June 1, 2024

Try Not To Laugh At These Funny Moments in Sports...

Published June 3, 2023, 8:20 a.m. by Bethany

The reason we all love watching sports is because it can be so unpredictable, and that means the cameras sometimes get the chance to capture some really funny moments. Today we’ve collected some of the most amusing and ridiculous moments from all kinds of sports. So get ready, because it’s impossible to watch this video without smiling! By the way, if you haven’t subscribed to our channel yet, don't forget to do so, so you won’t miss any of our new videos.

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Editing: HowlingCreations

Music: EpidemicSound

funny and most embarrassing moments in sports in the world! Featuring the world's most funny and hilarious sports moments on earth. You better check out these funniest moments in sports with your own eyes.

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The reason we all love watching sports is because it can be so unpredictable, and that

means the cameras sometimes get the chance to capture some really funny moments.

Today we’ve collected some of the most amusing and ridiculous moments from all kinds of sports.

So get ready, because it’s impossible to watch this video without smiling!

By the way, if you haven’t subscribed to our channel yet, don't forget to do so, so

you won’t miss any of our new videos.

Let’s get it on!

Own goals are always seriously entertaining but also so painful to watch.

But this own goal might just be the worst one ever.

Getting an own goal has to be worse for the person whose only job is to keep balls out

of the goal - especially when he’s just gone to all the effort of saving one.

I’m not sure how this French goalkeeper forgot to let go of the ball, but it was a

disaster for him.

It actually looks like he thinks he saved it at the last second, but that was wishful

thinking - it was definitely an own goal.

In sports, it’s always wise to keep certain people on your side - like the people who

have the power to determine your score.

For example, you should definitely never ever hit the chair umpire in the face with a ball

in the middle of a tennis match.

It was definitely an accident and everyone rushed to the 17 year old’s defence, but

it sure cost him.

Before being taken to hospital, the umpire declared a default, sending his opponents

to the Semi-Finals.

On the bright side, at least he didn’t hit the cute ball boy who was standing under the

umpire’s chair and was so quick to duck.

There are mistakes, and then there are moments like this.

Johann Zarco was on course to take 7th place at this MotoGP race, when an unexpected nightmare

occurred - he ran out of fuel.

How does that happen at a professional event like this?

I have no idea.

Everyone must have felt pretty stupid, but he’s a true sportsman and decided to just

run his Yamaha over the finish line and watch as people who had crashed earlier in the race

managed to pass him.

He looked completely exhausted by the end, but at least he got a point.

The first day of practice in F1 is all about calmly checking that everything’s in order

and every part of your car is working properly.

And this is why that’s necessary.

Before you ask, no, the car didn’t hit anything except maybe a bug, but probably not even


Turns out, they were trialling a new suspension component on this car…

I don’t know much about vehicles, but I’m willing to say I’m pretty sure it didn’t


He probably would’ve preferred to find that out at a slightly slower speed than 180 mph,

but there were no injuries so who can complain.

Celebrating a goal is absolutely fine - you deserve it, have fun!

Although you might want to check first that your goal was actually a goal.

Kerem Bulut was offside when he got the ball into the net, but he never stopped running

to find that out.

He just kept going, cheering and jumping up and down all by himself, and hugging the spectators

who I guess were just humouring him.

He came back down to earth pretty quick once he realised he’d been celebrating nothing


Always expect the unexpected when you’re in sports - but still, nobody could’ve seen

this coming, could they?

This university runner was all set to win this 800m race, when the pole vaulter next

to the track made a mistake.

Imagine his confusion when one second he’s winning, and the next moment he’s all tangled

up like an animal in a net.

The best part about this clip though is the commentator who’s loving it and keeps insisting

that Spider Man had something to do with this strange event.

Well Spider Man or no Spider Man, they let the guy go to the finals.

There are plenty of people out there that came last in every race on school athletics

days that will sympathise with this runner.

Sogelau Tuvalu wanted to compete in the shot-put category in the IAAF but he didn’t qualify

- so instead of just going home, he joined in the 100m race.

As you can see, it’s not really his strength, and he achieved the slowest time in the history

of sprinting - 15.66 seconds.

It seems like a terrible idea, but he became a kind of hero to the crowd who were cheering

him on much more than the winner!

Professional football is one of the most difficult careers to get into - it’s a highly competitive

world so you just know that everyone involved, even the linesmen and referees are the best

of the best.

And that makes little errors like this so much more funny.

It’s not even like he wasn’t looking!

He saw where he was spraying that line and thought “Yep, that’s right where I wanted

it” and kept going!

Those players don’t look too impressed - the referee was probably lucky that’s vanishing

spray or he might’ve got one of those shoes stuck somewhere unpleasant.

There’s dedication to your sport, and then there’s serious dedication to your sport.

This hurdle race saw a serious battle to the finish line by two runners from the Texas

A&M team.

Either teammate stood a chance of winning, right up until the moment Infinite Tucker

decided to take off and fly over the finish line like Spider Man.

It’s pretty impressive, but unfortunately for him, he didn’t actually have superpowers.

He did win though, and I guess, when you think about it, your face isn’t that important

if you’re a professional runner.

In tennis, it pays to be accurate - just think of all those match-winning shots that would’ve

been worthless if they hadn’t gone straight down the line.

Also, being accurate means you won’t accidentally take out your own mixed doubles partner in

the middle of a match at the biggest tennis championship on earth.

Although it would’ve been a great shot if she was aiming for his racket-swinging shoulder.

So now there’s a team made up of one person who can’t aim, and one who can’t use his

arm… it’s not exactly an ideal partnership but good luck to them.

The world of sports is fraught with danger - it waits around every corner, like a snake

poised to pounce from the place you least expect it.

So you better keep your eyes open, even if you’re not one of the players.

You never know what might happen - for example, you might just forget where you put your scalding

hot cup of coffee.

This is a reminder that it’s good to never get too worked up about things.

Stop and smell the coffee, and you might avoid burns on your butt.

If there was a competition for the most incredible shot if it had gone in the right basket, this

one would be the winner.

There’s a huge scramble to defend the basket which amazingly ends up being successful…

and then this disaster happens.

All James Young is trying to do is stop the ball from going out of bounds, and he never

in a million years would’ve imagined that he could get it in the basket if he throws

it behind himself without looking.

It’s a genuinely great shot, but still, wrong basket.

The crowd still went wild though.

It’s probably best to stick to your own sport most of the time.

Alex Rodriguez might have been a New York Yankees star, but give him a football and

he seems to be more like a bull in a china shop.

Although, maybe this wasn’t really his fault - which producer had the idea of letting the

presenters throw footballs around a set full of monitors?

This was bound to happen, right?

What they needed was someone’s mom on set to tell them not to throw balls indoors, then

it never would have happened.

It’s not just humans who enjoy sports - you’ve probably played fetch with a dog at least

once, for example.

Most animals don’t try to go pro though, and who can blame them when nobody’s willing

to put animals on a team.

But this squirrel had a dream, and it wasn’t going to let anyone stand in its way.

It was going to prove it could run with the best of them.

And it sure can!

There’s a touchdown!

Perfect play from the unknown squirrel!

It’s just a matter of time before it gets signed with a display like that!

This will make a lot of you feel better about your luck: it turns out, even basketball stars

sometimes embarrass themselves in front of beautiful women.

Nigel Hayes obviously didn’t realise his microphone was quite so sensitive when he

revealed his thoughts about a reporter in a whisper to his teammate.

Obviously something about the looks on everyone’s face told him he made a mistake.

The poor guy probably could’ve styled it out if he’d thought fast - after all, it’s

a sweet thing to say!

But he just ended up with his head in his hands while his friends giggled at him.

When you find yourself in the middle of the action, it’s vital you keep your eyes on

both your opponents and your teammates.

That’s a whole lot of looking to do, so it must get difficult, but

that’s no excuse for taking your eye off the ball.

Never presume it is where you left it, or you end

up looking like this.

At that level, kicking blindly into the air when the ball is behind you is just too

funny, you’ll have to work hard to regain proper respect after that.

Always be sure to look at the ball before you kick.


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