June 1, 2024

Watch Xploration DIY Sci S01 E01 Pressure TV Series Free Online Tubi

Published June 2, 2023, 4:20 a.m. by Arrik Motley

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air is invisible but the effects of air

pressure are amazing it's gonna pop out

BAM you feel the pressure and you can

prove the power of pressure at home with

the cool experiments we're gonna do

today I'm steve Spangler and I love

blowing stuff up with the power of

science I'm gonna show you how you can

do it yourself you can harness the power

of science in your own home with DIY

side yeah hi i'm steve Spangler welcome

to DIY side today we're talking about

pressure you ever pop your ears you're

on an airplane or car ride you're trying

to equalize things that's pressure now

pressure technically is the amount of

force over an applied area believe it or

not there's air pushing on every square

inch of your body and there's a lot of

air pushing on every square inch of your

body maybe the best way to show you is

this take a look at this it's a steel

bar it's a heavy steel bar it's 14.7

pounds of mass look at this and the end

is a square inch so imagine this resting

on every square inch of your body that's

the pressure you feel if you're at sea


it's this huge column of air that's

pushing down and if you can learn how to

harness the power of that air you can do

some pretty amazing things and that's

exactly what I'm going to show you how

to do today let me show you the power of

air pressure using some simple things

that you can find at home you're gonna

need a bowl it might be a little bit

messy and a glass container so that's

fine a coaster but you could also use a

playing card or anything that will cover

the surface and of course a little bit

of water all right so the water goes

into the jar like this we're going to

take it all the way to the very top


and now the card goes in place the whole

thing turns upside down now you

understand why we have a bowl alright

now this is the leap of faith because

you need to let go of the card and just

hope that the water stays there stay

there water stay there there it is right

so look the water stays in there's no

glue there's nothing at all there it is

if you're very brave it's up and over

your head that's only if you're brave oh

I just felt something here we go I'm

back down again and now just to prove to

you there's no trick turn it upside down

the coaster is fine and the water is

back so if you said that the secret to

this was the air pressure pushing up you

are absolutely correct in fact we really

only have to be concerned about the air

pressure on the card pushing in this

area here so let's focus on this here

and it's a simple calculation but you'll

be amazed with how much air is actually

pushing up on the card

all right let's use inches if I measure

this across here like this that's two

and a half inches so if I draw this out

on a card so we really can see what this

looks like there is what our square

inches look like there are five square

inches in this circle this bar weighs

14.7 pounds times five square inches

that gives us 72 pounds of pressure

pushing up and we definitely don't have

72 pounds of pressure pushing down the

pressure winds and the water stays in

the cup as we continue to look at the

power of air and air pressure all around

us I thought we needed some help and so

this is Skyler how are you good now you

brought something what is that it's a

bag of clothes that I need to pack in my

suitcase I think that's a pretty good

idea if they're all thrown in there and

I look at this there's a lot of air

that's in here as well and if you look

at this look at how much space it takes

up it's really big

so if we were able to use air pressure

kind of in a reverse process to pull the

air that's in here out and allow the

outside air to push on the bag this

might look pretty cool that won't look

different so this is where I'm going to

need your help okay so we have a pretty

powerful shot back over here okay so

this is the business end this will be

yours you're gonna put that shop back up

to this special valve we're gonna draw

as much air out as we can here we go




there are all of your clothes exactly

the way they were except we took out all

the air inside feel this it's so

crumpled it is look at how much less

room it takes that guy because of all

that pressure wouldn't it be kind of

cool if you could feel that pressure you

got to be kidding me

oh boy the here is the bag and before we

get started I gotta tell you something

this is something you cannot do at home

you to reserve this for the DIY sigh

Wow everybody go so here is a creep my

big bag hair like a sandwich bag and I'm

gonna need you to get into the bag

excellent we don't want the bag over

your head right yeah we don't want the

bag over her head and you can't try this

at home

got it all right so here's what I was

thinking we have to put the end of the

shop back in with you so you're gonna

hang on to it like this

can I put your hands around it there

good got it

okay so I'm going to put this over here

so now I'm gonna put the bag up and

around like this is that feeling good no

it's kidding me

this is crazy one two three go here we

go here we go


that's it Jesus a few miles so they're

perfect and tight all around you look at

this hoping this is a great way to back

you back a kid it is you feel the

Packers are really really cool get it


so good are you good yeah good you look


did you feel any different no not now I

did why with it now you know exactly

what it's like to be these clothes these

are yours thanks for coming to the

workshop there great job that's the

power of air you'll need a big vacuum

cleaner to experience the power of air

pressure you just need a jar a piece of

paper and an egg you're gonna find out

how you can get this egg inside this

bottle plus you'll see how you can crush

a giant metal drum look at this watch


coming up on DIY sock

welcome back to DIY sigh I want to show

you how to take what we've learned about

the power of air and apply it to a

classic science experiment called the

egg in the bottle this is an

old-fashioned milk bottle now you don't

have to use one of these you could very

easily find out a bottle that has a

similar opening you're just trying to

find a bottle where shelled hard boiled

egg won't slip into the opening that's

gonna be really important all right so

the question is how do you get the egg

into the bottle and no fair just like

slamming it down we're gonna use air

pressure to help push it inside normally

putting an egg on a bottle like this the

air pressure is not going to just push

it inside so we have to create a

difference in pressure so here is just

one possible solution if we were to heat

the air in this bottle those molecules

that are close together now are gonna

move far away from each other and start

to escape from the bottle then after

they escape from the bottle if I could

seal the bottle with the egg forming a

one-way valve we could allow the outside

air pressure to push on the egg as the

air here starts to cool and as the air

cools the molecules come back together

again means the pressure on the outside

is greater than the pressure inside

let's see if that hypothesis holds true

I've got my eggs there shelled I've put

a little water on the eggs to kind of

help out I've got a piece of paper that

we're gonna light on fire I've got my

safety glasses and I've got the striker

okay so here we go strip of paper is on

fire this goes down into the bottle and

that starts to burn now the egg goes on

top like this

we're going to bam I couldn't even

finish it it is inside your eyes were

not playing tricks on you take a look

again in slow-mo


you can see that now that fire went out

as soon as the fire went out now those

molecules started to come back together

again the outside pressure pushed on the

egg and that's the egg in the bottle I

know what you're asking could you get

the egg out of the bottle yes you can

but you can't crack the bottle it's a

great bottle and you don't want to break

the egg that's cheating so let's just

reverse engineer what we just did if I

could make the pressure on the inside of

the bottle greater than the pressure on

the outside of the bottle and well I

could shoot the egg out and probably

into my mouth because that's the way I'm

going to create the pressure so look at

what we have here I've positioned the

egg so that there's a seal here on the

bottom I'm gonna push air in and

hopefully the air can't come back out

until the air pressure is great enough

to to pop the egg right back out all

right here we go mm-hmm anything for DIY

sigh oh here it comes here it is here it

is see it's starting to come out it's

gonna pop out and bam and the eggs out

of the bottle but but we have a rogue

egg somewhere and that's okay because

it's my job to put as many eggs in the

bottle as possible




Pam egg in the bottle egg out of the

bottle it's all because of the power of

air pressure so far we've seen the power

of air hold water in upside down glass

push an egg into a bottle we even vacuum

packed a kid the question is is air

powerful enough to crush this can we'll

find out that's coming up next on DIY


welcome back I'm steve Spangler all

right when you finish a soda you

probably do this crush the can right

before you throw it into the recycling

bin of course you do

that takes a tremendous amount of

pressure right you're gonna get pretty

good squeeze to be able to do it what

have I told you that you could learn to

crush a can like this without touching

it at all in fact you're simply gonna

hold on to it with a little pair of

tongs and even better you're going to

dip it in this water right here it's

easy to do but you're gonna need some

things that you can find in the kitchen

we've got a hot plate that's over here

and I have some empty soda cans that you

see here so I emptied out the cans and

wash them out and to those I added just

a little bit of water not much but a

little bit of water okay

these are gonna go on the hot plate and

we are gonna boil the water inside so

because we're using it it's always a

good idea throw in our safety glasses so

we're set so each of the cans that you

see here on the hot plate have just a

little bit of water inside and I can

hear maybe you can hear the water

boiling it's boiling really well all

right what do you see coming out at the

top of the can right here that's water

vapor that's the water molecules turning

from a liquid into a gas and in fact

those water molecules are moving far far

apart and as a result of that it's

pushing out all of the air that's great

because in just a second we're gonna

pick one of these up turn it upside down

and seal it in the water here meaning

that the very top here will be sealed

over a layer of water we're gonna let

the outside air pressure do its job and

hopefully crush that can alright let's

take a look

there's our tongs all right this one is

looking good here we go right in the

water like this watch BAM

and look at all the water that was drawn

up inside at the same time not only did

the outside air pressure push it in but

the water molecules move together

closely water shot inside cooled the

whole thing down you can see it crushed

the can with absolutely no problem at

all that means we've got more to go all

right here we go

let's try this one here this is looking

good upside down as soon as that is

covered BAM

there you go here try this one here hey

look at that

the power of air to be able to crush the

can but I know what you're thinking if

this little can is good what about a

bigger can let's use this empty solvent

can in place of the soda cans to see if

there's enough air pressure to be able

to crush this big can so here's what I

did I added a small amount of water to

this can and that's what you see on this

burner over here now the important part

is that we see the water vapor coming

out it's so important to understand that

that water is turning from a liquid into

a gas the molecules are moving far apart

and actually pushing the air out of the


so when we seal the can up and we cool

it down we're gonna allow the outside

pressure to push in all right safety

glasses on safety gloves on all right so

here's what we're gonna do we'll seal it

up like this nice tight seal this will

come over here and now we could just let

it cool down but we wanted to happen a

little bit faster so that's where the

water comes in listen to it it's talking


there it goes look at this perfect

that's almost 2,800 pounds pushing on

the outside of that can to crush it like

this well we've seen how the power of

air can crush a metal can but how do you

use this in real life well one example

is a machine like this industrial oil

filter crusher this machine pumps air

into the cylinder on top which

compresses the air the compressed air

applies 10 tons of crushing force to the


factories and car repair shops use the

machines so that the cans they throw out

will take up a whole lot less space that

makes them easier to recycle next we're

gonna supersize our can crush that's

right a 55-gallon steel drum can we

crush this without a machine or a

baseball bat all this next on DIY side


welcome back to DIY side so we used air

pressure to crush a soda can that was

really cool then we made a little bit

bigger with a solvent can crush that

metal can that was awesome but is there

enough air pressure and is it powerful

enough to crush this can it's a 55

gallon steel drum and this is thick

steel enough that it's gonna be hard to

even crush it with a baseball bat

well if we're actually gonna do this

we're just gonna have to take everything

that we've done so far and make it a

little bit bigger bigger can bigger

stove and we've got this pool of ice

water this only means one thing I'm

gonna need some help and that's where

higginsworth comes in eggs you did a

great job of getting cute Oreos together

if we're gonna supersize this thing I'm

gonna need your help and we're gonna

have to start by putting some of the

water in here okay right so we just need

a little bit more water than we had in

the smaller cans here's water good all

right now let's turn this on and fire up

that stove there nice that's a really

good fire all right let's grab this in

you grab the other end and we'll just

kind of pick it up in here yeah nice

make sure it's stable so it doesn't tip

over yeah it feels pretty good good all

right so here's what we want to do we

want that flame to boil the water that

water is going to turn from a liquid

into a gas that water vapor is gonna

push all the air out of this 55-gallon

drum right and we're gonna start to see

that water vapor come out here

absolutely the only thing we have to do

now is wait for it to boil


about two minutes go by hi this look at

the temperature temperature 212 that's

perfect I have to do this alright safety

glasses on safety gloves okay all right

so here's your glasses give us we turn

off the gas and lock down the cap it

really tighten it down

what okay good keep going that's good

okay good see you alright so off to the

side home take these okay let's pick it

up and put it in the water got it yep

bingo yeah we don't know when it's gonna

go you're talking there look at this

alright alright move this over the top

the steel is thick you've got those

water molecules now coming closer

together that's the power of air that

was amazing awesome it scared the heck

out of me Wow

you see that go that was BAM but it was



as soon as we took the can and put it in

the swimming pool I thought we had some

time so I was gonna explain what was

going on with the molecule the whole

thing takes off he it crushes if you

look at it that was wall to wall

touching that was amazing

quick calculation there's actually 3400

square inches of surface area on that

drum multiply that by fourteen point

seven pounds per square inch that's

50,000 pounds of pressure pushing on the

can look at this this is steel look at

this watch this that implosion was so

powerful it put a big crack in the kiddy

pool that pools not gonna hold water

anymore that's the power of air pressure


well I don't want to pressure you but

there's more DIY side coming up next

that was amazing


well what do we learn today we learned

that air is extremely powerful this

pressure that's all around us that you

don't feel and you don't even think

about is actually there there's 14.7

pounds on every square inch of your body

pushing it's responsible for holding the

water in the glass for pushing the egg

in the bottle for vacuum packing a kid

we crushed metal cans there was so much

power that we were able to crush a

55-gallon steel drum with almost 50,000

pounds of pressure


I'm steve Spangler see you next time on

DIY son and a show take two

well what did we learn today we learned

that the experiments I showed you how to

do should not be done in your home they

should be done in a friend's home that's

pretty much what we learned today

see you next week


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