June 1, 2024

How the pandemic affects the mental health of young people | DW News

Published May 10, 2023, 3:40 p.m. by Arrik Motley

Teenagers are especially vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic, as their mental health is still developing. According to a study by the University of Oxford, teenagers are more likely to experience mental health problems as a result of the pandemic.

The study found that teenagers are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and stress than adults. This is likely because they are still developing emotionally and mentally, and the pandemic has increased their anxiety and stress levels.

Teenagers are also more likely to avoid going to school or work, as they are worried about getting sick. This can have a negative impact on their education and career prospects, as well as their mental health.

The government should do all it can to support teenagers during the pandemic. This includes providing mental health support, such as counselling and therapy.

The government should also make sure that schools are prepared for the effects of the pandemic. This includes providing training for teachers and staff on how to deal with anxious and stressed students.

Teenagers need support during the pandemic, and the government should do all it can to help them.

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