June 9, 2024

20 Things You Didn't Know About Football

Published June 4, 2023, 9:20 a.m. by Bethany

football isn't what you think it is. From a secret 2 point line, to a BILLION dollar controversy. These are 20 Things You Didn't Know About football..

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You may also like to read about:

football isn't what you think it is from

a secret two-point line to a billion

dollar controversy these are 20 things

you didn't know about football and at

number 20 I bet you didn't know that

football mascots make more money than

doctors whether it's gunasaurus Rex man

use demon or even dude dressed as a

giant ball sack these aren't just sweaty

grown men wearing costumes or playing

with their wooden public for no reason

they're entertaining fans because they

make 400 500 sometimes even six hundred

thousand dollars a year but even that

much money will get you out of jail like

the players that were illegal

accessories at number 19. there's a lot

of things that football players can't

wear all black jerseys banned any

players to wear chains get them snatched

even Gucci headbands can players find

every single time they wear them but no

consequence is scarier than when David

Beckham wore cleats designed with

kangaroo leather cause where he played

football in Cal California their laws

say owning any products made from

kangaroos could have you facing a five

thousand dollar fine and six months in

jail so Beckham made his cleats

disappear cause even he wanted to win

the most expensive trophy in sports

history and number 18. see football

champions are treated way more luxurious

than other athletes yeah NFL Champs get

the little silver trophy that's worth

around 4K NBA Finals winners get some

gold and it's 13k at least hockey's

doing it big for their Stanley Cup

winners a trophy that costs 25k but

standing at 15 inches tall weighing in

at 13 pounds a solid golden Rare

Minerals the World Cup trophy just

became the most expensive Award of any

sport ever with over 20 million dollars

wait a minute that's gotta be cab let me

Google this holy it's really worth

20 amps now I see why players try

cheating to be good enough to win it and

I bet you didn't know about football's

banned moves at number 17. like you

can't even give head in football whether

it's the seal dribble like this or the

next all like this neither are allowed

there's even moves where players try

looking pregnant by pulling out the

shirt catch and one where players turn

into animals with the donkey kick free

kick but once players kept doing all

those moves and started getting injured

by opponents who thought they were only

trying to show both football officials

crack down on them and the moves were

bad now at least Vehicles aren't banned

from football because at number 16 I bet

you didn't know that going pro gets you

free cars see car companies are now

sponsoring some of football's biggest

clubs and dropping off custom whips for

the whole Squad Audi's been delivering

to Barcelona players and even let them

speed the cars around a track

but BMW did things even more expensive

for Real Madrid because not only did

each player get a car with a custom

license plate they got to have photo

shoots with the whips and each player

got a brand new parking spot with a

charging station now cars are cool and

all but at number 15 I bet you didn't

know that animals used to be a part of


kangaroos used to hop around in games

and so did cats dogs even I mean

roosters but things didn't become

controversial until a football club led

a grizzly bear on the field

that ceremony had football beefing with

Peta because they claimed having a bear

performing was inhumane but it's Russia

so they don't give a what anybody

says they even let the bear come

celebrate the team's winning traffic

only in Russia man but only in football

is there a curse that ruins players

lives at number 14. if you ever get

picked to join Chelsea do not I repeat

do not pick the number nine for 20 years

every single player who wore a nine has

fallen off romelo Lukaku a player who

just had the best seasons of his career

chose the number then instantly at the

worst season of his career Lukaku

blocked so when Chelsea announced a new

star aubameyang was filling his spot and

wearing number nine all the fans freaked

out in the comments even Chelsea's own

manager admitted the curse was real but

aubameyang admitted he only chose the

number to break the curse they said the

number nine shirt was Jinx

I don't know you know I don't listen to

this kind of things I love the number

nine so I took it and I'm happy with

that and hopefully our kids got more

ghosts now you want to know what's

crazier than some ruining players

careers a controversy that cost FIFA

billions at number 13. I hate to break

it to you guys but the game most of us

love is coming to an end speed don't cry

it will be fun

even though FIFA dominated Sports gaming

and made over 20 billion dollars their

developers EA Sports always wanted to

make a bigger and better game but FIFA

wouldn't allow it so EA ended their

partnership with FIFA and announced

they're creating their own game EA

Sports FC this game's gonna be on a

whole new level brand new game modes

Online Career customizable characters

even free roam like 2K EA's even given

us ways to unlock exclusive nfts so

let's just hope they don't make mbappe

the cover again like really FIFA three

years in a row shaking my head man but

speaking of Mr Ninja Turtle I bet you

didn't know about one of the craziest

records in football history at number

12. just watch this


during that goal and Bobby was clock

speeding 23.61 miles an hour as fast

most of the people are legally allowed

to drive around schools but comparing

that to the fastest person in the world

you saying Bull and Bobby's speed is

actually faster than usain's average in

his world record 100 meter dash so uh

side by side looks like I'm boppy just

officially became a record holder but

that was only one Sprint I already know

you've wondered how far football players

run throughout an entire game or an

entire career and Lionel Messi's got us

covered on that at number 11. Messi

installed a microchip in his cleat to

track the distance he traveled during a

match yeah the majority of the time he

was being a lazy ass and walking but

combining that with Messi's jogs runs

and Sprints had him covering around

eight and a half kilometers or five

miles in a single match

over a

thousands ran over 5 000 miles these

football players are built different man

Jesus Christ but now that we're getting

into the top 10 things you didn't know

about football it's about to get crazy

like what if I told you some of the

biggest football clubs in the world

tried ruining the sport

12 of the world's top teams Barcelona

Real Madrid Liverpool the Manchester's

pretty much everybody actually relevant

all right did something crazy out of

nowhere it was announced that all of

them agreed to leave their countries and

form the European Super League now at

first I was like this is hype I mean all

the biggest names of football are

constantly playing each other and it

would be extra competitive the winner of

the league would earn 470 million

dollars it seemed like an insane idea on

paper but within hours of the

announcement fans around the world

caused absolute chaos


it's about time that somebody spoke up

about the parasites in this club

non-stop riots fans literally breaking

into stadiums everybody was pissed

because their favorite clubs would be

playing all the way across the world and

fans felt that owners only cared about

money the league was gonna make and not

about that but everyone wilding out

actually made a huge difference because

within a few days the Super League

turned into a super fail and the entire

move was canceled I want to apologize to

all the fans supporters of Liverpool

Football Club for the disruption I

caused over the past 48 Hours damn the

fans really overthrew the football

government but that many people coming

together got me wondering just how

popular is football compared to other

sports well at number nine take a look

at this map any country that's light

gray watches football over everything so

unless you're from China Australia

Canada or the US chances are I know what

your favorite sport is but let's bring

some numbers into this as we go up the

list you can see the estimated fans of

each sport start popping up we got

baseball with about 500 million fans

basketball with 700 million hell at

least hockey and Cricket topped a

billion but at the very top we got

football with an estimated 3.6 billion

fans worldwide God damn that's nearly

half the population of the

planet now I see why a player like

Ronaldo is the most famous person on

Instagram but I bet you didn't know

there's a football rule named after him

at number a the Ronaldo rule ain't

actually a good thing though it happened

because of his return to Man United

oh or even though he was expected

to be a star his ego caused issues with

his teammates playing like ass got him

benched and Ronaldo's contract that

racked in 500 000 a week a whole other

level compared to his teammates and made

him jealous forced the club to change

their rules since that type of money

held back the club and guaranteed

Ronaldo Millions even though man you

didn't feel like he was worth it anymore

no other clubs were willing to pay money

like that for it so man you let Ronaldo

Go for free just so he wouldn't be a

distraction anymore and they also banned

all Manu players of any skill or status

to make over 240 000 a week by calling

it The Ronaldo rule damn Ronaldo really

changed the club forever but what if I

told you the MLS is about to change

football forever I'm sure we've all seen

crazy goals like this

pinballs to Rooney Rudy sees Rowell oh



but the problem is they don't happen

often enough because players have no

extra reasons to kick from that far away

until now rumors of a two-point line

which would be a similar Arc to a

three-point line in basketball is now

being thrown around the Spore football

fans are tired of the MLS not being as

entertaining as other major leagues so

adding in a two-point line Not only

would it encourage players to go for

ridiculous highlights it would make

football games more action-packed and

higher scoring I'd finally buy some

football tickets but something I can't

buy is the most legendary piece of

memorabilia and football history and

number six nearly 70 years ago Pele

became one of football's first ever

iconic players as a teenager coaches

were already predicting he'd become the

greatest football player in the world so

not only did Pele earn himself a spot on

Brazil's national team in 1958 he

officially got his own rookie car but

nobody knew what this item was destined

be just cause Pele exceeded all

expectations and became a go his

memorabilia's value skyrocketed and what

seemed like just a piece of cardboard

with his pick on it became the first

football card ever to sell for over a

million dollars now that's definitely a

lot of money but at number five what if

I told you a football player

accidentally made a fan worth 40 million

dollars this is Charlie Morgan AKA

swansea's ball boy and his journey

towards becoming a millionaire started

with this play

well that's inexcusable and all cause

there little ass boy got his ass beat

not only did Chelsea's star Eden Hazard

get kicked out of the game the situation

went so viral Charlie went from only a

couple hundred followers to a hundred

thousand overnight so he began using his

new fame to promote his brand and it

quickly became the fastest growing and

most popular alcohol in all of the UK

Ayu vodka its luxurious look and

colorful flavors made all celebrities

want to put it in their mouth football

icon Ronaldinho loves the drink Jake

Paul even got the Vodka tatted and with

this vodka selling thousands of bottles

per day Charlie's estimated net worth is

now over 48 million dollars all cause he

got his ass whooped damn who would have

thought getting jumped would make

someone rich but I guess a better

question is who's this man's barber what

the this is football's ugliest

haircut of all time but the story behind

it is even more ridiculous than it looks

and number four this Ronaldo's from

Brazil and dominated football in the 90s

but as he became an all-time gray the

expectations reached New Heights and the

pressure eventually forced him into the


out of nowhere Ronaldo started suffering

from seizures as well as devastating

injuries but doctors couldn't explain

why so they cleared his return to

football because the 2002 World Cup was

right around the corner and all Ronaldo

wanted to focus on was winning his

country the goal but all anybody else

could talk about were his health

concerns so he came up with the perfect

distraction I remember I had that little

injury and everybody was stuck about

that injury so I came to training with

that hair everybody was talk about the

hair and forgot about the injuries so

that helped me a lot in that time and

even though this haircut seemed like he

was just trying to become a man which it

did it made everybody including Ronaldo

forget about his health issues and

instead clone his hair so he was able to

play the game with no pressure and

carried his team to Victory while

looking like a famous cartoon you know

why I called it I called it the

Illuminati haircut yeah think there was

some sort of secret power as to how you

won dude really said that the haircut

was weird but it definitely ain't as

weird as what footballs used to be and

number three today I'm sure you think

it's normal to be kicking this around

and what if I told you nearly 200 years

ago they used heavier leather balls like

this I mean it doesn't seem too odd

right well the sport goes way further

back and what they use during ancient

times is scary it's said that during

Aztec football games the competitions

would get brutal cause each team's lives

were on the line literally and if your

team lost well it has been suggested

that the losing team sacrificed skulls

or whole heads were used as balls if

true it would have likely served a

ritualistic purpose uh and just like

that I ain't ever asking anybody to give

me head again but for real footballs did

kind of improve after that when kids

began pulling animal bladders up like

balloons and kicking that

all right man now I've seen it all like

I never thought I'd be so thankful for

balls man at least for the last World

Cup the most technologically advanced

footballs in history were created they

had motion sensors offside detections

stat tracking like balls were so

Advanced they'd send data 500 times a

second to a room full of refs who could

make calls without even being on the

field but would the tournament have even

happened if they knew the event would

kill thousands of people at number two

see World Cup 2022 wasn't what you

thought it was the tournament was being

planned 13 years ago to become the

biggest football event of all time and

even though many wondered why a small

country like Qatar became the lucky ones

to host it's all cause they promised to

build the craziest stadium in football

history now don't get me wrong this

place looked insane cause it

needed to be the expected number of fans

showing up was predicted to be 1.5

million people more than half a guitar's

entire population so just to accommodate

that many more bodies the entire area

also needed to be revamped with Villas

hotels and even cruise ships but the

hard labor that workers were forced to

do was inhumane and made headlines

everywhere allegations of Human Rights

abuses are also part of the story

surrounding this multi-billion dollar

sporting event labor Advocates say

migrant workers who built the massive

soccer stadiums endured unsanitary

conditions in extreme heat injuries and

deaths have been reported apparently

migrants were forced to complete tasks

in 122 degrees where there was barely

any water or food and workers not only

couldn't take breaks officials even held

their passports and made it impossible

for them to leave the country before the

job was done things were kept quiet

because only 37 deaths got reported as

related to building the stadium but then

the number got bumped up a bit what is

the honest realistic total do you think

of Migrant workers have died from as a

result of what they're doing for the

World Cup in totality

the estimate is around 400. and after

this eventually news broke that since

the World Cup was announced over 6 000

workers died damn Something's Gotta

change cause if football fans knew what

was going on they probably would have

went crazier than the time a crowd tried

burning a football team alive at number

one that went down here cause the fans

knew Saint Etienne needed this win

otherwise their Club was going to suffer

one of the most embarrassing things a

club could deal with getting kicked out

of their league and sent to a lower

division is with the game tied up all

the club had to do was not let this man

score and well

sure in the previous round

disaster for Sunday

uh there's fans chucking with players on

a football team's locker room the

Stadium's on fire I need police I need

firefighters I need a goddamn SWAT team




uh yeah

got that out of control fans and police

officers fought till the end players

were injured even the stadium got

completely destroyed so this became one

of the most violent losses in football

history but everybody makes mistakes

even Ronaldo Messi and Neymar have and

it cost them millions super cars getting

totaled buying illegal things getting

robbed at gunpoint you just heard 20

things you didn't know about football

but I still don't know why you haven't

clicked this video it's insane click it



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