June 1, 2024

Busting 1,000 Movie Myths In Real Life!

Published July 13, 2023, 8:20 a.m. by Monica Louis

We busted the craziest movie myths you can think of in 24 hours...

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in the next 24 hours i might attempt to

bust every movie myth out there there

are thousands of secret myths and movies

that no one has the answers to are the

movies real or are they fake well in the

next 24 hours we're going to expose the

truth by busting the craziest the most

shocking myths ever starting with in the

movie hunger games katniss uses a bow

and arrow to perfectly shoot an apple

please just don't kill me what are you

doing i'm doing it with my feet oh my



my god look at that sophie used her feet

so i said we went up to her the next

minute is that if you kick hard enough

you can actually kick a door down lexi

is in that room right now and she's

being held hostage the door's locked i

can't get in which means i have to kick

it down let's test this myth three two


one more

we're in we're in let's see i got you

come on come on in here

get out

lexi are you okay okay you saved me let

me untie you let me untie you the next

myth is that when someone's chasing you

and you jump off the cliffs you escape

they stop chasing you right there


my god security

my god

smith confirmed i'm definitely not

jumping in the next move is that cool

guys don't look at explosions

in the movie tarzan he swings from

buying a vine effortlessly so we have a

ton of vines right here we also have

tarzan whoa all right so i'm here to

test the myth can tarzan actually swing

from vine you look ridiculous all right

tarzan show them how it's done here we

go go go go

oh my god

oh my god i'm doing it


in the movies people are sometimes able

to walk on water just using their feet

i'm a pretty athletic guy so i should be

able to do this let's test it here we go

walking on water in three two one


no way

in the movie indiana jones is able to

outrun the giant rock and escape before

it crushes we are here testing the myth

that you can actually outrun a giant


that's going so fast oh my god

it ran me over it busted and it's really

hard to outrun the giant rock in the

movie up they used a bunch of balloons

to lift the house i couldn't get that

many balloons but i got enough to

hopefully lift a human when i drop these

weights we'll see what happens three two



oh oh my god oh my god oh my

i'm god holy crap okay this was not

supposed to work i am literally 50 feet

off the ground this is terrifying all

right guys well with confirms you can't

flow using balloons if someone please

hold me down holy crap in the movies

when someone pees in a pool the pool

turns blue and everyone knows they pee

so i'm out here's this pool right now

and i'm about to test this myth pearson

i'm sorry but we just have to test it my

bladder's full let's test this myth

ben what are you doing in my pool wait

what is that

i i i know you actually had it are you


i didn't know you actually had that

chemical in your pool i was saying if

when you pee in a pool it turns blue and

i guess pearson has the inner pool get

out of the pool please i'm sorry i'm

sorry takes a number two in the movies

and someone misses the school bus and it

leaves without him somehow they're able

to run and catch back up to it oh wait

it's leaving


guys i freaking made it oh so i guess i

meant this busted because i didn't make

it but ben did so i guess it's not

busted oh myth confirmed you can't catch

up to the school bus but for ben on the

other hand that one is busted because uh

he is way back there and he's gonna be

late for school in the movie batman he

can use a grappling gun to climb any

building you don't have to talk like

that okay you know what i'm excited i

got a grappling gun i'm gonna attempt to

climb this building and bust them with

that can batman actually use the

grappling gun to climb buildings the

answer is no what do you mean i spend

three thousand dollars on this grappling

gun it better work i would get money

that you won't be able to do this

hundred bucks

three two one

oh it's working oh my god it's actually


okay i'm kind of thinking i might lose a

hundred dollars today i don't know he

hasn't made it to the top yet oh my god

i'm actually terrified right now i'm on

the side of the building literally

nothing behind me only thing holding me

is this grappling gun and i bought it

online and i really hope it doesn't fail

me fingers crossed he falls because i

don't want to lose a hundred bucks i

gotta keep going i'm almost there he's

almost at the top oh


i'm into the song it's confirmed batman

can use a grappling gun to walk up a

building let's go cause i was

celebrating on top of this building

there was a subscriber for winning a

thousand dollars for just being

subscribed hey hi

i want to give you a thousand dollars oh

my gosh i don't know what to say i'm

like so flabbergasted

if you want a thousand dollars just like

her it literally costs 0.00 all you have

to do is press the subscribe button down

below and i might send you a thousand

dollars next week let's go the next one

is that jumping over a fence like they

do in the action movies is possible in

real life we're going to get hurt doing

this yeah oh god three two

was running away from someone he would

have definitely gotten caught by them if

busted we're both in a lot of pain in

the movies if you're running fast enough

towards the door that's closing you can

actually slide it under and make it out

without getting locked in let's just

hope this one doesn't work i'm going to

prove you wrong right here i'ma slide

into that freaking door so ben is on the

other side of the warehouse right now

and when i say go the door will start

closing and then we'll start running and

we're going to see if he makes it ready

i made it yes i told you so wow if you

run fast enough you can slide under the

door without getting locked out let's go

in the movie incredibles elastigirl is

extremely flexible can move her body in

any shape or form we have the real life

alaska girls oh

how are you doing this right now oh my

god oh oh her body's a freaking pretzel

high five okay oh my god in horror

movies there always happens to be a

monster under the bed alexa thinks we're

just busting another myth but little

does she know we're pranking her with

this monster

in horror movies what always happens

well how about the myth that there's

always a monster under the bed well yeah

like in the movies not in real life why

test it like it's obviously not true


it is true

you put the monster there no myth

confirmed there's always a monster under

the bed confirmed in the movies you can

escape from jail by tying your bed

sheets together the guard's not looking

i'm getting the bed sheet i'm breaking


where'd he go i tied all the veggies

together here we go

yo breaking out baby climbing down oh

it's working oh my god it's currently

working oh i'm gonna do it you got it oh

my gosh


it broke but it worked before i found

this confirmed you can't use bed sheets

to escape out of jail let's go damn it

he got away in the movie spider-man he

gets bit by a spider and turns into

spider-man i'm here with j and we have a

real spider right here and uh we're

gonna see what happens you sure you want

to do this they got a long thing wait no

jake are we really do this right now

this is ridiculous there's a full

entrepreneur on my face oh my god wait i

think it hit me i think of it

oh my god oh my god jay what happened

get it off get it off get up

holy crap well i guess getting bit by a

spider does turn into spider-man oh my

god in all my ears i've never seen that

before in the movies they're able to

pull grenades and using their teeth so i

got a small grenade let's give it a try

here we go

oh it worked yo jeremy catch whoa whoa

whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa and this is a

myth that you can throw back a grenade

that's already been thrown at you

no no and there's another myth that you

can throw back of your name that's

already been thrown back at you oh wait

no you can't oh it's too late

in the movies oftentimes the waiter

performs a trick where he pulls the

tablecloth under the table without

messing anything up you better not mess

up my dinner i'm a trained professional

i got this i've been practicing for the

last four days two


did i do it i definitely did not do it

that did not work as i thought it would

yeah you're not getting a tip dang it

and the myth is busted what the heck in

the movies all the superheroes are

friends so i got all my friends right

here and uh smith confirmed right

uh honestly bro like we're not really

your friends what do you mean iron man

you're my friend i actually have

somewhere to be right now wait uh we

actually don't like you dude wait what

they just left me here i thought they

liked me men busted all superheroes

aren't friends in pokemon they use a

pokeball to catch them all so uh let's

give this a try

ah what was that for oh testing the myth

if you throw a pokeball at someone it

catches it no it doesn't work and it

freaking hurts in the movies when

someone is robbing a bank they are

somewhat able to swiftly dodge the

security lasers and get to the money and

steal it so we have that exact same

setup right here me and cameron we're

gonna try to bust them in that you can

get through the security lasers without

getting hit and steal the gold here we

go i'm going over i'm gonna go under

three two one

oh my god i made it okay no i'm gonna

just crawl get low

we're almost there keep going keep going

i'm doing it i need it the goal we got

it go go go fist confirmed you can dodge

the lasers that was freaking easy in the

movies you can't eat an apple with your

feet so uh who better to try this with

than sophie perfect you ready ready get

in position oh she's grabbing it with

her feet oh my gosh say goodbye take a


i'm here to tell you that that's not

even a movie man oh i'm sorry myth

confirmed in the movies when someone is

stranded in the wilderness they can rub

two sticks together and make it fire

this actually works my backyard is going

to catch on fire well we'll see what


come on i'm rubbing girls faster dude

i'm rubbing as fast as i can

i'm almost there oh my god you know what

through this

freaking myth busted in the movie shrek

when he looks in the mirror he's so ugly

that it literally breaks so i thought

who better to test this with than lexi

what is that supposed to mean you're

gonna break it that is rude you're gonna

break it all right you go first i'm so

confident that it's gonna break all


looks good to me it hasn't shattered yet

okay whoa i did it okay it's my turn

here we go seems like it's not breaking

oh guys what the heck who did that i

guess i'm not the only one that thinks

you're ugly all right well i guess smith

confirmed when you're ugly enough when

you look in a mirror it shatters

in the movie the pirates of the

caribbean they're able to breathe in

their water by using an upside down boat

i don't think this is going to work

oh my god

yo wait it's actually working it's

working i can breathe i could be here

forever i know oh basically you can

breathe in an upside down boat let's go

in the movie the matrix is able to dodge

bullets like it's slow motion without

getting hit jeremy's gonna shoot me

right here there is no way i'm getting

hit okay

we're not ready yet get ready to dodge

in three two one go

stop stop stop they're busted freaking

busted bro oh my god look at my body

right here is proof that is busted oh my

god in the movie captain america when he

throws his shield it always comes back

to him no matter what so we got captain

america's real shield here let's see if

this works

okay what the heck it didn't work well

that sucks captain america shield

doesn't come back when he throws it oh

what the heck i thought it was gonna

come back oh bro that myth is busted

then yeah so is my head in the movies

when someone steps on a banana peel they

slip really bad got a bunch of banana

peels and to really test this myth we're

not walking we're running go


that was way slippier than i thought bro

there's no way you slipped the heart

jeremy's starting to show us how it's

done beat it up buddy




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