May 21, 2024

10 Must Watch Movies and TV Shows for Bikers

Published June 1, 2023, 7:20 p.m. by Liam Bradley

Episode 9 - 10 Must watch Biker Movies (and Series)

Recorded LIVE in beautiful Bali, Indonesia. Yes, the Flogs have gone International.

So you’ve got the night off and you have already watched every other episode of 'hogs, cogs and Two Aussie Flogs.' You’re looking for a movie or TV series that reflects your lifestyle.

You will be needing something that features bikes…. Lots of bikes!

Well, look no further.

In this episode the Flogs discuss their favorite Biker Movies and TV series. Throw in a couple of documentaries and your viewing will be all sorted.

Let us know if we have missed any.

(Yes we purposely left out Easy Rider and Ghost Rider. You already know about those, and the latter is crap!)

We have a very small grumble (hey guys we're a couple od blokes giving it a crack, we are not Fox News)

We then round out this shortened episode with a couple of local Rally details.

Top Biker Movies & TV Shows in no particular order

The Worlds Fastest indian

harley Davidson & the Marlborough Man

Wild hogs


The Wild One

Why We Ride

Silver Dream Racer

Space Riders

harley & the Davidsons

Long Way Round

One Mans Dream - The Brittan Bike Story

Full Throttle Saloon


0:00 Intro

01:20 Top Biker Movies & TV

20:22 Let’s get ready to Grumble

22:15 Why subscribe?

24:48 Bali harley’s

33:30 Rallies, Runs and Events

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g'day guys and welcome to holmescoms and

two Aussie Vlogs the best podcast in

this pool besides this Lake in Bali

beside this mountain

let's get the show on the road

Clearwater Hogs college and two Aussie

folks continue live from Bali not just

Bali jayakarta Bali beach resort it's

absolutely but he's Sensational here

we'll show you a little bit of a pan

around we're sitting here in the

restaurant mate and uh the bean tanks

have been flowing it's going to be a

hell of a night it's been really really

good uh it is stinking hot at the moment

if you're here uh if you hear some

splashing and stuff it's just kids in

the pool right behind us we can't filter

that out we've asked them to we've asked

everybody to move out of the resort but

they're not so keen on that so where is

their commitment to our cause mate

absolutely no commitment to our cause

whatsoever bloody hell Australians come

over here they think their bloody owned

a place so we've just taken over the

restaurant so

enough about barley for now we'll have a

bit of a chat about barley but what

we're going to do this week is going to

get straight into

uh topping and our topic because we

discussed it a little bit a couple of

weeks ago and there was a bit of

Interest so we're going to discuss top

movements and TV shows that a biker

related yes everyone's got their own

opinion on what's good and what's bad

and there if you're uh looking and

you're thinking uh we're full of [ __ ]

and we don't know what we're talking

about and it's a better movie that I

haven't seen

place that anyone mentioned Sons of

Anarchy for Christ's sake so apart from

that put them down in the comments we

still like them we're sort of part of

Sons of Anarchy we're sort of Sons of

arthritis obsessive arthritis

yes yes

all right so

how many you reckon you've got oh I got

at least after that in there so but

someone wanted movies or someone might

have documentary movies and someone want

to uh a mini series so give us a couple

of movies first so

well the world's fastest Indian it's a

must uh Harley Davidson the Marlboro Man

it's a shocker yeah

he loves Harley Davidson and a bike

called the male brain

in a cowboy suit

I'll go through mine in a minute okay

because I reckon because for those who

haven't watched and those who haven't

seen them I got I'm going full techno

here mate two iPads shouldn't lock up

you prick in the feet okay so Will's

fastest Indian released believe it or

not in 2005. so Anthony Hopkins Sir

Anthony Hopkins oh you did a great job

perfect Monroe

Monroe mate what a legend and that you

know I liked about that movie mate is is

here you got a bloke living in New

Zealand and New Zealand's a bit of a

topic on mine tonight because last week

we had

call Hope all right New Zealand

smart man dude

we're talking about Burt Monroe now

creates his own bike takes a 1920 Indian

chief yep and he's back well backyard

he's in his yard that had a shed on it

that he lived in and then converts it

into the world's fastest Indian and

takes it to the bonnieville Salt Flats

mate not been to the bonnieville Salt

Flats freaking hell I can't believe he

raped me he's an amazing man and it it

is a top movie with the iconic line make

sure you put this on the lemon tree

while I'm gone

when he's polishing he's really tired

yeah so with with nuggets they feel like

the cracks so they don't give him a give

him a bloody great card somebody having

shitty old tires on a bike he's about to

go and do the world championship Bloody

Run so we'll get rid of that mates too

freaking hot I'll turn it around because

why not cost me a massive seventy

thousand seven thousand that seven bucks


always speak not in yourself and here

you are anyway you haven't he burns his

leg when he has to take the bloody stuff

off it's burning his leg he's outside it

I only get one chance of this Soul

bloody well uh live with the burn live

with the burns and uh and at the end of

it he scores a couple of shags on the

way so quite frankly Bert Monroe you

were a bloody legend mate absolutely and

if you ever get to New Zealand you can

have a look at it's an invercargill you

can go to which is which is great but

can you spell it yeah no I can't no I

can't no no don't worry mate you can set

up right there where we're doing the

podcast I really appreciate that no



okay now

the other one in mind which is more a uh

it's more a um a doctor but it's a long

way down and a long way around both

those two are fantastically real

McGregor and Charlie Bowman yeah

absolutely fantastic series absolutely

oh I love every one of those apart from

the last one

which were fantastic except they had to

keep setting up diesel-powered friggin

stations to charge them with so so seem

to be somewhat pointless to me the

upside of that was there was quite a few

third world countries got uh got a

shitload of electric power stations

exactly exactly listen if you thought it

was allowed in our last interview with

the uh Harley Davidson dealership down

in Geelong yeah it's man got nothing on

this year there's kids screaming there's

ports pool splashing there's the whole

world's going on but bear with us

okay we're in Parlin

oh Mike just joined us

I don't know why no she said all right

so I'm gonna bring up my nice one of my

movies was world's fastest Indian

obviously yeah second one Australian

classic first R-rated movie I ever saw


I knew that was coming of course I

actually was going to put standing but I

knew he's going to put stuff I'll just

let him have the glory so he's staying

set back in there where was that done by

74 74 with z1000 Kawasakis moved the

world well they Rule Body uh Australia

and that's for sure and it's basically

the story of the

the the the

gravediggers the motorcycle club uh go

to some Park in Canberra and one of them

who's stoned off his brain

um what Witnesses are homicide of a

politician yes right so he witness is a

good deed oh no I'm only Jay

and then

the bad guys decided they've got to

knock off every member of them because

they they only ever saw the the patch so

that's where it went from there so uh

and of course they they stick this break

by the name of stone the copper in with

them and uh it stories but it's a

classic mate you watch it now it's very

dated very daily but it pre-empted Mad

Max yes you know with your Knight Rider

in your life and look there's a lot of

those movies like Mad Max always people

say that they're motorbike but they're

not really

yeah the Great Escapes another one we're

oh they had a Triumph in it for eight


so so we sort of couldn't put those in

because that really motorcycle movements

but I'm sure there's plenty out there

um like that the other one that I think

is an absolute

not a movie again but it's a mini series

was Harley in the Davidsons to me that

was just the ultimate in uh

um in a mini series it was if we had you

know history history drama love the

whole box uh the love that also you look

at the bikes that was me looking at the

bikes yeah yeah well I I can only say

I've only watched it 17 times so I'm not

sure whether I'm I'm a huge fan but

Magic Mike love it and I was supposed to

be making a second series you know yes

the second series was supposed to get

you up to Willie G Davis yes so that

would have been that would be great if

that ever comes I hope that comes out

because that would be really really it'd

be good but the best part about that was

the uh in the old days when they were

doing the flat track racing on the

wooden Speedways yep murder murder cycle

racing they called it yeah that's

awesome absolutely awesome all right

another movie one we can't miss

the ultimate motorcycle movie mate we

all we all

sort of dream of being these Lakes yes

wild hogs yes the absolute actually we

got the wild hogs here in the studio


we've all come in for a sec wild hogs

we've been riding around Bali as the

wild hogs here and uh just having a ball

and uh that to me is the quintessential

motorcycle movie well mate how could you

not love a motorcycle meter that has a

six foot four Burly gay motorcycle cop

in it hey how good was that

and and and and look you know didn't

leave out the one percent isn't that

movie either threaten it everyone

everybody had a good time in that and it

was funny because to me it represents

reality because you've got basically all

your blue collar bloody Harley Riders

you know look basically us yes uh

enjoying bikes having a good time and

then you've got the bad boys who decide

they they shouldn't be allowed on alleys

the bad boys didn't realize is that

without the uh 99 there'd be no bloody

Harleys for them to ride because they

would have gone underbody years ago

exactly right but and that's it's got

one thing that we've all got

every motorcycle group every group that

is riding you know you've got a group of

eight or nine blokes there is always one


and we have a Dudley amongst us now we

love uh wild hogs mate because I just

think it's uh it just shows everything

yeah and John Travolta bringing a big

poser so yeah

and accidentally burns down all the

bloody burns down the bar of the bad

boys which is [ __ ] that's that's what

honestly it's my favorite movie it's

just uh what the favorite biker movie

you know when there's plenty of others

there but that's my favorite I'm gonna

go old school now go for it

wild run with Marlon Brandon yes good

one hey

1953 mate

it was round before I was so that was

just must be in black and white it is in

black and white that was basically the

birth of bikers was that was that that

was that was talking about at that stage

basically it's all about the uh horse

the the American motorcycle racing

meeting they had in Hollister USA and

you know the media got hold of it that

the bad guys in leather jackets were

terrorizing the town and they made a

massive deal of it and that's what it

came out of but I love the line from

but give the last Brando what are you

rebelling against he says what have you


yeah it doesn't get any cooler than that

does it exactly absolutely

well and and then Freddie Marvin in yes

how could we see

that one all right go on give me

something new

um now again and the other one we

watched recently which you can see on

YouTube is um this is why we ride or why

we ride yeah and uh if you haven't seen

that it's a uh

it's just

it just describes every reason why we do

ride yeah

um and it doesn't matter whether you

ride dirt bikes

Hogs uh sports bikes drag Adventure

bikes it goes through the whole gamut

yep and then they just talk to people

and it's funny because they you're

listening to them and you're just saying

to yourself

[ __ ] that's true that's exactly how I

feel yeah and every every and every if

you look at every person on every

different type of bike is actually doing


pretty much for the same reasons just on

a different bike yeah yeah so that's

that's but uh that's my but getting back

to what we talked about before the the

documentary ones if you haven't seen

that you're McGregor um Charlie Borman

one that's one of the great uh docos

going around it is fantastic I'll hit

you with another dog go for it all right

six seasons yes of the Full Throttle

Saloon yes Full Throttle Saloon is the

largest biker bar in the world

we stayed there at the new Full Throttle

Saloon the six seasons were filmed at

the old Full Throttle Saloon before it

burnt down and basically uh Michael

Ballard owns it yep with his uh exotic

dancing wife Angie and he's best mate

Jesse at Lisa's boyfriend and the tail

Gunner's boyfriend Jesse from uh Jackal

The the country rock band Yes who played

there every Thursday night during bike

week so it's it's if you're interested

in Sturgis or are interested in in

seeing the biggest biker rally in the

world full fall Saloon I'm not sure

where it's available at the moment but

it's it's always on one of the streaming

services yeah you'll absolutely

Sensational mate you can sit there for

hours not really good hey

my friend

filthy fills with us he's going to go

and grab me a bintang would you like

okay yeah wouldn't want a cake seriously

wouldn't want a cake and a cake zero


all right where we at

so yeah Full Throttle Saloon definitely

well worth doing

if you're if you're into the bikes and

if you're into Harleys especially and or

V Twins or the like yep Schmick all

right what else you got for me

um that's really for me I got just look

there's other ones around but they're

pretty lame what to do in all honesty

like this you know oh there's many lame

ones are in Sons of Anarchy is the first

one I tell you what the worst one I've

seen yeah and I can't remember what it's

called but uh it's about the uh they

advertise it on YouTube all of it's all

on Facebook all the time it's the one

with a group of guys want to become one

percenters and they meet up with them oh

the Hell's Angels oh my God oh my God

talk about cringe-worthy that is crazy

my advice to anyone is uh save those

hours in your life

I had to watch it for research purposes

and quite frankly

I'll never get that time back No it

should it was [ __ ] it was really it was

just it is cringe-worthy it was horrible

okay so one from uh 1980 one that you

might not know silver dream racer yes

with David Essex yes and we've got a fan

of that one over here so that's

basically about a bloke who's a pretty

good Rider but he's got a [ __ ] bike yes

and his brother dies and he says oh his

wife says oh there's a bike out in the

garage you can have that and it's a

prototype and it gets him to the world

championship and again at Silverstone

funnily enough and uh absolutely

cracking movie it's again very dated now

I know but for a young impressionable

bike that like bikes it was it was cool

there's another type Docker one which is

called on On Any Sunday yeah that's a

really good one that's always been named

as one and about I think I saw that back

in about 1980 but 1885 or something

that's a good what's a cracker it was

actually narrated by Steve McQueen if I

remember correctly it is could write a

bot who could ride a bike bloody well

and bought away he had a uh one of those

mobile bloody homes that you know the

fancy ones that you have now he had one

back in the 80s when they didn't exist

and just fun fact if you ever watched

The Great Escape

and he's riding around a Triumph yeah

except no it's supposed to be a BMW BMW

but but it's German mate yeah Germans

weren't fans of the bloody triumphs

except when he starts jumping if you

have a close look what he's jumping yeah

and my last one

uh in the movies is one called space

Riders which was in 1984 and it was

Loosely based and it starred Barry Sheen

the racer yep right two times world

champion and it's Loosely based on his

recovery from his big accident funnily

enough at Silverstone again uh and he's

coming back from that one

we have a special guest special guest

Phil filthy Phil come and say hello my


get out

now I don't know we drink as you might

know but the bintangs are bad every year

so that's basically around

Loosely based on his world title chance

so it's pretty cool

anyway and and I've got one last uh

documentary and it's called one man's

dream the Britain bike story okay and

that's the story of the v1000 and John

Britain in New Zealander and John

Britton uh built this bike

in the backyard of his house I mean to

heat treat the motor that he that he

poured in his in his own garage he

dropped it into work got a tin garbage

bin full of water

right so you'd think this is very Jerry


[ __ ] he goes to Daytona for the

battle of the V Twins and uh probably

the most iconic scene from the from the

documentary is as the Ducati is going

down the back straight the V the v1000

Britain goes past it on its back wheel

and it absolutely left the Ducati in the

bloody dust and if you think a Ducati

sounds nice you think a Ducati sounds

half decent it's a it sounds [ __ ]

compared to the v1000 yep it was

absolutely Sensational money and I saw

the bike down at Phillip Island uh a

number of years later shortly after John

Britton died he died of cancer in 1995

and it just shows the Ingenuity of the

new zealanders made they bloody well you

know they don't have

access to everything mate they're a long

way from bloody everywhere so they uh


um make everything themselves yeah and

and he did it with a handful of mates

and it was it I mean

the models of the Britain now sell for

about three grand the the actual Britain

uh I think they're pretty much Priceless

because there was only about six made

and uh heard that one oh mate I've got

the I've got it at home mate I'll bring

it over we'll have to sit down and watch

that it's uh well you used to say that

that gets filed in my you know

if anything else goes I lose my

checkbooks I lose my bank cards but you

got that but I've got that because it's

such a good document that's in the grab

bag mate that's an absolute cracker and

it was a absolute tragedy that he died

at the age of like he was only about 45.

oh [ __ ] absolutely ridiculous so that's

uh I think that's pretty much it for me

mate I think we've gone through a fair

few there so guys what is your favorite

though do you have a favorite oh well

Hogs like as far as wild hogs and uh and

the world's fastest they're my two


um as far as movies goes but like I said

as far as

overall is Harley in the Davidsons

that's uh but it's not really a movie no

no that's a dog that'd have to be my

favorite documentary miniseries or mini

series yeah well it's not yeah well it's

a it's a Harley in the Davidson's is a

mini series isn't it yeah so it is

absolutely fantastic so hopefully it

will uh continue on yep all right mate

so guys if you've got any at home that

you can think of that you want to put it

down in the comments happen have a look

at them and uh and uh see what they're

like we can play David Stratton and um

what's the other Schuler

Pam Moran Market

all right so I love it the boys are

being [ __ ] in the background

it's hot it's hard to it's hard to sort

of like an eagle when you're surrounded

by bugs itself

turkeys yeah wild turkeys

we'll have a few of those tonight too by

the way uh all right just uh before we

move on to our next subject uh next

episode The Next Episode we've got some

pretty important stuff we want to

discuss and uh basically the subject's

going to probably second and discuss it

anyone that rides a bike but we're not

going to do it here because we're in a

holiday Resort and I don't think it

would be respectful to the people that

we're going to be yeah we're in chill

mode and we want to you know give it the

respective deserves and uh let's just

say we ain't too happy no no and uh I

think the information that we give you

next next episode is going to actually

blow you away so pretty shittiest all

right so we have one we have

for the millions at home this is going

to be loud here and the hundreds in the


ladies and gentlemen

let's get ready to rumble bits of Jude

today I don't want to scare the whole

freaking packet that was pathetic well

I'm not doing any louder

all right so just a a it's not a Grumble

on my part it's just bringing to be a

teacher to some people who seem

absolutely intent on thinking that the

only thing that's worthy of a of a

decent podcast is is if you have 100

perfect audio and sound quality sound

quiz I'm sorry guys sometimes the sound

quality is going to suck why because

we're two brothers not freaking Warner

Brothers all right right so none of that

if if if you can't handle a little bit

of crackling once in a while or a little

bit of background noise well you're

probably looking at the wrong podcast

but speaking of watching this podcast

have a look at the results of last

week's effort holy [ __ ] we've been blown

away yeah absolutely by the way the uh

the Coal Episode which that Cole

actually thought nobody going to be

interested in listening to has just gone

off the charts it's gone absolutely

ballistic I think at last look is over

24 000 views which is fantastic

um and gold said I would be interested

in bloody watching me yeah we thought

he'd be surprising but even we're


out of the water so that would now

that's absolutely been fantastic so

great result

um and then the other one thing I wanted

to mention was uh subscriptions yep now

one thing we can tell from our analytics

because we're you know we're pretty

analytical analytical and Tech friendly

sort of your tech savvy sort of dirt

yeah yeah all right so Google told us

that about 90 of the people watching

haven't hit the Subscribe button yep now

I also know that the vast majority of

people watching this are over 45 years

old so they I think what's happening is

they think it's going to cost them some

money no you're tight asses that cost


the subscription is like it should be

friend friends or something like that

should be we wouldn't want to be our

friends we wouldn't want to follow us

well um that's it but it should be uh

yeah when you hit it hit subscribe it's

not like you're subscribing to a

magazine it's costing you money it's

free so if you if you're not sure about

it it's completely free it doesn't cost

you anything so if you want to keep

watching our stuff uh it really helps

the channel grow so yeah hit the hit

that subscribe button and what happens

if the channel grows you say who cares

if the general grows well then we get to

be able if the bigger it gets the more

interesting people we're probably going

to be able to get in contact with and

get and bring you and get on the channel

and look at getting you know things to

you know give your reviews from and all

that sort of thing so it's really

important if you just take that second

to press that subscribe button it's

caution nothing and you know what you

might receive a Christmas card from me

all right and one other thing about

internet we're going to give a bit of a

shout out to a mode of ours who's

doing me help me with my uh Dodger

requirements that you would have seen

that one yeah uh it's just hit uh 10 000

subscribers 10 000. you shoot me Eamon

no he's done absolutely Sensational so

I'm in Well Done mate congratulations if

you haven't seen if you haven't seen

these channels jump on there and have a

look absolutely very much brought it up

mate yes there you go two more kilos

down I'll just show you something hey

hold on should I be worried no no okay

that's how I lose my shirt's getting

which is pretty uh pretty cool for

information yes there is so how are you

going there I think that's eight all

together eight uh kilo so it's pretty

happy plenty more to go uh it's been

good because I uh actually haven't I've

actually lost two kilos or a kill on

half while I've been here so

um you've lost a kilo and a half I have

I found it

all right all right well while we're

talking about where we are mate barley

guys how much fun are we having here if

you haven't been here get yourself over

here it's only us well from Australia

it's a worse it's a six hour flight yeah

um and it we have had a ball

um if you're gonna do it higher the Bali

Harleys the little scooters they are how

good are they amazing fun uh I think it

ends up costing you about 10 bucks a day

make sure

it was it was a hundred thousand a

hundred thousand that was ten bucks yeah

um make sure you've got your insurances

paid up at home just to cover yourself

so your travel insurance and make sure

your travel insurance includes

um scooter riding and all the other

stuff that goes with it and damage and

and all that but

the traffic

the traffic is complete chaos and it

works somehow it works yes

um we went through a bit of a squirt


we bit of a squirt we were

we invade all this country's laws

and made a few up yourself yes

we had to go back to waterborne Park a

couple of times yes back and forth uh

it's a hell of a lot of fun with four

blokes on bikes having a bit of a play

yeah it was fun and if you want to ride

on the footpaths here it's actually

legal yes no it's not well but we did it

anyway you may not bro are you bro we

break law no we didn't no we didn't good

it was uh it's bloody fun mate what was

I going to say about him but there is a

risk of riding here yeah and it's not

for the this it's not for the phone

house it's not for the fine Harden and

it's not for any experience no I've seen

a lot of blokes riding around here mate

that obviously never touch a bike at

home no and they get on it and they look

like [ __ ] and they're and you just go oh

it's gonna end in tears mate so I would

say if you don't ride a bike at home

don't but they don't start here you're

probably not watching this show anyway

so it doesn't freaking matter but if

are you serious what if you if you do

come across it's actually

um you look at it you think

Jesus Christ the traffic is horrendous

here it's it is very busy but somehow it

works everybody just keeps going in the

same direction

anybody who keeps going in the same

direction uh as long as it's important

readers they're expensive exactly people

here are very uh bike aware so cars next

to you are very um you know they'll move

over for you and and people are very

aware of uh of motorcyclists so that's

where that's where a big benefit is but

it is so much fun if you get a chance

and you want to do it don't be scared

give it a try well in fact there's only

one problem is it's only got these

little scooters haven't they yep and you

know that we only ride Harleys yes so uh

we patched them up didn't we yes thanks

to Nelson thanks for bastard over there


so we got we got no Nelson's got a

pretty pretty you would have seen our

Hogs cogs and two Aussie frogs logo that

was done by Nelson which was fantastic

so this is Nelson Nelson printed up all

the uh Nelson put up all the stickers

for us


so uh how many hours did you put on

those stickers man I didn't put any on

yeah I got my workers to do it

I have stuff

I've been here seven times now and we

hire a bike every time we come here it's

it's the traffic is crazy but it works a

lot of the streets are one way but you

go the other way anyway we only went one

way yeah


everybody just merges it's just one big

merge that's all it is yeah okay it's

it's great and no one gets the shits and

as long as you're not a [ __ ]

you're not going to get hurt yeah

exactly yeah our driver actually said

Don't Stop anybody that stops IT you'll

never get going you just got to keep

pushing forward and they will generally

let you in yeah and if if you want to go

somewhere just go just go close your

eyes just look where you want to go and

go there yep and people will just merge

out the way and

it just works it's funny yeah it's great

yeah and no one gets angry with it no

there's no anger no roadrun road rage

we've all got a little testy when I

nudged him

yeah but he's not bad it's only a love


doesn't hurt anyone rubbing rubbing's

racing right rubbing is racing that's

right we'll put some photos up here of

the uh of the Bali Harley yeah a little

bit of bloody yeah

and uh it's fun

oh some something's being held up to us

mate yeah

make sure you've got your international

driver's license oh 100

um because if you haven't got it and you

get pulled up then you're probably in

the [ __ ] you're gonna have to give a

copper some about 50 bucks yeah 50 bucks

how many times has happened to you uh

twice yeah it's more like it


yeah so so just be care if you're coming

over make sure you've got International

license it just covers you uh it costs

you like 40 bucks or something yeah

you don't even have to leave home cost

me 50 bucks and he gave me a license on

the spot so yeah yeah yeah

that went into government revenue oh

sure 50 bucks cash all right

so yeah

all righty so well well we're here we're

going to thank her

fellow Travelers here yes we have uh as

you just met bastard Nelson so let's

bring everybody and bring everyone in

come in so you will introduce you to all

the guys come on come in come here back

go on sale I'm on sale

so this is the crew Nelson get out you

might as well get back yeah we're

missing we're missing one we're missing

Karen but yeah that's her birthday she

can do whatever she's like well that's

true so so we've got Lisa cell l

oh Helen


Eli Phil uh Nelson like I said Kerry's

missing and Cara's over there and also

Lauren Lauren that's it we said it's

been absolutely blast if you get it look

this is our first time here we've been

absolutely blast these guys had fun yeah

yeah way too much you know doing stuff

like it's just been fantastic you know

we've been to Hot Springs which was

brilliant if you haven't been out here

get across we'll show you some photos of

that yeah we saw it at the start so the

guys went unfortunately Illinois uh

we're supposed to go quad bike riding

with these guys but we were both been a

bit of Bali belly on the day so we

couldn't get there

um the quad bike riding was insane we'll

put a bit of that it was we'll put some

photos of that up mate apparently

apparently this bloke was irresponsible

and uh did some shopping things harsh

but fair and and Lisa did get a bruise

on her backside we'll put that bruise up

as well we won't be putting our Brews up

but I can't guarantee you that it's not


but uh yeah on all accounts that the

people everywhere

um if you're going to come out here get

yourself a drive we've got a great guy

by the name of Owen who's sort of taken

us everywhere that we he sort of new

Whitey beforehand yeah in one trip we

went to went to like a cultural show

which is fantastic and put some photos

of that up

um a Balinese house yeah


a a coffee uh coffee plantation just a

great day we can have a look at the

volcano it was really really good yeah


thank you


so almost time to wrap up mate yep it's

only a quick one this week we um next

week is going to be a much heavier sort

of podcast so we want to make a bit of a

fun one this one

um because uh it's a very important one

coming up yeah yeah and uh speaking

about our uh potholes Campaign which

will have a lot to do with next week yep

uh the feedback's been amazing what

we've been getting in from people has

been unbelievable but we're going to

leave all that until next week because

uh this ain't this ain't the uh location

what we would like you to do if you

wouldn't mind is if it's in your area

and stuff you can start doing it now uh

if there's dangerous roads potholes any

of that sort of stuff start taking

photos yeah send them anywhere send them

into US send us the uh the address or

the actual place where it is uh and

we'll start compiling a list of places

and maybe we'll set up a time we can go

and put a canary on Parliament House


it got ridiculous all right mate so that

basically leaves us one last thing to do

and that's the local Victorian rallies

runs and events which there's only two

this week yep uh we've got a bike night

for charity being held out at uh wait a


um starting in 5 p.m at D D's Souvlaki

on Saturday night at six and then at 6

30 p.m they're going to be leaving so

D's uh sue the larki is in uh I think it

was Fitzroy yep in Fitzroy and uh if you

go to Hogs uh sorry the uh

go to the Victorian rallies runs and

events Facebook page there's a full

thing there and all the money's going to

kill his cause which is a child a kid's

charity so well worth going to uh and

they're leaving at 6 30 p.m and it

doesn't actually say where they're

actually going to but uh it should be

good so that's uh bike night for charity

and then uh the winter sun run up near

Mildura is on Friday the 9th to Sunday

the 11th of June the king uh King's

birthday weekend okay that's the first

one that's being first one it's a king's

birthday weekend or there we go so it's

held on Olympic Park hang on so have we

got have we got a long weekend when we

come back

that I've got a long weekend every

weekend what are you talking about it's

Sunday There's Sunday

all right so there's plenty happening

there that's a bit of an old school

rally for our Northern people up at uh

Mildura yep so they should enjoy that

what does that go so it goes uh no no

it's it's a uh a rally so it's it's at

the Olympic Park yep at a 25 entry

pre-paid or probably more on the day

awesome so that'll be good so uh again

Victorian rallies runs an events page

and uh it'll be great no also guys if uh

if you've got any of those photos

um whack it set them into hulks cogs and

two Aussie hogs called the two Aussie

frogs at gmail

and um we'll start compiling them

together and we'll yeah the next next

couple episodes we're going to do a lot

more on it than uh

start trying riddle a few cages yeah so

uh that's basically it for this uh

shortened episode from the lovely Jay

okada Beach Resort in Bali yep I've had

fun mate yeah yeah

hey you don't mind you don't mind uh

Jesus hard enough it's it's so hard like

I said it's hard to store Like an Eagle

seriously well that's it for me that's

it from me

yeah and them and Hogs cogs and two

Aussie Vlogs check it out we're back in

Melbourne next time ciao see you then



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