June 2, 2024

What is the business of football worth? | Made in Germany

Published June 1, 2023, 6:20 a.m. by Liam Bradley

When the Euro 2016 kicks off on 10 June 2016, it'll be party time - not only for the fans but for business. soccer is of course big business. Every player tries to boost his market value. Clubs, bookies, beer brewers and many others all vie for a cut.

For more go to http://www.dw.com/en/program/made-in-germany/s-3066-9798

You may also like to read about:

how much money is the soccer industry

worth quite a lot at the Euro 2016

tournament the value of the players on

the pitch will exceed four and a half

billion euros in financial terms Spain's

team is the most valuable Germany's

ranked second and Frances third the

euros most valuable player in monetary

terms is Cristiano Ronaldo he has an

estimated market value of 110 million

euros Germany's Thomas Miller ranks

third at 75 million euros

Ronaldo also earns the most 45 million

euros a year in salary and endorsements

in comparison women make far less former

German national team players say Lia

sausage earned just one hundred thousand

euros in 2015 Ronaldo's club is also

swimming in cash where Alma droid is

Europe's biggest money-making machine

followed by Barcelona Germany's richest

club Bayern Munich ranks fifth

but while most Spanish clubs have piled

up huge debts Bayern Munich is in the

black the Bundesliga champions earn most

of their revenue from ticket sales

sponsorship deals TV rights and sales a

fan memorabilia last year they raked in

twenty nine point three million euros

still German clubs receive less money

from sponsors German law forbids

commercial interests hermit aning a

controlling stake in teams here which

puts off Russian oligarchs and Arab oil

sheiks with deep pockets the football

business also has its downside the huge

sports betting industry attracts

criminals who win big using money

attained through illegal means sometimes

they even arrange to have matches fixed

but that doesn't stop folks from loving

the beautiful game for some soccer is

almost a religion and in it

Germany are world champions more people

follow big matches and go to church and

during the World Cup or European

Championships many drop everything

they're doing to watch the games

Germany's GDP Falls by as much as 0.4%

as a result but the tournaments also

mean people rush out to buy large screen

TVs be your sales also enjoy a boost and

will no doubt rise even more should

Germany become European champions


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