May 21, 2024


Published July 8, 2023, 10:20 a.m. by Arrik Motley

In modern times, cancel-culture has become the norm. What can we learn from the people of the Bible who got "canceled" for their actions, such as Ahithophel, who betrayed David?

Today's guests, Terry James, Mondo Gonzales, and Jonathan Brentner delve into this deeply timely topic and more!

GET THE FINAL AGENDA SUPER COLLECTION!- An $85 Value for only $35 Donation!


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Skywatch TV is no stranger to the

unmerciful side effects of a culture

that often seems to break its own neck

in order to cancel delete make disappear

content that it wishes to silence it has

become a serious challenge here in

Western Society especially to broadcast

meaningful or substantive biblical

absolutions using the platforms these

very platforms that are almost entirely

hostile to those very beliefs without

the risk of course of being shut down

de-platformed canceled or all of the

above now this dilemma is certainly not

a new one and one that many individuals

in the Bible who were considered to be

bad guys understood very well is there

something that we as Christians can

learn from these biblical Rebels today's

guest is here to share some uncancelable




hello everybody and welcome to Skywatch

TV I'm Joe ardisorn we continue a very

special series on two new works from

Defender publishing this week again but

before we dive into that let me

introduce who's in studio he's a Bible

teacher with a master of divinity degree

from Talbot University retired Financial

business analyst and valuable voice in

biblical prophecy please help me welcome

Jonathan brantner

thank you

he's the author of countless

best-selling books that have been

distributed into the hundreds of

thousands of copies worldwide and a dear

friend of not only our ministry but my

family personally please welcome Mr

Terry James

now the two new works from Defender

publishing that I mentioned just a

moment ago first the new book by

Jonathan brentner cancel this the

subtitle what today's church can learn

from the bad guys of the Bible and we've

been talking in recent weeks about New

World Order the brand new book from

Terry James and Pete Garcia and I'm

going to read you the subtitle again

worlds in collision and The Rebirth of

Liberty and is that not what we're

seeing unfold all around the world right

now Tom we're talking about a world that

to me I continue to say appears to be on


and those that are unable to discern

that I feel very sorry for I deeply

sympathize with those because to me if

you're still in the camp that we're

living out political days of normal

uh this is the status quo Red versus

Blue Team fight

you pull a lever sometimes that goes

this way you pull a lever occasionally

it goes that way if you still believe

that we're living in Old Americana that

this is traditional Politics as Usual

that there is no real threat of nuclear

war or World War III or a run on the

banks or the collapse of the dollar or

the value of the dollar I'm afraid that

you're not paying attention and that's

not a judgmental statement I'm not the

unilateral Arbiter of all things

knowledgeable or any of that I'm just

telling you my my opinion is if you're

not Discerning it you're missing a lot

you're missing a lot it's to me very

self-evident Tom and I said at the onset

this cancel culture you know Tom

mentioned I think it was last week's

program that that Skywatch truly has

been de-platformed canceled many many

times and I'm afraid to say that even

some of our Christian networks that

re-air the program have sent back

episodes that's too hot for TV they

describe and some of the programs that a

lot of the culture that would re-air our

program has issues with Jonathan our

programs where we've gone out to

identify the problems with sex with

with a child and those programs being

too hot for television Executives that

run a lot of these platforms simply it's

just too much we can't deal with the

hate we're going to receive to Simply

declare a truth like that that again to

me is self-evident but it's also a menu

of other things Jonathan that you can't

talk about cancel culture some of the

characters that you highlight in your

book cancel this

dealt with their own version of trying

to be silenced or canceled or were

thought of as rebellious or you know

what I'm saying yeah tell us about the

main features of your book canceled this

and why you wrote it okay yes and I

think we'll get to that aspect of how it

fits in with today's can uh cancel

cultures we go along but the book does

deal with some of the minor characters I

call them bad guys

um it ends with a good guy John Mark who

had an initial failure but he came back

to to be greatly used of God anyways the

book contains you know chapters on these


such as King Saul and so forth and then

an application section where it talks

about what we can learn from them

obviously you know a lot of them made

poor choices

they had total disregard for God in his

word but yet we can learn from their

mistakes and then there's also a Walking

with God section in each chapter

that deals with how we can apply what we

learned about the gospel from them

obviously they didn't have the gospel

like we have it now but we can learn

things from them and then at the end of

each chapter on a character there is a

study guide section which has about

eight to ten questions in the the key

point of the whole chapter right yeah I

mentioned that in my ad it's a total

bonus value because the book cancel this

allows you to not only glean stuff that

you can take with you in your own

personal walk with the Lord but also

really designed tailor-made if you will

to be a part of a small group study

Through the Bible or maybe a pastor that

would like to work through some of this

content in this church and deal with

some of these issues that a lot of our

pastors have emailed in and said we're

suffering the same types of what they

would describe as persecution or cancel

culture Tom why did you decide to

publish the book cancel this what was it

about the manuscript that kind of had

your ears and your eyes up well you know

know it had me right from the beginning

it's been probably over a year ago now

that Jonathan brought this book up to me

this idea of the bad guys of the Bible

yeah right and then one thing led to the

other and ultimately it wound up with

the title canceled this what the church

can learn from the bad guys of the Bible

and one thing you were just saying Joe

about pastors Sunday school teachers

they could take this book since

Jonathan's already done the work for

them right really to outline this it's

timely because we are living in a cancer

culture and we not only have been

de-platformed we're constantly being

Shadow banned if you go type in one of

our headlines in Google you can hardly

get it to even come up because it's

their standard practice to cancel us

right so I just thought it was very

timely and a very unique approach that

would allow pastors they can get this by

the case we'll give them a big discount

if they do and then they can you know

use it in a a class setting or Wednesday

night bible study well let me add to

that too as a woman who has read the

book you know you you have uh it the

fact that the book is written by a man

and it says bad guys on the cover please

do not assume that only men will gain

from this yeah I actually gained much

from this having read it myself you know

does it not say in the epistle to

Timothy the whole Bible is useful for

teaching and for proof so when you when

you look at that and you look at the

studies of that women are going to get

just as much out of this as men I

promise you that it's true so Jonathan

again I'll read the subtitle of the book

to cancel this what today's church can

learn from the bad guys of the Bible who

were some of these characters that you

wrote about okay well there's Cain of

course and Esau King Saul who was a

chief motivation for me writing the book

because I started studying him during a

difficult time in my life and yeah I saw

how much I was like him unfortunately

but anyways

but then there's there's joab who I

think we'll talk about here in a in a

moment theatricies in Absalom and

ahithophil you know and some of these

guys you know they they let bad emotions

drive them of course we have we these

negative feelings come to us once in a

while but these guys let them determine

their entire life they lived out as

though they were driven by these

emotions rather than God's word or what

the Lord would have for them you relate

to the story of Job to James 4 1-3 can

you explain the connection and why you

included that in this book okay let me

read the the first part of that passage

that says what causes corals and what

causes fights among you is it not this

that your passions are at War within you

you desire and do not have so you murder

in with the case of joab he was noted

for two primary murders one was was AB

who he viewed as a threat because Abner

after David had just ruled over the

southern Kingdom Abner came down let's

make a deal this you know why don't you

rule over the whole Kingdom and I think

and I believe that joab thought oh this

guy's after my job too and so he took

him aside and he murdered him and then

there was a Masa and they came at a time

when David was getting frustrated with

joab and so he wanted a master to lead

his army and of course then joab took

him aside in and killed him put a sword

into his his belly to be to be precise

but but anyways you know with this

passage talks about quarreling well

there's the main difference joab never

quarreled with anybody he just killed

them you know he didn't bother with that

anyways but still I think what it

relates to us is that a lot of times

there are things that we want and we see

other people as getting in the way of

them and I think that's what the James

passage is about and that's what joab

was about and that's what so many people

are today you know husbands and wives in

particular that you know they see their

husband or their spouse getting in in

the way of what they want and and

there's there's quarreling in I don't

believe that the people that James was

writing to actually related to physical

murder but there are other ways of of

killing people and you can do that with

you can do that with words and in

Proverbs 12 18 says there is one whose

rash words are like sword thrusts but

the tongue of the wise brings healing

and I kind of relate that in the book

that like joab sticking his sword into

the belly of the people he wanted to

kill people can do that with their words

and they can have blood on their hands

even though they don't physically kill

someone absolutely you look at the echo

Chambers Tom that so much of the world

is listening to I'm talking about the

corporatized if you want to call the

media or propagandist Chambers but you

listen to the Venom and the hatred the

serpentness of what they say and the

malice that's behind it if words do kill

power of life and death is in the tongue

and you can hurt people with words a

person like Kenny C would even say the

frequency of the enemy yeah with some of

these people that are very useful to

that malevolent agenda oh my goodness

Jonathan the the TV itself just turn it

off it's a yeah it's a source of just

constant bombardment negative negative

horrible hatred and then we wonder this

is a different show but we wonder why

our health our adrenals like our our

body our thyroids why we're in a

constant state of disaster so much now

there was a psychology today article a

week or two ago now but it was talking

about how uh the rise in teenage

suicides yes and how much this

generation has lost hope for the future

but they're relating it to a lot of this

cancer culture all the negativity and

and girls are especially affected by it

because it also has to do with the

parent oh for sure yeah and they take

their value in many ways from the way

they think they look if they're pretty

or they're not or they're overweight or

they're skinny or they're whatever so

can you kill people with words yeah

we're doing it a lot right now today

more in this culture I think than I've

ever seen before absolutely and Jonathan

you mentioned a couple of characters

that a lot of people may not be familiar

with a hitherfell as a character in your

book what do you think he exhibits in

terms of the dangers of seeking Revenge

as we're talking about this hatred this

vindictive nature the idea that you said

something to me I didn't like it hurt my

pride my hubris got stepped on now I'm

going to attack you back this kind of uh

you know you hit me I'm Teflon I hit you

back yeah what what do you think a

heathophel in terms of the character in

your book how does he exhibit some of

the dangers of seeking Revenge okay well

we believe that ahithophel well he we

know that he was the grandfather of

Bathsheba and most commentators believe

that's why he wanted revenge on David

because of David's sin with bathsheva

and of course killing Uriah or her

husband anyways one of the things that

you see about ahithophel is that he

quickly joined the rebellion of Absalom

and one of the reasons he did that is

that he was so angry he wanted revenge

against his best friend his former best

friend Dave David and one of the things

that that I bring out in the book is

that sometimes if you intensely hate

someone you start exhibiting their

negative characters and you see this

with the hitherfill because one of the

first bits of advice he gives to Epsilon

is to perhaps them to go into his

father's concubines on top of the palace

or on top of something and then a little

bit later you know he says I want to be

the one to kill David and there again he

was angry with David for his adultery

but yet he's promoting adultery he was

angry with him for his murder but yet he

wanted the murder so he was starting to

exhibit the same characteristics of the

person he hated and I think that's one

of the dangers aside from the fact that

that when when feelings like this

consume you it it destroys you how do

you think using that example of Absalom

and ahithophil relate to the a parable

of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18

21-35 yeah I would think if there's one

Parable that that fits with so many of

the characters is that one of the

unforgiving servant because they always

saw the other person's sins is greater

than their own now it's very likely that

ohithophel had not actually murdered

anyone but still he had sinned against

the righteous and holy God with Absalom

he always thought that other people's

sins were greater than his yeah and so

yeah wow yeah and and I think that is so

crucial and I think it ties into to

eschatology as well as is I've thought

about it more and more and we might get

to that a little bit later but the

parable of the unforgiving servant you

just realized that that your sins are so

much greater against God and it it has

really helped me to forgive others to go

through that Parable you know lay in bed

at night and think okay okay my sins

against God are against the Lord are

worthless say 10 billion dollars it may

be the sins of others against me are

like ten thousand dollars or maybe a

thousand dollars or combined they add

the ten thousand dollars and it's

sometimes has taken many many times of

going through that scenario of having

the the different amounts in thinking of

people in my mind to really let go and

to forgive them but but it's really

helped me to forgive other people along

with the Holy Spirit and that's good in

the book I've mentioned that you know

I've seen people whose lives were

destroyed by bitterness and

unforgiveness but it takes it takes the

Holy Spirit and God's word to really to

really let go of it you know and I think

that you know Jesus parable there is one

of my favorites we need to be forgiving

but man oh man do we need forgiveness

for ourselves and how many every show of

hands or don't show your hands how many

of you ever worried more about what

something else did to a cost or some sin

you think you see in their lives and you

forget that maybe in your own life

there's this whole thing you're not

concerned enough about it no show of

hands but I think I'm I'll just say you

know I've been guilty of that in the

past worrying more about what somebody

else is up to rather than what's in my

own backyard well ladies and gentlemen

we want to make sure that you know how

you can get copies of these incredible

works in the brand new Final agenda

super collection and stay with us to the

end of today's program when we give you

just a sneak preview of The Coming

judgments DVD featuring Jonathan

brentner Pete Garcia and Terry James

watch this

with a global One World cabal Rising it

is time for the remnant of God to

prepare spiritually for what is coming

like never before Skywatch TV is proud

to announce the final agenda super

collection when you order the final

agenda super collection from the you'll receive the

brand new book by Terry James and Pete

Garcia New World Order worlds and

collision and The Rebirth of Liberty

this groundbreaking new book puts on

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the out of control national debt

corruption at every level of government

cities suffering from Rapid crime and

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Western education systems and the

growing potential for nuclear World War

New World Order also navigates the

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paganism into modern technology to

excise God's created order via the great

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and need to confirm front all these

issues head on but that's not all when

you order the final agenda super

collection you'll also receive Jonathan

brittner's brand new book cancel this

this incredible new work from acclaimed

author Jonathan brittner takes a zoomed

in look at precisely what we as

Christians can learn from colorful

characters throughout the Bible that are

often thought of as bad guys cancel this

examines what led to their disastrous

decision making and total lack of sound

judgment that would ultimately bring

total Destruction to their lives by

exploring these historical biblical

accounts we ourselves can learn profound

lessons about how to avoid the same

anger bitterness greed Pride

unforgiveness and even the desire for

vengeance in today's toxic cancel

culture and as a total bonus each

chapter of cancel this concludes with

thought-provoking questions organized in

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Biblical truths in group Bible studies

but we're just getting started you'll

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and the mainstream media are

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we're still not done the final agenda

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getting back into it Jonathan before we

run out of time what do you think Saul's

impatience teaches us about waiting on

God in difficult circumstances I mean

how do you think these things relate to

the day in which we live now okay well

first of all you know we often get

impatient with the Lord and waiting for

him and know there was a time in my life

where it was really difficult for me to

wait for the for the Lord to turn things

around things have really gone Haywire

in my life and it was at that time that

that I started teaching a bible study on

these minor characters and King Saul

especially spoke to me and and some of

the things that I bring out in the book

about him looking at the excuses that he

offers we can see where his thinking

went awry went off went off the tracks

and the first thing is that you know it

teaches us to Focus On Christ not the

mess and I think that's weeks to today

because you know in a world we like to

talk about prophecy and what's going on

in our world but we still need to focus

primarily on Christ is coming for us

this hope rather than than the mess even

though we have to go into the mess to

talk about it our Focus needs to be

Christ that's right yeah yeah and then

secondly you know Saul was really the

first person to to use the idea of the

ends justify the means you see this well

if I offered this sacrifice it's going

to remedy the whole situation even

though he wasn't supposed to do it until

Samuel arrived and I think that you know

we have to avoid the reasoning of the

world such as it's going to get back to

normal and everything's going to be okay

it's not going to get back to normal the

third thing that Saul failed to do is to

hold on to God's promises because if you

look earlier in the book of First Samuel

you see that God made specific promises

that that the Israelites were going to

feet the Philistines that that he there

was going to be that and you see that

Jonathan his son did believe those

promises but his dad didn't and I think

that we live in a day and age where we

have to hold on to God's promises of his

coming you know first Thessalonians 4

First Corinthians 15 we really need to

hold on to those I read one of those

passages almost every week along with

Philippians 3 you know and Titus because

we you need to hold on to them you can't

just head knowledge doesn't work as

things get more more

um chaotic in our world and then the

last one was the trust God's person not

religious behavior and we see that we

saw it took me a while to recognize that

but Saul was trusting the sacrifice

rather than God he was trusting his

behavior and he thought well if I did a

b and c God will do this and I think

they need to be careful of that of that

reasoning because sometimes we can do a

b c thinking that oh God's really

pleased with me and it doesn't turn out

the way we thought it would right so

often it happens here's what I love

about your book and it takes it takes

these ideas that some people in the

church obviously not you but some people

in the world of theology want to over

complicate and you know focus on all

these little minute details and the

simple package sometimes gets missed or

overlooked you say let's bring it back

to Jesus now here's what I love about

that as Tom is my witness you know me

Tom and Larry spargamino a couple of

years ago wrote a book called final fire

where we're looking at the signs of the

times when we're looking at the

socio-political religio political

climates and all the changes that are

happening in the world and we see a big

move of God coming I'm talking something

that that will mute even the Protestant

Reformation something that is bigger

than anything we've seen in 500 years

since the time of Martin Luther right

when this Jesus people movement comes

there are going to be younger people who

say I don't know what the Bible says in

that area well they've got you know the

church fathers that wrote of it in this

archaic English that's outdated by at

least you know seven eight hundred years

and then they have all of these other

complicated people over here and then

half the other books that are left over

don't pass the theology check we are

going to need when this next movement of

God comes here's the bottom line we are

going to need solid systematic

theological biblically sound teaching

and the way that you've done it is also

beautiful you say look here's the bad

guys right and here's where you are uh

the mistakes these characters made the

lessons that they learned during the

process of Correction or rectification

and how today's reader has more than

they think they do in common with these

Biblical characters wow it's absolutely

necessary for today

thank you Donna for your positive or

phrase of my book and good things to say

about it I do hope that my book can

speak to the people even the younger

generation yeah and I know that there

will be a lot of people saved before the

Rapture they are right now and after the

Rapture who who will benefit by seeing

how what they can learn from the Bible

in Practical terms yes great yes


unfortunately we are all out of time

again but join us next week as we

continue our discussion on cancel

culture and the dangers of reducing our

lives to a simple list of do's and

don'ts you're not going to want to miss

it for everybody here in studio

everybody on panel Terry Jonathan thanks

again for coming back this week I'm Joe

Artis horn keep your eyes on the prize

which is Jesus Christ we'll be back






and Now ladies and gentlemen a sneak

peek of the coming judgments DVD

featuring Terry James Peter Garcia and

Jonathan Bretner available now in the

final agenda super Collection watch this

today I wish to touch briefly on the

difficult times in which we live and

then move rather quickly to the hope

that we have in Jesus we know that we

live in perilous times and II Timothy 3

1-5 aptly describes these times in which

we live and starting in verse 1 of 2nd

Timothy 3 but understand this that in

the last days there will come times of

difficulty or perilous times for people

will be lovers of self lovers of money

proud arrogant abusive disobedient to

their parents ungrateful Unholy

heartless unappeasable slanderous

without self-control brutal not loving

good treacherous Reckless swollen with

conceit lovers of pleasure rather than

lovers of God now some might say that

these qualities have existed ever since

the time that Paul wrote and that these

have all been the last days and I guess


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