May 15, 2024


Published July 4, 2023, 3:20 a.m. by Naomi Charles




In this episode the guys are joined by friend and therapist Kati Morton! They dive deep into the world of narcissism and love bombing! They also get a shocking update from viewer CeCe that blew their minds! Throw in some Disney Movie theories, iCarly audio illusions and a fun game of GUESS THAT MR BEAST GHOST KITCHEN and you’ve got yourself a wild time on the couch!


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we have a groundbreaking update from


I was like no I'm gonna go from here oh

my God CeCe I told you to slow the [ __ ]


okay welcome back to whatever the hell

this is I'm so excited we have so much

to do today and one of my favorite

people in the whole world my good friend

Katie Morgan is here yes

guys we have a therapist

shit's about to get real finally oh my

God we can get in a fight with a

mediator I know and you technically okay

first of all hi Katie Moore you guys

know Katie if you don't Katie Morton

licensed marriage and family therapist

family therapist we've done series

together videos I've done videos on your

channel and we're just also friends yeah

uh okay so yes when we start fighting

you can kind of mediate and join in and

say okay Rylan you're being abusive to

Shane it's not your fault I have a

feeling Katie will take my side well is

it fair that you're like have any sort

of bias in this because you know both of

us I don't know whose side you're on

naturally but I think it'd be more

balanced okay I know you guys together

thank you what I mean yeah yes so and

you see him boss me around in real life

somebody has to boss him around I know I

like it

um okay

okay also before we get into the show I

also need to just make a statement

um an apology no an explanation no an

explanation because during this episode

I'm gonna be doing something that

probably everybody's gonna be doing

constantly that I was doing before we

started selling so have you guys seen

The Wendy Williams clip where she's like

oh she passed away oh

anyways all right MC light so we've been

doing all day we can't stop doing it so

during the show at some point we will be

doing some awesome news and I just want

to explain why

um okay first uh let's do a quick

fashion update because you brought your

A game too to this oh

okay first Jared obviously you're

wearing the knockoff Gucci sweat suit

very um like a box of animal crackers

you know isn't it kind of the same

colors or I think it belongs in Vegas

I'm about to go perform on the pier the

last one was a big hit in your real life

I feel like you've worn it out outside

of this show a lot oh yeah the other

tiger one it's a staple in my wardrobe

now but this one's cool too I like it

very flashy very nice oh it looks

beautiful thank you Chris we have your

Takis hoodie which um I wanted to get to

uh you know show off your peruvians

itakis approved it's everywhere I think

no I do not like Takis oh how dare you

it's too much flavor no I I prefer a hot

fry I know that's very unpopular oh I

love it not even the Cheetos the fry I

love her the Takis have too much flavor

seasoning and too powdery yeah it's too

much for me okay I've never been more

offended I've never even had Taki so I

can't speak on it so I would worry if I

saw you with a bag of Takis I'd worry

you should be



earlier you were wearing a woman's wig

all day no no I was cleaning the bedroom

and the wig was sitting right there and

I thought I just needed like to liven it

up a little bit explain why there's a

wig sitting in your bedroom oh I mean I

don't think I need explanation if

anybody's ever seen me anywhere I feel

like it's pretty self-explanatory yeah

but I mean yeah I'm not wearing anything

interesting okay

okay we have so many questions I'm so

happy you're here because we need you to

explain something to us we've talked a

lot about a certain subject on this show

in the last few months

um and we can't get enough of it

we are four cups before I thought

do you a know what it is I didn't wow I

don't we as therapist you don't so you

don't have any clients you haven't been

hit by the cup wave yet it's coming it's

coming explain what it is and then maybe

I do know but I just don't you know that

term okay so let me think okay so for

example it sounds sexual uh yes I would

like to watch this is not real though by

the way I'm not a cop this is explaining

what a [ __ ] is but yes but no offense to

the cuts

I'm an ally

is cuck an offensive word question no

I'm gonna no people self say I'm a cook

yeah okay it feels like it's a proud

thing like they're proud to be cut 100

you know they love the word yeah so um

if I wanted to sit in a corner and watch

well you're about to make it sound so

depressing they could be standing and

I'm not a cook I am not a [ __ ] but you

guys are not making it sound like cuck

isn't a problem they could be standing

up they could be elevated above the bed

like Mission Impossible no but did you

know I just heard about this recently

from a friend did you know that when you

go to like a hotel room and they have a

random chair in the corner it's a cup

chair no it's not really what it is dude

no way was to take your clothes off or

like put them shoes

you actually just triggered a very weird

memory one time just you were talking in

a hotel no wait is it can it be a verb

Sandy Sandy uh booked a hotel on like

Priceline or something in Vegas and we

got there and maybe five minutes before

we decided to look up the reviews and

there was a swinger hotel and like all

the rooms had themes and the reviews

were like you know if you stay by the

pool you'll hear people having orgies

all night we had to leave within like

five minutes we walked in and it was a

black marble floor like kind of dirty

but uh I imagine a lot of Cocoa Tree

going on there I feel like that might be

a cuck destination I don't actually beat

that story oh nice you're like I am a


I didn't know there was a word I just

didn't know what to call it no my

girlfriend and I went to Stagecoach

which is like at the same place

Coachella is held every year in Indio

California and everything's always

booked up and so there was one room left

we were like Priceline or something like

that yeah and it was like a bed and

breakfast it came with breakfast and all

this extra stuff and we're like awesome

and we get there and the guy at the

front desk is like nobody called you and

I'm like oh no we don't have a

reservation like oh [ __ ]

and I'm like no I'm like here's my

number you know my confirmation and he's

like this is a gay men's Resort clothing


wait so are you eating breakfast with

dicks flopping around like if you just

open up the windows in the morning it's

like boom naked gay dudes everywhere

kind of crazy what was the name

I think it's the CCBC the Cathedral City

Boys Club wow oh it says for boys club

it's very close to Palm Springs which is

like a destination it's pretty much yeah

yeah so anyway elderly days ago so did

you like they just stayed because we

were going to the Music Fest like all

day so we just like get up and be like

bye you know lots to see there I'm sure

it was an adventure what percentage was


are you familiar oh wow doesn't know Cox

doesn't know Growers a grower is a guy

whose dick doesn't show it's like it

grows shows uh show her like when it

gets wrecked it doesn't change much it

just gets hard and it grow where it like

changes that makes sense yeah um so yes

anyways a long story short I want to

watch somebody [ __ ] Rylan and I'm

sitting in the corner I'm enjoying

that's a cook yeah okay no money's not

involved right no okay okay

sometimes it can be it's almost like a

threesome but you're not participating

actively you're just a viewer it's like

you want to watch somebody [ __ ] your

spouse yeah so what is this thing that's

an interesting like I don't know if it's

a kink or just a weird I don't know it's

just a sex thing if you're into whatever

I mean I feel like to each their own as

a therapist no judgment don't you think

does open relationships or cucking not

end horribly always like can people some

people not actually ever get jealous or

just compartmentalize those kind of

things I think if it's done properly

it's fine but it's not usually done

properly because there has to be there

has to be ground rules which most people

don't go into it like just describing

exactly what's going to happen what's

okay what's not okay what are the rules

and and it has to go both ways you know

what I mean and I feel like most people

don't communicate that clearly or that

often about them so we they should be

cucking responsibly yes

clear communication before cooking

um okay I have a question so first of

all uh we all have a lot of I would say

we all have some problems some issues


um and we don't really talk about like I

don't know because you're a therapist I

never want when we're hanging out I

never want to like start talking about

problems because that's what you do for

work and I'm like I don't want to bring

work into this but now on a podcast and

we're doing this so let's talk about our

problems okay

um okay what would you say as a

therapist what's like the number one

problem you see happening right now and

I want to see if any of us have it I I

mean there's quite a few things well

just I think depression and anxiety

rates are up okay yeah and then I also

think people want to say that

everybody's a narcissist and everybody's

gaslighting them right like it way more

than it's necessarily happening

interesting okay can we talk about that

for a second because the whole

narcissist thing so we've talked about

it on the podcast I think all of us have

had some experiences with narcissism

um in past relationships

so yeah what is like the number one sign

that if you're in a new relationship

that you might be with a narcissist and

also is it okay and should you stay with

them okay number one I guess if you're

early in a relationship they usually do

what's called love bombing which is like

way over the top like CC

I was like it makes you uncomfortable

how much attention affection things they

purchase for you things they want to do

it's very quick but I'm sure are they

good at finding people that are going to

be highly receptive to this though yes

because there are some people that would

just like love all this attention I

would imagine there are I'd assume

certain people who more malicious but

usually narcissists they don't go to

therapy because they don't make things

wrong with them no everybody else is a

problem right they can't apologize but

it's born you have to understand it's

like usually born out of trauma and the

fact that you feel so less than or

little and so you put up this protective

shield of like I'm so amazing everybody

loves me look I can make this person

fall in love with me so quick you know

wow but I think narcissism as a

diagnosed thing isn't that incredibly

common however the symptoms are like you

can have one or two it's almost like

depression like I can feel kind of

lethargic and my eating isn't as good

and I'm not liking what I used to like

but it's not going on for like every day

for two weeks you know what I mean I'm

not meeting like all the things so when

in the relationship or in the dating

process should you realize and should

you get out or is it okay like is it

okay to be in a relationship with a

narcissist or are you never gonna be

fulfilled I think it's okay if they're

willing to work on themselves which is a

big if and you probably as the other

person have to acknowledge that what

they are too right and be like these are

their flaws I mean as in anything I

would assume have you ever uh and this

leads into our next topic which is the

psychopath test I have another one

um now I love them I know that it's

probably not possible to diagnose

somebody as a psychopath based on the

answer to a riddle but we're gonna do it


okay so we've done a few of these now

this is a new one and this might be my

favorite if you already know the answer

to this just lie and Katie will know if

you're lying okay

okay ready your apartment building is

right up against another apartment

building so you can see inside their

Windows right your neighbors I'm looking

one night you're eating dinner and you

look out the window and you see a man

murdering one of the residents of the

other building the murderer stops looks

up and sees you he makes eye contact

with you you can see his face clearly

suddenly the murderer looks at you and

points his finger up and down at you

what does that mean your next [ __ ] is

gonna kill you yeah more specific

um more specific think like a psychopath

the murderer is pointing his finger at

you and going up and down like I'm gonna

erase you

I just think he's he's like thinking I'm


like you know wow

yeah good that's a narcissist answer I

think I don't know about this

psychopath answer is the murderer is

counting the floors and windows to

determine where you are oh Jesus Christ

isn't it scary imagine somebody answers

it so quick yeah they're just counting

the floors to see where you are so they

can go see you I was looking directly at

the killer so I think I thought

obviously we're on the same floor true

okay okay okay okay okay this is a this

is our final one I don't have any more

after this so This the whole damn thing

is two questions in the future yeah

um okay this is a multiple choice and

this one has science behind it so this

answer supposedly okay imagine yourself

walking through a dark and Eerie Woods

late at night your heart is pounding you

hear stream sounds all around you

suddenly you hear and feel breathing

behind you and whirling around instantly

in Terror what do you see when you turn

around a a wild animal b a pale person

of the opposite sex c a shadowy figure d

a dog e nothing or f a giant bug a wild

animal I'm assuming to me a shadowy

figure okay

um wild figure okay I think nothing I'm

hearing [ __ ] probably wow did everybody

answer at that wild animal I think we'll

oh my God none of us are psychopaths so

there is science behind this apparently

psychologists have found that

Psychopaths tend to see a dog standing

behind them and they're not your way why

would you fit and that's all the

questions we could possibly answer and

we're not Psychopaths I know none of us

also everybody answered like one of them

I thought one out of five people was

supposed to be a psychopath that's what

I think unless one of us is really good

at lying do we just prove the science

um okay so we have two different options

for the next segment we have Chris has a

fact and Jared I think you have a cheap

trick of course I feel like again again

start like juggling before yeah I want

to hear the Cheap Trick personally I I

could do the Cheap Trick first okay


so this is a cheap trick that's actually

so good they had to raise the price a

little bit and it's still considered a

cheap trick in my opinion and what it is

is um do any of you guys frequent Circle

K Circle K they're everywhere right um

so I think you know there's a big game

of competition right now with 7-Eleven

Circle K so Circle K is offering

something called Sip and save and for

ten dollars a month you could go in and

get a drink of your choice every single

day so you can get a big soda a coffee

drink or like one other kind of drink

that they have like a smoothie but it's

only ten dollars for a home month so if

you go three times a week and get an

iced coffee there's normally three

dollars you're saving money so I would

say that's definitely a cheap trick are

they paying you to save me

most most people have a morning routine

do you know what I'm saying so like if

part of your routine is going to get gas

or going to somewhere to get something

to drink then you're inherently Gonna

Save a lot of money

sip insane Circle K

I'm not getting paid but that's what I'm

saying it used to be six bucks and they

were like wow you know so after me

talking about it it'll probably get

raised a little bit but I mean they're

hooking people up it is genius though

because they're also getting people in

the door like how often is that person

just gonna go out with their drink yeah

you're getting them in the door yeah but

yeah it's a great it's a great Cheap

Trick in my opinion if you got a Circle

K next to you yeah I have a drink uh

hack but it's not really a drink hack uh

so Taco Bell makes you know Baja Blast

oh my gosh I'm gonna [ __ ] kill myself

of course I'd bathe I cannot handle it

is he lying uh no no oh no I bathe in it

in my life okay

is the best thing ever right but

obviously it's really sugary you can't

drink it but they make a Baja Blast zero

which is zero calories and I've been

getting two a day so here's the plan

every day I wake up and I'm like time

for my Baja Blast I go on Postmates I

order two and then I go to Rylan I said

do you want anything from Taco Bell and

if I'm not in his I mean it is very very

polite of him he'll even call me if I'm

not near him and he'll say are you sure

you don't want anything I'm like no

you're gonna be [ __ ] fat because

you're ordering Taco Bell every day and

then the ones he doesn't finish sit in

the fridge and then I have to like fish

my way through half drinking things to

try to maneuver something out anyways

the point of my story is

I'm trying to do a nice thing right

thank you I'm so glad you're here for

this I'm trying to do a nice thing right

I get my Baja Blast which is my happy

thing my special time my moment for me

my moment for me and I get my Baja Blast

zeros don't [ __ ] that up and and then I

get you Taco Bell and then we get into a

fight about it there's no fight I'm just

kidding I don't want to talk when the

when the spouse

um gets angry at you for doing something

nice I think you have different ideas of

what's nice you don't think that's nice

I'm saying you have different ideas like

everybody has a different it's like love

languages I would assume rylan's love

language is not gifts it might be I

think it is like a Taco Bell seven days

a week

he's wearing a favorite daughter shirt I

think he's in the gifts yeah I would say

rylan's only love language

My love language is tell me I don't look

fat today and he's really here's his

words of affirmation I think his is

probably more physical touch who's

Ryland no oh my

that's for sure yeah for sure yeah yeah

I know I know he likes things but I

don't know if that's how he feels loved

oh no that's different so I should stop

asking him if he wants anything no but I

think I I don't think this has anything

I think this is just the fact that he

doesn't want to get fat and eat Taco

Bell every day seven days a week too

much you guys are double teaming of

service oh that might be honest because

that's what I am quality time and acts

of service yeah what are the types of

lungs we're all different ones because

I'm physical touch how are you so so

there's five of them there's gifts words

of affirmation physical touch quality

time and uh what other acts of service I

feel like your quality time uh quality

time and probably touch I would say a

lot of men are physical touch really

really I like to have like you know my

neck my you know my shoulder if your

wife's next to you you like her like

have her hand like touch her back

that was weird I like to be



what's yours uh acts of service is

number one and then quality time access

service that's like doing charity work

like no when you're doing things for you

doing the dishes without me asking

that's charity work

who else is gonna do it I like to do

that kind of stuff but then say I did it

you know it doesn't matter if you say it

that's better than me asking you here

would you say like I know you probably

can't do this but on like a scale of one

to ten how do you think our relationship

is health-wise I think you guys do

really well I mean I would I would

probably say I got nine out of ten

because everybody has like little work

things that you're figuring out but you

you do complement each other you're both

givers in different ways which I think

is nice


anyways well why don't I pass it over to

Chris for a fact is it German or Peru

German or no I like Paul


with Chris so in Deutschland uh the

government pays for sex for the disabled

wow dude before you even keep going

round of applause for Deutschland

shout out to Deutschland dude do they

pay for disabled Cuts so in Germany a

step end covers the cost of people with

disabilities to pay for intercourse so

not only is prostitution legal uh in

Germany but it's also part of your

welfare check yeah and there's even

certified training for sex workers in

qualified sexual accompaniment and

assistance wow I'm sure there's hookers

that'll take EBT

that's kind of the same thing right but

yeah for uh you know kind of but this

blew my mind for years I guess yeah it

disabled people get uh what does that

mean okay how disabled like what

I have to do here like you're on

disability like you're disabled you know

what I mean like think of it how how we

characterize it here it's like I have a

broken leg how much is like sex a part

of our well-being like in your therapy

studies and practices how much is like

sex a part of it I think it's a very

important part I mean not to bring it

back to like relationships because you

can have sex enough in a relationship

but when it comes to the reasons that

people break up or get divorced sex is

always at the top of the list sex and

then money like management and money so

please why don't you look at me like

that because you I could feel you

looking at me and I didn't know what you

were looking at me for and Germany knows

this that's why they pay for people to

be able to have sex makes them happy or

want to keep everybody happy I wonder

what level of hooker like prostitute

they're paying for though can you like

upgrade it

you upgraded

the background yeah this is a great fact

to all the disabled people watching and

getting [ __ ] yes move to Germany hey

sorry to interrupt the show also sorry

this is a different location this is

weird we're back in Colorado so

obviously I'm in my office here Barry

he's in the back saying hi don't worry

Tom Nook is here too hold on don't worry

Nikki says hi no he looks sad are you

sad Nikki what was that

I left you for six months


I made you feel abandoned


you know what might fix that how about

some hair story okay I'm so excited to

talk about her story so I talked about

them in I think the last episode right

yeah and I've never got so many texts

from my friends who I didn't even know

watch the podcast shut up and they all

were asking me about hair story they're

like hey so I kind of want to buy some

of that hair story stuff you're talking

about but like are you serious were you

just lying because it's an ad like tell

me the real tea and I was like no it

changed my hair like it literally and

I'm not it's so hard to talk about this

because I feel like I'm usually

self-deprecating but I will say I've

been feeling my hair

that's all I've been feeling not feeling

anything else but feeling my hair moving

her to Colorado I freaked out because I

didn't have any here because it's in LA

and I called them and I was like you

need to send me some and they were like

we're sending right now and I was like I

can't wait so I literally overnighted it

to my house it's a problem so let me

talk about new wash in case you missed

the last episode so nuwash is the first

of its kind custom formula that cleans

conditions detangles and restores your

hair without harsh Foams and damaging

detergents found in traditional shampoos

it's completely changed my hair in so

many ways I have to spend so much less

time now after I like dry it which now I

don't even have to blow dry it I just

let it air dry and it just is already

pretty flat and then maybe I'll add some

like oil or something but I usually

don't even need to okay hair story

update so we're in Colorado and I forgot

to pack my hair store so they sent me

more and since we got here I've been

using other

shampoos and stuff my hair's been a

disaster a mess like horrible I was even

like I need to cut all my hair off

what's going on got my hair story used

it today I'm not just saying this

literally fixed everything I haven't

done anything I did even comb it and

like look at this

it's crazy damn girl I need to use my

hair story I'm telling you her story

best thing in the whole world I know

it's weird that I'm so excited about

this but you guys know if you've been

watching me for a while you know my hair

has been an issue

a problem really and it really has

helped it I'm not just saying that so if

any of you guys out there are having

issues with your hair or if you want to

cut back on your routine like if you

don't want to do shampoo conditioner

double condition all the things that I

used to do this is so easy new wash

that's it you use it let your hair air

dry and you will thank me and also the

packaging is 100 recyclable it comes in

this little like milk bag thing I need

to figure out a better way to say that

it's very cute and they also have this

little silicone brush thing that you can

use like to put the new wash in and then

use this brush thing to get it all in

there and then when you rinse it out I

like to use it again just to get it all

out and then yeah even afterward I use

it again I'm kind of addicted to it I

don't know if that's good they're giving

you guys 20 exclusive savings when you

use code grower so thank

you so much to hairstory for sponsoring

this video and thank you hair story for

really helping my hair and making me

feel more confident and um yeah that

sounds really cheesy but it really has

like hair is such a thing for me and if

if my hair is like poofy or weird or

like whatever I don't want to leave the

house I'm just like uh my head doesn't

fit hats all just stay inside so it

really has changed the game for me


um okay okay here we go okay this is

what I've been waiting for so obviously

we still don't have a name for this

we're never gonna have a name for this

but it's the viewer uh viewer the

submission part of the show where we

talk to the viewers and you guys talk to

us anyways okay before we get into it I

just have to say stay tuned because we

have a groundbreaking update from Cece

oh like okay let me give you an update

CeCe called in she went on a first date

with with a guy they fell in love on the

first date he loved bombed her right

um he's like wait then they were both on

board they're like they're both on board

she also loved ones same yeah mutual

love bombing then we she called in on

the show and it had been a couple weeks

and they were I think moving in together

and talking about getting married and

got tattoos of each other's names on

their bodies yes now we have the third

update which is huge so we're gonna save

that for the end of this section because

like it's a lot we need to dive in uh

but just right off the bat thoughts


I mean that's a lot to do I guess I mean

first of all like slow down

the the like love immediately I'm like

you could be in lust with someone or be

infatuated like ooh and that's all fine

and dandy but yeah and like lust at

First Sight can turn into love you have

to give it time you can't rush and

Tattoos yeah well she did and we got an

update well I'll get to it later so this

is an email so if you guys want to send

us an email go to Shane send us your

uh thoughts or pictures of you in the

merch or conspiracies or um your stories

so this is from Lexi and uh she loves

the show and she says that her husband

she wanted to get him grower merch but

we didn't have a 6X available which is a

problem I'm working on it so she went

out and she made him her own Grower

Association hoodie I don't know how she

did that but oh wow lawsuits in the mail

so she bootlegged the merch

hey there you go what Lexie also bought

one for her icon

that makes it acceptable we love you

Lexi and uh you're happy you guys are so

cute okay uh this is from Nikki so um

okay this one I just had to share and

we're gonna have to really blur this

okay Nikki said hey I was watching Tick

Tock today and there's a video about a

guy with two dicks you should really

give it a Google it was fascinating to

read also I'm a lesbian by the way my

wife is also a grower her [ __ ] is sucked

in and then it gets bigger when she's

turned on dude I gotta I need a [ __ ]

second man I need to send like a riddle

or something there's a guy with two



his name is double dick dude on Reddit

so I have some questions and they're

both functioning how does it I have

answers what does he pee out of I hope

that's not a video he doesn't know he

doesn't so when he goes pee he doesn't

know which dick it's gonna come out so

you gotta aim both yes I feel bad for

his wife what's the dexterity everywhere

oh is his penis a right with their pulse

when he comes I think he doesn't know

where it's coming out gosh what a

disappointment if you're like also a

game the one you're [ __ ] with isn't

the one that comes because then you

don't get like also let me just say

shout out to all the girls out there who

are into DP or not DP but yes DP look

when you [ __ ] up your butt and your puss

hi Kitty yeah


is gonna go

get me a cream [ __ ] fifth pie what

are you okay

wow everyone's gotta Google

yeah cool thank you so much for coming

dude I I don't know the reality of this

like if anyone's gonna have an only fans

it needs to be this man dude how cool is

it you could does it get double blow

jobs and all that probably I need to see

this in action honestly okay just for

the you know I'm gonna pass out okay

um okay are you guys ready for the CC

update yeah okay I feel like we need a

song for this I know okay uh okay is she


oh my God CeCe I told you to slow the

[ __ ] down I told you don't get married

and don't get pregnant you're out here

or out maybe we're both crazy haha or

maybe it was really love at first sight

we're scared to be questioning that at

this point she said we're both so

excited and hopefully the baby's happy

and healthy I think I'm around four

weeks I hope your baby journey is going

well for us that was sweet I just want

to give you all an update period that's


I mean congratulations

here's the thing I I get it right

because I was very much the first time

we talked to her I I was like run [ __ ]

uh this is bad bad psycho bad psychopath

there's a baby involved I really am

wishing the best I hope it's a Titanic

situation a Jack and Rose without the

death at the end yeah I was like why

would you say tattoo yeah well because

they were like young like 20s and like

they met one night and they were in love

like if it's that I'm hoping it's that I

think babies are stressful like adds a

big layer of responsibility yeah and I

remember how I had I said Sex and Money

parenting is the next one right

parenting Styles like how are you gonna

parent what are you gonna do I mean it's

not that they're doomed like moving fast

doesn't automatically mean they're

doomed but there's a lot to work out

still and I mean in living with each

other figuring out your routines

together that's hard we should have had

you here for the phone call yeah

but before she was pregnant I think

they're both off maybe it's perfect

though maybe they're just perfectly

crazy for each other you know here's the

thing hopefully am I secretly terrified

um and really worried about a girl Cece

and um yes but do I really really hope

it works out because I love her and I

love the baby yes and it can't happen

like I have friends that their parents

got engaged on their second date and

they just celebrated their 40th year

anniversary yeah even my own parents

only dated for six months and

months congratulations yes

um okay

um okay voicemails so I'm so happy

you're here for this because uh we

always give really bad advice so I can't

wait for your good advice uh let's

listen to the first voicemail hi Shane

my name is Lizzy I was wondering if you

or Katie had any advice on IX in a

relationship I was on top of my

boyfriend the other day and he moaned so

high-pitched like that it literally made

me laugh so hard I threw up so any

advice save

how can you tell somebody that turns you

off that it turns you off not in the

moment oh no probably on a podcast

definitely right I think the best way is

to call in and let us know publicly yes

it's an uncomfortable conversation no

matter what because you have to do it

with love it's natural like he didn't do

like it's it's something that was

organic to him yeah so I always call it

like the hug and roll you like give them

a lot of compliments yeah like I love it

when you do this that and that but when

you made that high-pitched mode it was

hard for me I started laughing then I'm

sure that he saw right like she threw up

so just be like you know that doesn't

doesn't do it for me yeah I think humor

is a good way too like mimic them but

dude like what are you doing it's like

oh just the other day you made that

weird noise like I thought it was kind

of funny how will he though then feel

comfortable to get really lost in it

ever again yeah sex is about embracing

your partner and you know if this dude

needs to let off a high-pitched squeal

I doubt you're a hundred percent awesome

you know maybe there's something that

he's holding back on too but that's the

beauty of loving each other yeah you

know it's true zone out for a second try

to fall in love with it maybe it'll

become your favorite thing maybe you'll

be like moan like a [ __ ] moan like a

[ __ ] you're my little [ __ ] slap him

when he does it slap him in here yeah

okay this one is uh this one is pretty

uh juicy hi boys my boyfriend who I've

been with for three years no longer

wants to have sex with me but wants to

watch porn of men specifically like

feminine you can Google it see what it

says it's I can't say it out loud it

makes me uncompy but he likes that [ __ ]

and not me anymore so what do you think

I should do

um thank you always you guys are amazing

I love you we love you supported you

from [ __ ] day one Shane

um and I will be there till day

whenever doomsday is bye

okay first of all

um Katie I mean she already said during

the voicemail you have to break up with

him you have to break up with them and

it sucks and that's a bummer and I think

unfortunately he's made a choice right

he's not wanting it sounds like she

still wants sex to be part of the

relationship then that's not a

relationship anymore so what is she

talking about the also I I only laughed

because I've never heard somebody say

uncomfy in real life okay only in

comments I don't know what that guy is

tripping on that was super sexy uncomfy

did that work yeah that was arousing

wait but so what is she talking about

because she said feminine men she said I

don't want to look it up makes me

uncompy what is she talking about

feminine men she said look it up I don't

want to say the word I don't know if she

gave us enough Clues to Google even yeah

also did he tell her like this is what

I'm watching this is what or did she

find it Well she didn't act like she

snooped she said he told her you didn't

want to have sex anymore and then he's

rather watch this I've gotten letters

from my audience where they'll be like

oh they're wanting to like try a 3 some

or they're wanting to have an open

relationship and that can be negotiated

later on and I think that if you are

both okay with it which usually one

person isn't let's just throw it out

there because one person brought it in

and the other person's like well I love

them I don't want to leave them lose

them uh and you feel forced that can

usually or will most likely end

tragically but I think when it comes to

this you can let them question but

they're they're already saying like I

don't want to have sex with you so I

think the best is to move on in this

case if it's ever like now not the

relationship you'd want I think

sometimes it's important for people to

at the moment I know this this is a hard

truth okay in the moment if you met this

person now

would you date them

because the answer would be no

you're trying to have a side thing with

me visually I saw that Shane

right well I'm sorry that you should

definitely break up with him

um and uh and send me an email what are

you talking about family yeah I'd like

to do some research after this I'd like

to do the Googling

um but yeah we love you okay so here's

another voicemail this one I personally

related to hey guys my name is Sarah I'm

from Vancouver Canada I was just

listening to your most recent podcast

about the bloated sex I just really

think that we need to start normalizing

having sex with your partner before you

go out on your date while you're still

feeling good excited for the night

instead of coming home feeling like [ __ ]

from all the delicious food and drinks

and Bloated and just not wanting to [ __ ]

so let's start normalizing that yes

run for president you know just do it

already please two dicks vice president

um oh yeah

first of all genius plan and we actually

did this when did we do this I think

we've been doing this a lot recently

it's like it's now or never because

after dinner it's not gonna happen yeah

it'd be truthful it's too late you're

tired and if you've had any drinks

you're like man right yes and you get to

like celebrate like the food is a

celebration now yes we're going to have

sex and now oh we're celebrating that we

did it I also do feel like sex does like

you do feel more connected right after

sex yeah so it is like it would make you

go your night out more more likely to

share food I think are we talking from

like married people perspective though

yeah because I think the end game if

you're a dude like in the early stages

of dating is to have sex true right so

if you just gave him sex right away he

might be like I got [ __ ] to do it I

think this isn't like the long hauls I

think you're just saying we're speaking

from our own perspectives here I think

good relationship because I like the

dating for a while and you're like let's

have sex first and then we'll go to

dinner yeah Chris do you like your your

big boys full

Chris is obsessed with like his thing as

big boys oh okay like do you like

friends is he eating

what's the word aphrodisiac no not for

me no that's not a part of it I but I we

talked about this it takes like a lot I

don't get bloated very easily so it

doesn't bother you yeah for me sex

before after is kind of whatever it's

fine I just like sex what about them

yeah I'm okay with sex whenever if they

prefer to have it if they get bloated

easily and prefer it before dinner let's

do that wow

yeah so this is in a conference because

we have this conversation quite often

this isn't something you have often like

I'm too bloated right now no wow yeah it

happens like if there's a plan to you

know get down later that night and then

there Comes A Time in the meal like yeah

we're probably you know I'm not gonna

have sex

yeah like you hit a line where it's like

you know if I keep going I I'm lowering

the chances of beating cheeks by like 30

to 40 immediately and then you just

gotta double down you can avoid that 100

of the time if you just do it before

yeah no that's why it's genius yeah yeah

genius we all agree with you callers I

forgot first date I don't want girls to

feel like you should just have sex and

then go on the date you know like yeah

yeah go on a date yeah yeah stupid agree

I love that for all of us yeah okay so

uh let's get out of this

go oh

um anyways so okay I'm so excited so I

have never gotten so many emails in my

life and tweets and well I don't go on

Twitter and Instagram dance uh I don't

really read my dance whatever I see it

everywhere people have been wanting us

to try this so there is a website this

is not sponsored called unthur's custom

cuts and what gunthers does is they

recreate school cafeteria food

dude is this your restaurant I could

make room for that and it's real it's

from where they at where schools

actually order this right from this

wherever this comes from I don't know

but this is real school cafeteria food

legit and we're gonna try a few of the

popular items so do we just find out

like just the main plug for cafeterias

and we just went straight to the source

yes like this is when you go to like a

middle school and you get pizza well

that'd be weird if you did that

I'm gonna know if it's not the

distributor that distributed to my

Schools they're like so nostalgic to me

of course of course yeah so

I haven't thought about those in a long

time and then you get the mustard packet


and the fries were good with the

seasoning salt I liked the cafeteria

food oh my God here it comes wait it

kind of looks good

oh never mind the smell changed it

changed the aromatics are interesting I

don't oh what is that oh that's a

burrito oh that's half a burrito that

was like burrito cheesy oh my gosh the

cheese stick is unlocking some things do

we all get the same thing yeah so on the

plate we have a cheese mozzarella stick

with marinara for dipping a piece of

square pizza and half of a burrito which

can be free I mean I'm not gonna lie

this looks good it kind of looks good

like I'm excited the cheese stick is

like Memories yes the the other two look

a little different from my school but

the cheese stick looks right off yeah

our pizza was thicker are we dipping

yeah I think so all right let's go for

it we're dipping okay here we go let's

give it a dip oh my gosh that is it wow

it's wow wow that is good that is

unlocked ew a full blown I hate it but

it tastes like school oh I forgot we

also have two thanks for everyone so we

got middle school and and we'll type

drinks we have Capri Sun we have

squeezits are those like the the

Kool-Aid those are the ones with like

the u-tops right like the Horseshoe tops

am I stupid you twist it off yeah

how satisfying oh Jared's going for the

pizza oh okay the pizza is that okay is

that okay

that's good that's good that tastes good

that does that taste good this so far I

would say Gunther did good on that that

tastes just like school that tastes like

that's like swimming at the public pool

and they have pizza not the pizza I had

but I can appreciate it wow yeah okay

the burrito this I'm scared we didn't

have burritos I don't think this was not

the burrito that my school had but yeah

this is different oh that tastes like

poison oh that tastes like socks

oh my God ew also the sounds the

misophonia it's a little questionable

for sure oh my God I don't like the

burrito as much that is horrible I'm


that's what people have to eat I like

the cheese stickers you need to get some

Mexicans involved on the uh on the

[ __ ] yeah burrito yeah you need to

you need to be you know show more

respect to the burrito wait Jerry can

you throw me a Capri Sun duh because

this is what I had the most yeah oh [ __ ]

here well thank you guys for every uh

everybody that recommended that we do

this and said that you wanted us to try

School food uh I would say it was pretty

gross and I never want it again

I'm glad we grew up as I'm finishing it

yeah me too the cheese stick's not bad

the cheese stick is pretty delicious

wait Capri Sun sucks it's not very good

wait I used to love Capri Suns me too it

has no flavor it's like what the actual

[ __ ] is happening I want to try Capri

Sun because I remember them being so

good it's like Lacroix I don't know if

you might is it like is it like low

sugar yeah

is that the real pronunciation it's a

French word right wow I love that it

just doesn't have enough flavor I

thought it was super flavorful is it low

sugar right that sucks it doesn't say it

is and it just says fruit it used to

probably get like kill people

it says all natural ingredients I don't

remember it saying that before the

unnatural no I'll drink the Kool-Aid

it's just sugar water when I'm older

sure it really is you just took down

that Sunny D like it was medicine okay

the breakfast I don't drink orange juice

very often dude but it's good

let's get this out of the room it stinks

when we come back it's very depressing

to smell cafeteria food actually now

that I I'm thinking about it you know

this is not bringing back good memories

I hated school why am I doing this

um okay when we come back and

um yeah we're gonna go brush my teeth

see you guys soon hey sorry to interrupt

again but our next sponsor of the day is

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hope you enjoy the rest of the show bye

okay conspiracies we have some very

interesting ones

um quick thing is there a type of person

that believes

what is I called realists yeah

right now I'd say almost realists in

some ways but I think it's just people

open to Alternatives or don't like what

is being told because if you think that

we're not being lied to in some way

you're kind of like being a little

rose-colored glasses yes you know

there's a lot of lies going on so

doesn't it take an intelligent what is

it like an intelligent person to

entertain a ridiculous thought yeah I

mean so I think it's pretty intelligent

to think about conspiracy theories and

entertain them a little bit I don't

think it's a negative thing or a stupid

thing like some people make it out to be

no I think it's propaganda I think it's

good to be able to question if you don't

question you just like taking everything

at face value I think that might be more

dangerous I don't know good opening

there it is questioning you it's

recommended believe in conspiracies

as recommended by a licensed therapist

okay I'm going to show you guys a Quick

Clip um and then we're going to talk

about it afterwards okay so this is the

iconic opening from Disney movies


I could hear a VHS cassette going into a


are you gonna get copier incredible


um okay now what if I were to tell you

that what I just showed you isn't real

is that like one of those things like

Berenstein Bears or Bernstein Bears it's

a Mandela effect yes so somebody created

that because the actual Disney logo

intro does not have Tinkerbell creating

the swoop and dotting the eye I was

gonna say I remember that really yeah I

thought that was specific to Peter Pan

maybe me too I thought oh he has Peter

Pan movie The like that I didn't think

that was like a universal one she wasn't

with every Disney you just thought

Tinkerbell was for every Disney movie

She's the Disney's icon huh but not

until that movie was out think about

like the movie came out forever ago I

like the castle and everything I feel

like this is a horror move and you just

woke up and everything's different wait

a second guys hold on hold on wait

Disney movie intro okay so this is the

classic one

wait why does that sound scary is this a

different song nope


oh so there is the thing above it yeah

it's just just not the shinkerbell she

doesn't do the poop what did she do the

poop on on the eye she dots the eye when

nope just in the one you showed I know

but but that one's not real why do I

remember it being real because it was

probably from Peter Pan she didn't do it

in Peter Pan I don't


sorry Shane uh well do you guys remember

Tinkerbell doing the swoop over the uh

castle like I do let me know in the

comments so I don't feel so alone

so Jared you said that you have a big

update so Katie just to get you up to

speed glitter nobody knows what it is or

where it came from the only two

companies in the whole world that make

glitter and they won't say how they make

it or where it's very hush hush and the

main buyer of glitter is top secret

nobody knows what it is and they don't

want anybody to know who's buying all

the glitter because it would freak

everyone out Jared I got it inside scoop

little afraid to share it even no I'm

just kidding I actually think it's kind

of stupid now that I think about it okay

so I'm hyping it a little bit but

someone referred and said what if they

use it in sugar and like dessert

decorate decorative treats for cakes oh

like the shiny bits and stuff because

there's a like crystally stuffing sugar

but is that why would they not be able

to tell us that

we should be because we're ingesting it

like a hundred different people told me

this in my emails they said that the

main buyer of glitter is the military

and they're putting it in weapons which

I don't know if that's confirmed or not

Chris I'm gonna google that I think I

actually said that because I re I said

Mariah Carey made a bomb movie and

that's why glitter is embalms yes yeah I

was joking it was right yeah so

supporter bombs existed before YouTube

well supposedly yeah that is one of the

main buyers of a glitter I don't know so

maybe actually I think we could probably

assume that it's not sugar so we could

take that off the list yeah nobody

seemed to believe that could be possible

well I just want to put it on the table

I really fell flat for me Jared yeah

I regretted it immediately we both

flopped yeah okay well maybe this will

get us back okay I this is one of those

really stupid things that you're like

this is so stupid and then it might work

it worked for me so this is from the

real J Becker I want everybody at home

and all of you guys to do this with him

and uh let's see what happens let me

show you something mind-blowing what

color is my glove blue blue good what

word is this


good and this one

Cherry Cherry very good and this one


Apple phenomenal now why don't you think

of any dessert food

don't say it double tap the screen to

lock it in

I want you to take the last letter of

that dessert food and think of any

animal that starts with that ladder okay

got it

you're thinking elephant whoa

elephant yeah wait who got who got an

elephant me well because apple pie apple

pie right so he knows because we're

talking about apples I said Sunday oh

maybe a lot of dessert foods yeah

because uh and brownies I actually

thought eel and I figured it was

elephant because if you're playing the

odds 90 of desserts end with an E

chocolate oh yeah most things most

people are gonna think about elephants

so I thought of eel did you think of eel

because you didn't want to think of

elephants I didn't want to succumb to

this [ __ ] guy dude

I'm a fish guy I'm a fish guy

but it did turn into elephant hey you

know what it's like magic though if you

just play along the AHA like oh my gosh

he knows it's so fun I'm not gonna give

that to this guy yeah double tap it to

lock it in look at him he wants your

your uh admiration okay now this is

another one of those audio illusion ones

a lot of people sent me this to my email

too so listen to this clip from iCarly

and tell me what you hear him say the

options are [ __ ] off or back off


I thought [ __ ] off but it was really

quiet you heard [ __ ] up okay let me play

it one more time I heard back off that

time it depends on what I look at what

if I look at the [ __ ] off jerk I hear

[ __ ] off jerk if I look at back off jerk

I hear back off this is good for

re-watch Ability for this Tick Tock to

go viral because then you keep watching

it wait a minute yeah I've seen ones

with like 20 things that you can hear

imagine that clickback ability we're

gonna go viral on Tick Tock let's make

one tonight algorithmically it's gonna

be like

look at these 3 000 things what do you


um so what is it okay I don't know

okay I have to assume it's back off jerk

if it's on Disney and it's on iCarly


um okay now this is something that I had

never seen before and there had a lot of

views so I'm sure a lot of people have

seen it so if you have seen it I'm sorry

but this was so crazy to me and the

ending it got me it got me good let's

just win in this on-ramp there's no

signs blocking it off and I thought I

was [ __ ] high

that's just a pit on the on-ramp

is it really a pit what the [ __ ] they

don't have a [ __ ] locked off or nothing

it must be the lights

watch this guy's coming there's a guy

coming behind me hey yo

hey yo

oh my God oh my God

yeah who's he gonna [ __ ] go

what my heart is like racing Well it

can't be a real Pit

oh my God

oh [ __ ] oh it's water oh

and then as soon as the car went you

could see the reflection you could see

it with water isn't that a [ __ ]

that's that is nuts even when you're

driving when he's driving past it like

gives me like my stomach if that if I

was driving and saw that I feel like

that could cause an accident yes

definitely 100 the car slowed down I

mean they were confused he was stopped

he's like what the heck that was all

three of the cars freaked out about it

so it's like it clearly looked

terrifying oh that's a good Tick Tock no

one drove right through it well that was

on Instagram reels

how adults yeah so this one is crazy I

got an email from Elva and she said this

optical illusion nearly ended my

relationship wow

solid relationships going on out there

compared to the other voicemails we got

I'm like this is this ended the

relationship um okay I mean the dress so

I'm just gonna play this whole clip so

watch this person on a swing what way

are they swinging forward forward right

they're coming toward us no they're all

the way oh they're swinging away I got

away forward you think they're going


from away yeah I thought they were

coming toward me I thought their back

was towards us yeah really yeah their

back is towards us are you serious I did

I think his back is towards us I mean

look at his look at this wait you don't

see him coming my way now I do I feel

like it was altered it does rewind it I

gotta see it again I mean well they're

gonna give you a little example he's

facing the building and it looks weird

you're like why are you swinging because

his legs are bending like this yeah okay

now it looks like he's facing the

building yeah

definitely it does so that's the way

he's actually going yeah

what it looks like okay I didn't see

that at first I saw him facing me the

second time we saw it all I could see

was facing us like Jared said because

the way the knees are bending and stuff


I don't know dude wait look look see

look at this

the opposite way now watch now look wait

they just appears to watch the bar look

at that wait I'm gonna freak out if I'm

right and look at this diagram okay no

he's wait hold on no the bar

the bar passes his head

wait so he's in front hold on so that

means that he's back to the camera no

his back is away from us because look

the parts

look at the bar I'm in a bus this is

oh my God my two dicks are gonna come I

don't know where it's gonna come from oh

my God that's weird I think that was

just light refractions

you'd think that the swing was like this

way do you know what I mean but it was

really that way I need a drink

do you see what I mean like because it

looked like they were swinging at the

building but the way that the bar so

it's confirmed they're not swinging

towards the building no no swinging away

I think it was all CGI

it didn't even look like real movement

to me that kind of time

okay someone who edited this whole video

I don't know if we should do this or not

because I don't know if it's gonna make

us sick this might give me vertigo but I

got this a lot too in my emails this is

from somebody named Mr Magic cardistry

and it's one of those ones where you

well do you guys get dizzy fast no okay

let's do it let's do it all right so try

to look at the screen as good as you can

keep your eyes focused on the blue eye

in the middle of the screen and whatever

you do do not break eye contact with the

blue eye in a few seconds

that's your hand wall and ceiling and

everything will be stretched it's going

to feel like your brain is broken I'm so

scared it's a super weird feeling but

you do not want to miss this so just

keep stir are you guys still looking

let's do this don't blink till ten nine

eight seven my eyes are dry I need to

Blink I know they already blanked like

10 times same one now look around

everything should be done

oh my God your head is huge oh my God

the cats are running in now and they

look crazy

oh my God this is a bad idea we should

smoke Salvia dude

if this is tripping you guys out we

should smoke Salvage more than that that

looked like in every movie where they

use like an effect to show the people

are high in the movie like that's what

that looked like yeah

that was horrible in our brain that's


okay thanks for giving him a migraine

kid yeah

okay speaking of Illusions this is kind

of in a similar way so uh this was sent

to us by Sarah and she said I think the

simulation theory is real because look

at what's happening right now so I've

seen these before I haven't seen these

specific ones

um but this is crazy to me also why are

we doing this okay so these are


why do they do this to people isn't that

crazy what so that's a billboard

for what I don't know that's so cool but

it literally looks like a huge giant so

it's an electronic billboard it's got to

be a screen TV yeah it's a screeny

screen but then it got me thinking like

okay well let me show you I kind of love


so you know this one is really this one

could cause a car accident

yeah how could you not look up

why would they do that oh I would crash

isn't that crazy I mean it's epic but

yeah definitely a danger yeah it's like

those ones that are super bright I'm not

outside the highway at night

why are you trying to Blind me wait I'm

not understanding how this one works

because the building ends and it where

is the image being projected I don't

know what do you mean maybe the building

doesn't really end maybe I think it's a

fake building or not fake building but I

think the building

so these

this to me is showing right we're in

2023. everybody's like is the simulation

Theory real no it's fake it's too

outlandish I don't know if this is

happening in 2023 imagine in 2123 like I

think we could be living in a simulation

we could put ourselves in a simulation

what if everything is Jump Right In what

if everything like the way that we just

looked at that eyeball whatever now all

of our vision was going crazy oh my God

I just I think I'm gonna throw up

open up your cup oh my god wow okay this

is from Carly she emailed and she said

that uh she watched my conspiracy video

where we were showing talking about

ghost kitchens which if you guys didn't

watch it basically it means like Red

Robin has a bunch of fake restaurants

they created on doordash and Postmates

like chicken Sammy's refresh set and you

order from them and then when you get

the food it's just Red Robin so it's

just a big scam basically to make more

money whatever so she was like I ordered

from a place called Chase Elliott's

chicken tenders and then when I looked

on the map and I went to the actual

actual address I found out that chase

Elliott's chicken tenders was just


to us like when Sean and I ordered from

like GrubHub and stuff yeah it'll be

like a kitchen that doesn't it's just

like a kitchen like it's not even a

place yeah and the food is always

terrible yes yeah it's always but they

they make it look good and it sounds

you're like oh and you're in a new town

you like don't really know like we were

in Houston and we tried to order like

smoked salmon on a bagel and it was like

[ __ ] terrible it was like a thin

cooked chunk of soup it was probably

about dreadlocks right Carl's Jr it's

probably Hooters yeah

true so I want to play a game so I

looked it up and I found a bunch of fake

restaurants that are on door Dash and

Postmates right now and I want you guys

to guess what the actual restaurant is

okay so here we go I like this okay so

the first one

Burger Den and are all these like

National chains yes Red Robin okay

so look at the Burger Den look how good

that looks that looks like a Burger King

yeah now I'm gonna give you a little

hint on this one the name of the actual

restaurant there's a hint to it in the

title The Burger Den Denny's oh my God



wow this is a good game

is Denny's

um yikes okay

the Meltdown handcrafted sandwiches with

attitude I almost ordered from this the

other day that's crazy this isn't a play

you're still falling for this [ __ ]

anybody have any ideas of what the

Melting Pot Panera Bread no hold on

Arby's ooh good good choice no but good

choice Panera okay

that's cheating because the time that I

went to order this oh so you already

know I I know say it what do you think

it is I think it's Denny it's Denny oh

man shout out today

12 a.m or something and literally

everything else is closed yeah these are

the saddest looking Denny's ever




so there's Libby's barbecue but I'm

actually it's actually Ruby Tuesdays and

when you go to Ruby Tuesdays there's a

sign that says Sleepy's barbecue pickup

in here it's like they're not even being

shy about it anymore what the [ __ ] is

Libby I know it's a specific one Mr

Beast Burger so okay this isn't like

doxing him or something because he's

open about the fact that his Mr Beast

Burger isn't like an actual restaurant

no it's like a recipe that he has to

make right it's basically like he goes

to chains and they make the burgers in

certain areas so what restaurant there's

actually three do you think Mr Beast is

actually Jack in the Box oh my God

that's such a better answer but no

Chili's Jack in the Box has a couple

good versions sit down I know one of

them what should I say

this is genius though because it

generates business for these companies

and he gets a cut it's like money making



okay so the theme is they're not places

that sell Burgers no

uh Buca di Beppo and the final one is a

place I've never heard of called Bravo I

don't even know I think to a degree that

smart because maybe they brought in the

ingredients just to do the burgers

because if you told me it was Denny's

I'd be like well why wouldn't I just go

to Denny's right but they already have

it you know what I'm saying but like I

don't know I get why it could be smarter

I'm just gonna be very vulnerable and

honest right now I have diarrhea and I

think it's related to that visual thing

we did you guys let's get started up

here and it has moved and now I'm

getting diarrhea

um before we get into the recap thank

you for that dude thank you for being

that vulnerable with us I know it made

you uncompy

okay I'm just gonna really quickly throw

this oh okay I'm gonna throw this in

really fast just because I keep pushing

it off to the next episode and I never

do it so I'm gonna finally do it did you

know there's a quick Theory uh that the

color green is unlucky oh my God

it's lucky

so I'm not going to show these pictures

a bunch of bad things happen to people

that were wearing green and when I was I

was like oh this is stupid I'm like this

this can't be a real thing green being

whatever then I heard race car drivers

avoid green Vehicles is that crazy like

it's a superstitious thing imagine how

much Mountain Dew got to pay somebody to

drive their car oh

well before I diarrhea let's get to the

recap let's get to the Recaps


on today's episode of The Shane Dawson

podcast our friend and licensed

therapist Katie Martin's here to save

our lives



um oh oh uh uh the guy with two dicks oh

my gosh in shocking news I didn't know

this was possible man with two dicks is

[ __ ] everyone we also found out he's

bisexual bisexual king so we everyone

has a chance

is there an only fans can we find out

right now because one of his dicks

attracted to guys

we're not psychopath has officially

finally confirmed so we can officially

and finally confirm after tests and

tests of trying to find out if we're

Psychopaths it is confirmed none of us

happened to be one Sip and save at

Circle K definitely not sponsored save

yourself money you know what yeah and

Jerry's campaigning for a sponsorship

with circles K you can get your Sip and

say for ten dollars a month at every

Circle okay yeah Oh Katie went to a gay

uh Hotel men's room and saw lots of it

oh my gosh dicks out sun's out head to

Palm Springs for the what's the hotel

the CCBC the CCBC dang shooting for that

sponsorship were you allowed to be naked

did they encourage the women to be naked

no they don't throw a lot I think you

could but I'll throw a weapons

but it's a clothing optional Resort so I

assume a woman walks in and they're all

just going yeah

was anybody

if you see anyone

no but I was told not to go near the

waterfall and I never did

wow don't go chasing them nope



God bless Cece and I mean it she's

pregnant congratulations I hope this

marriage lasts long we hope for the best

us too me too

um love at first sight doesn't exist oh

licensed therapist good firms love at

first sight does not existence


oh Disney never had Tinkerbell even

though I think they did and Shane's gone

crazy alert Mandela effect confirmed

Tinkerbell was never in the Disney

iconic intro update Shane was right

about the swing and the guy oh my gosh I

still don't believe the swing thing it

was yeah a mind [ __ ]

the cafeteria food oh what's the place

called we'll try Gunther's cafeteria

food and I wouldn't buy it it wasn't

great right no it wasn't and Capri Sun

not as good as we remember Mandela

effect Capri Suns how are the squeezers

were they squeeze it's good Ah that's

hard that sucks and if you order fake

food it probably came from Denny's yes

dang yeah exposed Denny's uh Denny's is

every restaurant you don't know on

doordash postmate and GrubHub so if

you're ordering from a random place it's


oh uh yeah if you're a girl and your

boyfriend's watching gay porn uh-oh hate

to break it to you but if your

boyfriend's gay you've gotta accept it

break up move on

it's heartbreaking for sure it is for

sure for sure oh we all thought elephant

Jared's lying


Jared's not like other girls

he's different from the rest and he

thinks on a different level than all of

us oh geez a little condescending yeah

okay I think you do oh yeah well I

appreciate that then Jared's a genius

Jared's a genius alert I do think you

question reality more which leads to

higher waves which was confirmed by a

licensed therapist the conspiracy

theorists are highly intelligent people

not confirmed I'm not confirmed

all right well there you have it for

this week's episode of The Shane Dawson

podcast we hope you enjoyed it you can

watch us every other week wherever you

get your podcast and right here on

YouTube make sure you're following us

all on social media but especially our

friend Katie Morton where can everyone

find everything you do it's just Katie


k-a-t-i-m-o-r-t-o-n on YouTube Instagram

Tick Tock and the like and you have

podcasts I put two called ask Katie

anything and that's where he's answering

mental health questions and then I have

a goofy one with my husband called

opinions that don't matter that's what

you call my opinions


um and you have books I have two books

yeah my first one are you okay is

available and traumatized anywhere you

read or listen to your books you have

something else right I have workshops

seems like a lot oh my god oh patreon

you have a patreon page where I have

live streams every month to answer more

questions things like that yep 100 how

have you accomplished so many things

thank you Katie

Katie but hopefully we didn't scare you

off with our two dicks and

um all of our cuts and uh yeah hopefully

you guys have fun with whatever the hell

this was and we will see you guys next

time bye if you're the guy with two

dicks please email me oh my gosh I love

to have him on the show Dad oh please

you want to see it too

all right we're gonna go we're gonna






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