June 1, 2024

Last Call For IPTV Master Resellers

Published May 31, 2023, 11:20 p.m. by Jerald Waisoki

It is November already and we are taking on our last 5 Master Resellers for 2019. We will not be setting up Master Resellers again until February 2020. If you are ready to get your business off the ground and end 2019 with a bang then be 1 of the 5 people to text me at 760-422-3052 and say Carlos I am Ready and we can get you going.

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are you tired of looking for a reliable

solution that would allow you to get

into the IPTV business are you

frustrated with people that hide behind

emails and phone numbers that never get


do you wish there was a company that

could assist you with setting up your

IPTV service and train you if you

answered yes to any of these questions

then this video is for you

hi my name is Carlos Perez and I work

with clients that want to start their

own IPTV service now you may be

wondering why do I need to pay someone

like you to do something I can go online

and figure out how to do on my own the

answer is simple there are too many

missing elements that people do not

include online like which servers to get

which EPG to use how do I get channel

icons how do I configure the app to work

with it in which panel to use these are

all the things that by trial and error

we have figured out and because of that

it saves you time and money

I get stories every day about somebody

ripping somebody off and taking all

their money and not delivering anything

I heard of people getting beat out of

every amount from 3,000 to recently two

hundred and fifty thousand dollars I

feel bad that honest people with a

desire to start their own business get

scammed and mislead almost every day

that is why we only work with a select

few individuals that know that they need

help in getting everything off the


you see trying to save a buck you can

penny pinch is the reason most of these

people get ripped off in his business

people thinking that they know

everything is another reason they get

taken advantage of as well

people out there will blow smoke up your

ass in order to get your money because

it's easy to take advantage of someone

that has no understanding of the

business I have a sincere desire to

assist people and we never work with

groups larger than five providers at a


that is why we can get you set up in

edit or group and offer the support you

need to be comfortable in your new

business as 2019 comes to an end

we're gonna be working with our last

group for the year and will not be

working with anyone else until February

of 2020

if you want to finish 2019 with your own

IPTV service can get the Christmas rush

in New Year's cash than act quickly

we're only taking five master resellers

I want to set them up get them trained

and support them our setup and

consulting fees are fifteen hundred

dollars plus you need to have an

additional five hundred dollars to get

your server

EPG panel and connections because we

want to close down our services so that

we can prepare for the holidays and be

with our families we're giving action

takers an incentive if you are one of

the first five people ready to go with

cash in hand and know that this is what

you want to do we are taking 300 dollars

off the price making it only twelve

hundred dollars plus your hard cost to

get going the sooner we get five people

in the sooner we can set them up train

them and add them to our group and focus

on wrapping up 2019 so if you have a

desire to start your own IPTV business

and have been looking for someone you

can trust to assist you

then this message is for you text me at

seven six zero four two two three zero

five two and tell me Carlos I'm ready to

go and we can get together sign the

agreements and have you up and ready in

less than a week this is not a pressure

tactic and those of you that know me

know I like having the end of my year

off to be with family and friends so if

this is for you

and you're ready to go reach out to me

and let me know here's to the end of an

awesome 2019 in the beginning of a

rewarding 2020



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