June 2, 2024

WHO New Health Regulations

Published May 10, 2023, 3:40 p.m. by Arrik Motley

The Trump administration has proposed new regulations that would reduce the amount of sugar in foods that are marketed to children. The regulations, which are scheduled to be released later this week, would require food manufacturers to reduce the amount of sugar in products by 25 percent. The proposed regulations come as part of the Trump administration's effort to reduce the amount of sugar that is consumed by children.

The proposed regulations would apply to foods that are marketed to children under the age of 12. Foods that are exempt from the proposed regulations include beverages, foods that are used in medical treatments, foods that are specifically intended for infants or toddlers, and foods that are consumed as part of religious ceremonies.

The Trump administration's efforts to reduce the amount of sugar that is consumed by children are controversial. Many nutritionists believe that sugar is not the main cause of obesity and heart disease. Others argue that sugar is a major contributor to obesity and other health problems.

The Trump administration's proposed regulations will be controversial. They will be challenged in court, and it is uncertain whether they will be implemented. However, the Trump administration's efforts to reduce the amount of sugar that is consumed by children are a step in the right direction.

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well a warm welcome to this talk it's

Friday the 5th of May although you may

be watching a few days after the

5th of may now we've looked at some

reports about the debate in the UK

Parliament about this New World Health


um some people are calling it treaty

technically it's called the pandemic

Accord and we'll just look at where

we're getting this from because there

are some people that are really quite

concerned about this I'm not going to

tell you to be concerned or not I'm

going to be giving some information and

you can decide but these are the sources

that are all directly from the World

Health Organization

so there's that that one

intergovernmental negotiating body

there's this one working group on

amendments to the international Health

regulations now there's two things going

on at the same time here so it is a bit

confusing and um let's hope one's not

being used as a distraction for the

other because I think we need to look at

both of them

um this is the uh working group on the

uh International Health regulations

updating the regulations from 2005 and

all the regulations are there you can

download the full report which to be

fair is open and transparent you can you

can see it and study it for yourself now

let me just give you a bit of a

background here to what's going on so

this is from The Who site countries

around the world are currently working

on negotiating and or amending two

International instruments now the first

question here is why are they doing two

at the same time because this is causing


uh pity they haven't done one at the

same time which will help the world to

better be better prepared when the next


with pandemic potential strikes but as

we'll see it's more than pandemics that

they're going to be talking about

now um this is this is the first one we

looked at the international the

intergovernmental negotiating body

that's that first link we looked at

there check it out for yourself

and they're saying this is to as we've

just read this response so fair enough

it all sounds quite good commonly known

as the pandemic Accord but at the same


going on apparently concurrently we've

got this other thing this amendments to

the international Health regulations and

these two have to be seen as a

um pincer movement double whammy

something like that


where are we here we are now um this is

a members the international Health


and again all the links are there do

check it out for yourself or my quotes

are directly from the World Health

Organization a public fund uh public uh

domain sources

to amend the current health regular

International Health regulations first

now this is the 2005 regulation that

they're amending the 66 articles in in

the 2005

um Accord so it's um it's quite quite

detailed really

and um I wanted to find out if these

MP's concerns were Justified and we'll

look at it now so uh what they've done

here is um the changes are in bold

although the underline doesn't copy and

the strikethrough proposal to delete

existing text

um but the strikethrough doesn't cut

copy and paste either

um so what I've done is I've

um I've put the uh I've put the ones

that um the strikethroughs in comics and

so what would I put in Comic Sans are

the bits that I coming out or uh

potentially coming out and the bits in

Boulder new that are going in right

having said that article one

um standing recommendations means a

non-binding advice so non-binding will

come out

and uh by so presumably if the

non-binding comes out that means that

it's binding on uh governments temporary

recommendations means uh non-binding

again non-binding will come out so

temporary recommendations means advice

issued by The Who

um it's the non-binding is taken out

implying that it's um well what can we

say we can say well it's it's now uh the

non-binding bit is coming out so does

that mean it's binding we would assume

so that's the interpretation of quite a

few of the MPS we've looked at

for example

Article 2

scope and purpose

so remember in bold it's new including

um including through uh Health Systems

Readiness Readiness and resilience so so

that that sounds okay rather than in


in ways that are commensurate with and

restricted to public health risk

so the point is here

this is coming out the the public health

risk is coming out

so that means they can do this for any

risk or risk

so uh it's now all risk with the

potential impact on public health so

the public health part is taken out it's

now all risk so this is the part that's

due to go in so the World Health

Organization could do this for other

things in its uh great esteemed wisdom

it considered a risk not just public

health things anymore so pretty

significant expansion of their reach

there just in a few things we've looked

at already

um now this is um article three

and again

um the implementation of these

regulations shall be with the full

respect for the dignity human rights and

fundamental freedoms of persons this is

coming out this is proposed to come out

um now what is wrong with uh regulations

with full respect for the dignity human

rights and fundamentals freedoms of the


I don't know but that is now out

so let's just clarify this the World

Health Organization are taking out the

clause which says that the regulation

shall be applied essentially with full

respect for the dignity human rights and

fundamentals of freedoms of the person

that is now out

that is really um

yeah that bit is out that is quite uh

that's quite concerning so make sure

that bit's crossed out because they want

to take that bit out

do check it out for yourself make sure

I've got this right

uh responsive authorities

um responsible authorities right no so

this is new each date party should

inform whohr about the establishment of

its National competent Authority

responsible for the overall

implementations of the international

Health regulations that will be

recognized and held accountable

so the who here appears once nation

states to set up national bodies to


enforce their

dictates whatever you want to call it

um remember the non-binding bit is now

taken out

so you can I'm starting to see why these

MPS were a bit concerned about this

Article Five

uh the state party May request a further

extension not exceed in two years from

the director General



shall make the decision

um so that bit's coming out so make the


uh refer to make the decision refer the

issue to the World Health assembly which

will then take a decision on the same

so um

yeah again just subtle bits being taken

out here that can change the meaning of


this bit is going in because it's in

bold World health organizations so

collect information regarding events

through its surveillance activities

so it seems to me that here the World

Health Organization wants to collect the

information and

uh basically collect that information



again you get the impression it's a

centralization of power issue to the

World Health Organization

anyway let's go on

notification no sharing of genetic

sequence data or information shall be

required under these regulations

well that that's

really quite strange I would have

thought we would want to share genetic

information about any new virus or

bacterial or fungal infection or

whatever it is

but of course they're now saying that

this is not just public health issues

this is any issues that the who

deemed to be a concern what that could

be isn't specified they've just

broadened this out broaden their Reacher


article 9

um under the heading of the reports

before taking any action based on such

reports who shall consult with and

attempt to obtain verification from the

state party in whoso territory the event

is occurring that's out

I'm proposing to take that bit out

so why on Earth wouldn't you want to

consult with uh member states I don't

know but it looks like the World Health

Organization want to cut out the member


and just do this on their own bat so

that bit is coming out

before taking any action based on such

reports World Health Organization shall

consult and attempt to obtain

verification from the state party in

whose territory they may like to occur

well you know to bother with that is

coming out



firmly in charge

article 10 verification

while encouraging the state party to

accept the offer of collaboration by The

Who taking into account the views of

such State party concern well that's

coming out

looks like the wha don't need to take

into account the views of the individual



do do check on do check on the sites

I've given you um this is this is this

is what I'm reading

um if I've got it completely wrong tell

me but this is

this is what they're saying


exchange of information uh very

concerned about information control of

course and we're only up to article 11

which is all I'm going to do in this


again this is new who shall facilitate

the exchange of information so it's the

World Health Organization now

that's facilitating the exchange of


so it looks like the exchange is all

going through the good offices of the

World Health Organization so they can

decide what's best for you

in rural Texas or rural Cumbria or

wherever the heck you are in the area

the World Health Organization Knows Best

about your situation

is that what they're saying here looks

like it to me they're going to

facilitate the exchange of information

between State parties and ensure that

the event information site from the

national ihr focal points offers a

secure and reliable platform that's

going to be secure and reliable reliable

presumably according to the good

dictates of the wh oh

there you go and our role is to say

thank you

and it's secure so hyperloy like nation

states or individual experts

it's irrelevant to secure to the World

Health Organization

apart is referred to in those Provisions

shall and again one of these subtle

changes shall not make this information

generally available to other state


so it did say part is referred to uh in

those Provisions shall make this

information generally available to other

state Partners now it's saying it shall


looks like you've got to go through the

who so it looks like the who is here is

saying as I see it we don't want

countries talking to countries go

through the who we know best we'll take

care of it all we don't want the United

Kingdom talking to the United States oh

no no no no no no go through the World

Health Organization

is referred to in those Provisions shall

make this information shown

um shall make this information generally

available to other state parties until

such times when this is the key thing

here when

uh who determines it's necessary that

such information is made available to

State parties so the who will decide

when it's necessary

because this bit is new

to make informed timely assessments so

there you go uh the who is going to

decide um when information shall be made


to the United Kingdom

so if you're in the United Kingdom don't

need to worry about it the who will

determine when it's necessary

that such information be made available

to us

I I guess all the scientists and doctors

in in the United Kingdom are a bit

stupid we need guided we need guided uh

I'm not that I'm putting myself in that

Elite group but we we need Guided by the

World Health Organization it would


what words come to mind paternalistic




I'll stop

um I've given you a taste of what's in

it um

you decide do you like this or not

check it out for yourself

download the report there it is just

click download and you get the whole


in a range of languages

and uh we'll leave it there thank you

for watching


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