May 16, 2024

Decisio Health - Securely accessing clinical data without a VPN

Published June 2, 2023, 10:20 p.m. by Liam Bradley

Testimonial by Glen Zangirolami of

Covering how he uses Teleport to keep internal services secure.

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we can access clusters and data

that is behind a firewall

my name is glenn's angerolamy and i'm

the principal devops architect at at

physio health a health software company

that provides real-time dashboards for

intensive care units being able to


create accounts and

have people have access to their data

very quickly so

if we get a new employee then we can

bring them on and add them teleport and

they immediately have access to the data

that they need to have access to before

i use teleport i did home access via vpn


opening up that port kind of exposes

uh the ability for attackers to

know you're running a vpn and have

access to that

this way the firewall can be closed off

and the only way that i have access to

it is through teleport and i can i p

restrict that

on the other end so where i can only

access it for instance from my office or

i can add that ip very easily to get

access to teleport if i'm on a sell


or a wi-fi that maybe you know i'm only

trusting for a certain amount of time it

is a game-changing tool

we custom rolled a lot of stuff here

for access to things but this makes it

very simple for you to


gain access into environments that you

need access to

as well as

they are hipaa compliant they have


available versions of the software so if

there is any

questions asked about the security of

this and they're very they take that

very seriously on the hipaa compliance

side teleport basically

provides you an encrypted way to


from one end to the other so if i give

access to an employee


they need access to data on this end the

communication between the two are

encrypted and that's what matters in

hipaa compliance is that there's no data

leaking out that is unencrypted for

those particular you know any kind of

customer data so

especially in our field when we're

dealing with medical data that data is

not to leave the premise so teleport you

know just encrypts it all the way to the

other side nothing really is stored on

the other end you have access to it but

you know

what matters is that that tunnel is


i would recommend teleport to anybody

enthusiasts at home

for the open source versions and also

companies who are wanting to take it to

the next level for access to their data



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