April 28, 2024

Advice from a Wealthy Retiree - Retirement Planning Tips

Published May 28, 2023, 12:20 a.m. by Violet Harris

When it comes to retirement finance, there are a lot of things to consider. But don't worry, we're here to help. Here are some top retirement finance tips from a wealthy retiree:

1. Review your expenses and make changes where necessary.

One of the best things you can do for your retirement finances is to take a close look at your expenses. Are there any areas where you can cut back? Even small changes can make a big difference in your overall financial picture.

2. Make a budget and stick to it.

Once you know where your money is going, it's time to make a budget. Determine how much you need to live comfortably and then stick to it. retirement is about enjoying your golden years, not stressing about money.

3. Invest in yourself.

One of the best investments you can make is in yourself. Consider taking courses or learning new skills that can help you in retirement. Not only will this make retirement more enjoyable, but it can also help you stretch your finances further.

4. Live below your means.

If you want to be truly wealthy in retirement, it's important to live below your means. That doesn't mean you have to live like a pauper, but it does mean being mindful of your spending. Save now so you can enjoy a comfortable retirement later.

5. Have a retirement plan.

Last but not least, make sure you have a retirement plan. Work with a financial advisor to come up with a solid plan that includes savings, investments, and income sources. This will give you the best chance for a successful retirement.

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I got advice from a client recently that

in my past 14 years of helping people

retire I hadn't heard before so I want

to share it with you I went out with him

not too long ago and he's been retired

for about seven years and he told me he

had a group meet up with his buddies and

some of them are retired and some of

them are not but the topic of discussion

was retirement and they were asking him

for advice on how he did it because

according to them it seems like he's got

it all figured out now he's a humble guy

and he obviously knows no one's got it

all figured out but he did have some

really good ideas so I want to share

them with you by the way I'm Dave zoller

and I own a retirement planning firm

streamline financial and we specialize

in income planning tax planning and

investment planning but I'll get right

to the story so as we were at launch I

was asking him why do you think they

thought that you had it all figured out

and and what makes his retirement

experience seem so much better than

everybody else's or you know compared to

people who are not having that same

experience and some of the discussion

that we had at lunch was talking about

those three Essentials and he was able

to find all three but he also did

something before he retired a few years

before he retired that set himself up

for success and those three Essentials

by the way if you've seen any of the

recent videos then you probably have

heard of them and it's the three C's and

it's just creativity you know we're

creative beings we can create things

from ideas and and we got to be creative

at work when we were working but we also

have to make sure that we can continue

to create and be curious after work

because some of the happiest retirees

that I know they're the most curious

ones they're the most creative ones too

that was c number one uh the second one

is connection you know our closest

friends uh could be people that we've

been with between ages 25 and 55 or 60

during our working years our work

friends right and it could be quite an

adjustment all of a sudden when you're

not seeing them anymore it can take

effort to keep those friendships going

but you can also deepen relationships

with family with God or maybe new

grandbabies on the way that's connection

that's c number two c number three is


you know when uh when we're not able to

help others then there's something

missing in our life and our work helps

us help others right but we have to

continue that importancy after work ends

it could end up being contribution to a

cause or a charity or a person or a

group of people

um where we can use our knowledge and

our skill or maybe our money to help but

that's contribution those are the three

C's but there's something else that this

client who was given this advice said

that I didn't think about before and he

brought it up in this discussion so when

we were talking about contribution he

mentioned that he had started

purposefully finding time and using it

for contribution well before he had

retired actively found ways to serve and

help others with a small percentage of

his time his working time and as

Retirement came it was almost like a

natural progression that that percentage

that he was using to help others grew a

little bit and it wasn't like a brand

new life you know or sometimes

retirement can feel like it can complete

change and transition and shift but it

wasn't like that it was more of a steady

transition into this retirement life

that was filled with those three C's of

contribution connection and creativity

so the piece of advice that he had was

take time before you stop working to

just explore these three C's more

especially the contribution one don't

wait until you have free time in

retirement invest it now right take

quiet time to think about life in

retirement before you get there I've got

a video actually on prompts to help you

think about retirement before you get

there that should pop up on the screen

or be below so take some time in the

morning or whenever you have your best

think time and start exploring those

three C's whether you're retired already

or not retired it's worth the investment

I'm Dave zoller I hope that was helpful

and I'll see you in the next retirement




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