May 17, 2024

Serious Business - Action Movie 2023 full movie English Action Movies

Published June 30, 2023, 7:20 a.m. by Bethany

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hey man what are you doing

no it's a funny thing about cars later

you actually have to pay for them please

don't do this I really need my car to

get to work I don't know what to tell

you oh come on I'm sure we can work

something out ah look I uh


I can show you my boobs yes you could

but unless there's a thousand dollars

attached to each nipple I'm still about

to take your car

move it out

[ __ ]

hey Marty sorry I'm late okay

did you walk here


way better for the environment do you

drive it produce

yeah not anymore

got your drugs where you been

work out more

respect to your family I warned you not

to sell drugs on my beat and down here

you're dealing in a goddamn Middle

School just a little money you are you

Mother Teresa Mother Teresa with pistol

with the [ __ ] out of you right now my

mom's gonna hear about this oh well you

can tell Ugly Betty if she has an issue

with it she knows where to find me


not asking you

just pondering out loud to see if I want

some and I think I do


oh man

oh man my last quarter was way worse

than I thought


there's this one in

it's like regular bungee jumping except

you jump out of a helicopter into an

active volcano

I'm gonna need a lot more red pens what

do you think

Anna what

what do I think about volcano bungee

jumping yeah I think it's literally the

worst idea I've ever heard of well you

got to do something to get out of this


that's right undressing with your eyes

peel off that spandex slap this stop

that's not what I'm doing

we have a customer

Lance hump strong totally wants to toy

your friends girl that man shorts are so

tight you can see that his little dude

is also wearing a tanning back helmet

still looking at you look over your

right shoulder casually

into your epic streak of sexual futility

it's self-imposed abstinence mm-hmm what

happened to the old self-confidence I

mean look at me I'm a six seven and a

half times and I'm up to my vagina in

[ __ ] because of self confidence case in

point your uh your new Barista Marnie

mm-hmm I'm going to have her I don't

know anything about it I don't even know

if she's straight or not but I'm gonna

make that girl y'all so loud only dogs

are gonna be able to hear it look you

see how fast I am with my tongue Charlie

put that thing away it's hard enough to

lure customers in it I like the flash

with this thing I'm a set of pubes on


God all right crime's not gonna fight

itself isn't that right girly

hey sweetie hey Dad I'm passing by your

place so I'm gonna come check on you ah

okay uh why don't you meet me in the


here we go

bottoms up thanks

I went by Mom's grave tonight before I

come here

Sawyer flowers

I'm on school today hard to believe huh

you do remember that Mom Hayden Barbara

is right yeah but I love them

to marry to your mom to Mom

why don't we take us inside dad I feel

like I'm being eaten alive


it's such a gorgeous night why would you

stay out here gorgeous

who are you more importantly how are you

oh well

um my business is in the toilet uh I can

barely pay my bills today my car got

repossessed but other than that I'm


I feel like I'm feeling that


failing her memory

is there someone inside the cat

when did you get a cat you hate cats I

love cats

you have a woman no it's a girl you have

a date tonight at least one of us has a

social life

I want to meet her well no no no no no

Anna it's too soon can I just introduce

you at my own pace seriously yeah the

time is horrible

I understand all right

hi who are you oh he's a plumber uh he's

here to clean my pipes


that did not come out the way it sounded

in your head

did Mom know you were gay well I mean

bisexual pansexual he likes a lot of

things sexually sexually fluid wow yeah

when she passed away I felt comfortable

enough to move about the cabin

okay I'm confused

I'm getting old and I was depressed

tired of being alone and I met Chuck I

tell you I haven't been this happy since


this is great I'm happy for you and I

look forward to getting to know you

better Chuck call me Mom yeah okay don't

push it Chuck is good too I'm gonna

head out and let you two get back to

whatever it is you guys were doing

what is so funny

how does this even work oh oh honey it's

like a Great Dane trying to mount a



hey what's that Brianna coffee shop now

but I'm



well that wasn't too pathetic holy [ __ ]

oh where'd you get it evidence wrong

like the worst cop ever


catcher what big gay it is he a pitcher

or is he the catcher oh my God


knuckle baller for sure

look at that welcome to the team

private blend try

to put a little fire in your belly

oh my God

it tastes like turpentine oh

see princess want to go next door and

get you some vodka

no no


I should probably just go home I know

you're hurting oh drowning in red ink

you miss your mom and your dad's

probably swallowing the length of some

guy named Chuck as we speak but you're

my best friend

we're gonna get through this


are you stoned like totally all right


all right let me get my lucky and my


like that in drugs


to sleep




thank you

so many important insurance company you

have their contact information

you know what don't worry about it you

can send that to us later

am I doing for a big payday huh no

I don't have insurance oh

five boys just wrap this up

all right I think it's time

kill myself what no to show you

something okay your place tomorrow night

7 pm bring a pillowcase

what do you trust me

of course not

good instincts

are those flowers or vomit look it's the

only one that was clean now what's this

all about put it on what pull it over

your head now if you're planning on

taking advantage of me at my lowest Ebbs

that is totally uncool you wish put it


now follow me

come on

yeah yeah I'm trying to help you out so

I get your confidence back right

sorry that was on me come on come on

come on it's on you I'm wearing a

pillowcase on my head



keep me

off of this Cloak and Dagger [ __ ] what's

going on what's going on is you need a

strong medicine to snap you out of this

funk that you're in it's time for you to

come face to face with who you are and

what you're capable of

oh my God oh my God

I can't see

normal you got lots of it and it's good

to get some fresh air after your first

time come on

here get out the car

where's my blood well it sure as [ __ ]

ain't ketchup

do you think they'll come back hell yeah

that was better than sex you know what

go home take it up some salt bath some

ibuprofen you'll wake up Tip Top in the

morning okay cool bye bye there's my big

Care Bear what up baby

good to see you bud

there this is Anna Anna bear hi I have

been waiting for this moment

so good to have you here Anna come on in

okay like your nickname oh no nickname

when I was born my parents took one look

at me and thought Fair release I lost

most of that hair the first year

what is this place the answer to all

your problems

oh okay

okay ladies

am I about to get murdered


[ __ ] oh [ __ ]

Olivia's gone up oh [ __ ]

give yourself a favor okay stay off

Olivia's cradle oh okay yeah sure great

um who's Olivia her


kidding me


you know the rules Olivia no fights

without a rap no bill on the wall for

this fight okay blow me there oh I

[ __ ] break your fingers Noel you're


cool huh

bear and I run this place we're here

most weekends okay ladies you are not

familiar with

the strike with your fists elbows

and head in a fight choke holds and

submissions are totally welcome but

please no hair pulling fighting eye

gouging cause then you're being a [ __ ]

and that [ __ ] ain't cool to the center



ah her arm oh my God stop it


oh look check this out

that's the tradition the winner gets to

put a dollar bill on the wall seriously

you know all about my problems and you

thought a fight club was the solution

this isn't just the fight club Anna this

is a shelter a safe haven for women to

come to lit the lid off the [ __ ]

pressure cooker of life without societal

judgment by beating the [ __ ] out of each

other by respecting each other you

[ __ ] with the wrong family Lee

Charlene ah I warned you and your goofy

ass son if you want to sell a little

weed that's fine anything harder than

that especially in the school we're

gonna have a problem yeah we do have a

problem and we're going to solve it

tomorrow me you in the ring you better

bring some Charmin because I'm gonna

wipe your ass all over this place oh

really yeah cancel your hysterectomy

because I'm gonna hit you so hard if a

jacket is going to pop out yeah we'll

see about that what we'll see is your

cobweb red and vagina bouncing across

the floor whatever you better get used

to disappointment [ __ ] because it's

coming you know what how about we raise

the stakes okay the loser has to leave

the club for good well it looks like

you're going to be getting your weekends

and every other Thursday back [ __ ] I'm

coming for you it's a very specific

insult [ __ ]

and that's you guys respecting each

other how ah she just pissed I arrested

her son yesterday we'll work it out by

fighting each other listen we have rules

okay usually we draw names but somebody

can challenge you and if you don't

accept it you're kicked out of the club

for good I think I've heard enough I'm

going home for good now later

what you can't make me stay nope a bear


like Charlene said Anna we have rules

and one of them is the first time you

show up you have to fight so you have

two choices you can either fight one of

our other first-timers

or you can fight your way out the door

past me

it's totally up to you


never been in a fight before Charlene I

hate fights that's exactly why you're

here come on






are you ready



make a fish



at her


hey what's that what

step out are you gonna tap out about me




my name is Dr Park

do you know where you are


I'm in hell

I'm guessing I lost huh Poland put up a

bigger fight in World War II yeah but at

least you fought you took a lot of


I guess I can cross that off my bucket


and then puke in that bucket

I thought only women were allowed in

here doctor always a special case

his Bear's brother your sister's name is

Bear Park

trust me no one's ever teased her about

it boy

Roy we got a girl that's got a little

problem with her ear kind of problem he

was just removed from her head

still don't understand why you'd bring

me to this place

dude just show her

show me what

welcome to the bear cave wow well this

is much Cozier than the Roman Colosseum

out there


is that

that's Mom

yep she was a goddamn Legend


what the hell is going on

this might help explain

come on sit down

I'm fought here she didn't just fight

here she was the founder of this whole


his last fight

the cancer took her six months later

I made this as a tribute

so Mary could know how much he meant to

us when I needed an emotional release I

used to scream into my pillow this club

is my new way of screaming real [ __ ]

loud this club truly gives me a place to

express my rage thanks Mary everything

scared me in life but now that I face

down real hurt and pain in this ring

nothing in the real world remotely

scares me anymore yeah I promised myself

I wouldn't cry so

here we go

Mama mayor ah

here they come

this club has allowed us to share our

stories the fight

the fight and then hug it out so thank

you for allowing me to let go of my

anger by letting go of my fist

but also thank you for showing me that

underneath this big hairy chest

is an even bigger heart

stop looking at me

when men punch each other it's normal we

women feel the same way but Society has

house trained us to cry our [ __ ] out but

thanks to you Mary we get to say [ __ ]

that you've helped me and a lot of other

women to find the strength to live Our


and don't worry I'll take care of your

baby girl

if you learn to fight and you never give

up in the ring you will always beat the

[ __ ] out

and girls never

back down from anything


why did you tell me about this

how did she not tell me about this

therapist patient confidentiality

all of us for your mom's patience and

she was our therapist no one is meant to

know about this place

and sure there's the New Breed like

Olivia who discovered us and wants to

change our ethos but

bear and I try to run this club like

your mother would have wanted

and that's why I brought you here Fred

because you need this place just as much

as her patients oh

you guys this is crazy I think you owe

it to her to give this a shot she

created a place that helped a lot of us


I don't even know how to fight

it would take a miracle worker to help


I think I may know just the guy




seriously that's who you want to train


it's like the worst lip syncing ever

how do you know that guy oh I arrested

him a few times you know drunk and

disorderly public nudity that sort of

thing oh one time the age is on

underwear because he thought the cotton

fabric would absorb the alcohol before

he took a breathalyzer test and did it

work no

Matthew trained Sugar Ray you know who

was a world champion in like five

different divisions I mean if the man

who trained Sugar Ray isn't good enough

for you maybe you should quit before you

begin oh okay so you're telling me I

shouldn't judge this particular book by

its very rum soaked cover exactly I mean

look at you Princess you are a book that

I want to take to bed and read all night

long oh but then you find out the book's

quite dark and depressing and currently

lacking a shot at Redemption so maybe

this man could be the one to change the


I know

come on

oh my God

keep going

oh my God he's [ __ ] dude he's doing


oh my God

can you call an ambulance or something

so you've seen that will happen at least

three more times tonight






thank you











take a dive from that height and not

spill a single drop of their drink

well my drinking does defy gravity

all right we met I'm uh Murphy yeah I

know who you are

they tell me you're a legend so I'm

gonna take their word on that and ask

train me train me to do work ride a bike

to fight I want you to train me to fight

I like this Dome looks like you might

need it

your expired Visa synchronous still sick

with me

going bro

it's from

I'm part of a Fight Club

I'm sorry girl what yeah Franklin


I'm sorry

that sounds so

dangerous I know I'm not sure all right

but I'm in desperate need of a coach and

short of any other options well

tag you're it bad news Flashpoint

my friend runs the booby trap and you're

not happy

oh really well not by the lips of you


a month what is it about

well apparently if you fight someone who

is also trained to hurt you you then

you're seriously

it's like once you face that kind of

potential pain you build some sort of

mental fortitude to face anything that

life has to throw at you

something like that if yeah if you had

your boobs done no I am sick and tired

of my demons getting better at me and I

want to punch them Square in the [ __ ]

face so

are you in or are you not hey hey it

shows your tits guys

I'm so glad you enjoyed the show and

don't forget to tip your waitress please

move along now kids we're trying to have

a little adult time here

well our adult time would be rated R for


how about R for repugnance oh [ __ ]

return your turn your turn



hey I like you Heidi Anna okay let's go

with that now I'm gonna give you a test

if you pass that test I'm gonna train

you oh you're gonna go on Mr Miyagi on

me and make me paint your house or

something like that can I have that


I mean

it's pretty cute

all you gotta do is open up this


strength and balance this test has both

I'm not holding it down I want you to

punch this watermelon in a smug little

face until it pops

oh and no punching down


ah this is ridiculous it's just gonna

keep moving out of the way yes it is

like all of your opponents this

watermelon does not want to get opened

up that's why it's got such a thick skin

it's going to require a lot of force but

like most of your opponents it also has

a weak spot

you're gonna find it

one more time


take your shoes off

are you kidding this sand is like 100

degrees fighting also requires

exceptional footwork

let's go


she's got it all up


thank you

I did it Murphy did it oh I did


yeah oh excellent okay we start at seven

o'clock tomorrow morning

oh I saw it on YouTube

saw you at the club last night

oh right I'm sorry we never had the

chance to meet I'm uh dead to me excuse

me you're dead to me you and all the

other head cases that come into that


you know maybe you should replace that

green ship with something stronger you

seem a little uptight

what did she just say who knows probably

something about putting you in the


either way you're not going to be

welcomed at the club pretty soon because

we're bringing in a fresh breed of women

a place like that should be about real

competition real Fighters not a support

group for

basic [ __ ]

you don't get to decide who comes to the

club well maybe not but if you do decide

to keep showing off

then one day you're going to find

yourself standing across from me

and when that day comes I'm gonna hurt

you so badly think it over make the

smart decision cheers I'm not afraid of

you Cobra Kai and I am not going to back

down from anyone and especially not you


you're so cute so I challenge you



what did she say


challenge you

and I accept pick a time


who decades months decades two months

you have to get ready and then we fight


I challenge you too yeah and you as well

both of you I challenge both of you you

guys can be the warm-up to the main

event okay the appetizer to the main

course a little a moose booze before the

all-you-can-eat buffet capiche

use your bag

yeah well you better watch your front


your boobs

[ __ ]

[ __ ]


are you out of your damn mind

I brought you here to be a better person

I die as one let's make this crusty you

are a dead person okay you challenged

Olivia what Monumental brain fart caused

this level of stupidity this is your

fault Charlene how

you showed me that video of my mom

what for the record it's a bad idea a

really bad one like using the bathroom

in a Home Depot bag

what what's going on

do me a favor casually look over your

left shoulder

God you are so bad at that

you see that woman standing up against

the wall

I thought she was the wall her name is

Naomi she's a total badass she was a

regular but she stopped showing up only

ever lost one fight

and guess who beat her Godzilla close

your mom

why is she back and why is she staring

at me like that probably for Revenge see

your mother was the only person that

beat her so she has to kill you to

restore her family's honor great second

time here and already two people want to

kill me three

I heard you challenged Noel as well




pretty face

we're gonna lose it



thank you



all right

she was like Neo in The Matrix


nope I'm in Challenger


all right


you ready

and fight come on [ __ ] what you got

lizzo come on come on you see me some

puppies [ __ ] they don't [ __ ] with my

puppies [ __ ]






you up next Rocky I think I'm just gonna


that's who I'm fighting she's got a

broken arm do I go easy on her or what

do I do get second fight in your Sarah

Connor now

this doesn't seem fair on you earth look

at the bright side afterwards you can

say something cool and ironic like that

fight was disarming I'm not gonna say

that you'll miss an opportunity of a

lifetime Fighter's ready oh watch out

for our right

that's not even funny



I should have been more specific I'm




hello again



that fight was uh

disarming yeah well my opinion it

probably would have been better to keep

it in arm's length

oh where you going well to look for my

dignity you know it's around here


seriously I'm fine I appreciate you

taking care of me too

thank you

well that's okay I'm a lousy doctor

anyway went to Ohio State I was drunk

half the time oh

I thought I sensed competence

hey Roy

and evil I also sense the presence of

evil Among Us

hi you uh you ready to go ready to go

where uh Olivia and I we're gonna have

uh some drinks a couple drinks that's

wonderful yeah have you had a chance to

meet Anna yet yeah actually we had a uh

a delightful little chat earlier today

we sure did and uh oh I thought I

overheard her ask someone about the best

medication was for syphilis so maybe you

can pick Dr Roy's brain about that over

drinks tonight

anyway anyway I shouldn't keep you too

found Hitler wouldn't have been half the

world couldn't

you're late it's 7 A.M like you said if

you're early you're on time and if

you're on time you're late that's very

confusing don't let it happen again okay

if you do I'm gone put that on

but when I hear you get punch in the

head you fall down makes it kind of hard

to win a fight so how are we gonna fix

that I don't know Chloe here is going to

punch you in the head a few times what

how's that feel really uncomfortable

it's an uncomfortable thing to get

punched in the head no no no no no no no

no no no what isn't it better if I try

to fight her back no you need to learn

how to take a punch let's go

oh Jesus that hurts yes it does because

it's painful the train it's painful to

compete but there's nothing more

pleasurable than the thrill of victory

it isn't it you that wanted this

celebration of the human Spirit both in

and out of the ring

huh this is only going to help you

oh this is [ __ ] how much longer am I

gonna have to take this until you can't

take it anymore


but I can't take it anymore

what am I missing


all bad [ __ ] go to heaven break a

heart make a legend

um hi we're not open

oh the door was open so I just thought

we have an opening tonight the artist


bumping in

you look familiar do I know you from


oh at that coffee shop

I challenge you to a fight at the

Freightliner are we even allowed to talk

about the fight club what can I do for

you oh right

um I'm actually looking for a job I have

lots of Cafe experience I'm not the one

you should be speaking with

oh who might that be

in there


okay thanks

how are you doing here you little

peeping Tom I mean I know my ass looks

great in these pants but damn hi Olivia

I no no I I am actually a huge art lover

and so the art

um drew me in yes Larry is incredible

right yeah I know it was a it was a real

clue to get him to open here I bet and

do you work out in a gallery yeah you

can uh you can work out anywhere you

want when you own the space

you own the gallery

actually I own the whole building

oh wow that's uh super baller yeah

baller is great Anna you're a liar

what yeah you don't give a [ __ ] about

art you don't care about Larry I love

Flair you don't even know who he is do

you sure do you came here because you

wanted to get the low down on my date

with the good doctor didn't you uh-huh

you filthy little minx you no no I did

not so picture this no two perfect naked

bodies coming together as one flesh for

hours of pure unadulterated oh yeah I

just know pleasure I don't care I don't

I love Larry Larry's mixed media my

favorite I just the more mixed up the

better you should have seen us oh

actually you totally can because we

recorded the whole thing I'll just pop

it on over to you now that I have your

email oh right no I just uh Anna I just

wanted to tell you we have a really

strict employment policy yeah we we just

don't hire this week minded blondes

walk away mom jeans walk away these are


you know Chloe you want that Visa I say

we get married hey Frenchie heads up

let's go

can I finish my drink no


I know she'd be back


come on

that's right what come on

that's right that's right


are you done

so what's next

not bad

not bad at all

One Sweep two

sweep three

no you don't even hit like a girl you

hit like a cat like a cat that can't box

okay come on keep going keep moving

we're gonna need a lot of drinks I can't

do it let's move on


that hurts so does hitting a real person

now come on show me something watch

you're always loading from the shot okay


she certainly does

you're very funny by the way okay Watch

Me Make It Count

oh no we'll hit the [ __ ] bag I did

hit the bed

sweet three

duck sweet it didn't duck

that's better that's better yeah

I'm still going

how long has she lost it

are you okay



you're knocked out again


but I think you're a complete knockout


no uh

a lot of value lately

You're All I've been thinking about

what about Olivia


good answer

I really want to kiss you right now and

have lots of sex would that be okay

I have extremely consensual

oh my God you are all wet

better as I am

no you're literally like all wet like

saturated you're drenched

oh God I can't even dream right


oh wow

and you're here about uh possible tissue

damage where

down down there

okay what you use uh coconut oh no not

on myself put that in the chart no

coconut was inserted it was kicked into

my couch I had a coconut kicked in my

couch try saying that 10 times fast

coconut kick in my kitchen got a coconut

yeah hard okay

okay Dr Lee will be with you soon great

hello mister I'll be inductive for the


hi wow [ __ ]

um I I didn't I didn't know you worked

here well yeah I'm a doctor yeah this is

the only Hospital in town so I hate yeah

well convenient yeah well I was look I

was just sitting in front of the

computer I saw your name pop up on the

admittance list what's going on well oh

no no no you don't have to look I can

just tell you it's not inserted but

kicked less relief yeah if it was the

former not the latter I'd say you

belonged in Tijuana not a hospital

yeah right you in any pain right now I

think I'm

dying of embarrassment yeah well I'd lay

low with the uh you know sexual activity

for a week or so that won't be a problem

I'm gonna self-imposed abstinence that's

a strong-willed of you thanks

so um

what about you

what about me

how was uh how was your day with Olivia

oh you uh did you practice abstinence

yeah things got uh yeah a little crazy

that night we drank a lot of tequila you

know I mean

well I was myself I'm being totally

honest yeah no no you don't have to

explain doctor we need you to scrub up

22 year old male GSW to the chest

ambulance is about a minute out okay

miss one I gotta go I'll see you later

though okay

oh so

you're a coconut lady huh yep that's me

might as well make that my legal name

from now on right

lean back


it's Charlene you know what to do hey

see I really need a drink meet me at


die what what are you doing here what

are you doing here so if you like to

tell me oh my God I'm having a drink

with Charlene

Brayton no I was the

with a bronzing hose

check here no he's working late he's got

a big divorce case okay

well I can uh I can join you for a drink

normally I would love to but um I've got

some place to go really that's right I

got invited to a party

the guy came in and was handing these

party cards out right before you came


that old looks just like a pen who in

the hell writes in cursive anymore

dad just just go home wait for Chuck

have all the Chuck sex you want have a

Chuck orgy okay you seem upset no I it's


I never expected to be with my dad in a

gay bar talking about orgies

are you embarrassed by me no I'm not

embarrassed I'm just I'm still

processing it all I've been practicing

this most of my life I'm done I am who I

am and this is who I'm gonna be it's not

hard to find myself

aren't you

I love you sweetie


what three two three three four sweep

this hand goes out yeah this hands up

this hand goes out this is

okay again ready one one two three again

that's it one two three


one two one one two one one two three


one more one more hook



but it is what it is








hey hey

you do any babysitting I don't have any

kids but we can work something out

I don't know what that means but this

fight club sounds a little ruthless

wouldn't stand a chance

both these ladies seem to be taking you

very seriously







congratulations Anna the fight was

incredible thanks

hold on can I talk to you for a second

what do you want Roy well ever since you

came into the ER I just feel like you've

been going out of your way to avoid me I

was wondering why

just been winning more I haven't needed

your services

you should probably Lee what why

you shouldn't see this next fight

well great now all I want to do is see

this next place


why did you let this happen

Olivia challenged all three there is no

rule against it should be





it's three on one

ready fight



holy [ __ ] she's been holding back





I'll see you in here tomorrow night

quit I quit

what I'm done Charlene okay I'm done

pretending I'm not my mom and you never

will be if you quit

come on you worked so hard yeah and

what's it gotten me I can take and throw

a punch great but out here in the real

world my life is still a [ __ ] pile if

you don't cry Olivia tomorrow you can

never come back

what's probably best for everyone all


sorry I'm done Anna


the Twiggy

supposed to be at the gym

I told you if you were late again we're

done and you're very late

but because of your exceptional progress

I'm going to give you one free pass so

let's go

or we could just take in the scenery

nothing's changed mark

I don't know what I thought despite the

forgive me but

it's kind of all the same problems

it's totally broke

no closer to reopening a business and

I have absolutely no prospects of

turning things around

and you know what the icing on the [ __ ]

cake will be

Olivia I mean this isn't a librarian or

a woman with a broken arm this is

someone who can do long lasting damage

scared to fight her



but you've trained for this and I

wouldn't let you fight if I didn't think

you were ready all you need to do now is

leave behind fear and doubt and take

that final step to bravery

it's easier said than done

how do I do that

I'll show you


they go like this

I don't get it

okay I'll do it one more time

like that

see when you're fighting Kung Fu Barbie

tonight you don't think about anything

else but this outside the ropes is fear

but you take one single step into the


and you are brave the same thing goes

for this world Hannah the only thing

that separates fear from bravery is one

small step

so Are You Gonna Take It

you got that from YouTube didn't you


it's good though huh and your brother

gave the same great advice to Sugar Ray

huh pretty much but it's scary to get up

there in front of thousands of adoring

fans especially when those songs don't

sound the same live as they do when you

record them wait

hold on

you trained Sugar Ray the band yeah I

mean only for their first world tour but

those things are grueling I mean Mark

McGrath he was ripped of course what's

so funny nothing I did every morning is

a misunderstood classic misunderstood is

an understatement


you got this

gold house fails

use your head

hey you never told me what I owe you for

helping me out

to pay my bar bill



what happened


what the hell Dad a heart attack how bad

is it good luck Chuck finished before

you hung up on him I I had a mild heart

attack I could be home tonight


what the hell are you doing to him in

the bedroom actually it was on top of a

washing machine a classic what is she

doing here you really called her before

me I needed her to bring something

it's the club or at least the property

yeah I knew your mom did more than fight

at that club

your mom owned it

and now you do

and you're homeless after rob you should

sell it pay off your debts you know

start afresh

I'm gonna head over there now get in one

last fight before you shut us down

Roy what up

how you feeling Ed good feel really good

yeah well if you're feeling really good

then you shouldn't be in the hospital

I'm taking off but uh Dr Lee's going to

commit and discharge thanks I'll see

let's see go get him before Chuck and I

do oh my God that is some ginger candy

get it

go get him girl

oh my God don't ever pass out inside of

me again so

your washing machine Mana


he loves his spin cycle

I'm kind of a permanent press guy myself


right wait


please I I just want to apologize for

ignoring you it's just that

I really like you and

it's not my place to judge who you have

sex with I did not have sex with Olivia


why I mean did it hurt too much when she

laid on top of you with her razor blade


okay yeah well is it that night

got a little crazy okay yeah we went

back to a place obviously both had too

much to drink things escalated

it's weird I couldn't get it up

your sympathy for my situation is uh

it's overwhelming I'm sorry it's just I

mean a good doctor knows they have pills

for that small blue

okay couldn't get it up

because I was thinking of you

wow let me clarify that statement okay

yeah I'd love to see you walk that one


I couldn't get it up with her because

I wanted to be with you

because I can

I can get it up oh like I'm talking I

can wait like way up

I'll take you right in that closet in

Rocky world oh right now wow I got a

break welcome to the day okay

um it's a little bad timing don't you

think well we're 20 yards away from

where my dad is recovering from a

sexually related heart attack

not to mention I have to fight ninja

cheerleaders tonight oh so you're gonna

fight Olivia


yeah yep yeah I guess I am all right

well at least let me give you a ride to

the club

a little ride in the closet first though




let's get prepared to remember

oh there's a more common phrase but it

is federally trademarked all right let's

bring out our challenging weighing in at

a turtle skinny

skinny and she's undefeated it's Olivia




she wanted this fight for reasons of

temporary insanity she is The Offspring

founder Mary WinCo

















what are the odds on Anna

thousand one

I got a dollar for that she ain't gonna

win anyway

thank you girl

you ready to bleed yeah but not for like

another month this is the wrong time for

a period joke






okay watch

this come on now

get up

good you need to tap out

oh there we go


come on get up

come on girl get up come on

good good


stay down you don't have anything left

to prove stay down


you know we getting up

all right





let's go

all right


thank you


Interstate damn

everyone knows you're really just like

your mom


get your feet moving wrap your hands up

tie your hair back let's get it out

tight fist knuckle crack

knocks fails

use your head









thank you




Hannah you okay I don't know we should

be checking on her right now

hey I've never been more attracted to

you than I am right now no I just made a

thousand dollars you only got a dollar


have any coins what was it the most

badass thing I have ever seen what the

hell were those head buds

I think oh they're practicing with

Murphy I found out that I have a really

hard head

oh [ __ ] yeah it's like Steel in there

one of the hardest Noggins I've ever

encountered that hurts stop

and you're clanging in my brain clanging

oh [ __ ] Betty [ __ ] really did sell it


escape plan I'm on it the hell is going

on well everybody listen up we're about

to get braided there's a lock in the

door to the way out you're gonna go

through a hole in the thing get under

the freeway he'll be home free go come

on let's go let's go come on let's go

let's go

be careful

I was sure this was mine


we come

one hell of a fighter

good job


come on let's go or if the Anna is on

his head butts come on girl boys a

goddamn right let's go my mom built this

ship and now I'm the captain so I'm

going down with it

okay well I'm a cop I'm gonna scoot out

but I'm so proud of you tonight and I

got priors but hey good job captain

I know what are you doing come on let's

go you get out of here this is not worth

you losing your medical license all

right even if you are a lousy doctor


thank you




to understand




what are you in for

ah salt and Battery gross negligence

unlawful assembly disturbing the peace

and promoting fights without a license I

didn't know that existed


yeah present you made bail you're out of





yeah me

Charlene I know you don't have that kind

of lazy cash laying around oh you're

right but everyone pitched in who's

everyone the girls at the club I passed

the hat around and we had more than

enough to make your bail

wow don't be so surprised you did

something that no one else can do you

defeated Olivia oh you are Dorothy girl

and ding dong the wicked witch is dead

no no no not literally not literally

she's gonna be in the hospital for a few

days and considering the number of girls

she's sitting in there it is more than



it's nice the club went out on a high


I'm not closing the club Charlene what I

got a lot of thinking done while I was

dreaming hard time on the inside you

weren't even in for a night yes I do own

that property and yes I could do

whatever I want with it

but I can't sell the club you need the

money we all need that space we all need

that community

what are you getting man I'm gonna use

the property as collateral I'm going to

get that loan open a new Cafe this way

the club stays open I start a new

business it's a win-win look at you

look how far you've come

and Get It Mary

step and first I gotta make sure I don't




I'm a divorce lawyer and usually don't

handle criminal cases but I am an

excellent lawyer

who's excellent


all charges


why would you do that because I am


you told me that the judge was showing

me and see if I was honest most of them

would but I hear our charge is a real

ball breaker our best bet is to take

this to a journey yeah but you know

sometimes in life


the honorable Judge Andrew's presiding

what's wrong with you

as well I always secretly hope for

interesting cases and it looks like I

got my wish

as my old friend married

if life isn't interesting then you're

just not trying harder

responsibility for my actions

counselor how does your client please

not guilty


not guilty


Anna this is incredible we just have

this many customers in a month at the

old place I know that happy customers

we've got money in the cash register

it's very unnatural but I think I can

get used to it

you ready to go yeah oh will you cover

for me absolutely go get him tiger

oh hey don't forget those handcuffs

always got them on my belt baby girl

what I told you I was going to have her

you know what I said about my tongue

setting up pubes of flame stop didn't

happen because she doesn't have any okay

okay stop fresh as a daisy down there

move slow I am begging you to stop like

a hairless cat

I think I'm in love






I love the new club Anna the vibe is

really awesome thank you

well done Anna whoa that was in what

where are you from people have always

tried to Define Me by pinpointing where

I'm from I thought it should matter but

it got to me so I learned eight

different languages and now I'm from



is it like your size

better than tape that's for sure oh I

got players for tea

is that an allusion to Future sexual

encounter actually no I'm really into

arts and crafts but I like the way


get your ass in the ring

I gotta go get my ass in the rain all

right well I'm gonna watch it all the


are you sure you two want to do this oh

hell yeah I've always wanted to punch

her in the face who says dreams don't

come true

having a doctor for a boyfriend's gonna

be real useful in a few seconds already

has been gave me a breast exam last

night sure it didn't take very long

cause you got tiny titties

okay I got no comeback

but all I want to say is thank you

for everything

you turn my life around you turned your

life around friend I just gave you a

nudge in the right direction

all right this is getting too

sentimental when do we get to hit each

other bring it on back up back up back

up Fighters




hey yeah I'm great just here to pay up

Murphy's tab

how much does he owe you

what the [ __ ] I'm not afraid of you

Cobra Kai

I'm gonna hurt you so badly you see how

fast I am with my tongue

is he doctor anyway

oh my God

please be seated

to the center Fighters

you better get used to disappointment

[ __ ]

Never Back Down


tonight tonight







my eyes



meet me


my heart







my heart is








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