May 21, 2024

Tiger (2021): Official Trailer | HBO

Published July 21, 2023, 2:20 a.m. by Jerald Waisoki

The Rise. The Fall. The Return.

Tiger, a new two-part documentary premieres January 10 &17 on hbo Max. #hbo #HBODocs #Tiger

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Tiger (2021): Official Trailer | hbo

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EARL WOODS: When Tiger was ten months old,

I unstrapped him out of his high chair one day,

and he walked over and hit the ball.

Woo! There it is.

I said, "Oh, my god, I've got something special."

WOMAN: I think Earl had the master plan

since Tiger started walking.

He asked me to ask his dad if he could play some other sports,

but Mr. Woods said he had to concentrate on his golf.

DINA PARR: I wanted to protect that sweetness of him.

It was a quality that I loved about him.

I could tell he didn't know what was coming.

MAN: Tiger was gonna be this bridge

between all the different races and tribes of humanity.

How are you handling all the adulation?

I honestly don't feel comfortable with it.

WOMAN 2: Earl taught him the mental toughness

to tackle the game of golf.

I'm not sure that Tiger was mentally tough enough

to handle the pressures of fame.

STEVE WILLIAMS: He was at the pinnacle of the sport, but in reality,

being Tiger Woods had taken its toll.


WILLIAMS: He said to me, "I think I'm gonna give up golfing,

and I'm gonna get in the Navy SEALs."

WOMAN 3: That adrenaline rush, it becomes like a drug,

and you're looking for that next hit.

MAN 2: For the squeakiest celebrity on earth...

that spelled trouble.

Here he was, in my bed, and he was my... Tiger.

REPORTER: Breaking news that will rock the world of sports.

Tiger built himself up to be more than he was.

TIGER: I have made you question who I am,

and how I could have done the things I did.

OFFICER: Have you taken any medications?

Why don't you go ahead and hop out for me real quick.

What has Tiger done to Tiger Woods?

WILLIAMS: The problem with conquering the world

is that the world is gonna want its revenge.

MAN 3: He got clean, he got healthy,

and he crawls out of that hole.

This is the comeback of all comebacks.

MAN 4: Do not underestimate Tiger Woods.


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