June 9, 2024

Our Top Time Travel Movies ft @rohanjoshi8016 #BingeOClock 23

Published June 4, 2023, 10:20 a.m. by Naomi Charles

Fire Up The Delorean, Call Bill and Ted and Hop Into The Tardis as Rohan and I Time Travel through history to bring you are top time travel movies.

What are yours? Let us know in the chat!

About Binge O Clock:

Binge-O-Clock is a weekly show where Rohan Joshi and Sahil Shah sit down and discuss the latest in pop culture (ranging from shows, movies, books and video games).

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Follow Sahil: @sahilbulla

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all right hello hello hello everybody

hello and welcome welcome welcome to

another episode of binger clock i'm just

going to quickly adjust the screen to

see the chat let us see what the league

is saying hi guys can what's up actually

hang on

is the sound good people keep

complaining that my sound is always less

so today i have put the mic

all right

yeah like i'm just going to be talking

like this throughout the end

and we will now move towards the

beginning of venture club and then jump

to the future of winter oh

oh this is going to be such a fun stream

um you mean this was such a fun stream

or it could have been

oh because we may not be doing it

because it is in another timeline it was

you know i'm not even kidding okay

before we start i'll tell you this fun

story um i don't know if you guys know

this but like the zomato now recently

announced that they're doing 10 minute

delivery right and i was writing this

sketch uh for all you know you'll see it

as a real but basically i was like i'll

place the order and the doorbell rings

and it's me from the future who's come

to deliver my order because because

in the future i already know what i had

eaten in the past so i deliver my order

before i've already placed it that's our

advanced tomato is in the future and i

was toying around with the paradox the

logistics the shooting though i was like

yeah why not yeah

i'll just do it why not i i i'll do it

um and for me time travel has been like


ultimate there is so much to talk about

i have shot a time travel sketch uh also

rohan's been in a time travel movie uh

in a time travel movie that's right we

have to discuss all of that a time

travel movie we have to discuss that we

have to before we start a few quick

things number one you guys know what the

deal is we have our introduction take

this link send it to your friends send

it now in the future send it in the past

saying like 88 people are watching and

it's saying that like

54 likes that's some [ __ ]

more people should be coming

hello hello hello


just completely drowned guys in this

stream okay completely drowned take this

link send it to all your groups that is

your responsibility send it to your

groups and tell them

that uh we are live andrew is taking a

photo of himself at the moment excuse me

it's a boomerang okay or whatever yeah

tell people we are discussing time

travel and press the like button again

and again i need to tell you guys if you

press the like button more people know

that this channel is live more people

more powerful but more people are like

what is happening you know i wish time

travel existed so i could go back in

time and correct all my mistakes

that's called editing dude

it's called editing

that's called editing it's fine you can

use it

god bless the clip tool on youtube what

did we do without it yeah it's beautiful

this thing it's like hey i can

completely go back and remove that this

part ever

never existed seven minutes or 11

minutes of me scrambling to try and find

internet while interviewing ashlee



time travel

so we are going to be talking about time

time travel hulk here um

i've been repping time travel like every

stream here always yeah yeah hell yeah

hell yeah always and forever there has

been one very particular item of time

travel and this i'm going to pull out

and say that if you guys know you know

if you don't it's totally fine this was

one of my proudest possessions that i

ever bought it's very time travelling of

course of course and it also goes

nice this

uh but yeah

this stream i think we should clarify i

want to focus i think we should focus on

movies only because if we get into shows

that's the different ball game all

together and if we talk about movies



lots to discuss i don't know man

and and and i also want to ask you do

time look movies count as time travel

movies or i've been wondering the same

thing i've been wondering the same thing

like in the sense because then are we

counting like edge of tomorrow groundhog


like source code are we counting all of

those like what's yeah like what what is

uh you know what league you all tell us

do time look movies count as time travel

even though yes you are playing with

time and you're coming back to a static

point in time but uh that is a very

interesting question you guys should uh

tell me time movies are considered as

time travel yes or no um yes yes yes two

yeses uh

moment we get if we get ten yeses we

discuss time bloop movies that is part

of the this thing uh that's four five

two yeah i guess we've got time to

movies are part of this thing all right

yeah okay all right now i'll also tell

you that this stream uh i definitely

feel that it's not going to be a one

hour stream i want it to be uh sorry not

one hour i don't i don't want it to be

part like just one stream and that's it

i know for a fact there will definitely

be a part two because there are other

well i can tell you being from there

2074 that it was a seven-part stream

yeah dude yeah yeah and it would take a

while to get going but part four

actually that was part four was killer

dude you should have seen our watch time

we had like 40 million people watching

us and we couldn't even get up from a

chair but it was amazing that stream

yeah it's true

the nuclear holocaust really affected

part five and part six numbers uh but i

think with part seven once uh global

cooling set in and everybody sort of

either calmed down or died and we were

the only thing left to watch

uh for for for seven like it was the

best thing ever hey guys welcome to

another episode of bunker clock today we

are going to be discussing our top

survival movies uh and we are like okay

there's no audience

like no one is watching everyone's

watching that's it

asking was i still single back then

what do you mean back then no as in back


i'm just like

see their ways life is an adventure

that's all i'll say all right

your case that adventure might be a solo



there's an adventure it's an adventure

it is yes

oh yes prabhat is right we are actually

doing triumph travel we are doing the

podcast from the future in time and he

is listening from sweden which is back

in that is for me the most fascinating

basic that always

is time travel your favorite genre of

movies and shows is it that sort of a

genre is it just one thing that you

enjoy no i love time travel like i love

it but there's so much of it so it's

also the one that requires the most

suspension of disbelief right yeah

because it is also like easily the most

plot holy

sub genre of like films ever because i


it's basically from what we know time

travel is not possible so to write the

rules you do a bunch of hand waving yeah


you invent whatever you need whether

it's a flux capacitor that works at 88

miles per hour or whether it is pim

particles yeah or

yeah you just invent whatever you need

or it's a phone book sent like it's a

phone booth sent by the phone booth by

the time logs are called future also

billington also had a phone

what i like about what i love about time

travel as a genre is that it's one of

those genres that


it's been done in so many different like

for example


time travel at this point is basically

not even a genre it's a trope right yeah

i guarantee you if you have any science

fiction show that you love they have

done one time travel event

right they've either done a time loop

episode they've done a time travel

episode right your favorite show that

what has happened it's like a guaranteed

take it

in writing in like this thing agents of

shield has one like if like starter

every single show like has one right but


what also that that means is it's been

done so much that a lot of filmmakers

approach to the challenge and do it in

like fantastically creative

um and interesting ways right like today

the difference between

like look this is a genre that

encompasses both primer and hot tub time

machines yeah exactly and somewhere in

the middle or outside of it or another

timeline is donnie darko right so ah no

no eggman eggman eggman if i were to put

it if i were to put it in a time travel

universe right i would not i would put

primer at the top

and phantosh

mine's a horizontal just like this is

how broad like with no moral judgment

right this

okay i keep telling people stories about

this but it's true whenever i was like

while growing up i had these weird

fantasies that maybe movies were real or

maybe for me it could be real so every

time after fantush i would keep thinking

okay what if i would touch a wall and

i'm transported back to that time that

is exactly how time before you saw

fontouch no not


that's the that's the fun to sequel you

know they crash into the wall and that's

it they don't go back in time


oh it's so funny

this time they didn't have fun


i think so i think so i uh

yeah fun too sure it's called dudes in

the 10th century that's the english

version i don't know why it's in the

10th century uh

i don't think oh wow amitabh bachchan

was part of this movie that's very cool

as the narrator oh no i should know

shannon is not in it he's not him

nevertheless it was a very fun movie i

would just like to say i i still would

like to clarify it was uh it was fun oh

yeah it was full fun um okay so uh

i mean there's there's a lot that we

have to discuss so i'll give you i'll

hand it over to you you tell me what is

the fact what i was going to say is

because we have so many movies to

discuss this time i'm going to try and

keep like a hard limit on how much time

i spend on each movie because otherwise

we'll be up for six hours no but that's

what i'm saying i don't want it to be

like here movie orchard

okay okay let's put it in that broader

spectrum if it's a movie which everyone

has sort of seen like cool terminator

you can we'll focus on it for a bit and

then move on but if it's something

that's very niche that you think no one

has seen and it's one of the best

concepts of time travel take your time

so now niche is this thing right if a

time traveler genre fan is probably not

niched or whatever but like for example

like i have a few that like stay with me

forever like the first one is of course

i mean primer

right like if you ask me i'm still not

ten thousand percent understood

primarily of course it's just done so

spectacularly uh plus and this is the

thing right you think time travel you

think like having to go back period

pieces this

dude this movie was made for ten

thousand dollars yeah all right shane

carrett made this movie for ten thousand

dollars literally ten or twenty thousand

dollars he made it for um and it's

brilliant right like it's just such a

brain [ __ ] that's the only word for it

right right from the get go it is such a

brain i don't know if you know this but

like uh

there is a chart

yes please in fact thinking yes there is

a chart and i don't understand the chart

also beyond the point like uh

we want to try pulling it up yeah yeah

primer time travel chart one second

there are many

are you muted

and that's it sahil shah has left us uh

his time juice has finished sorry there

was a lot of background background noise

uh i'll just move the browser tab here i

think this is the one uh no this browser

tab here is this the one sorry guys just

hold on for okay so okay i'll just do a

quick adjustment since we are here uh

guys just hold on for one second i'm

just going to do a quick adjustment

primer even i'm looking for primer but

either way it's very complicated like

very wildly vastly complicated primark

it's it's

complicated is also an understatement


yeah if you think dark was like oh wow

great time travel as ron said dark come

up i'll i'm i'm opening the chat here

i'm opening the chat okay guys the guy

who made primer look at dark and says


and now i'll just quickly add a window

capture and show you guys

sorry guys i wasn't anticipating this so

now i'm just fine

it's fine set up you know again remember


no one futures generations will never

know that there was all this time

wasting we use the youtube clip too

youtube clip tool all right guys so this

is this is apparently the this thing

right it is called like a definitive

primer for

definitive timeline for primer i'm going

to zoom in to show you what this is just

from far away this is the timeline okay

i'm i mean you can't even get like a

yeah understand a basic gist of what i'm

trying to explain like this yeah this is

looks like something that makes you

quit a course in college yeah

like this looks like something that

makes you quit a subject in college like

you look at a textbook that has one of

you and you go okay yeah this is this is

not something that i i want to consider

because there's so much

now in this tell me what is the plot of

primer for people who have not seen

primer because it is an extremely

underrated movie

it is essentially the simplest way of

putting it is about about what two guys

three guys who invent a time machine

literally in their garage

like literally in their garage they

invent it and then one of them starts

[ __ ] around with it

basically and

it's nothing there's no special effects

there's nothing they literally show it

as like person closes a box

sound happens

time travel has happened yeah like

that's it and it's very like i mean

there's technically i guess no such

thing as hard science

time travel but they try to keep as

close to the conceit as possible that

like if you went back or if you went

forward and like you met yourself or you

did something like what would happen

basically and how you have to avoid that

and all of those things it's very

it's like us the most simplified version

of primer is prestige in a weird way

like i don't know how to explain it but

the two movies fit together very well in

my head

um i i remember when i first saw i

remember i i got into this entire zone

off i wanted to watch all the time

travel movies that there were okay and i

got into this i have seen like uh i made

a list of things if you type imdb time

travel you'll find a list of obscure

ones also and i remember it's in primer

and i

didn't know

what was happening i didn't i was just

staring going

who did why he went where when and even

after that if you still look at the

chart right it's not even it's like you

failed the course and even during

revision yeah yeah he told me i know why

i failed the course i don't know what to

do i understand why i failed

oh but so good so such

a good movie such a uh people please

watch primer if you haven't i mean if

you ask anyone or even if you google

best time travel movie primer will come

up as the top for two prime reasons

primer reasons as

one obviously amazing time travel but to

budget you don't need to show those big

effects or whoosh any of that it's just

done very very very simply

there's another another similar movie uh

in that vein uh two which they are in

that lowish budget movies type have you

seen this movie called triangle

no i haven't seen triangle

triangle is a very fascinating movie

where this lady goes on a ship


and on the ship someone oh oh she goes

to the let me guess the world famous

arctic triangle

i thought i thought

yes exactly it is it is that only it is

the arctic triangle and then it ends at

the bermuda circle that is the ah yes

it is like

that is a killer its archimedes is just

like guys what are you guys doing what

are you doing

but uh basically on the ship someone is

killing people and that's all i'm going

to tell you okay that's all i don't want

to give in too many details

also guys if anyone has seen any of the

movies we discussed please please please

respect other people who've not seen it

don't give any spoilers in the chat

let's just discuss how good how bad it

was whatever but don't give spoilers

because time travel is such a thing that

unfortunately that one spoiler happens

and you're like now i know the

but triangle is a

it's one of those movies that ends on a

oh [ __ ]


this oh my god how

that ah nice that's the

good fun

part of time travel i will read out two

super chats uh one is from prabhat who

said about time beautiful movie yes

prabha that was on my list and i want to

discuss that as well um

i will come to prabhas this thing have

you seen about time

i have seen about that it's very sweet

it is one of the

it's very sweet um i'll just say that

there are a few romantic movies that i

enjoy okay and about time is one of

those beautifully done uh

science fiction rom-coms where you're


this is nice i would like to have this

ability to

fix things do this to fix things to fix

it it's like about time like the

opposite of black mirror

like about time is later like the

opposite like it's like if dark had an

opposite called light


it should be about time right genuine

it's very [ __ ] sweet

again don't want to give spoilers just

just definitely watch about time

definitely watch about yeah yeah i mean

in that zone if you definitely want to

watch another movie about time and

fixing relationships there's this

underrated movie called bar bar deco

[ __ ] [ __ ] got one of the best

soundtracks ever in history it's

outstanding every song all bangers all

the time

it's very fun movie please watch it

everybody uh i play uh raj

dude it was actually a very interesting

experience okay working on it because it

was a time travel thing and even very

few scenes all right because it was time

travel they had to age me up

i sat through like a proper prosthetic

sesh with like the guys who did harry

potter wow are you serious yeah i'm dead

serious guys you did harry potter like

the team like they had also

done like some of the prosthetics on

harry potter et cetera so these guys

came down and here only in vander i went

i remember

they dude it is it's a freaking wild

process okay so they basically take all

these measurements a few detailed

measurements all of that

and then they take like this clay

and they make like a mold they make them

cast of your face right

and it's

just and they tell you at the start of

me they're like okay look

it's very disorienting because now

literally imagine it's like if somebody


it's like being buried in a wall right

at the end of the day but it might have

somebody just buried your head in a wall

and just put two little these things for

you to breathe and it's dude it's such a

trip because and he's like if you move

and if you pull it off we're gonna have

to do it again

so you have to make it like 20 25

minutes and it'll harden and then we can

like take it off and it'll be fine


dude you sit there in those prosthetics

for like 20-25 minutes it's fully like

your ears everything is sealed

so you can only hear the inside of your


you can't hear anybody in the room

really they sound like they're really

far away um like if they're talking like

software whatever you're just getting

like the busiest parts worse like of

that boy

i'm sitting there all right and about 10

minutes in i'm just like dude i'm gonna

give i'm gonna have to do this again i'm

i'm just not feeling good like i'm just

not feeling good at all right now like i

did not like it's a different form of

like if you're claustrophobic then

please don't do it like ever

in life and man 25 minutes later

when that thing came off and i saw light

for the first time i have never taken

that deep like a breath

in my life like i went home and slept

after that like it was 25 of the most

terrifying minutes of my life were also

very cool because then they end up

getting like proper contours yeah yeah

yeah yeah i mean i mean like i'm sure

you must have been excited just being

part of a time travel movie like that oh

hello oh yes oh my god

of course i want to be part of this yeah

exactly like uh

only thing is you didn't get to time

travel much per se i didn't get to time


i was in my time and i got time traveled

too yeah yeah but i never was a i was a

travelee i was never a traveler yeah

yeah yeah i think i think that's the one

thing that i think the most exciting

part of all time travel movies is just

the process of time travel like how how

do they innovate with time travel

processes i hate to be that guy but

kukri is supposed to be there right

yeah he's fine okay cool cool cool cool

sorry cat parrot cat parent kicking no

no i get it i get it it's just supposed

to be there right okay cool then it's

fine it's fine he's fine not


that way no no it's fine longer he's

supposed to be there yeah he's fine uh

one minute megna corker is outside the

window oh my god

so he's not supposed to be there no no

it's fine he's this is his he's a very

like he won't do anything he won't go

anywhere because there's nowhere else to

go he'll just get my plants and then i

need to stop

um what were we talking about we are

talking about time travel

one of the things that

i like the fact that bollywood attempted

a decent time travel movie because

bollywood unfortunately has had a very

bad track record right what we had like

we discussed we discussed fun tush then

what was the other one replay

yeah which was supposed to be our

version of back to the future

ah i guess i should have an action

replay poster

yeah you should have you should have

like akshay coming out of the delorean

that is your action replay one two and



one of the one of the fun uh most fun

time travel uh movies that i saw with a

great time travel version was men in

black men in black three

when he jumps off the tower oh yeah yeah

yeah yeah that was very cool that was

very cool that was cool jump and then

you jump off yes that was cool and that

reminded me of something very abstract

but you know

douglas adams in hitchhiker's guide to

the galaxy had written that if you want

to fly right you jump off a cliff and

you jump off a cliff thinking that you

will not fall that's how you fly right

and for a long time i believed that

oh no and there's still a small part you

know the thing is i'll be honest there's

still a small part that believes you

know what if this is true what if what

if one every time i wake up

no i won't jump off a cliff but i'm

saying what if like jedi powers were

true or what if i could touch a wall and

go back in time i like liv having that

little bit of

fantastic i in mind i need you to right

now in front of the 243 people watching

on camera promise me i want you i will

never do acid


okay i need you to on camera

i promise i promise i promise you guys



is this what happened oh no

man tell a guy not to do acid one time


i promise you guys no i said you tell a

guy not to do acid one time and he runs

off screen right no no acid no jumping

off clips with my imagination i don't

want to do anything uh i'll be like i'll

be talking to batman being like hey you

want to time travel running into walls i

i don't want to do that i don't want to

do that

uh two more super chats then we'll

continue snowman seven first thing you

do if you had time if you had a time


first thing i do if i had a time machine

first thing i do if i have time okay you

want the honest answer right i can give

you the cool answer where i can be all

like oh man i'd like go back in time and

like i'd kill hitler or some [ __ ] like

that's the cool answer you want right



but i don't think so

i do not think that is what i would do

all right

i feel like what i would do


i would


my french

but i would roll two fatties

i would get the time machine

i would punch in the destination of one

mr isaac newton who i hear was also

quite a

quite an experimenter uh with with the

stuff um and apparently into the occult

and [ __ ] so i feel like if i rolled up

and i told mr isaac newton first of all

he's more than he's the more likely

person to believe me if i roll up to

isaac newton's place and i go listen i

know it's gonna sound crazy but if there

is anybody in this timeline i believe

that this does not sound crazy to i know

that it's you all right because i

believe that i can sit down and explain

to you that saying and by the way i want

to do amazing things yeah yeah now i

also know that you enjoy marijuana what

i would like to explain to you is that

through cross breeding

over the next hundred years

we have some tight shape

would you so like to indulge me and tell

me about your theories of gravity

and then panic when i realized that he's

not yet discovered theory of gravity and

then wonder was it just me

no i would i think it'll be a really

fascinating thing because you think

about it if you if you really think

about it right you light a dupe right or

whatever you like to do that is an

action you give it to him he smokes it

that is an opposite reaction

yeah i'm right and in that moment we are


and it is opposite because he is smarter

than me yeah exactly he's the opposite

of me oh dumbass yeah smart


this is why time travel should not be

invented because it proves that given a

chance the first thing a person do has

invented is will somebody will go and

try and do dumb things yeah you know my

mind is most selfish time travel like i

don't care about saving the world and

all that which yeah i mean if time

travel exists for me it exists for a lot

of people right so let all the people do

stuff like killing hitler and all that

[ __ ] i'll go back in time i don't know

buy bitcoin or something like that i

don't know just just become go back in

time by bitcoin

apple shares tell my past self say hey


it's okay yeah it's fine just don't

jump off a cliff that's all just that

doesn't mean it's not real i've come

from the future that does not work then

i also go back in time i'll tell my past

self hey i like i'll go back three years

and i'll be like dude uh chess is a

great thing to start streaming

i always think if i had time travel i'll

just steal other people's idea what i

will do is what i will do is that i will



to appear wherever it is you programmed

yourself to go

and show up exactly three minutes before


and say hey listen

are you from the future is going to come

and tell you that you know you can't

jump off a cliff and it's not possible

he's lying to you and doesn't want you

to unlock your full potential all right

you just need to trust me and i'm gonna

get back in the time machine i could

jump and i'm gonna be like hey you from

the future is gonna come tell you to get

something called bitcoin i don't know

why i think you ruined his life by

growing up he's trying to [ __ ] you over

don't buy bitcoin this opens this open



this is like man you aren't like [ __ ]

no you know what [ __ ] you come at me

like impractical jokers i'm coming for

your i'm coming for your crown this you

want an impractical

joke impractical time travelers is such

a fun show dude you guys are like yeah

you guys are like at best expensive

jokers like

lots of resources

this is impractical that's a great idea

man impractical time travelers like you

go back in time and you pull pranks on

people in the past you know like you did

camera hitler and all that'll be amazing

that'll actually be amazing right dude i

think we are coming up with some amazing

future shows i think we are one second



sorry guys just another day in having a

dog and a cat i was just saying

parenting yeah yeah yeah

i did a sketch sorry i know we have to

talk about movies we're getting into

personal stuff but time travel is so

like i had done a sketch i pitched it to

eic and i'm like this is what i really

want to do and we did like a mini

version of it uh it didn't do as well

and it's totally fine i at least got to

do it and the idea that i wanted to do

was it was a very simple premise every

time you see a time travel movie someone

from the future comes back in time to

tell you don't do this do that right

your future self comes back to warn you

but what if your future self travels all

the way back

and forgets what he was supposed to tell

you so that was the entire plot it was

an amnesiac time traveler so every time

i would come and i'm like sahil i had to

ah i'd written it somewhere what did i

say what okay one second one second i'll

just be right back then i go i come back

and i have a different note the ending

was wow that's the that's the plot of

doom patrol season three

i was way ahead of my time

of your time i had planted your time

damn son

uh those 255 people watching please

please please press the like button we

have to get more people watching please

please please press the like button more

people will know that this is happening

uh last few super chats and we will move

on with these things uh last two are

recently watched time lapse loved it

sorry so dev i have not heard of that

time lapse i don't know which movie that

is but i will check it out um pierce

pandey as record some of the time travel

movies which were under it were

predestination source code and 12

monkeys i will want to talk about

pre-destination yeah that was going to

be the next movie on my list also free


it's best basically it's have you read

the short story i read the short story

originally and i had not read the short

story i read it after



the movie and the movie just

blew my mind all right like it just

completely again like first of all

ethan hawk and the great great sarah


all right we know her now that you know

what when succession came out i feel

like one of those cool hipsters were

like oh are you sad snook before it was



very very hypocritically so good time

[ __ ] so good

so good so good just an entire idea of

the fizzle bomber um everything i don't

want to give too many spoilers but oh my

god i would say there are two ways to

enjoy this movie you could either read

the show read nothing read nothing you

don't want to read it okay read nothing

just go watch the movie like just read

nothing watch no trailer

like read nothing about it just get

pre-destination and just watch it cold

blind it's best

it's uh

so okay so so far we've obviously we

have uh again someone from the chat

please make a note of everything league

you guys know the first person who makes

a note is the mafat i tell you guys to

dm me but no one ever dms me uh

i'm telling you okay

of the month is very man that line is

like the saddest tinder profile in the


me but nobody

like that alone on desperation would get

so many light swipes


we found it we found them that was my

that's that's that's if i was on a

dating app that would be my line looking

for my muffatla of the month you know

like just whoever wants to be my muffat

lal please guys whoever yeah yeah

hey man

okay my fallout of the month i always

say this but it's very simple if you are

the muffala of the month the reason why

i'm saying is dm me is that the next

time if i'm doing a show in your city or

you're in mumbai i will give you free

tickets to the show bam that is my

promise to you that is the muffatal

promise okay

now i hope that gives you some

inclination to make a list of everything

we are talking

robot chicken has done a theme called

dicks with time machine across multiple

seasons it's hilarious we'll check it

out uh rohan is a time traveler how else

can you explain a man approaching his

40s yet looking like he's 19. oh

that's right


like i'd already gotten a big dream

before time travel was invented

so you know we had to um this thing so

okay predestination is one okay yeah

thank you kavish and aditya for the

super chat other day i will answer your

question in a little bit but thank you

for the super chat now rohan continue

sorry let's go destination done next

movie i have so we're not spending time

on like the obvious ones right because

otherwise just very very quick shout out

to the og's terminator terminator 2.

and too good

and and and


very important


i mean of course of course of course

because see that's a separate don't get

me started

we already like 40 minutes are over

that's a separate episode like the bttf

spin-off is separate all right of this

thing just beautiful posters here i

still have perfectly preserved for

sometimes when i want to watch on my ps

i have the blu-rays um when i don't want

to watch like any compression uh nothing

i enjoy it i love it it's too good i am

waiting two things 2015 came everyone

was waiting for the day 2015 came so

that they could hoverboard

yeah hoverboards they made a basic

version with magnets but we've still not

got that self-lacing shoes are there

right now but not those those nike oh my

god those shoes was awesome

everything about that everything ah okay

great they were outstanding

um yeah so next what the next movie that

i would like to talk about

tony darko

to the list dude to the list tony taco

man i'm telling you

that film

is just

so i don't know again doing dark is one

of those films where you can't explain

it it's just weird and beautiful and



it's just it's one of those films where

it finishes and you just

it's just lying on the floor with

emotions like running through you all

kinds of emotions like it's like it's

like imagine you got slapped in the face

or somebody punched you in the face all

right like really hard but that was the

exact moment that you also realized that


getting punched in the face sexually

excites you

right it's

at this time but

it's just

it's such a great movie jake gyllenhaal

is outstanding in it uh the soundtrack

is fantastic uh richard kelly

unfortunately did not go on to like his

next movie southland tales all of them

very okay but donnie darko is one of

those beautiful slices of weird

perfection again i still have the dvd up

here somewhere because it's just i look

at the cover sometimes because just i

don't want to talk about frank frank man

that's it

it's just one of then again it just

shows that we are you don't need like

massive budget you don't need it's

just it's a it's almost like it's a

superhero story it's a time travel it's

it's a it's a teenage drama it's so many

things it's so bizarre right like as

rajashi said yes uh this donnie ducker

was the treasurer

so when i was uh again so when i first

shifted to this building uh there was a

dvd library opposite okay and the first

dvd i picked up was tony dako at that


you know like yeah yeah

on my dvd player you know so i took

donny talker home put it in watching i'm

like what is happening what is happening

okay it took me

a few months later to understand what

happened at that time but

you're not an immediate fan of sparkle

motion yeah no no till date i am a fan

of just one thing if i your mad world i

get oh dude

straight away single time straight away

literally straight away what what is

that line my god sometimes you know when

i'm in a real you know how you have

those oh yeah wait i'll tell you that

uh that is that is the worst one i find

it kind of funny i find it kind of sad

but the dreams in which i am dying are

the the best i've ever had

oh i'm so sorry guys i'm so sorry to

bring tangai into this stream but

full but yeah

and it's just it's beautiful and the way

it sort of fits the movement

it's just donny donny


complete goosebumps when i think about

that ending the whole sequence about

that movie without spoilers just without

spoilers beautiful just beautiful my god

my god my god oh please go to therapy

yes we are

it's called binge o'clock it happens

every week

that's why we're trying to be regular

guys it's not about you

they're streaming it's just us oh my god

i'll change the mood i'll give you an

underrated classic for me i don't think

many people have seen it and for me this

is a one second

we should take this clip later and we

should like pull it up online and get

somebody to subtitle it because we can't

hear you angry father who screams at his

children that's that's the like what is


uh tintin and gammonomics thank you

we've uh i have a groundhog day an edge

of tomorrow yes they do count because we

already said time look movies count and

we will discuss that the girl who read

through time is an anime movie i have

not seen it but it's heard that i've

seen the trailer and i've always wanted

to watch it so i will definitely talk

about it if we watch it definitely will

do the movie i want to talk about is


frequently asked questions about time


okay very few people have seen this

movie it is an ex bring it on my list

underrated movie i think it's there on

prime video frequently asked questions

about time travel



it's a very fascinating movie it's about

three guys who are in a bar they're

having a drink and they

something happens and then they see

their future cells and pass them okay

and future says passes it's a goofy time

travel movie it's not like one of those

oh my god what is happening you know it

and it's but it's not as yeah what's up

time machine

some of the things that happen in

the time travel in the loop the way it's

explained the way

the past and i think one of the most

beautiful forms of time travel is when

your past and present cells have that

you know you have that loop where ever

when did it actually start

right when did i actually start which

also was done really really really well

in prisoner of azkaban right yeah like

that sort of that's the movie right it's


you you're a tongue but then you realize

that and you go to discover but in the

future you realize you're the one who

caused that tongue in the first place so

where did the tongue actually start

um extremely fascinating movie so yeah

that sounds really underrated movie it's

british and it's got anna ferris in it

uh oh nice that's about it that's all

i'm going to tell you but please watch

it if you want a really light time

travel movie that you'll enjoy i would

always be down for a dirty light time

travel movie right

i mean i you know like and and in full

class because they're rare because

they're rare yeah yeah like full

creativity i know i did paid promotion

for it but i did watch the adam project

and it was actually chill it was

actually quite fun yeah yeah i'm sure it

looks fun i haven't seen it yet yeah

again future self meets past self and

then what happens but their time travel

is very different their time travel is

explained as your future self is in a

certain point in your universe and your

past self is in a certain point like

avengers when you go back in time it

doesn't affect so on and so forth but

yeah fun movie uh okay one more i want

to talk about and then we shall move on

this is um with it it was right here

same very similar line this is a spanish

time travel movie called time crimes

okay i haven't seen time crime i've

heard about it i haven't seen it same

thing same thing it's basically someone

gets murdered and you have to figure

it's like a time travel murder mystery

triangle time crimes all come under the

same this thing and the more you again

no spoilers so just definitely please to

watch please to watch um time crying

only ask questions

and i'm going to name one last movie if

you ask me

if there is and i've seen a lot of time

travel movies but if there is and

someone up top in the chat had mentioned

if there is one movie that gives me

goosebumps every single time and i've

seen it three times

it has to be the flashpoint paradox oh

dude flashpoint paradox is too good i


every stream i do i always we were doing

the chalchitra recommendations i was

like please watch flashpoint paradox

dashboard watch out for this just watch

flashpoint paradox

uh and i would tell people to watch it

also because the new flash movie is

flashpoint paradox okay it's not like a

big spoiler for the movie but you watch

the original animated or if you're

really into it read the comic then you

can watch enjoy the new one which is

coming but

it's too good it's just what a great

like alternate universe like vibe just

so good so so so good

man one of my favorite dc animated

movies just same all

all the fails in that movie yeah

oh my god


okay cool all of them okay i think i've

interrupted now you go no okay me i have

because it must be mentioned i have here

on the list um

two very different movies


have you seen part of the list hell yeah

yeah hell yeah fully part of the list

looper too good if you haven't seen it

please watch joseph gordon levitt and

bruce willis


playing the same guy basically

concept is great this is the starting

concept in the future uh best way to

hide evidence of crimes is like anybody

that they want to kill they just send


person back in time where there's an

assassin waiting so that person lands up

back lit you send the person back 20 30

years assassin kills him the second he

shows up berries

done no crime

no such a good lot no

no evidence of murder in the future as a

result of this

one day young hitman is waiting

patiently uh guy arrives all tied up etc

hitman realizes it's him

like it's older him like in the this

thing that they'll be shot that's where

that starts water that's just the start

of it and from there just

too good too good movie too good ending

number one tip top full recommend very

healthy baked goods

done best please looper is looper is

also organic hand crafted beautiful


that is looper okay



because i come from a generation that

was exposed to this movie on so when

stark like the star network first came

to india's channel like no now star

movies we take it right like yeah it's

star movies first game yeah okay star

movies had four movies

one of those movies was billington

all right

bill and ted's bogus journey bill

intense excellent adventure excellent

excellent and just

it introduced me like this is before

speed before anything that which is like

john wick and all like it's so sweet

it's so cool because i'm like dude that

[ __ ] villain dead dude what do you

say yeah um right and see keanu leaves

go from there to there again it's just

the most

idiotic beautiful the real


like thing because it's just like look

this is a movie that just goes look this

is basically a movie about two stone

rockers um and

the worst possible people that you could

give a time machine to

but what if you gave them a time machine

and they put the fate of the universe

in their hands and then as a result of

that they literally did just have

a bogus journey and an excellent


and they are just dude

george carlin isn't it yeah um then um

william sadler played the grim reaper

um i remember just utterly outstanding

uh and they parody that scene from the

seventh seal where they play chess

with death and then it just turns into

one whole thing

from there

and it's just they're just such fun

movies it is so much fun because it's

very simple they are going back in time

and getting kidnapping technically

historical figures that's it and now

seeing historical figures in the modern

day like seeing genghis khan in a mall

again i'm not giving major spoilers but

you already watching this you're like

this is so stupid but this is just so

stupid funny it is so funny did you see

the newest one

the newest villain ted yeah yeah i did

it was

the the i forgot his name but the ball

guy from barry was the main villain in

valentine the robot correct correct


that is one of my

it's just everything you know with a

random electric guitar you know like



since people have mentioned it i have to

obviously talk about it a lot of people

are talking about it but yes my friends

i am a hardcore time travel person and i

also watch regional time travel cinema i

have seen a movie called 24 with surya

in it fantastic movie

great animation great i think that's

what the

like south kills it with animation

basically surya is

a scientist he has created a time


he has a kid

and he's got

his evil brother who is also him only

basically he's playing three roles in

the movie father brother son

whoa wow and something happens to the

father then the second or a narcissist

without telling me


hey don't ever say that okay surya fans

will attack you syria fans will cancel

you don't ever


surya 24 is a yeah tk okay movie it's

fun but not like wow manado is a movie

that i want to watch that is some i just

saw the trailer a few days ago that is a

tiny look movie about a guy who

assassinates a politician and he comes

back to that same day and i think the

inspector has to find out who the killer

is so oh nice fantastic those are the

two sort of uh

regional time travel movies i wanted to

talk about


one underrated movie i want to talk

about is that

i feel that they didn't do a good job

about it but it was obviously based on

an amazing theory i think it is called

thundering no sound of thunder

sound of thunder

sound of thunder is based on i think it

is based also on an hg well story if i'm

not wrong uh sound a sound of thunder


yeah yeah

sound of thunder it's it did very badly

at the box office but i remember see the

thing is a lot of things about time

travel movie a lot of things about

movies and everything also is at the

time at which you see it right like

right now if i were to watch the sound

of thunder i'd be like yeah they clear

yes i don't want to like i don't care

about this you know but uh

honestly like it's a very simple plot

line in the future they and they have

expeditions where you can go back in the

past and you can see dinosaurs simple as

that right and they tell you it's a very

simple rule whatever you do

do not mess around with anything in the

past because it can create ripples into

the future and one of them steps on a


that's the butterfly effect right yes

it's called because of that because you

could injure one butterfly in the past

and it could cause ripples in time and

it shows how sound like it's done very

badly but the plot was very fascinating

i really enjoyed that and close to that

was also the

butterfly effect movie i enjoyed the

butterfly effect i i i thoroughly

enjoyed it i enjoyed the butterfly

effect very very much i thought he was

really good in it i thought it was a

really good movie very nice emotional

ending again ronak yeah i'm like yeah


like that that whatever happened at the

ending was just no

you know it's like

if about time is the you know like the

optimist in you butterfly effect donnie

darko all these movies are like hey [ __ ]

you for the pessimist

[ __ ] you that's not how time works

time's not your friend

time's not your friend time hates you

time taking pills and make you [ __ ] i

don't like you you're not trying friend

you work for time time to work for you

oh so bad so just it just i don't like

movies well

time travel like that's why i think hot

tub time machine all these movies are so

much fun because time travel happens

it's part of the universe but it's just

there for fun

you know yeah to make you feel like oh

[ __ ] what is happening oh no what is

happening oh god god god god this thing

um but yeah

those are the movies uh predestination

yes has been mentioned friends

i have one but still

and i mean again it's actually not like

unknown or whatever but just has to be

mentioned because of and again i was

very fortunate to go see this in the

theater arrival

all right

please watch arrival

and that's all i've seen it i didn't

like it and that is all you didn't like

it i didn't like it

maybe because i think when i saw it i

don't know i it's just i didn't


just and i love that i will like again

it was just one of those movies it's the

danny villeneuve thing right we go there

and his movies just like wash over you

yeah like in every single way i enjoy

the rivals so much best

arrival and interstellar are two of the

movies that i saw in the theater

and while

people maybe again maybe i feel again

time that my interest i think

interstellar is okay

i think interested was okay i was very

proud of my logical plot hole that at

the end if by chance she had a digital

watch then he couldn't have done jack

[ __ ] no

i was very proud of my plot hole and

that's a very very useful christopher

nolan i tried emailing him also like


yeah yeah hello and what is his response

oh buddy wait till you see the next one

i'll show you

i mean fun

this is actually a very

interesting thing i mean it's not rig

with regards to time travel per se but

in inception

they play what's the name i think edith

yeah yeah

yeah that song that they play when they

get go to sleep as they go deeper and

deeper and deeper the sound goes

yeah oh that's just the song that is

slowed down because you're going deeper

into the mind and i'm like man



inception technically is time travel

right technically if you want to think

about the entire

the guy who's stuck in the dream uh yeah

satoshi everything it is technically

time it's a little time travelling yeah


yeah that i mean that yeah sorry what

when i saw it i wasn't ready for it i

think that's what it was what was it

about it that you didn't enjoy i'm


one of the plot points

okay um where i found it really stupid

though okay


don't give spoilers

spoilers but something that happens

towards the ending of the movie that i'm

like bro bro shut up shut up that is

utter nonsense

they see our rao i said tamil movie

list okay there are source codes

all right it was fun then then if you're

doing groundhog day you're doing source

code then i will definitely add to that

list source code i loved it

was good fun it was saturday then great

this is the best version of that though

is edge of tomorrow man like

says such edge of tomorrow and then

there's everything else

such a good movie it's just

just so good just so good good movie i


i have spoken about i thought i fell in

love with emily blunt after devil wears

prada but oh my god

after edge of tomorrow oh my god dude

and tom cruise is fun dude like in that

movie you know it's not tom cruise tom

cruise you know it's like tom cruise

just having fun that entire training

sequence was so much fun great fun i i

love i love that i love edge of tomorrow

i this is again second time third time

fourth time maybe in this team that i'm

mentioning the time look movie premature

uh i've mentioned it many times before

but it's a time look movie where every

time the guy prematurely ejaculates he

he goes back in time to when he wakes up

in bed that morning that's it

stupid rom-com

very funny love it so last year another

time look movie came out called palm

springs which was really nice i enjoyed

palm springs good fun palm springs was

also a lot of palm springs was good fun

very very good fun great cast breezy

time look movies always make me fun

another weird time to movie very few

people know uh happy death day to you

happy death day happy just happy death

day no no then i think the sequel came

out happy that day two you i think oh

really okay okay that day also was a lot

of fun yeah

like fun touch you know like everything


everything is thought about everything

is thought about everything everything

is about and everything is planned

listen i i just have to say something we

got a super chat and i don't know

whether that's actually his name or he's

trying to troll us

his love story 2015 harman bhavi and

priyanka tk that was his super chat but

his name is uh sunny surya

yeah i'm sure that's his real name

that your real name buddy or sunny surya

is is is that your real name

please tell me because oh sunny and

surya is like

man yeah come on man

like sunny surya is a great name yeah

it's like a seashore sahil you know it's

like it's everything put together dude

uh triangle we've spoken about

that day to you we spoken about

you want to talk about marvel time

travel movies not really i mean end game

had time travel yes it was great it was

your future past the future past was

also fun i enjoyed the future past

it was good

it was it was good but it wasn't like

[ __ ] crazy crazy time travel yeah it was

like a lot of people like even end game

end game to that extent had

taken time travel was fun but like it

was for it was massive time travel you

know they're like yeah we will not

explain it

it was like it was like look we have

reached a point in the writing where the

only way to fix this

is by traveling through time

that's all that there is to do about it


let's go

i have three movies i want to talk about

one that i haven't seen and two that i

have seen oh oh my god three actually

one i want to talk about it's a very

random movie it is called time after

time it is a very old movie i think

what's his name alex uh mcdowell that

was the guy in clockwork

he is playing hg wells in a version

where edgy wells is in the past and he

has a time machine and jack the ripper

takes the time machine and goes to the

future and g wells has to catch him

okay then that's a lot

that's a lot

that sentence really kept going didn't


that sentence just yeah there were times

where you could have there were many

places you could have put a full stop

and there was still a bit of fun

it's an old movie i think they made a

remake a few years ago but time after

time is that version and since we are

talking about hg wells the original time

machine oh my god such a good movie that

that was the founding of it which

machine that there was i don't remember

that one uh i'll i'll find the link that

was actually fantastic uh so yeah those

are the basic these things

two ones which i want to talk about one

which is just genuinely another

heartwarming time travel movie midnight

in paris

i loved it i got really bored

this guy's an aspiring author he's in

paris and then when he walks one dark

alley he goes back in time and meets

authors from the past and he's in that

time meeting authors from the past and

then he comes out of the alley he's back

in like the normal listening and i think

that's a very cool concept if you could

go back in time meet your favorite

authors what would you do or what did

you talk to them about so that level or

like go back meet shakespeare and be

like hey

that will level you like what do you do

what do you do

last movie in this list

12 monkeys oh dude 12 monkeys while i

did 12 monkeys and ancillary the short

film that it was kind of based on called

yeti by a guy called chris marker which

is also very very cool and very nice

black and white tavern card fully the

stick but he has 12 monkeys two two two

good twelve monkeys are very very

fascinating again very

i you know i was going through this is

very interesting by the way i was going

through right before we started the

stream going through the paradoxes that

there are you know uh pre-destination

bootstrap grandfather uh let's kill

hitler and something called paul

chinky's paragraphs which i had never

read before but now that i read it my

mind is blown uh this so i'll just

quickly run through the paradoxes also

since people are here i think we should

run uh predestination paradox is when

the actions of a person traveling back

in time become part of the past events

and ultimately cause the event he is

trying to prevent to take place

which is a lot of movies we have spoken

about today have that paradox so i'm not

going to tell you which is which because

i don't want to spoil it for you but

that is one paradox

then you have the bootstrap paradox

where an object person or piece of

information sent back in time results in

an infinite loop where the object has no

discernible origin and exists without

ever being created case and point

terminator now that i can add spoilers

like the first terminator the guy goes

back in time to kill i think to

assassinate to find uh john connor's mom

who goes back in time john connor sends

a soldier to go back in time and protect

his mother and then that soldier falls

in love with the mother and introduces

john connor so yes yes there is no

origin who is john connor yeah who is

john connor uh time traveling sperm you

know like that is that there is no

origin to that i am traveling sperm yeah

i'm traveling

grandfather paradox is going back in

time and trying to kill your grandfather

but creating an alternate timeline so

that is the basic grandfather paradox

and similar to that is the let's kill

hitler paradox which is the butterfly

effect because if you kill hitler what

will happen blah blah blah blah blah and

how time changes in the future paul



he wrote he wrote a time paradox

scenario in which a billiard ball enters

a wormhole and emerges out of the other

other end in the past just in time to

collide with its younger version and

stop it going into the wormhole in the

first place and that breaks my mind

[ __ ] that's crazy [ __ ]

yeah it's like


time travel through a wormhole and you

land up in the past so like you're about

to time travel and when you go through

you'll end up right here before you went

through and you hit yourself so you

don't end up going

but you're both still there yeah yeah i

don't know how this yeah how it works

that's crazy

yeah this is this is uh it is very very

fascinating um they wish i had seen i

read aditya madhuri's chat he had asked

something and i said i had said thank

you to aditya for the super chat also

now it's gone up all the way uh if you

can just let me know what is super

chatted i will read it as well as aditya

if you can just let me know in the chat

let me know but yes and then there are

two of you i don't know how it works i

didn't read it up properly i'm just

explaining the basic paradox yeah yeah

that's fine we're not accusing you of

inventing it no no


and uh yeah dude just just

desire do i have anything else on my

list like no

looper back to the future parameter

oh i mean okay this is technically i

mean it's not a time travel movie so

much but it doesn't happen like people

could say idiocracy of course idiocracy

if you want to see a time travel movie

idiocracy is great if you haven't seen

it please watch it um very depressing

because now unfortunately all of it is

true true it's true we just live in a

democracy it's great


but yeah that's basically i think that's

pretty much kind of sponsoring the


about time we've

done it doesn't come under time travel

so i'm not counting that movie uh there

is so the last movie i wanted to talk

about was a movie that


just it it's just come out last

year and i want to watch it edgar writes

last night in soho i haven't seen it yet

i was i was actually going to watch it

maybe tonight after the stream but yeah

yeah that's the basic plot line again


giving spoilers but is this girl

somehow travels back in time and she is

in someone else's body and she has to

figure out

what happened to that girl without

giving major spoilers yeah now why is

this movie so fascinating okay i have to

talk about this okay so

a big part of

any movie right any anything just if you

sometimes look at the behind the scenes

right or your future self to pack self

right now i'll give you like some great

examples of fantastic movie making

before i get into this edgar wright


in terminator

they showed a scene where they are

looking into a mirror right both sarah

corners are looking into a mirror and

fixing arnold's hair

and the camera goes through the mirror

and you're like how did they achieve

that well you know how they achieved

that they were twins

she has a twin

left twin who is on the opposite side


basically there is just a body double of

arnold here and arnold on the opposite

side and they are mimicking each other's


that's crazy yes and that is a technique

used multiple times it was used in

sucker punch also there is an entire

video also on

youtube called the art of the invisible

camera you should definitely watch it

it's a video essay about how these

things are pulled off now keeping that

in mind what edgar wright has pulled off

in last night and soho and which is why

i also want to really watch it is that

throughout the movie he has shot the

entire movie with mirrors everywhere


so why because they want to show that

let's say you go back in time and you're

in someone else's body but when that

person looks into the mirror

you're obviously chasing herself right

yeah yeah so there is an entire sequence

around a staircase where they put around

450 mirrors and had

the girl in the past walk and on the

other side the girl who she actually is

don't give spoilers i'm not giving

spoilers this is all in the trailer this

all in the toilet i'm not getting any

spoilers at all because i have not seen

them so how can i give spoilers oh

correct correct uh i'm just trying to

say that

yeah and that's the beauty of all these

movies right off of anything right is

just like too good man edgar though

he is he's my favorite

asani surya said does midnight in paris

count as time travel yes we just talked

about it uh mirage spanish by oriol

paolo i want to watch it it's got that

guy nice what's the professor's name i

forget his name

why do i always forget people's names

but professor he is there in that uh in

what al alvaro malte that's his name yes

would you travel back in time to avoid

disastrous decisions made on your

favorite shows like tonight's show in

2010 and top gear in 2015 very pop

culture time travel yeah very very very

hectically pop culture but how do you

know that the alternative wouldn't be as

bad so no i wouldn't waste like time

travel opportunity on that you tell them

all this private [ __ ] write something

else and then they just had another [ __ ]

ending for lost and now instead of one

i've seen two bad endings for lost

you know yes that no matter how much

your time travel the ending of loss will

still be [ __ ] up it'll still suck


stein's gate a lot of people are talking

about i've never seen i've seen it it's

good fun yeah watch it yeah it's an

anime it's very weird but it's good fun

thanks kate and the girl who left

through time those are part of my anime

list and yeah last that someone has

mentioned multiple times the goofiest

but it's not technically time travel is

taken as a joke but austin powers yeah

austin powers sure austin powers will

definitely come under that entire

situation so of course yeah guys i think

that's my entire list has all the movies

that i wanted to talk about all the

movies are here everything if i can

think of more time travel movies i will

definitely let you know but

like i said earlier

two things to observe a

obviously observe the paradoxes observe

how people have gone around the

paradoxes to write something like that i

think that's the most fascinating thing

about writing or reading or

understanding time travel

and uh last but not the least um

just see how they've

how they've made it simple as that it's

it's just fascinating um if you guys

have any questions quickly let us know

i'm going to ask rohan one question what

like i said my one of my favorite

versions of time travel was men in black

was there a favorite version of time

travel that you enjoyed watching

your favorite version of time travel

like even time machine when he's sitting

and seeing the entire this thing spin

around him yeah the world grows

dies grows nice i thoroughly enjoyed


depiction of time leak you can also

answer what is your favorite depiction

of time travel that so my favorite

depiction of one of my favorite

depictions is like just also just not

actually from a movie like i love the

tardis i love the idea of the tardis

like at the time machine

and how it works and it's just beautiful

and i love it

and also of course i mean


i think you can't be the greatest time

machine that ever lived i think i think

you can't you know what guys if you are

interested we will do a full back to the

future stream because i feel like

that needs to be spoken about with

regards to back to the future but the

delorean is the coolest time machine


it just is

everything everything yes that is just

perfect that is one of the things that i

have wanted to buy i don't know if you

know this but there is a flux capacitor


you can buy it for your car yeah

basically just connect it into the that

socket area yeah and then it's just

there that's it

like i i was sharing power of love for

the story i got goosebumps because i'm

like dude what is this movie oh my god i

want to watch it i want to watch it i

want to definitely watch it again

so yeah and by the way chat we have

already spoken about all the movies

tamil movie 24 everything eleven eleven

point eleven i think that's a stephen

king that's the show

that's the show that shows a separate

episode on shows today was supposed to


and yeah guys these are all the time

travel movies i think there's a lot that


we if if there's something that we have

not seen please let us know i will

definitely try to watch it i've given

rohan some records rowan has given me

some records that we need to defer

therefore watch

and i really hope you guys enjoy this

journey because it's or you can go back

in time and tell us you didn't whatever

exactly it doesn't matter entirely your


your call no one can stop you but yeah

that's all that we have with regards to

time travel uh rohan any announcements

from the past future present

announcements from the past future

present are that uh this weekend live

quizzing is happening on saturday you're

there on saturday who are you

saturday i am with if i'm not mistaken

i'm with sritika and uh devaya are you

with your tomorrow i am tomorrow with

sulakna and uh and uh weber oh full fun

that'll be a fun one yeah

i'm actually very excited honestly

because uh he wanted to do it in jan

right and yeah it didn't work out but

i'm very excited because for the first

time we have other people

yes we do we have other people it's true

we can collectively feel dumb it's not

only me going [ __ ] why didn't i answer

that all of us together so that that is

definitely happening um i know the

medians on board is going on yeah still

please watch i'm losing every match i

have played but it's okay that's okay

you're playing it for fun

and getting the hang of it it's what i

have to tell myself every time i almost

like rage smash my keyboard at the end

of the game no i did that by the way i i

randomly i i

long ago i had got like the i think i

did something for chess.com and we got

the i got the diamond this thing but i

was like [ __ ] i don't want people to

know that this is me and i suck so i

created a random account and i played

with a random account and the first

match i played i hug out from 800 my

rating went down to 500 and i'm like wow

they really really punish you for they

punish you

i guess i need to get back to playing

chess just for the fun of it uh that's

the problem right i i've been playing

chess since i was a kid but i i played


a gun

these three minute five minute matches

freaked me out damn hardcore dude they

freaked out i'm hardcore this time i'm

like what do i do

i can't do this it's too fast oh

way too hardcore um so yeah those are

the announcements for rohan as what else

what else what else

oh next week uh there will of course be

another episode of the side pod which is

new f1 podcast that has sprung up out of

nowhere it's the binge o'clock for f1

the binger clock for you yeah

f1 o'clock f1 o'clock

which will be either on monday or

tuesday because uh i think saudi arabia

yeah saudi arabia is this week uh

so that should be fun what else what

else what else very interesting question

from devesh what crosswords question



i i have two basic announcements uh one

is though definitely next week we are

back with another episode of ninja clock

we are just figuring maybe oscars or

maybe moon night let's see how the week

pans out yeah but maybe both how does it

matter there's a lot coming out we are

super excited

both are golden guys both are utter

golden guys

uh that was one number two if you're new

to the channel please subscribe and

press like i'm trying to hit 100k it's

been a very slow journey

stand up bri stand up is being edited

out there's an electric delorean car in

production coming soon but sorry yes

using standup is coming out when is

stand-up coming out

will come out for that also so lots of

that is happening and last but not the

least uh i have started solving escape

rooms online i saw yes and now

eventually after one two episodes i'll

be getting guests so rohan obviously

i'll be calling you for the first

episode as a guest and then we'll be

getting more guests and it's gonna be a

lot of fun so those are the fun things

that are happening on this channel i'm

going to try to stream more and yeah i

hope you guys enjoyed today's episode

the headline here you're planning a tour

that's amazing

i i i've been for two years i've been

waiting to do this i was about to

announce my tour and then they said hey

oh man

lock down and i'm like cool i guess

yeah i guess i'll sit at home

but yeah these are all the announcements

we have more importantly in two

two weeks or next two episodes we'll

have hit 25 episodes of pincher that's

some crazy [ __ ] 25. that's so crazy [ __ ]

silver is it called silver silver this

thing what is it called it's called

whatever we want to be called 25

episodes awesome

it's called whatever we wanted to be


because we're amazing yeah silver and

what's cool is we get to celebrate two

episodes in a row because 25 means

people 25 episodes which is cool at 2016

with officially hit six months half a

year worth of episodes you guys

thank you so much for being part of this

journey more importantly thank you so

much for showing up every time and

watching us just

have normal conversations

this is just a normal conversation that

we said why not let's put it online

that's it thank you so much for watching

this and coming uh keep coming league we

absolutely love you to everybody who's

super chatted thank you very very much

uh to the mafatals we appreciate you and

to the mod

but to everybody who is regularly here

and everybody was part of the league

thank you so much this was our stream on

time travel

if you did enjoy then yeah tell your

future self to come back or if you will

enjoy in the future then tell your fast

self to come back and like this in the


add on that no ladies and gentlemen it's

time and if you did enjoy no one if you

didn't enjoy it [ __ ] off to the past

where there isn't youtube and stay there

yeah or you can just go back to the time

where rohan is trying to stop me from

time traveling and then just

there's a lot that you can go a lot of

places that you can make yourself useful

a lot of places that you can go yeah do

that okay all right guys enjoy your time

travel enjoy the night love you sahil

and rohan please give a shout out on my

podcast on youtube it's ki it's called

kinda old man okay aditya uh please do

check out kinda old man

yeah this is podcast on youtube done all

right guys bye bye bye see y'all good

night so good thank you everybody ending

music one two three let's go





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