April 28, 2024

Megyn Kelly on Men "Culturally Appropriating" Everything It Means to be a Woman

Published June 4, 2023, 12:20 a.m. by Jerald Waisoki


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as far as I can tell Nancy has no

children of her own no daughter to

protect and I'll tell you something

Nancy has a way of firing you up about

this issue and Sam Ponder lives her life

in the area of sports and coverage of

them and sees firsthand every day and I

think she's a mother too

um but as far as a gynecologist's office

Michael this is the thing that bothers

me the left will cancel you for

culturally appropriating a taco but it's

totally fine for a man to so to

culturally appropriate everything there

is to appropriate about a woman if I go

into my gynecologist's office and I see

some dude with a beard and I've gotta

wait to go in I'm never going back there

again it's those visits in

particular the breast doctor the

mammogram the the gynecologist those are

already tense visits for most women

they're already tense you know there's

like 50 of the things you could die of

are waiting for you in these two exam

rooms and we don't need it Complicated

by a man sitting there and yet another

woman's space Nancy


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