June 1, 2024

5 signs YOU will become a pro footballer

Published July 10, 2023, 11:20 p.m. by Jerald Waisoki

5 signs you will become a professional footballer - learn what is needed to succeed in football! In this video we list down 5 things you need to become a professional footballer. Becoming a pro like Cristiano Ronaldo is more than just having amazing football skills and being able to dribble past defenders with the ball, and in this video you will learn 5 daily habits and life skills you need to succeed in football and become a professional football player. football skills and high level of talent are obviously what it all comes down to in the end, but fancy skill moves and football skills alone are not necessarily enough if you don't possess some of the other important features aswell. Make sure to watch the whole video now to learn the 5 signs that show you will become a professional footballer!

The first thing you need to become a pro footballer is lots of dedication to the daily work. You might not be the best player in the team and you might not have the best football skills just yet - but if you can dedicate yourself every single day for the next 10-15 years, chances are you'll succeed in the game of football. You also need a strong support network around you: parents, friends, teachers and coaches that support your dream, understand the time it requires to be committed to a demanding sport and don't force you to give up on football because of school, relationships or anything else. The younger you are watching this video, the more important it is to have your basic safety network in place - without it, it will be difficult to succeed in football or any other sport for that matter. You also need to define clear and realistic goals for yourself: are you only interested in becoming a famous superstar like Cristiano Ronaldo, or would it be enough for you to make a modest living playing football somewhere around the world - and not getting rich? Like it or not, the vast majority of professional footballers around the world are not earning huge salaries and playing in front of big crowds, so being realistic in setting your goals is important aswell to avoid giving up on your dreams. You of course also need lots of football skills to be actually able to stand out on the pitch and separate yourself from the millions of other footballers around the world. These football skills include great technique, passing ability, shooting technique, great football physique and tactical understanding of the game. In the end, what you do on the pitch is the only thing that matters so you need to make sure your football skills are up to the standard. Lastly, in order to become a professional footballer you need a bit of luck. You never know who you will meet on your journey, which teammate will push you to that next level or which scout comes to watch your game. Be prepared to take advantage of those rare moments as they come your way - otherwise luck doesnt mean anything!

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every young footballer dreams of

becoming a pro and we've all had those

moments when you question if you

actually have what it takes to make it

well in this episode I'm going through

five signs that indicate you're at least

on the right path to becoming a pro

footballer these are things that impact

your entire life and go beyond just

being a very good and skillful player as

the long journey to reaching the pro

level is much more than just skills and

even if you currently don't take all the

boxes i strongly recommend listening

through the entire thing as you probably

learn something new or get inspired to

work even harder let's go

number one full dedication to the daily

work this is the point that usually gets

referred to very loosely as hard work

and dedication but more specifically you

need to be fully committed to the

long-term vision by understanding the

importance of daily work and then

actually doing something about it

in my experience young people in general

have a difficult time looking five ten

or fifteen years ahead especially when

you start comparing yourself to more

successful teammates around you and

being able to understand that doing

something every single day for the next

15 years of your life to reach your goal

is usually the key it's a success this

point also includes having a strong

mindset as in order to be committed

every single day the players that will

actually turn pro don't give up after

getting a difficult injury when they

don't get chosen for a team or sit on

the bench for five matches in a row some

of the most successful players I grew up

with that turn professional for big

international leagues

we're not the superstars growing up but

in the long term they outward the others

while they were living in the bubble of

teenage success and forgetting about

getting to work every single day sitting

on the bench sucks let's be honest but

if you know you're working harder than

all the rest don't be discouraged even

if it's not your time just yet have

faith in the day-to-day


number two clear and somewhat realistic

goals if you don't know what you're

working towards it's difficult to

determine the progress you're making and

I specifically want to talk about the

harsh reality for most pro players out

there if your only plan is to be a pro

by the age of 19 and play in the Premier

League chances are you're dreaming way

too big I know this is difficult at a

young age but you really need to think

hard if you're only satisfied becoming a

Premier League superstar or would it be

enough to make a modest living playing

football somewhere around the world but

not getting rich because that's the

reality for majority of pro footballers

it's very easy to get fooled by the

young superstars both in the big leagues

and also in your own environment and

reaching a certain age while still

playing in the lower divisions might be

a beautiful length down and a huge

reason why most players give up on their

overly big dreams it's great to have big

goals for the future

but knowing the amount of competition

worldwide you need to have a clear idea

of what would success look like for you

so you actually know where you're

heading number three strong support

network this is a bit of a tricky one

but I strongly believe the younger you

are watching this episode the more

important this point is at a young age

everything you do is controlled and

supervised by adults

your parents are Guardian teachers

coaches you get the points and becoming

a top athlete requires effort sacrifice

understanding time and dedication also

from the people around you whether it

means paying for your hobby driving you

to practice getting enough food on the

table and overall supporting your

footballing dreams at the age where

education relationships and future

career plans play a major role as well

make no mistake this does not mean you

need the most expensive disc or the

coolest that in order to have the so

called strong support network and in

fact you don't even necessarily need

everyone around you to fully believe in

you but from my experience if you don't

have these basic safety networks in

place growing up to become an elite

athlete is that much more difficult and

requires exceptional mentality

especially the younger you are

number four skills and talents even

though becoming a pro is a combination

of a lot of things you obviously need to

be technically tactically and physically

above the average players in order to

stand out from the millions around the

world fighting for the same dream you

have I will not spend too much time on

this point as all of you know if you

can't actually perform on a high level

throughout those 90 minutes it doesn't

really matter if you have realistic

goals or the most supportive network

around you but luckily you can learn

lots of useful skills by checking out

our very inclusive playlist by clicking

the I on your screen and lastly number

five you need a bit of luck and you need

to keep your eyes open let me start off

by saying I kind of hate the word luck

as I personally believe everything

happens for a reason but in football you

never know who you're gonna meet on

which teammate you will click with who

comes to watch your match or which coach

wants to keep you in his team regardless

of where you both go in short this point

is not just about luck it's about you

actively jumping into new challenges and

making sure you take advantage of the

scenarios that are suddenly thrown your

way so instead of being all negative and

complaining that you're always so

unlucky you need to read this in between

the lines and be ready to react when

that life-changing moment comes your way

no you can't blindly rely on luck but

most Pro players will remember those key

moments that happen unexpectedly so

always keep your eyes open now if you

made it this far you should understand

becoming a pro is a mix of many pieces

falling perfectly together and don't be

fooled by the simple sounding bullet

points as the truth is always hidden

somewhere between them anyways for more

videos like this make sure to subscribe

to our Channel and to learn more skills

that will help you at least a little bit

in becoming a better player check out

the playlist on the bottom left corner

of your screen that's it for today I'm



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