutely no intention
of changing that whatsoever right and so
it's really just about learning to
navigate that space with that foundation
you you've seen some of the older
politicians and more establishment
politicians within the Democratic Party
saying I I like what Alexandria Cortez
is all about but she's scaring away
Midwestern voters she needs to temper
her message because that's going to lose
her the support of Midwestern voters
which is weird because you're not yet
first of all representing them but but
but also how do you respond to that idea
that you are in fact creating an
unappealing view of what the Democratic
Party is ah so earlier this week or last
week a few days ago everything's a blur
I don't even what is time but I was in
Kansas and I intentionally went with
senator Sanders actually in an extremely
deep red district the district that the
Koch brothers live in it was a
Republican plus 20 district and a non
corporate candidate progressive
candidate campaign in that district and
turned it to our plus six he shaved 14
points off of the Republican advantage
in that district this was a district
that everybody gave up on they said it's
this is too bad
like too far gone he went in there
anyway and he cut 14 points off the off
of the Republican lead and we went in
there and on 1 p.m. on a Friday in the
middle of the workday we turned out four
to five thousand people in the middle of
Wichita for a rally and I think what we
need to remember is that it was the
Midwest that was the source of the
progressive movement originally in the
United States of America
it was workers in Indiana in Michigan in
Kansas that bought into the New Deal
that organized that unionized their
labor that got a 40-hour work week and a
two-day weekend that came from the
Midwest right and I believe that it will
come from the Midwest again when you
look at the power of labels in politics
you understand how how powerful a label
can be you know that's attached to your
name or an idea do you ever consider
taking socialists out of your label and
I ask this as as an argument that I saw
where there was an interesting idea
where someone said Millennials and this
generation haven't been indoctrinated in
the same way against socialism as the
older generation has and so then I
thought I was like I wonder if
Alexandria Cortes would say no I I don't
mind not being called a socialist but
these are still my platform ideas or do
you feel like you should be able to run
on the platform and say you are who you
are which one will you prefer to go well
I think my strength is that I am honest
and I am authentic and I think that even
Republicans like write letters to our
campaign saying thank you and one of the
reasons they do that a is because
getting money out of politics is a
bipartisan and post partisan issue
right everybody recognizes that it's a
problem but then B I think people
appreciate that I am honest and that I'm
not trying to not be Who I am in order
to get you to like me right you know I'm
here this is what it's about Medicare
for all tuition free public college a
green new deal that is what I campaigned
as and that is that I think it's also
important to say that this socialist
something that I think the media cares
more about because I don't knock on a
person's door and it's like hey let me
tell you about socialism like that's
yeah that that wouldn't that's not how I
campaign yeah that's like Jehovah's
Witnesses that's yeah exactly and and I
also think that I don't knock on a
person's door and say hey let me tell
you about being a Democrat no I don't
say that I speak to people's needs and
you know if Fox News and if if media
want to continue using this word I use
the word I think by me saying oh no I'm
not the set in the other it just becomes
a distraction we're here to talk about
wages we're here to talk about education
we're here to talk about saving our
planet we're here to talk about a carbon
tax we're here about we're here to talk
about people paying their fair share and
we're here to talk about saving the
country right
quite a few golden that that is one of
the key things that I want to speak to
you about then is those ideas I think
most people would agree on especially if
they don't know the label that they're
attached to you know but then the
pragmatic side of it comes in as you
said how do you pay for these you know
you always see people coming in with
economic arguments and they say look
these numbers don't really add up you
know in order to get health care for
everybody this is what it would cost
that's gonna be troubling even if you
reverse the Republican tax deal that's
only gonna make up 5% of what we need to
pay for Medicare for all
you know how do you pay for education
for all how do you pay for all of these
these ideas so I this isn't this is an
excellent excellent question and in fact
there's a lot of back-of-the-envelope
stuff based on our values so for example
I sat down with a Nobel Prize The
Economist last week I can't believe I
can say that it's really weird but one
of the things that we saw is if people
pay their fair share
it's corporations and the ultra wealthy
for example as Warren Buffett likes to
say if he paid as much as his secretary
paid 15% if you paid a 15% tax rate if
corporations paid if we if we reverse
the the tax bill but when raised our
corporate tax rate to 28% which is not
even as high as it was before right if
we if we do those two things and also
close some of those loopholes that's two
trillion dollars right there that's two
trillion dollars in ten years and it's
why one of the wide estimates is that
it's going to take three to four
trillion dollars to transition us to a
hundred percent renewable energy economy
so we got two trillion dollars from
folks paying their fair share which they
were not paying before the Trump tax
bill right they weren't know like they
weren't paying that before the Trump tax
bill if we get people to pay their fair
share that's two trillion in ten years
now if we implement a carbon tax on top
of that so that we can transition and
and financially incentivize people away
from fossil fuels if we implement a
carbon tax that's an additional amount
of of a large amount of revenue that we
can have and then the last key which is
extremely extremely important is
just last year we gave the military a
seven hundred billion dollar attack a
budget increase which they didn't even
ask for they're like we don't want
another fighter jet like don't give us
another nuclear bomb they didn't even
ask for it and we gave it to them and so
a lot of what we need to do is
reprioritize what we want to accomplish
as a nation and really what this is
about is saying health care is important
for enough for us to put first education
is important enough for us to put first
and that is a decision that requires
political and moral courage from both
parts of the aisle period thank you so
much for being on the show
John Brooks has everybody
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