May 10, 2024

PUTIN'S NUKE THREAT! | Plus, Simon Jordan on Money In Sport - #153 - Stay Free PREVIEW

Published June 25, 2023, 6:20 a.m. by Violet Harris

Join us here for a PREVIEW of our daily one-hour RUMBLE show.

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TODAY - Putin accuses Ukraine of vetoing a signed peace plan with NATO, leaving it in the ’garbage of history'. Biden’s concern over the threat of Putin deploying ‘tactical nuclear weapons’, Dem Stacey Plaskett’s revelations about her solicitation of Jeffrey Epstein for campaign donations in 2018. PLUS our special guest is Simon Jordan talking Saudi money in sport and leadership in soccer.


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our Lord God he don't make Trash he

makes Awakening wonders and that's what

we're being joined by now in the form of

yes you are we are here together it

surely must be Friday okay this is why

we call it Friday no you've done well

that's my favorite one yeah that's my

favorite one of the day is all the

different ones they're all just made up

though I always come to you when I want

to know what day of the week it is ask

me yeah I'm like what day of the week is

it today ask me if Nate

Ukraine peace deal and how did the US

find an extra six six six billion they

found sex where they found sex XXX in a

666 billion dollars for military and no

wonder they keep failing that the

Pentagon keep failing there's always

bloody audits they keep finding six

billion dollars and as Aaron mate

tweeted Hello darling we've got a

fantastic show coming up we're going to

be talking a little bit about uh Jeffrey

Epstein and exactly see if you can guess

this humor me

which Congress person do you think a

solicit donations from Epstein let us

know in the chat right now let us know

in the chat who you think silly probably

all of them they all like him he's very

popular wasn't he he went over so well

all the ones that are on his list what

Epstein's list what I think was uh

interesting uh about sort of everything

this is comparable to the Black Rock

story that we did the other day we know

already don't we that this kind of

corruption goes on and then a story like

this breaks and it merely confirms what

we already reckoned is that how you feel

about it let me know if you're watching

this on YouTube we're only going to be

here for about I know 10 minutes 10

minutes something like that because

we're just actually a bit busy at the

moment and also we do our broadcasting

exclusively on Rumble why because like

RFK we recognize that Free Speech ain't

free if you ain't willing to fight for

it that's why you gotta get over to

rumble if you're watching just a rumble

give us a rumble hit that Rumble button

now see that Rumble bun what's ignoring

it all right what have done to you it

ain't no little kid it ain't no orphan

don't neglect it why yeah Bernardo give

it a nudge that is the old Rumble button

give it a push okay should we get into

some news because I've actually got

quite a lot to say Gareth I'm one of the

busiest journalists no I know you are on

earth barely get a meeting with you you

know you can't do I'm too busy

journaling I've got a lot I know

especially in that room on your own size

Candlelight with that quill doing the

old journaling baby that's what I've got

to do Journal Journal Journal hey if you

think we weren't about to mention killer

aliens you're mistaken because we're

going to be doing a deep presentation on

those killer aliens you lot do you think

it's a distraction do you think we're

being used do you think the CIA are

meddling with us because a lot of our

sources and we've got good sources

actually say that the CIA the Deep State

don't want this stuff coming out and

there is a Poco and it's seismic and

it's Paradigm shifting so if you think

that they're just using this stuff as a

distraction from I don't know did Joe

Biden take that money ding allegedly

where's that button gone or did uh or

elsewhere are they hounding Trump thanks

very much thanks very much are they

hounding Trump instead of focusing on

the content tints of those boxes is

there a plan for a war in Iran uh anyway

look these are all questions that simply

have to be asked and simply have to be

answered we'll be doing that in our

presentation on killer aliens why is

murderous aliens it's weird to think of

an alien being murderous because that

sort of places them within a moral

framework that is literally terrestrial

maybe on in their crazy old country

murdering is just a little more than a

sport now we asked you a minute ago

which Congress person solicited Epstein

for donations hopefully it's not someone

who's incredibly smug Pious pompous I'm

willing to talk to groundbreaking

award-winning journalists like Michael

schellenberger Matt taibi like this scum

of the earth have a look at this clip

this isn't just a matter of what data

was given to these so-called journalists

before us now

and that's how you'd be all upset that

reminds me last night when I was with

Matt Tybee and Michael Schellenberg yeah

I know a hell of a night what a night it

was it was so brilliant Gareth like to

do to start this movement against the

censorship industrial complex what a

great what great fan yeah the fact that

Tim Robbins came magnificent that was I

didn't see him but that was good yeah

didn't see him I didn't see where you

spoke to him Gareth oh sidling up to him

shouldn't have done that getting on his

lap like that saying hey what about if

me and you well I've always wanted to do

what finally got to do it think before

you act should have done told you that

before I think before you act because we

wouldn't have this long Litany of

atrocities you've committed against Tim

Robbins I liken you to that lady there

we just saw out of Congress basket

you're a bit like Stacy plastic girl in

a way yeah because look what she's been

doing trying to get Epstein to give her

a quid or two God Rest his eternalities

in 2018. is Epstein really we can't

because we're still on YouTube now if

you're watching us on YouTube there's a

link in the description join us over on

Rambo all right join us here because we

ain't using Rumble for hate speech I

don't hate anybody I believe in love I

believe in you I believe in your right

to disagree with me I believe in our

right to find new Mutual systems of

consensual governance what I don't

believe in is calling Matt taibi and

shellenberger a couple of flyby Knights

and charlatans which any of you that

attended the show last night will know

they simply are not and could not be and

then knowing that you yourself have

solicited donations from Jeffrey Epstein

Bill Gates's former buddy we can't even

tell you what Epstein did on YouTube

because we would get demonetized but you

know because you're an awakened Wonder

also you know she was talking about mat

Serbian and Michael Schellenberg as

releasing Cherry Picked out of context

emails and basically as you say call

them Circle journalists when she

essentially is a lie is a lying she is

lying she's alive

she's basically said that she didn't

know any thing about Epstein donating to

her campaign she didn't know but she

actually did because we've got emails

that have come through this case of JP

Morgan versus the Virgin Islands which

is going on at the moment versus the

Virgin Islands yeah it's all about

boring football match still new halftime

so in 2018 she had personally requested

an invitation to a Bloomberg fundraiser

be sent to Epstein I would be grateful

for his support and the support of those

that he may direct to assist me she

wrote let me see that quote what does it

say I'd be grateful for his support

is that what it says yeah so these

emails have only come up as a result of

this cut of this lawsuit has this any

come up because of that Bloody JP Morgan

vs the Virgin Islands they should do it

as a wrestling match I say do it as MMA

is there any way to get to the bottom of

this that's it the way you try to solve

your differences with Matt tabe last

night after all I shouldn't have done

that it's ridiculous and in that singlet

I know outrageous uh listen let us know

in the chat in the comments what you

think about uh is it Stacy Plunkett


it's simply unfair forgivable isn't it

to make us those requests of Jeffrey

Epstein and let us know what you think

about his untimely demise

they're so mysterious going on because

I'll tell you this this is a bit of news

that we're not supposed to report but we

will because we love you because we

respect you because we believe in your

ability to discern truth from fiction

take a bit of a joke have a laugh

recreate create create new systems of

government thank the old order for

establishing commercialism

commodification centralized media and

government models say your time is done

now we're going to decentralize we're

going to end this gargantuan experiment

this gigantist model that's gotten out

of control this humorous horrible

metastasization of our value system that

you have undertaken we're going to do it

ourselves now sisters and in some cases

brothers are doing it for themselves

have you seen this Putin reckons and uh

can we trust him well this one's Russian

television so you know who knows Putin

games that uh he offered a piece deal do

you believe there's a Putin I mean isn't

he a criminal well no he says the

assigned peace treaty with Ukraine yeah

in 2022 in the spring of 2022 and this

we already know the situation with like

Boris Johnson that was reported in

Ukrainian newspaper that Boris Johnson

went over in April 2022 to discourage

Ukraine Falls peace deal so Putin's not

saying anything that is like totally we

haven't already

you could say so you're willing to say

that I would be willing to say that yes

I would I'm going to press that

just for safety's sake thank you so much

mascara thank you for the sake of legal

safety join us on Rumble like RFK

there's a link in the description to

ensure that your free speech is

protected let me know if you think that

Putin is walking around so he isn't easy

what Criminal come on but also do you

think he did have a peace deal and that

the West coupled it but let me ask you

this simple question what possible

motivation could Western governments and

their commercial sponsors in the

military industrial complex have for

prolonging a war it's not like there's

recently been a war in Afghanistan that

went on for ages of age pages and

basically achieved nothing and that we

now know was basically an attempt to

siphon taxpayer monies into the hands of

the military industrial complex we don't

know that in fact hold on a minute like

when we're talking about surveillance

and all that stuff and we're saying how

the Deep state has turned in on itself

like a souffle made of corruption yes

what we often say is that the reason

it's done that is because they've solved

the problem of terrorism right they've

solved terrorism now because you don't

hear about it do you no you don't ever

like wear Isis these days where are they

I never used to step outside my house I

go out there watering can just to do you

know look after this by the door

oh no Isis they'll be there or the

Taliban they're a bit more old school

the Taliban they're not so bad Isis

they're like they're they're pretty on

it weren't they those Lads they were

taking it to the absolute bloody limit

if you ask me anyway you don't hear

about them anymore so perhaps uh that's

because of the success of the deep state

that perhaps that's because of the

success of the campaign in Afghanistan

I'm not being The Devil's Advocate I I

just I've got no time for the devil girl

after what he tries because gchq took

all your data that's why they got their

devices because of that once we got rid

of all of our data once that was all

bundled up by commercial Enterprises

then sold back to the Deep States

another story going to be bringing you

soon it's going to knock your knickers

down mate because what we found out is

that the Deep state are using taxpayer

dollars to acquire from commercial

entities your private information but

look we've got there's so much to tell

you it's difficult Cal honestly it's

difficult some days these people on

rumble or our Awakening Wonders on

YouTube of course click that link on uh

or in the YouTube chat there and join us

they deserve the truth and let's have a

look now let's let's call this what it

is hold on can we even show State

propaganda on YouTube I think we can can

we as news can we just clear that with

the gallery are we allowed to show

Russian propaganda on YouTube yep that's

boy that's young Putin that said yes wow

and he's not reliable is he okay

remember when he got us that strike yeah

which we can't even mention not really

all right let's have a look at old Putin

young Putin's just a nickname someone

who works so he's not a war criminal as

far as we know let's have a look at this

one who definitely is let's check him

out the draft of this agreement was

initialed by a representative of the

head of the negotiating group from Kiev

he put his signature there here it is

funny that it's funny that he's gone to

the trouble of getting a bit of paper

because like that'd be such an easy

thing like look watch this

but this has just come in it's from the

government of our country the UK they've

said they're sorry for everything

they've done up to now and the whole way

they behaved during partygate you know

where they held parties during the

coronavirus pandemic while looking us up

and everything and I've acknowledged

also that the opposition won't be

meaningfully better so here they've said

I can run the country well I'm a nice

lad so is that that bit highlighted in

green that says that's you can help

actually guys but none of that business

like with Schellenberg last night were

gripped him by his ankles and tried to

tug him out of his seat oh my God I only

did that stupid bloody thing to have

done uh Biden says the threat of Putin

using tactical nuclear weapons is real

so in a sense we're in some bizarre

spectacle it's difficult to discern true

from fiction no one has moral Authority

anymore we think everybody is corrupt we

don't trust government we don't trust

media we don't trust our legal systems

Biden says the threat of using Putin

using of Putin using tactical nuclear

weapons is a real threat what do you say

to that you are after all from Hull yes

exactly and that gives me yeah that's

why I know about this yeah

um well yeah I mean it's this is all

going on you know a time when Biden says

Putin's threat of tactical nuclear

weapons is real is is when uh putting

sending nuclear weapons over to Belarus

at the same time the US is sending

depleted uranium to Ukraine uranium is

essentially what I think they're called

nuclear bombs or Putin's called that so

this is all Jen stoltenberg of NATO has

said that uh Russia have to lose to send

a message to China so at this point

we're not even talking about this being

about Ukraine anymore it's about sending

a message to China everything continues

to escalate in the wrong direction are

you finding this exhausting I am let me

know in the chat if you're exhausted by

this uranium to Ukrainian are they

simply doing that because it Rhymes

let's have a look at that picture of Joe

Biden just once more for a moment before

we leave to get the over to rumble Where

We Belong let's face it if Joe Biden

hates Putin so much answer me this why

he's got a portrait of him up on his

wall wow what's the point in that that

is the wrong message all over the place

isn't it unless it's a mirror and he's

actually in the room with him and he's

over there going listen Joel yeah like

when you think about Russia gate

nonsense that where they said that well

I can't say it's probably why we're

still on YouTube that Trump got what's

named on by a couple of Russian wasp

names yes disgusting what a what an

absolute palava okay listen we're going

to get into this story about the

pentagon's accounting errors and a 6.2

billion dollars uh uh bonus has been

found for a bit more bonus War over

there between Ukraine and Russia later

on in the show we're going to be killer

aliens oh my God we're going to be

talking about killer aliens we've we're

not going to talk about normal aliens no

more I'm sick of them killer aliens it

is for us and also we will cover this

Pentagon story so listen if you're

watching this on YouTube click that link

in the description right now if you're

watching us on Rumble press the red

button on your screen and give us a

bloody good rambling while joining our

locals Community which I believe was

invented by Dave Rubin bloody good

friend of ours damn decent fella see you

later you want this hop over hop over

onto the side of righteousness see you



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