June 2, 2024


Published May 10, 2023, 12:40 a.m. by Arrik Motley

When you're in tokyo, japan, it's important to find a way to get around that doesn't require a lot of money. One great way to do this is to rent a car. There are many different rental companies in tokyo, and each one has different rates and offers.

When you're renting a car, it's important to know the different types of cars that are available. There are sports cars, sedans, and luxury cars available. You can also rent a car with a driver, or without a driver.

If you're looking for a sports car to rent, the best place to find them is at the Toyota dealership in tokyo. There are many different types of sports cars available, from the Toyota Supra to the Nissan Skyline.

If you're looking for a sedan to rent, the best place to find them is at the Nissan dealership in tokyo. There are many different types of sedans available, from the Nissan Maxima to the Nissan Juke.

If you're looking for a luxury car to rent, the best place to find them is at the Toyota dealership in tokyo. There are many different types of luxury cars available, from the Lexus LS to the Acura NSX.

When you're renting a car, it's important to know the different types of cars that are available. There are sports cars, sedans, and luxury cars available. You can also rent a car with a driver, or without a driver.

If you're looking for a sports car to rent, the best place to find them is at the Toyota dealership in tokyo. There are many different types of sports cars available, from the Toyota Supra to the Nissan Skyline.

If you're looking for a sedan to rent, the best place to find them is at the Nissan dealership in tokyo. There are many different types of sedans available, from the Nissan Maxima to the Nissan Juke.

If you're looking for a luxury car to rent, the best place to find them is at the Toyota dealership in tokyo. There are many different types of luxury cars available, from the Lexus LS to the Acura NSX.

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what's going on everybody and welcome to

another episode I'm still here in

mainland Japan I actually just returned

my Honda s2000 that I run it from only

Shiro rental car and I kind of wanted to

do a video I've got a little bit of time

so I catch the bus to head back to the

hotel I figured I might as well share my

experience and show you some of the cars

that they have here at the lot I'm gonna

go ahead and pologize ahead of time if

the quality is a little bit different

than what you're used to my main camera

I killed all the batteries last night

going out to the car means driving

around so I'm trying to make do with

what I got but I want to talk to you

guys about the rental process kind of go

over the different cars that they have a

little bit of pricing I'll link the

website down below if you want to go and

check out the cars for yourself and

there's a great way to experience Tokyo

in a completely different way rather

than using the public transportation

like the metro system and the bus and

actually live in that childhood dream

that probably a lot of you have running

a JDM car sports car specifically and

driving around Tokyo but for now let's

go ahead and kind of check out their lot

this is the Noda Chiba location this is

like their main location with the most

amount of JDM sports cars it's on the

outskirts of Tokyo it's about a

40-minute drive from where I'm staying

in Tokyo right now so not too bad but

you do have to take some tolls to get

out here or public trans to get out here

and then returned in the car the the

tolls in Tokyo are a little pricey so

I'll go over that because probably not a

lot of people will mention that and I

didn't know how expensive it is to

actually drive in Tokyo as far as like

the parking lots and all that good stuff

so if you're interested in renting a car

I'll break it down and give you guys a

little bit of info that I experienced

and hopefully help you guys out for your

future trip to Tokyo so we are like I

said we are here in Chiba and it's

pretty rural it's on the outskirts it is

January right now it is a little cold so

hopefully the camera's not shaking too

much but all the cars that they have for

rental are over there there's NSX that

just got rented out and is pulling out

but over here they actually had some

really interesting cars that appear to

be junked or abandoned and you guys know

me I'm all about this stuff so I wanted

to come start over here on the backside

of the lot and then we'll take a look at

the actual cars that they have for

rental so right here is a z3m hatchback

really cool car kind of interesting to

see here in Japan left-hand Drive and

then over here there's a rx-8 this thing

looks like it's been sitting here for a

while same thing with this rx-7 there's

a FD

I mean this car once upon a time was a

very nice car and now it's sitting out

here it's missing the taillights looks

like it's been stripped a little bit

look at the roof on this there's so much

mold and mildew on the inside of this

car does random parts check this out

engines gone so there are some photos

inside the shop of some cars that were

wrecked from people running them and

they they stressed it a lot they're like

hey no initial D I'm not even kidding in

the waiver form I wish I would have

taken a photo it literally says like one

of the boxes you have to check is like I

will not drive like the comic initial

initial D I kid you not probably because

of cars like this people probably went

up to mountains to go tow gay live there

initial d fantasy and they're like hey

do not do that please do not do that and

I mean people are gonna do what they're

gonna do but that's on them here's the

r34 gt-r dorsen back here just leaves

all the way up to the door and you saw

March the 350z

what is this junked Ferrari

there's a Maranello oh my goodness God

have you kidding me man there's a junk

Ferrari sitting out here I didn't even

notice this until I walked up look at

this Wow so I'm assuming that this car

got wrecked a while back and whoever

running it probably had to pay a hefty

fine over the insurance covered it but

jeez freakin junk Ferrari I thought I've

seen it all here in Japan oh man this is

a v12 Ferrari to love these cars parked

next to this wide-body rx-7 FC

convertible I don't know what the deal

is this one actually looks like it's in

decent shape no I don't know here's a

junk Honda CRX and this this hurts to

see right here Honda s2000 just because

I kind of bonded with the car last night

driving around so seeing it here

you know it hurts because I really do

like these scars and they're getting

rare and rare to see every day and this

one is gone boys and here's the r32 GTR

you got to be kidding me oh man look at

this look at this plate bnr32 RB 26 this

is a GTR boys play stupid games win

stupid prizes I mean this car is

completely gutted this is insane

oh my goodness I feel like I should have

made two separate videos and just done

one about the good cars that they have

for rent then come over here and do junk

JDM car plans man and there's a Soviet

s15 over there was a plate cars in good

shape Jimny here's a Honda Accord

another FC with a plate rx-7 3-series

rx-8 boxer now we're getting to the cars

I think they have one more that's

chunked over here here's that new Fiat

Roadster Abarth edition this one's for

rent I saw this on the website if you

want to check that out same thing with

the Renault over here then we gain I'm

pronouncing that right this one's super

sporty well hot hatch it's got some

Recaro seats 6-speed manual

cool to see a French car in Japan you

don't see a lot of them I know we don't

have this car in America so if you're

looking to get something different but I

know a lot of you probably wanted to

rent the supras and the skylines and

whatnot and here's another rx-7 side

mirror just dangling tail lights

dangling look at this

I know a lot of you commenting will are

gonna be like yo how do I get these how

do I get these shells do they sell them

I don't know I can I get try asking but

I doubt it

they're probably just keeping these cars

in case somebody wrecks or damages one

of the other cars that they have running

and then they can pull some parts off

I'm assuming here's a black Toyota Supra

mark for this one's for for rent I saw

this on the website as well Manuel I

believe this is a SZ so the non turbo

the 2jz GE so they have a few s2000 so

they've got the blue yellow on black one

I run to the black one here's our 34 GTR

pulling in there are x8 and look over

here another r34 GTR r34 GTR they got

our 32 GTR in the back it's funny

because I went to that car me last night

and there were so many cars I were

running from here that were we're

showing up to the meet so you guys seem

to stick right here that's how you could

tell I was like a hole look at this GTR

and hits all the rental cars sticker I

mean no shame cuz I got the same sticker

on my car

Honda s 660 and a pretty cool blue color

this would be a fun car to cruise around

in and gas is not cheap so if you're

like on a budget maybe a kei car might

be something that you should consider

because you have to put premium in the

cars out here and it's like five six

bucks a gallon of gas and if you're out

driving the streets all night you're

gonna burn you're gonna burn through

some gas I put 250 kilometers on the

s2000 and I rented it last night at

about 7 o'clock returned at 10:00 a.m. -

and 50 kilometers in one night just

drive in Tokyo I mean it was awesome but

it cost about 40 bucks to fill up and

that's on a Honda 4-cylinder I mean

great gas mileage GTRs completely

different story here's an mr2 this one's

for rent this a 86 I don't know if you

guys have noticed the plates either so

that eight-six twenty two thousand two

thousand thirty four it's a nice little

touch so when you're driving around you

feel like the car is a little bit more

special like you have a custom plate

over your own I know this car is very

limited as far as like

the time frame you can run out thing you

can only do like six hour Reynolds you

can't do the overnight runoff it's super

clean Hachi Roku and then they do have a

Lambo if you're looking to get a

supercar this one is stupid expensive

though I mean expensive for me maybe not

expensive for some of you guys but it's

like 600 bucks for like tonight and I

was like as cool as it would be to ball

out in a Lamborghini drive in Tokyo

chump to a car me it's really not worth

that I had a lot of fun in the s2000 but

this is an LP 564 all-wheel drive in

white I mean it's super dirty though

this thing definitely needs a bath I've

never seen a Lambo this dirty before

granted it's a rental car I get it but

hey if you want a Lambo there you go

five sixty on the plate super cool

there's a s 13 no plate I did not see

this one on the website that would be

cool if you could run it s 13 there rx-7

another actually two more rx sevens no


cool looking cars and then there's the

NSX I was talking about I think that

wouldn't actually I said I got running

out I think they were turning it in so

they're just checking everything up on

it probably getting prepped for the next

rental there's a chimney the NSX is

automatic in case you're wondering I did

see that on the website not a

deal-breaker still a beautiful car and

then mx-5 another mx-5 they've got the

RF mx-5 then the newest model I kind of

dig it I'm not gonna lie and then over

here there's the Fairlady Z Nismo

Edition pretty sweet car but yeah it's

that time right now everybody's either

turning in cars or picking up a car for

the day same thing last night when I

came to pick up the s2000 there are all

these people bringing their cars back

and people grabbing cars to take them

out and go hit the streets at night so

that's cool 787 and then we got the 8 on

the plate and the 7 on this plate this

ft super clean it's got white Mazda

speed seats white on white on white

white work wheels this does have a

catback exhaust that's one thing I

wanted to point out so some of them do

have aftermarket parts so like you see

this r34 GTR over here it's a V spec and

it does have a

Quebec the s2000 was completely stock

but still I mean the VTEC when Ivy Tech

kicked in yo it was it was hitting I'm

not gonna lie

strong engine big fan of the f-22

actually excuse me this f20 because it's

a p1 it's got the 2-liter with that like

80 800 RPM rev limit and it rips I'm not

gonna lie not gonna lie but that's

pretty much it for all the cars I see on

the water over here we'll do a little

walk-around of the s2000 just for my

reminiscence if you will so I can come

back and watch this video and remember

the s2000 I rented while I was in Tokyo

I mean it was a good car

took it up to the meet it actually got

some attention as I was pulling in

people were taking photos and video of

it and this comes with a Hankook Ventus

v12 evo2 z-- I mean these tires these

are good summer tires actually all the

cars I believe koma summer tires and it

is winter here but I mean it's still

gripped I didn't push it to limit or

anything like that

I mean interior overall the leather is

actually in good shape love to push a

start on these interior super clean

little wear and tear on the steering

wheel this one did have 280 1,000

kilometers so pretty high mileage but it

is a rental car tops in great shape

automatic top work perfectly everything

we're perfect the heater work night so I

had to top-down and driving around and

windows up able to stay nice and warm

and a few imperfections really clean car

just check out this r34

yeah all the road rash on there they

document everything when you get the car

you do a full walk around just like any

rental car and check everything out but

I mean these wheels are gouged you've

got to think like if you're I think 20

23 years old you can rent one of these


I think the Lambo you have to be 28 if

I'm not mistaken and they do have our 35

GTR that's running it out right now and

that one you have to be 28 as well but

with the r35 gt-r they have it detuned

by HKS they lower the horsepower on it

so people aren't going out there and

like destroying that vehicle if you're a

new driver you're not experienced with

sports cars and you get over 35 GTR with

four or five hundred horsepower and

you're out there just ripping it bad

things are gonna happen SS 2000s looking

real clean too

but the s2 caves all have stock exhausts

on them this GTR is but I'll promote the

exhaust Civic type-r is really clean

this would be a fun car to rent we'll go

check out the r32 GTR and this r34 GTR

over here I know for a lot of people

this would probably be the go-to car for

coming to Tokyo I was considering you

know r34 GTR but they're all booked up

it is Tokyo Auto Salon weekend so

everybody in town wanted to get their

hands on a car and I saw the s2000 and I

was like you know what top-down driving

through Shibuya crossing can't get much

better than that and I'm actually really

glad I went with s2000 over a GTR I've

owned a GTR before not our 34 our 33 the

s2000 I've never driven alone so it was

definitely a definite street and this

r32 GTR big old catback exhaust

naturally 32 on the plate overall in

pretty good condition

it's got r34 GTR rims alexis here is is

f so it is the performance trim it's got

that quad exhaust so it's not just a

regular is 350 or is 250 it is is f

I mean you could definitely have some

fun in this thing I just I feel like a

car like this wouldn't get a lot of road

time out here while we're in Japan and

everybody wants the sports cars am i

right same thing over this just three

series over here I mean this thing is in

like pretty good shape now I bet if

there's an m3 it'd be a different story

but clean car clean car if you're in

town you just want something you need a

forward or and you want something to

cruise and you're not into the sports

cars maybe something like this would be

a good option which I got this Range

Rover I almost completely forgot some

you guys would have freaked out and the

bongo truck check out this Range Rover

just filled with junk inside there's a

hood right here who knows what that

belongs to it's blue only blue quartz

all over here was that rx-7 alright guys

so I'll talk about the rental process

real quick so you can go on their

website it is ohm or encode en for

English I'll put the link down below if

you want to go check it out they have a

handful of locations there is a location

in Tokyo but they only specialize in

like luxury German cars like Mercedes

and BMW and a lot of people want the

sports cars so you got to drive all the

way out to this location out in Chiba or

you got to drive out to Narita Airport

so I've run it from them before last

year when I was in town for Tokyo Auto

Salon I run it the evil wagon you guys

might remember that if you've been with

the channel since then I did get an Evo

9 wagon awesome car but I got that from

Narita and that's way way out way

outside of Tokyo it took me like two

hours via the metro to get out there and

then I had to take a cab to finally get

to the dealership to get the car and

then I was so far out that I mean it was

worth it it was still cool experience

but I didn't really get a lot of time

driving through Tokyo so this time I was

alright let me find a closer location

this one's about 40 minutes away from

the hotel where I'm staying at in

reference for those that know Tokyo I'm

in here oh but if you don't know the

districts like that it's pretty close to

Roppongi or the Tokyo Tower a few

minutes down the street from Shibuya so

it's pretty central and is about 40

minute drive on the expressway speaking

of the expressway it costs

leaving here the first stop is about 400

yen and that was like maybe a mile or

two we had to pay 400 yen and we got on

the metropolitan Expressway and you just

pay a flat rate based upon the size of

your car so for the s2000 is about 1,400

yen so about $12.50 to get on the

metropolitan Expressway and head in a

Tokyo and then once we got off we didn't

have any more fees or anything like that

then we tried going to daikaku futo the

parking area that's row infamous out

here and then we had to pay another

1,300 yen to get on the toll for that

and we ended up missing the turn for

those that know the parking area it's a

pain in the butt it's not that easy to

find so we ended up having to come back

around and try to find it again how to

pay the toll again even though we had

our receipt and we were just through the

toll booths like the same guy asking for

directions and he didn't really speak


so we're trying to figure it out on

Google Maps checkout daikaku futo PA on

google maps and you'll see like the

freaking maze that it is like there's

just like three levels of roads going

around and bridges coming in from all

different directions

it was crazy long story short we didn't

make as daikaku because we had the

underground copays car meet that we were

trying to get to so steve and i my buddy

who's out here with me we were like hey

let's can die Coco Fudo as tough as that

was as a decision because that is like

the infamous parking area out here and I

really really want to check it out I've

been in Tokyo like four five times never

been in daikaku last night I was there I

was on the outside of the gate but I

never got in and actually saw the car so

a little disappointed about that but I

paid $26 to pretty much drive around I

koku never got in so frustrating and

then the parking garage last night for

the car me was like twenty-six hundred

yen sweet pay it's like twenty four US

dollars for like three four hours at the

parking garage and then we went to go

get some food later that night and we

parked for like 40 minutes I was like

another $10 Tokyo is very expensive as

far as parking and the tolls go and then

we got back on the road

I dropped Steve off at the airport that

was another 1,300 yen just to go maybe

20 minutes to Haneda and then from

Haneda back out here I had to pay that

fourteen hundred yen again

to get on the Metropolitan and then that

other 400 yen to take that like to exit

stop so a little little frustrating

about that but nonetheless made it out

here but it's definitely well worth the

trip just keep that in mind if you're

coming out here there are road options

on Google Maps that don't use tolls but

you're looking at like two to three

times the amount of time to get anywhere

so if you wanted to go from here to

Tokyo Shibuya specifically it's about a

40 minute drive on the expressway but if

you wanted to take like the non toll

roads it would be about an hour and 40

minutes to two hours so you know pay a

little bit of money and get there a lot

quicker we just went with that because

time was not on our side we only had the

rental from like I said 7 o'clock last

night till 11 o'clock this morning so I

don't want to spend time sitting at

stoplights I wanted to get to all the


so yeah just keep that in mind as far as

prices go the s2000 for the nighttime

rental was about nine thousand yen it's

about eighty five US dollars not bad at

all and then after the gas 250

kilometers like I said is about forty

bucks so you're looking at one hundred

and thirty five hundred forty dollars

not including the tolls to drive as two

thousand all around Tokyo to me it's

worth it

once-in-a-lifetime experience driving

through Shibuya like that at 2:00 3:00

in the morning going through the

crosswalk I don't know let me know what

you guys say am I crazy or would you do

the same thing what would you even take

the r34 GTR or something else out here

so as far as the actual process on the

website you just go on there and you

fill out the the quick application you

have to create an account basic

information email address all that good

stuff you click the car and the time

frame you want it gives you the quote

and then you just show up and they they

have the car ready for you the first

time I actually run in a car from them I

did it online the night before and I

didn't speak to anybody and it was after

hours and I was like I'm gonna show up

to the location and nobody's gonna be

here or they're gonna be here they're

not gonna have my reservation the car's

not gonna be ready and I went all about

Santa Rita it was like two hours but

sure enough actually they had the car

ready to go which is really cool so I

trusted them again for the second time I

did the reservation on New Year's Eve on

the 31st didn't didn't talk to anybody

did everything online and then I call it

ahead of time I was like hey I just want

to verify my reservation the day of and

we got it just make sure you're here at

you know seven o'clock is like whoo I'll

be there and showed up and the car was

ready to go pretty quick on the

paperwork aspect you have to have a

international driver's license

I am stationed in Japan so I do have a

Status of Forces Agreement license it's

pretty much a license at the Japanese

government's like hey you're military

you can drive on the roads of Japan so I

brought that and my passport they just

make copies real quick you sign the

liability waiver you can opt in or out

for different insurances and then sign

everything they flip through the keys

you go outside you do a walk-around on

the vehicle and then good to go you you

get briefed not to drive like you're an

initial D and if you understand that you

check the box signed date you're on your

way headed towards Tokyo having a good

time so I highly recommend Oh Monsieur a

rental car you guys are in Tokyo and you

want to just rent a car for like the

weekend or maybe for an entire week or

if you want to do something like what I

did and just run it for the night to

take it out to underground car me you

can do that and they're here

like I said a lot of cars a lot of cool

cars but just keep in mind that these

cars get rented up quick so if you're

waiting to the last minute the options

are gonna be pretty slim especially on a

weekend like Tokyo Auto Salon so make

sure if you're coming out next year for

Tokyo Auto Salon and you're thinking

about running a car for a moment she'll

go ahead and hop on our website pick the

car you want put the reservation in

advance they won't cancel it until the

day of I believe are if you miss your

reservation what they do charge penalty

fees so just keep that in mind but with

that being said I'm gonna go ahead and

finish this video up I gotta head back

to Tokyo hit that like button hit that

subscribe button stay tuned more JDM car

content coming I got more vids from

mainland and I'll catch all the next

video later


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