May 16, 2024

How To Make Rock Candy DIY Science Experiment with Ryan's World!!!!

Published June 8, 2023, 9:20 a.m. by Violet Harris

How To Make Rock Candy DIY Science Experiment with Ryan's World!!!!

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I wonder have these roommate hey Ryan

did you know you can make rock can you


want me to show you how sure let's go

okay I got this


maybe just a pinch of sugar hey what you

doing oh gosh

definitely not eating sugar huh huh this

looks pretty cool what you got going on

making some black handy for Ryan whoa

you know the best thing about rock candy

it's actually really easy to make and

it's only two main ingredients sugar and

water pink shoes shoes shoes shoes

really likes candy let's get started

then it looks like cute switch is cool

and it's the best but it's also what a

stick so it's easy great thing that

we're gonna do is build a very Center

for a rock candy now we are gonna use

these paper sticks mmm paper sticks you

don't eat the paper stick it's kind of

like what would be in the center of a

lollipop we're gonna take the stick

we're gonna dip it in water like this

what we need sugar to definitely need

some sugar so let's get some sugar on a


perfect yay sugar wahoo sugar sugar

sugar sugar there's gonna be a lot of

that now that we have our stick all nice

and wet we're gonna roll it around get

some sugar on here and it should look

something felt like that which this will

give our rock crystals plenty of stuff

to grow on

now that we have all of our sticks

coated in sugar we're just gonna set

them aside and let them dry so we can

use them later now we can commence with

the creation of our rock candy

that's right Peck maybe I should just

take this sugar away and put it over

here so the first thing we're gonna do

is add water we are gonna add 1 cup of

water which all I could find was a half

cup measuring cup so we need two of them

then we're gonna turn on our cooktop and

we're gonna turn it on boil so we can

get a cooking now we're going to add our

sugar we're going to slowly mix it we're

gonna try to use about 2/3 cup but we

have to make sure it dissolves fully in

the water we have a bowl of sugar water

now what are those your sport well that

is a good question Peck we are gonna use

all these different jars to grow our

individual rock candies now we don't

need the lid because this is actually

gonna go in here just like that and grow

all of our crystals what about the color

who won shoot rainbow well brick why do

you think I have all this food color

green here for our rock candy we're

gonna make red orange green blue purple

and I think I'm gonna leave the last one

clear because I just want to see what

the regular rock candy looks like red

lycra Titan cozy super red orange like

no he's so crazy green like us cause

he's like

super to purple 4-pack propose the fast

see-through like it goes no I'm kind of


really something moving on the last

thing that we have to do to make our

rock candy is we just take the

centerpiece our sugar sticks and then we

just put them right in the center and

wait we need to hold it in place and

well I don't have six arms and if I let

it go it's gonna it's gonna fall and oh

oh don't worry Bri I know we can use

okay Peck hurry be right back


okay sure hope it gets here soon I'm

getting so tired

hey that is much better it was a success

now we can start making the kids yeah

how long do we have to paint like five

minutes huh oh I mean ten minutes thirty

minutes it's gonna be more like five

days but what that's like 7200 minutes

okay I'm just gonna go

don't worry Peck you got this I'll see

you in five days


well since we're just waiting here how

about we take a look at the science

behind rock candy so water and sugar are

both molecules now when we heat up the

water the water molecules and then we're

left with all this space that we can add

a lot of sugar to hey bring in the sugar


great job pets now that we have Oh

sugar this is called a super saturated

solution as our solution cools the sugar

begins to crystallize and these crystals

form rock candy speaking of rock candy I

think ours is ready let's go candy sure


whoa how's it been 7,200 minutes it has

which is why I'm here it's candy time

candy candy candy yeah but but how are

we gonna get the candy out you're right

Peck these are stuck in pretty good but

I think we can use this regular

plain-jane spoon - maybe chisel it out

so we need to break the top layer oh my

goodness that is a lot of sugar crystals

whoa there we go oh man it is all sugary

and sticky and yummy

we definitely need this to Joyce so

we're gonna use this cup to let our rock

candy dry so it collects oh there's

really sticky stuff and we don't make a

mess everywhere oh wow it looks so tasty

and crunchy

I can't wait to try some hmm wait a

second that blue one looks broken

what happened well Peck the stick got

stuck in the jar when I went to pull it

out and that's because it was a little

too close to the bottom and all these

crystals grew around it okay if I try

some of the candy now I've been so

patient and helpful we can definitely

eat all of this rock candy as soon as it

dries the Candy's ready my patients play

me Peter

yeah sure good good job back now is the

best part we get to taste test

Oh shiny look all those crystals they

are so yummy and shiny best part

mmm that really done hmm

this is so good it's filling me with



whoa and the best part about this is

it's so simple to make you can make it

up with two it just takes a little bit

takes a little while yeah haha I'm gonna

heat the rest uh maybe it maybe well

we'll save those for later Peck okay

thank you for showing me how to make

these drop here it's so rock candies

yeah it's great

so sweet thank you for watching on how

to make rock candy video bye

remember always stay happy and rise up




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