June 1, 2024

10 Movie Characters Everyone Thought Were Secret Villains

Published June 4, 2023, 5:20 p.m. by Bethany

These red herring villains had everybody fooled.

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for as much as audiences love figuring

out a juicy mystery for themselves you

know what's arguably even better getting

duped into falling Hook Line and Sinker

for a big old red herring and that goes

double for these characters that we

thought we had all figured out I'm Josh

from whatculture.com and these are 10

movie characters everyone thought was

secret villains number 10. Mr Nobody

Furious 7. as Overjoyed as fans were to

learn that Kurt Russell would be joining

The Fast and Furious franchise as Shady

government agent Mr Nobody it was also

tough to believe that an actor of

Russell's range and Charisma would

simply be playing a stuffed shirt

support character for the family Mr

Nobody is presented as having ambiguous

allegiances throughout the movie and

when Dom and the other Heroes secure the

film's Tecno McGuffin that being the

God's eye for him as promised it feels

like a betrayal is only inevitable once

they hand the God's eye over most

watching was surely expecting nobody to

try and take the family out in order to

tie up Lucy ends setting up a wild third

act where the family face off against

nobody and his massive array of

resources but instead nobody actually

keeps his word agreeing to help Damon

company hunt down decade Shaw as they

ultimately do on the one hand it was a

relief to not see nobody become a

double-crossing scumbag but on the other

it probably would have given Russell a

bigger more animated and considerably

more badass role

detective Mark Kincaid scream 3. it

admittedly wouldn't be a Scream movie

without a red herring or two or even

three but in the case of Scream 3 the

filmmakers basically hung in neon

signpost around the neck of detective

Mark Kincaid pretty much everything

about this guy just felt a little bit

off for starters he's a cop and cops are

certainly perennial suspects in this

franchise given the privileged access

that they have to resources that the

average person simply doesn't beyond

that his interactions with Sydney are

slightly unnerving the way he looks and

interacts with her is relatively

flirtatious and he seems to conveniently

show up just at the right time on

numerous occasions but for as uneven as

this script is Kinkade is certainly an

effective false suspect aided by the

actor leaning into the uneasiness just

enough yep crucially not overdoing it

but it turns out in the end Kincaid was

not only innocent the real killer being

Sid's half brother Roman but actually

survived the movie and was later implied

to have married and had kids with Sydney

even though he hasn't physically

appeared in any of the subsequent

sequels yet number 8. Merlin kingsman

the Secret Service back in 2015 if Mark

Strong was cast in a movie there was a

damn good chance that he was playing the

bad guy and as such so many were

instantly suspicious of him the moment

that he showed up in kingsman the Secret

Service he has strong players kingsman's

Tech Support Officer Merlin and while

Merlin doesn't appear in the comics the

equivalent techie character Rupert

Greaves is in fact a revealed to be a

turncoat working for the primary

antagonist so why expect any different

here and again that goes doubly true

when you've cast Mark Strong in the role

but in actual fact Strong's casting was

a fun little misdirect as he actually

ends up being one of the movie's most

likable characters and his allegiance to

kingsman never once waivers the real

mall is actually Chester King AKA Arthur

the duplicitous leader of the kingsman

while Merlin goes on to suffer a heroic

sacrificial death in the admittedly

lackluster sequel kingsman the Golden

Circle 7. Captain Marcus Rich Flight

Plan Sean Bean has made a highly

respectable career out of playing

duplicitous little

so why would he be anything less than

this in 2006's hitchcocking Thriller

Flight Plan here Bean plays Marcus Rich

the captain of the flight on which our

protagonist Kyle Pratt believes her

daughter has been kidnapped the audience

is led to believe that rich is

gaslighting Pratt because he's either

part of the kidnapping plot or the

outright ring leader but in the end it

actually turns out that the real villain

is air marshal Jean Carson who is

attempting to hijack the plane and frame

Pratt for It ultimately Captain Rich was

nothing more than a reasonably skeptical

person who saw the facts presented to

him and quite understandably assumed it

was far more likely that Pratt was

suffering from a mental health crisis

than the victim of an elaborate frame

job Rich even offers an Earnest apology

to Pratt at the film's end and lives to

fly another day another Rarity for

Bean's characters actually and even

better following flight plans released

the filmmakers revealed that they

intentionally cast being in the role to

take advantage of his typecasting as a

villain and mislead audiences into

believing that he was the secret Villain

at the end brilliant number 6. Meredith

Vickers Prometheus now nobody's saying

that prometheus's whale and yutani

honcho Meredith Vickers is a

particularly pleasant person but she's

ultimately far from the villain that she

was clearly earmarked to be Charlie's

Theron really lean into the icy

corporate horribleness to make the

audience dislike Vickers and therefore

assume that she'll end up doing

something majorly unscrupulous that is

sacrifice her crew for the sake of

corporate greed we'll release Theron is

mostly just a Stern yet competent

Mission director who makes largely

reasonable decisions throughout the film

like refusing to let Holloway back on

board the Prometheus when he falls ill

sure Vickers is running her own agenda

in the background that is sneaking her

Father Peter Wayland on board the ship

but in the end she makes several smart

attempts to save the lives of the crew

as well as her own so yeah you can say

that she's not a terribly likable

character but a villain absolutely not

5. Winston Diva Incredibles 2. given

Disney's overact pension for the hidden

villain trop it was a reasonable

expectation that Incredibles 2's primary

antagonist the screenslaver would end up

being one of the film's benevolent

characters in Disguise and honestly who

fit the bill more blatantly even Winston

Diva the uber wealthy Tech Mogul

superhero Fanboy voiced by Bob Odenkirk

his affable The Manor wreaked of

superficiality and how often does

Hollywood give us Ultra rich businessmen

who aren't terrible people so it was

incredibly easy to believe that Winston

took the guys of screenslaver in a

misguided attempt to artificially boost

The Incredibles as public standing yep

in a genuinely shocking bait and switch

the screen slever was ultimately

revealed to not be Winston but his

sister Evelyn Winston meanwhile is a

genuine superhero Enthusiast who wanted

to help The Incredibles rehabilitate

their image and had no idea what his

disgruntled sis was up to the before the

winter soldiers Captain America Civil

War Midway through Captain America Civil

War Booky reveals that villain Zemo

wants to reach the Serbian Hydra base in

order to unleash the other participants

in the Winter Soldier program who are

being held there in cryogenic storage as

Captain America bookie and Iron Man

chairs Zemo two Siberian facility it's

heavily implied that Zemo will thaw out

the five Winter Soldiers there and have

them do battle with the heroes but

ultimately this is just a brilliantly

cheeky misdirect as once cap bookie and

Iron Man arrive at the facility they

discover that Zemo has instead shot all

the winter soldiers dead as it turns out

Zemo had no interest in using them to do

his bidding at all but simply use the

threat of harnessing the soldiers to

lure the heroes there where he hatches

his plan to turn cap and Iron Man

against one another considering that

Zemo remains one of the Marvel Cinematic

universe's finest villains to date it's

a relief that he got sent a stage here

and the big third act fight was instead

between the fraction Heroes number three

M Skyfall and Specter in Skyfall we're

introduced to Gareth Mallory the

chairman of the joint intelligence

committee who quickly sticks in 007's

crawl given Ralph finds his obvious

pension for playing detestable villains

as well it was a pretty safe bet that

this bureaucrat would end up being

revealed as a mole working for cyber

terrorist Raul Silva yet Mallory is not

so bad in the end even inheriting the

title of M following the other M's

demise but anyone who called Mallory

being a secret villain was almost proven

right in follow-up Specter as fines

revealed in 2021 that director Sam

Mendes originally actually planned to

have M turn heal in the movie The actor

perhaps half jokingly suggested that he

could have been blowfelt though it's

perhaps more likely that he would have

played a part similar to C who is

eventually revealed to be a secret

member of Specter either way if fines

had to get firm with Mendes and insist

that turning M into a villain would be a

bad look and let's face it piss off a

ton of fans so yeah thankfully this one

didn't happen number two Danny Whitworth

Minority Report much like M it was easy

to believe that Minority Report Danny

whitwer was the big bad because Stern

figures of authority just have an

inherent and trustworthy whiff about

them don't they were is a doggedly

determined Department of Justice agent

who spends the movie chasing down

pre-crime Chief John anderton amid the

belief that he's about to commit a real

murder as a foil to our hero Whitworth

is very clearly teed up to be minority

reports of villain and for the vast

majority of the film that seems to be

the direction that things are heading in

but later in the day we learned that the

real villain is actually a pre-crime

director Lamar Burgess who has gone to

murderous links to preserve the

Integrity of pre-crime including framing

anderton for murder when Whitworth

catches wind of what's going on Burgess

kills him a genuinely shocking moment

and a quite brilliant reveal of the

film's true antagonist number one

Tadashi Hamada big hero 6. big hero 6's

villain is the kabuki mask wearing Yokai

and there are two obvious candidates for

the person under the mask those being

overzealous attack Guru Alastair Cree

all protagonist Heroes older brother

Tadashi given that Cree seems a little

bit too obvious and Tadashi supposedly

died died in a fire early in the film

the latter felt like an especially ripe

candidate to be a classic Disney twist

villain we know how much the house of

mouse loves both sibling rivalries and

villains who mirror the hero so why

wouldn't your Kai be a secretly alive

Tadashi well it turns out the character

did indeed die in the fire with the

villain instead being revealed as

Professor Robert Callahan who was also

believed to have perished in the same

fire honestly this is a rare case where

what the audience thought was going to

happen was actually more interesting

though than what did so that's our list

I want to know you guys think down in

the comments below which of the villain

twists knocked your socks off and what

did you think about these while you're

in the comments as well if you could

please give us a like share subscribe

and head over to whatculture.com for

more lists and news like this every

single day even if you don't thought

I've been Josh thanks so much for

watching and I'll see you soon


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