June 1, 2024

20-Minute Victoria Sport Workout For Toned Abs and Legs

Published June 3, 2023, 4:20 p.m. by Arrik Motley

Stay strong all Summer with Victoria Sport Ambassador Lindsey Harrod's 20-minute high-impact cardio workout. Tone your whole body through circuits including plank jack burpees, around-the-world jump squats, and more — no equipment needed!

To shop the looks in the video, visit: http://i.victoria.com/247

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all right guys no equipment is needed

for this workout but it is high impact

all of us are wearing our victoria sport

bras but mine is the incredible knockout

ultramax bra all right let's get started

we're going to start with a warm up

we're going to come to the edge of our


and we're going to walk it down into a


bring your right foot to the outside of

your right hand

open that side body up right arm reaches

for the ceiling

open up those hips nice side body

stretch bring the hand back down and


left foot to the outside of the left


reach the left hand up

set it back down

we're here for a full minute

pour it tight push those feet

few more here

we'll do one more on each side

one more


nice all right we're going to stand it

on up

and we're going to go into a squat with

a side kick it doesn't have to be a big


just a nice little kick out to the side

warm up those hips

warm up that torso

the glutes

get the body nice and warm



about another 30 seconds here


all right we're gonna go into a squat

with a crossbody punch we're gonna start

to warm up the arms and the torso a

little bit more so drop it down into a

squat stand up give me a crossbody punch

all right you ladies feeling getting

nice and warm



still just warming everything up

really squeeze your core

as you punch


pivot on that back foot when you come up

out of that squat

almost done here

last one

awesome all right last move for our warm

up we're going to go into cherry pickers

come to the edge of your mat

drop it down

lock those hands out into a plank

and then walk those hands back up

stand it up tall

nice drop those hands down feel that

stretch in the hamstrings as you walk


and walk them back up awesome


already got that heart rate up


core is really tight here

body should be really

nice and warm at this point


a couple more here

and we'll be done with this warm-up


one more

it's a great stretch yeah

really for those hamstrings

all right you guys ready to work

yeah okay awesome

okay so for our first move we're gonna


a plank jack to a burpee so again

starting at the edge of our mat

drop it down into that plank

jump those feet out wider than the mat

bring them back in jump up

beautiful you need some modify

take the jump out


really get some height in that jump


really keep the core tight when you jump

those feet out


we're diving right in

heart rate is up


how you guys feeling at home good



almost done here guys


last one

awesome all right we're gonna go into a

curtsy lunge with a sidekick

so you're gonna step your right foot

back behind you

stand up kick it out

yeah if you need to modify

just step that right foot out to the

side you don't need to kick

keep your core really tight here

how you guys doing


they're like we're dying already we

can't talk we're concentrating yeah it

takes a little bit of balance and

coordination halfway there guys

and then we're going to the other foot


20 more seconds here

definitely burning left butching's on


last 10 seconds ladies

all right

other side

step that left foot back

take it out again you can take out the

kick you need to

modify if you're a little wobbly

falling over

don't judge yourself

we're doing the same

yeah i feel like burning even with the

modification yeah yeah

curtsy lunge is a great one

for that booty


we're gonna take it back down to the

mat after this

heart rate's still up


all right

another 20 seconds here

you guys gonna be excited when this

one's over

we're gonna go through it again though


forget almost there guys

stay in it


last one

awesome all right back down to the mat

come to the edge of your mat

drop it down into that plate

once you're in your plank position

you're going to pike those hips up reach

your right foot for your left right hand

for your left toe drop it back down

reach the left hand for the right foot

drop it back down

you need to modify

take out the toe tap and just go plank

to pipe

core is really tight here

super important

really getting into those obliques

as you reach for that foot


how we doing


everything's burning

so good guys stay in it

almost there


last one here



lock those hands back in stand it on up

all right guys so we're gonna go into a

jump squat around the world basically

it's a jump squat you rotate to the left

each time if you need to modify take out

the jump ready

getting that heart rate back up

really try and land light on the feet

be mindful of those knees

don't let them creep forward over the



halfway there

keep jumping

try not to get dizzy


butt's on fire

keep jumping

oh hey guys

stay with it

i'm gonna stretch

and done

beautiful all right back down to the mat

we're gonna go into a donkey kick so

you're gonna come down you're gonna be

on your left forearm and your right hand

open the body up

lift your leg drive your knee

towards your shoulder and kick it back

you guys got it

really try not to like swing

when you kick that leg back

keep your core tight

get straight back behind you

really squeeze the glutes

get into those obliques as you drive

that knee in

full body move

getting some shoulders

i don't know if you guys could tell i'm

out of breath



almost done with this first circuit guys

stay in it a couple more moves

and then you get a break

about 20 more seconds here

you guys are like longest nine minutes

of my life

worth it


last ten

stay in it

really kick that foot back last one

nice all right other side

you're gonna come down onto your right

forearm left hand

take that foot back behind you

drive it in towards your shoulder kick

it back

how's you guys butt feeling good very


i think i'm going to be sore tomorrow i

feel this so much in my obliques



really trying to bring that knee up high

think about the shoulder instead of the


almost done

almost there ladies stay in it with me

at home

you see us die and you must be dying too

one more


all right

so we're actually going to stay down on

the maps for this next one

all right you're going to come on to

your butt

hands fingertips are going to face your


feet are going to be out hip distance


lift those hips up

as you drop the hips you raise one foot


take out the foot lift


full body move burning those triceps

those low abs as you bring your foot up


reverse plank is so killer

we got one more move

after this

we get a towel off take a break

and do it all over again



how you ladies feeling

you dying on me

you guys look great

we're very silent

this is a sneaky one for those triceps

last 10 seconds here


one more


nice work

all right

last exercise

and then we're gonna stand it on up i'm

sorry start over again all right we're

gonna come into a sumo squat we're gonna

pulse it down three times jump on the


one two

three jump stand it up




jump stand it up if you need to modify

take out the jump



they all seem easy until about the fifth

halfway and you're like okay

so good and through this

a lot of jumping


nice work guys

almost done

one more set

awesome work

yes modification killing it all right

towel off

take a sip of water

i know you guys are gonna need it at


we need it

are you guys ready to do this

all again

let's do it

all right

back into it we


so we're gonna start at the edge of our

mat plank jack burpees

lock those hands down into that flank

step those feet out bring it in jump up


a little bit more difficult this time


stay in it

how my lady's doing


the shoulders

over halfway there


heart rate's up


one more guys

all right

curtsy lunge with that kick

right leg goes back

kick it out to the side

don't worry guys if your core

is on fire and your stability has

challenged this round

right there with you

i left

my cheeks on fire already

i should concentrate extra hard

don't break focus

almost there guys saying it switching

sides in 10 seconds

last one


nice work other side here we go


you guys are so strong


even though it doesn't feel like it

right now

thanks for the encouragement

i got you


tight in that core




stay here guys

we got this

we got this


oh those legs

are getting tired 10 more seconds

last one

nice job all right

we come back to the edge of our mat

walk it down

into that plank

pack those hips up

reach for those toes

opposite hand

to opposite foot

get into those obliques

reach that hand

as far back as you can


drop it down

into a solid plank

between each one


definitely more flexible this time

yes notice your range of motion

a lot different now that your body's


it's a workout but it feels really good

at the same time

like a stretch

but killer at the same time

getting those little abs


little beliefs when you reach

stay in it guys

we got

another high impact move after this

one more each side reach

pike those hips up high

i'm done

all right we go

jump squat around the world

let's do it

oh yeah

a lot harder i can already tell

boots are tired

keep jumping


try and get as much air under those feet

as you can

do rotate


half way there


you guys are awful quiet this man

my ties are burning so badly oh yeah

those quads are feeling it

almost there one more time around

laying light on those feet

and time

all right

we got those donkey kicks

down to the mat

we're on our left forearm right hand is

up here on the left knee

drive that knee

into your shoulder kick it back


keep that core tight

don't sway that back

a little bleep as you drive that knee in

this is a good time to catch your breath


squeeze those glutes a lot as you kick

that foot back

awesome work guys

i know it's tough i know you're dying

15 more seconds here we switch inside


in it guys

right there with you

one more and we switch sides

nice work

turn around

right forearm down up on that left hand


drive that knee in

nice work

good news is

you only got two more exercises after


we're dying now but we're going to feel

so accomplished when we're done


living our best lives our best buds

stay in it

keep breathing inhale as you drive that

knee in exhale kick it back

i know these are tough i know those legs

are tired

10 more seconds here

kick it back

stay in it one more


good job all right

we rolled onto our backs

we're almost done ladies

feet and shoulder distance apart

fingertips face those heels lift those

hips up reverse plank

tricep dip kick that foot up


a full body move here

our triceps

are dying those little abs



get those hips back up high

between each one

make sure those

elbows are not flaring out

yep straight there

stay in it guys

we're so close to the finish line

one more move after this

almost done


you're as tired as me

i know you're working

because i'm feeling it


almost there guys

ten more

we've got our final move

one more


all right

we stand it up we got those super squat


with a jump step it out wide

knees go out over the toes we pull one



jump stand it up

one two


jump stand it up

keep it going

who's excited

we're almost done


oh yeah

those inner thighs are feeling it


that junk is tough i know


they're so fatigued one more

last jump

good job

let's cool it down

oh that was tough

all right bring it to the edge of your


let's start to let it all go

roll out the neck

to the right

slow down that breathing

other way

reverse that circle to head

you guys are so strong

start to roll out those shoulders

let all that tension go


let's walk it down into a plank

bring your right foot through your hands

set the left knee down

and sit up into a lunge

feel that stretch on the left hip flexor

open up the hips


we did a lot of hip work today we did a

lot of everything work today

all right straighten through that right

leg with those right toes sink the hips

back lead with the chest

feel that stretch on the back of the

right hamstring


nice you guys slowly set that foot back


switch feet

set the right knee


down who feels great now

i do

feel that stretch and the right hip

flexor this time feels so good

sink the hips back straighten through

the left leg

hamstring stretch on the left knee with

the chest


so good all right

stand it on up

turn to face the front take a wide



forward fold wide forward fold

let the head hang

bring the arms behind you chest stretch

nice grab for the outside of those


pull your head

towards the floor


hands come to the center heel toe your

feet together

slowly start to roll up through that


head is the last thing to lift

and you guys did it awesome work



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