June 1, 2024

This Teapot Keeps Producing Money Every Time She Feels "PAIN"

Published June 29, 2023, 10:20 p.m. by Violet Harris

When a couple discovers that a brass teapot makes them money whenever they hurt themselves, they must come to terms with how far they are willing to go.


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the movie revolves around a young couple

John and Alice who are struggling badly

with their finances life has become so

tough that they don't even have food in

the kitchen and the rent has been

overdue for months John actually has a

job at a marketing company but due to

his low self-esteem and high workload he

earns close to nothing to make matters

worse his boss always threatens to fire

him if he doesn't improve his sales on

the other hand Alice goes to regular job

interviews but she is always rejected

due to her lack of experience when she

is home the flirty landlord Arnie

usually arrives to collect rent and make

her feel bad he especially likes to

point out what a failure of a person her

husband is one night John and Alice

attend a fancy party without knowing the

dress code they reach there in casual

attire while everyone else is in formal

dress nevertheless they decide to stay

at the party which is hosted by one of

their college friends Peyton turns out

he has become rich and influential just

like all their classmates this makes

John and Alice feel even worse but they

can at least enjoy free drinks which is

a rare luxury for them these days the

next day John wakes up with a bad

hangover and throws up since he drank a

lot of free alcohol don't forget it's a

luxury Alice goes to get him some lime

water but realizes that the refrigerator

is empty no water even hence they decide

to go to the market with whatever money

they have on the way they get into an

accident but fortunately both of them

are left unharmed shortly after as John

is chatting with the police Alice

notices an old woman fetching a shiny

teapot from the garbage there's an

antique store just nearby curious she

hastily crosses the road narrowly

avoiding a car and goes inside the store

there she chats with the lady for a

while and praises the artifacts on

display but when the lady gets

distracted by a phone call Alice steals

the glowing teapot and runs away from

there John is stunned to see his wife

stealing something for the first time

but in response Alice says that she is

only borrowing it the following day John

heads out for his office while Alice

irons her hair as she is engrossed over

the phone she accidentally Burns her

head I'm starting to understand why she

doesn't have a job the same time the

teapot mysteriously moves and when Alice

opens the lid she finds some money

inside this shocks her big time wanting

to know how the money got there Alice

repeats what she did earlier that is she

intentionally Burns her head through her

Delight the teapot again coughs up some

money with this Revelation Alice starts

hurting herself in different ways and

the more pain she suffers the more cash

the teapot poops out meanwhile Jon's

boss fires him for not achieving the

selling Target he returns home with

disappointment and finds his wife lying

unconscious bruised and scarred scared

he tries calling for help but Alice

suddenly gets up and says that she's

okay Jon then reveals that he was fired

by his boss and in response Alice slaps

him hard across the face this puzzles

the poor guy but his mood quickly

changes when Alice shows him the money

in the teapot this reveals the

mysterious artifact will dispense money

if either one of the couple gets hurt

Alice explains all this to Jon but as

expected he doesn't believe it to prove

herself she kicks her husband brutally

and the teapot gives out an even bigger

of cash this finally convinces Jon and

so the couple spend the whole night

hurting each other physically at one

point they become so tired that Jon

starts having doubts about the but he

believes that it is going to break apart

their relationship and cause even deeper

problems for them Alice who is clearly

the greedier of the tale explains that

they will throw the teapot away when

they earn one million dollars but John

is not convinced the next morning while

Alice is asleep Jon takes the teapot

back to the store however there is no

one inside so he takes the pot to an

antique roadshow instead the valuator

calculates that the teapot is worth five

thousand dollars but this is far less

than what John had expected so he

returns back home with it meanwhile as

the teapot is shown on the television a

guy named Dr Ling notices it and plans

to meet Jon for some unknown reason in

the next scene we see that the couple is

back to their usual greedy ways they

intentionally burn their hands on a gas

stove to make more money they also

indulge in other sorts of painful

activities like waxing tooth extraction

without anesthesia getting tattoos and

some kinky stuff in bed oh all this

while the pot keeps on discharging money

making them Rich the couple stashes all

the money in their bath as they don't

want to pay taxes the following day they

are joined by Alice's family for dinner

everyone makes fun of Alice for not

having a child and being jobless wow but

once they notice the lavish items around

the house they curiously inquire what

John is doing in response he jokingly

says that he's in a real estate later

John and Alice celebrate the clearing of

their debts they cannot believe that

they have completely turned their lives

around with the help of a mere teapot as

the two continue celebrating there is a

sudden knock on the door when John goes

to inspect two Jewish Brothers suddenly

barge inside and beat him up cha-ching

they have come looking for the teapot

which apparently belonged to their

grandmother the poor woman had been

protecting it since the Holocaust but

last week when it got stolen she became

so depressed that she passed away due to

a heart attack now the brothers have

come to retrieve the teapot and take it

home however Alice lies that she already

sold it some days ago in an auction she

has even spent half the money on makeup

products when the brothers hear this

they angrily ask for the rest of the

money in response Alice sneakily grabs

some cat of the teapot that it made from

John's beating she then hands it over to

the brothers prompting them to finally

leave the place after the close call

John and Alice decide to learn more

about the teapot they go to an old

library and find a book containing

information about it as Alice goes

through it alone she finds something

shocking in one of the pages and tears

it out without Jon's Knowledge from the

rest of the book they learned that the

teapot is from the time of Christ and it

has extraordinary powers with unsavory

consequences Jon becomes worried and

tries to find the page about the

consequences but Alice who is already

torn it out lies that it isn't there

later they buy a fancy car a massive

house in a wealthy neighborhood and a

John even starts a vodka label in his

name they even host a party in their new

place and invite all of their rich

friends in the middle of the festivities

Dr Ling suddenly arrives at the door

claiming Jon and Alice are in grave

danger he says he is from a community

which deals with ancient artifacts and

magic and that he is interested in

buying the teapot Jon becomes intrigued

by the offer and contempt selling it but

his greedy wife shuts the door on Lang

and sends him away the following night

as John and Alice are beating and

hurting each other for cash Arnie

notices them and learns about the

teapot's powers as a result he barges

inside their house steals the teapot and

runs away Jon follows him outside and

the two engage in a minor tussle this

results in the teapot being thrown on

the road and soon after a truck runs

over it but to everyone's surprise the

teapot is still intact it hasn't even

sustained a single scratch this finally

makes the couple realize that they are

dealing with some Supernatural stuff so

the very next morning they seek out Dr

Lang for help the latter explains that

owning the teapot will always result in

something bad as all of its previous

owners have either committed the

unthinkable or been murdered he further

reveals that the teapot makes its owners

greedy forcing them to commit

unimaginable and heinous acts Dr Ling

then tries to persuade the couple to

hand it over to him claiming that there

is still time to save themselves however

John and Alice once again refuse and

walk away later at night Alice suddenly

wakes up and realizes that someone is

broken into their house she quickly

informs Jon about it and when they head

downstairs they find the Jewish Brothers

stealing all of their money scared John

brings forward the teapot and offers it

to them but the brothers refuse one of

them reveals that they never wanted the

teapot in the first place as they know

it only brings pain and suffering they

came here for the money and nothing else

saying all of this the brothers walk

away from the house the following day

John and Alice wake up completely broke

to make matters worse the teapot has

stopped giving cash since it has grown

accustomed to small injuries and

beatings now it demands more pain and

suffering desperate the couple walks

into a bar where John intentionally

picks a fight with a tough guy as he

gets knocked out cold the teapot finally

dispenses money making Alice happy one

day while Alice is at the park she

notices the pot producing money when a

local skater falls off and gets hurt

this makes her realize that they can

earn money without even hurting

themselves she tells Jon about the

incident and they visit different places

like like UFC matches and the Maternity

Ward where a woman is giving birth to a

child this starts taking a toll on the

couple's psyche especially Alice who

becomes greedy and desires more and more

money one day while on their way home

she intentionally tries to run a man

over to make a lot of cash but

fortunately Jon takes over the steering

in the nick of time and prevents the

accident he then scolds her for being

crazy and in response Alice also hurled

some curse words at him when they reach

home they are stunned to find the pot

filled with cash this makes them realize

that the teapot also dispends his money

for emotional pain hence they resort to

badmouthing each other every day

believing that it is easier than hurting

themselves the next morning the couple

sits down and prepares to break each

other's heart at first they open up

about their extramarital Affairs and how

they had one-night stands with other

people when Alice says that she slept

with Arnie Jon gets Furious and decides

to take revenge he goes straight to

Arnie's house and curses at his wife to

their surprise the teapot once again

releases cash indicate stating that the

trick works with other people's emotions

as well but this information the couple

starts meeting their friends and

relatives to reveal their darkest

Secrets this severs their relationships

with a lot of people but they couldn't

care less this is a perfect analogy for

being a twitch streamer one day Alice

decides to take things to a different

level she plans on killing a sex

offender or a drug dealer to make more

money Jon tries to object but Alice

eventually convinces him by saying that

these people are the scum of society and

they don't deserve to live later as they

are digging a grave John has a sudden

change of heart and tries to stop his

wife he reminds Alice of the evil that

the teapot has drawn out of her however

she brushes him aside and declares that

she is not going to stop she will carry

out the murder with or without his help

hearing this a panicked John rushes to

Dr Ling for help but the latter claims

that it is already too late the teapot

has taken over us and corrupted her mind

there is only one way to stop all of

this though Alice has to willingly hand

over the teapot to him later as Alice

comes out of the shower she notices Jon

on the window he is holding the paper

that Alice had previously torn out of

the book mentioning the unsavory

consequences John asks her to choose

between him and the teapot when she

doesn't say anything he throws himself

out the window the site sends Alice into

a state of panic and she quickly rushes

to check up on her husband fortunately

he is alive and well this finally makes

Alice realize what a bad person she has

become she tearfully confesses that her

life and all the money would be

meaningless without Jon's presence so

she decides to get rid of the teapot

however later at night Arnie breaks into

their house yet again and takes the

teapot away the couple find out about

the theft the following day and

immediately suspect that Arnie has taken

it they rushed to the police and find it

completely trashed moreover both Arnie

and his wife are covered in cuts and

bruises it appears that they went

through the same ordeal our protagonist

couple went through some weeks before at

the same time the Jewish Brothers also

arrive at the scene and an intense

shootout in Zeus Arnie and his wife

along with the Jewish brothers are

killed on the spot but John and Alice

survive they quickly grabbed the teapot

and the cash made out of the four deaths

before fleeing the scene and after a

while they approached Dr Lang and

finally hand the teapot over to him this

marks the end of their curse and now

they are finally free the movie ends as

Dr Ling takes the teapot and throws it

away into the sea where no one can find


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