May 17, 2024

Senator Godfrey Osotsi: State forced the Finance Bill upon Kenyans and that is why they are angry

Published July 19, 2023, 10:20 a.m. by Monica Louis

#CitizenTV #Kenya #news #semanacitizen #citizendigital #daybreak

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you see this is how Kenya concert

trivialize these issues yeah the issues

I I said in my opening remarks were that

we had excessive police brutality and I

said that all the people who have died

in this demonstration they are all

victims of the police brutality yeah

they were shot there is no single

individual and I challenge

to produce any individual who has been


who doesn't have a gun wound

I challenge them to produce number two I

raise the issue of the

pre-demonistration statements by none

other than Ruto himself

he was seen on TV


and warning that as the president he

will not allow demonstrations

we have seen a member of Parliament and

I have a clip here if you allow me I can

give you the clip you play A Member of

Parliament the Member of Parliament for

courier West came out and said police

should shoot those demonstrators he has

not been arrested the guy is still there

in and in migori you saw what happened

yeah one of the victim was from migori

so these are serious issues that are

expected and experienced politicians


would come and address instead of going

into trivial issues yeah he is talking

about vehicle I was not eager yesterday

did you pay anyone 1000 we don't pay our

people to demonstrate people just

demonstrate on their own clever he has

talked about everything in Vigor I was

not in Vigor he has talked about me

being in the office of the the whip I

was not in the office of the whip

please don't be basing your argument on

messages you receive he has shown me the

message he received from Vega and

apparently the person who sent him the

message is a non-individual who sends

politicians messages for handouts and

even that individual and I know him by

name I have just employed the Sun the

other day okay yeah so so the thing is

let's focus on serious issues like the

issues the senator

that he has not slept he has been up and

about trying to deal with the issues of

police brutality the killings and the

killings are more than the six that we

are being told so many people in Nairobi

have been killed by the police brutality

what are we going to do about this

police brutality okay A Member of

Parliament A Member of Parliament a


who has gone through this process of

demonstration and police brutality

should be the last person to glorify

police brutality and killings all right

we want to have a situation yeah please

you know you know you are the only

member of the National Assembly seated

among the Senators Senators we are very

responsible people we don't encourage

Hercules you need to listen to me as I


we need to promote a college aware we

allow Kenyans to enjoy the freedoms they

have to enjoy without intimidation

by the state without

influence of the police through

brutality let Kenyans enjoy this okay

they are trying to come up with a bill

to limit the enjoyment of demonstration

okay and freedom of assembly yeah we are

saying that you will manage to push

through it okay in the National

assembles but Kenyans will resist it

again okay and and I want to say yeah

because said you have a parliament to

use the parliament that they are talking

about we have seen what happened we saw

what happened in the National Assembly

okay the passage of the finance bill all

right and even the other day

let me finish my point none other than

osoro yeah who is the majority whip in

the National Assembly came out and said

they bought members of parliament okay

and that's why Kenyans are hungry okay

Kenyans are hungry because the MPS who

are supposed to represent them were

bought Kenyans are hungry because the

views are presented on the finance bill

were ignored yeah and the state went

ahead and forced that law on the people

of Kenya okay so what what are the

options do Kenyans have they demonstrate

when they go to demonstrate

police are being used to kill them okay

where are we heading towards


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