May 14, 2024

The Controversy Surrounding "Naked Education" TV Show: This Is Demonic!

Published June 27, 2023, 8:20 p.m. by Bethany



Are some TV shows going too far with nudity and exposing children to explicit content? Join us in this thought-provoking discussion as we explore the controversy surrounding Naked Education and its impact on younger audiences.

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we got an we got an interesting this

world is satanic this world is going

down the toilet bowl

so to speak because what I'm going to

talk about today is pretty gross and

we're going in blind like always so

maybe I overreacted I don't know but if

this is what I think it is this world

needs Jesus so what we're going to be

talking about today is apparently

there's a TV show that just came out or

is coming out or I think they have a


that's pretty gross it's called naked

education and it's about revealing


to kids that's um

that's a big No-No I don't know how they

got away with it I don't know how they

made it a TV show I don't know what

their ultimate goal is because I only

know a little bit about it

but I've seen enough

where where they stand up in front of

the kids and they I can't believe this

is an actual thing that actually exists

uh this is naked education I guess


in our naked education lesson the teens

are talking all things male hi hey guys

and they're about to get an eyeful I've

never seen like a full naked man before

I hope that the teens take away you

shouldn't you shouldn't it's a good

thing that you have it it's a phenomenal

thing that you haven't it's that's the

best thing for you that you have not

seen that that's something that you

should celebrate from today that nobody

is out of place that you can fit in that

you can stand out but that it's all okay

guys can take off your robes

look at how young they are all these

adults all of them all 100 of these

adults I don't care

they need to be in jail they need every

one of them for like if you would have

done this in any other situation you

would have gone straight to prison those

are kids


that's a kid

like that that should not exist this

scene this picture should never exist

nobody should have this in their head

this is disgusting

no you're 14 years old there's no reason

no reason that you should have seen this

none whatsoever this is something that's

gonna haunt you for the rest of your

life I'm sorry that they did this to you

whoa naked men

thank you

of course he has a mustache


this is the real thing how does this

exist I I mean yeah



just that kid there knows exactly that

this this should not be happening how

far is too far how much is too much this

how is this not grooming explain to me

someone explained to me how this is not

grooming when you're normalizing the the

adult naked body in front of children

this is one step going down this line

one step further every time one step

further this is way too much this is way

too much that's a great question that's

a phenomenal question right there how is

this not pedophilia how is it not if

this would have happened five years ago

every one of those men would be in jail

right now no don't look at anything just

an eye contacts and look away it's just

a lot to process

you should be in jail too both you both

you hosting the show

14 15 year old kids why do you gotta

blur it out if it's not okay to put on

the internet why is it okay to put in

front of kids

15 year old kids 14 year old yourself hi

I'm Michael

you're a freak Michael you're a pervert

you're perfect hi I'm Dwayne Dwayne

you're also a pervert in a free hello

I'm Pete Pete you belong in jail hello

I'm Danny Danny you also belong in jail

every one of you all of you out of our

lineup who do you think has

what why why what's why is that the

question why would you ask that if it's

about normalizing the naked body and not

making it so taboo why does that mean to

be part of the why is that the first

question you would this is real this is

I'm not making this is not a satire

thing this is a legit real TV show that

exists in our world today let's just

recap on what we just seen on this TV

show Ford grown men

got naked in front of 15 year old kids

and then the question they asked them

was who do you think's penis size is the

average size this is what they want to

normalize for kids if somebody explained

to me how this isn't grown man yeah I

think I say Michael as well Michael


so you're right so the average penis

size if you remember is around three

inches in the UK and yeah Michael well

at least now we know where it is it's in

the UK there's men you know in there

there penises it's

wonderful to see how something of the

same thing can look so different and

there is one penis here that looks very

different from the rest Pete he's the

only circumcised penis in this lineup

why did you get circumstances

how is this actually allowed on

anything born shortly after the war and

in the hospital when I was born the

recommendation to all parents was that

they have their sons circumcised it was

just the norm at that time did that kind

of affect your sexual relationship in

any way no

no negative feedback about it it's just

who I am you don't need to talk to a kid

about that so yeah in terms of

circumcision and sex it doesn't make a

difference to the function some people

who have been circumcised later in life

might say it feels a bit different but

after time those feelings settle and it

just feels normal already I do know

it that's it that's done oh my God I

actually think I'm going to be safe

there's a picture on this website I want

you guys to see the picture but there's

like a review about this this Channel

and so I'm going to read the first part

before I bring it up for you guys it

says Naked education review the look at

uh the look at pubic hair is wonderfully


bellatory revelatory I don't want to say

four stars out of five a giggling

blushing teens unbridled nudity it's yet

another Ann Richardson show about

nakedness surprisingly this one features

genuine moments of wisdom this is the

guardian by the way we're gonna get into

this is the author if you guys want that

in your notes this person who approves

of this

grooming Channel 4's long long running

but to this day terrifying dating shows

naked attraction must hold the record

for the number of boobs bellies and

balls shown on British television thank

you for that it's host Anna Richardson

has always tried to steer the judging of

strangers autonomies towards a message

of positivity about our endless

different shapes and sizes with limited

success and now she has a new series

Naked education with which to its own

again the hook is unbridled nudity but

this time the focus is definitely on

acceptance myth busting affirmative

shared experiences no no cap cap total

cap total cap and then you're you're

it's about grooming that's what it is

you're exposing nudity to Children what

other reason would you want to do that

we're in a light fractual magazine

format flipping between clearly labeled

sections that recur uh

reassuringly every week teen talks Teen

Talk gathers together a group of

teenagers and asks for their views on

particular aspects of the body image

yeah we've seen that before a gentle

re-education takes place at the hands of

Co co-presenters yinka

Bon Kinney and Dr Alex George the

unconventional Unforgettable teaching

Aid a lineup of fully naked adults the

way he's writing is so celibator you're

pervert the first topic for teens is

body hair subject that turns out to be

for secondary schoolers a funker a funky

morass of legendary rumor and Prejudice

Bobby now 14 laments only having

developed the pubic hair at the age of

12 quite late equally incorrect in a way

that is also half adorable half alarming

is 15 year old Elliot who shaves his

armpits and thinks pubic hair should be

eradicated as well because it's

unhygienic and helps spread sexually

transmitted diseases no no let's be

clear I do think there should be some

especially at the teenage years they

have hormones going everywhere there

should be some form of Education

and more than just you know don't do it

or you'll die but like actually talk to

him about the you know all the things

puberty pubic hair

um you know consent all those things

that should be part of the conversation

but you don't have to get naked in front

of them that's that's not a requirement

it's unnecessary it's unneeded once Dr

Alex has hit the kids with the facts

yeah that's what they're hitting them

with there are no hygiene issues and

inflamed skin caused by unnecessary

shaving actually makes some STDs easier

to contract

four figures in robes emerge four

pedophiles and robes emerge and it's

time for the blushing and giggling to


why is it just me is it just me or is

this written is this written as like

more provocative than it should be

because their robes are about to hit the

floor like take this out of context four

figures in robes emerge let's just

pretend we didn't watch anything or know

any context about this let's take this

out of context four figures and robes

emerge and I know we shouldn't take

things out of context but hear me out

four figures and robes emerge and it's

time for the blushing and giggling to

start because those robes are about to

hit the floor if I said that to you in

any other situation what would you think

this is gross I know right John uh they

don't have to keep saying giggling and

blushing like bro they're trying to make

it sexual when the teens have calmed

down however the passing on of wisdom

that follows is wonderfully

revelatory one of the nude volunteers

explains how her ex-partner insisted she

remove her pubic hair which is why he's

no longer around but her Bush visibly is

there's so much to unpacked there first

of all um your your marriage your your

unification the two of you are going to

be coming one flesh this is the reason

you'd end a relationship that's that's

let's start with that second of all why

are you telling kids which is why he's

no longer around but her Bush visibly is

another 26 year old Bethany has embraced

the hairy legs and beard that are

consequence of polyistic ovary syndrome

her quietly defined speech about how she

accepts the way she looks and challenges

others to follow suit is to an audience

of training adults who five minutes ago

thought nobody could ever love a girl

who isn't utterly hairless a game

changer you guys know razors exist right

like like I'm not saying that you all

got to be hairless but I mean like

you're just making it sound like it's a

big thing it's not not hard to shave

I mean if this is what's holding you


oh my God all right they're impressed

just by the sight of three women and a

man lifting up their arms to show eight

pits all naturally beautifully hair soon

hey hey what are you doing today oh we

went and stood in front of a bunch of

kids and I showed them my armpit what

what just imagine you're sitting down

having coffee with somebody's I mean hey

what did you do today show kids my

armpits elsewhere 32 year old mother of

two Laureen and a strange and a stranger

seven years her senior a stranger a

stranger seven years her senior Libby

are bonding thanks to what Richard's

narration insist is a powerful naked




power visually this part of the show is

an odd offering in keeping up with the

Bear theme the conversation takes place

in a studio that's unadorned apart from

tools stools in the middle the robes

come off in due course but the two

women's clothes conversation is the more

important event both had emergency

caesareans both had

postnatal depression in their weeks

following they have already shared a

valuable destigmatization conversation

about the mental toll of motherhood and

that's good you can have that

conversation with your clothes on like

what's wrong why can't you have that

conversation wearing clothes even before

the stand up to compare their change

bodies the older calmer Libby

demonstrates how scars grow pale and

Faded with time again you can explain


it's like it's not a hard thing to like

explain to somebody

with your clothes on Richardson talks to

the series resident screw School group

of nude models all of whom have a story

about Overcomer being bullied over the

body shape each week the naked Brigade

The Naked Brigade that's what we're

calling them the naked Brigade what the

whole show is about finding words for

Things We Fear to discuss so perhaps

cheerful labels are a good way to ease

up in climb jovali into a membus and

travel to meet a civilian who needs help

in episode one it's 32 year old Hannah

from Cardiff who is six feet tall and

has since and has since she hit puberty

been desperate to take up less space I

mean if you're showing your your stuff

to kids I'd be okay with you taking up

less space too now though she says I

don't want to spend one more minute

worrying about how I look the program

solution is a group of nude photo shoot

with Hannah and the naked brigade's

bodies painting with the insults they

have thrown at them so they can take

ownership of them and Hannah's case her

torso says giant massive tall why did

people who have hardships always paint

things on themselves and like I'm gonna

take it's so stupid it really is it

doesn't help you after makeover from the

show stylist including an up to Accurate

her height rather than apologize for it

Hannah disrobes and looks terrific is

the photo kind of like an iconic piece

of art as the ever enthusiastic Richard

Richardson claims maybe not but Hannah

is happier as are hopefully viewers with

the same experience another layer of

reflective insecurity has been Stripped

Away no we don't need Jesus we don't

need religion we don't need God no we

just need

this make the death penalty great again

uh this would absolutely traumatize me

as a teenager me too

me too oh my God

you can read that one I'm not reading it

out loud what is next they had freaking

Toddlers and Tiaras that was like an

absolute perverted disgusting thing that

happened and existed and then they had

the the youth I'm scared I'm gonna get

banned it starts with the d and ends

with the G the youth dancing in that

form that was the thing that got

protested I think they took that down I

hope and now now this and like leave the

kids alone

just back off from the kids do your own

sick perverted things on your own time

with consenting adults but this is just

wild and then they're going to look at

us oh you Christians you're worried so

much about well yeah because look where

it's led us when we live in a world

where it's like why do you care about

what somebody does with X or somebody

does with Y and I'm being careful what I

say because I'm live on Tick Tock here

and then we say well because it leads

down this path and they go no it doesn't

it will never do that well now look at

the world we live in look at we have

people wanting to do this is a real life

television show that made it onto TV

made it on to TV got past all the people

a bunch of people had to sign off on it

Yep this is good this is a good thing

that the kids should do they wanna

convince these kids to chop pieces off

of them now that will make them happier

in life because that's why they're

depressed because they had parts of them

that don't belong I grew up in a world

where this didn't exist most the kids

the vast majority of them

turned out fine they weren't traumatized

because they didn't seed freaking 90

year old what's his name's freaking

uncircumcised thing how far

are we gonna go

how far are we gonna let it go


we start destroying innocence literally

destroying it

because that is innocence there's no

corruption that's come from the world as

of yet they think they're doing good by

going at the children see this is what

they want to do because they know they

know that the current world thinks that

what they're doing is demonic and wrong

and evil it's a hundred percent evil

what they are doing so in their mindset

well they say we can't change the minds

of these hateful bigots so what we will

do is we will focus on the children and

we will groom them and we will

manipulate them and we will indoctrinate

them into our worldview so the Next

Generation that exists won't be like

these people that disagree with us

because we're good and they're evil I

don't know how many times I've had

people say to me it's cool that you're

religious it's cool that you're a

Christian don't indoctrinate your

children into Christianity if you have

kids because you shouldn't do that it's

a form of child abuse and by doing that

you are brainwashing them to believe

something that is evil and religion

should be something that they should

pick when they're old enough to figure

it out or on their own they say that but

then at the same time we see this make

it make sense somebody make it make

sense for me


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