April 27, 2024

I Tried 5-Minute Crafts GIRLY

Published May 28, 2023, 3:20 a.m. by Liam Bradley

I tried 5minute crafts girly by ryan trahan and I have to say that I was impressed! The videos are short and to the point, and the projects are super easy to follow. I would definitely recommend this channel to anyone looking for some quick and easy crafting ideas.

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welcome back to Disney Channel you're

watching me I'm feeling craftier than

some mac and cheese today so let's make

some stuff when I was deciding on what

to make for this week's video I stumbled

upon the five-minute crafts girly

channel they have an entire channel

about girly crafts in five minutes I'm a

boy with that being said I will meet you

in the living room


yeah you can't walk can you take you

there welcome to the living room okay so

I'm gonna be doing the crafts here this

is my crafting area this is where I'm

gonna be doing my five-minute girly

crafts it is a little dirty I will say

so I don't know if you notice but I

actually have a lavalier mic on so it

follows me wherever I go you can still

hear me perfectly and my voice is pretty

quiet over here talking I'm gonna hide

I'm gonna hide you're not gonna be able

to see me hey guys hey guys what's up

it's me Ryan I'm talking right now boo I

need friends but yeah in order to make

five-minute girly crafts you need

five-minute garlic craft supplies for

this reason I took a trip to tarde

I was alone and those mannequins scare

me a lot

someone drew a face on that one so I

mostly needed baking soda because

apparently every single craft requires

baking soda I couldn't find the baking

soda and then I found the baking soda I

got some pie after supply after supply

ounce of dye in the shoe section and

then I checked out only to find that DIY

is really expensive and now we're here

so this one right here is 35 life hacks

for any occasion


did you just turn the other direction

okay I get it she has stained teeth ah I

was rude I need to use a whole tube of

toothpaste for this

okay if I can get a transformation like

that I'll do this craft every day so

what do we need I think in hope that

that was parchment paper or like cooking

sheets or whatever that they used so I

have some of that here okay doesn't look

the same it doesn't look the same as at

all I'll give it a shot

Oh actually yeah does this is correct

probably just gonna rip it we have our

parchment paper nobody's gonna make it

into strips I'll get some scissors fine

I don't care

where are my scissors I think I have

scissors where are they apparently I

don't own scissors so I'm just gonna cut

these into little strips now let's see

don't try this at home it works pretty

well okay so we have our top and bottom

strips if this works I'm gonna I'm gonna

be pretty excited because whitening

strips are so expensive okay how do we

do this I'm gonna film this with my

phone so much toothpaste it's so hard to

do with one hand I oh my god oh my god

okay let's put these on our teeth we do

this for three minutes I just took a

before picture and then we'll do an

after picture three minutes from now how

do you even begin to put this on your

teeth this is way too big oh cool oh are

you here yeah what I'm salivating

oh my god I really lay from lots of

credible liver

I'm full of fat okay throwing this on

the clock no I hated that oh my god I

knew that the instructions look like way

too much toothpaste my mouth and my face

is having an allergic reaction this is


oh this is gross okay so I cleaned up

and then I just took a an after picture

so we're gonna look at them side by side

yeah it looks the same it might even

look worse yeah that's not good

plus I'm having some sort of reaction on

like around my mouth now so that's

wouldn't recommend that I would not

recommend that did I mention I wouldn't

recommend it I wouldn't honestly just

brush your teeth you should be fine I

don't know what that girl ate or like

what's her habits are but anyways look

on the bright side it could only get

better from here

I hope let's see what's next



I have a ton of acne right now this

might actually be a good idea I pick up

some toothbrushes eco-friendly and

socially responsible awesome if anything

this is the one that I think could work

I bet this could work a lot better than

the previous life hack so apparently all

you need here is some water baking soda

and a toothbrush so let me back up a

little bit so let's put some baking soda

on this here plate you don't know how

much to put but that should be okay I

need to watch that again is this gonna

work or what oh there we go okay that's

not working

that'll be fine I'm gonna go to the

bathroom and we're gonna test this okay

I have my concoction here oh guy spilled

it I mean it looks similar at least to

the video it's actually feels pretty

good on my skin not gonna lie wait I

don't think I'm supposed to rub it in

with my fingers I'm supposed to do that

with a toothbrush for some reason how is

this a girly life hack most guys need

more skin care advice than girls right

okay it's all liquidy now um okay I'm

just gonna rub it in with a toothbrush

and then we'll see what happens and it

feels good I'm just brushing it off it's

all coming off I don't know what I think

that guy wash it off now I'm gonna let

it sit for a few minutes I guess see you

soon okay I just washed my face off not

bad so much better than the whitening

strip thing but the baking soda mask I

feel like my my skin's a little bit

cleaner at least like at the very least

look I'm I don't know the science behind

it I'm no doctor so I might get in

trouble for saying this but I am

prescribing you a baking soda masks and

tonight you're doing a mask tonight and

it's gonna be with baking soda and water

I want you to try it so let's see what's

next he said with his newly clear skin

how what what activities is this woman

doing I I hate when that happens you

know when you're holding all your

groceries in a bag that already has a

hole in it and then you let go so that

everything falls out and here on the

phone so you're like and then you act

surprised as if you weren't holding it

together with your hands well she was

just wearing those a second ago the

jeans with the suspenders did she just

take them off in the middle of the

grocery store what wait oh wait a minute

this is this

she doesn't have pants on at this point

she just took her jeans off to put her

groceries in her jeans and like a jean

backpack thing now I'm shocked that they

would even recommend this that's crazy

but all right I'll get a pair of jeans

damn I feel like there's like eight

different options to carrying your

groceries before you have to take off

your pants and make a bag out of them

actually there's millions I bet that I

bet there's millions of other options

but whatever I'm doing some girly crafts

today just girly things I guess like it

doesn't even look like much storage

especially me I mean I mean I'm a big

guy but my jeans are I guess small for

some reason so like what you tie them

like this is ruining my jeans at this

point like I have 12 tote bags that I

can use instead but I guess if I'm gonna

pinch and I really got to carry my

baguette in freakin spinach or whatever

like there's not even any storage in

this thing at this point and how many

days of the week are you wearing

suspenders I don't even own those what

am I gonna use the only sort of like

rope or suspension mechanism I have is

iPhone cables so I guess I can't believe

I'm doing this and word to the wise just

buy a goddamn tote bag so are you

serious right now are you kidding me

this is awesome

where's my milk I need to get some milk

I'm gonna put it in and see how it holds

up what the wait okay that's a milk

Oh blade of the spill fat in there oh my

god cereal it's actually a lot more

storage than you would expect oh my god

so what I recommend the shopping bag

jeans this is an instance in which I

would actually recommend these the the

blue jeans shopping bag you go to the

grocery store okay you are checking out

they have paper bags no tote bags though

okay they're out of tote bags so you go

to checkout they start bagging your

stuff in the in the paper bags you were

leaving and you just happen to be

wearing jeans and suspenders on this day

okay as you're walking out your paper

bags break all of your stuff goes on the


you turn back to the employees they're

like those were the last paper bags and

we're out of tote bags and we won't help

you bring in this to your car that is

when you take off your jeans and turn

them into don't do this what am I saying

don't ever do this all right what's next

so we are gonna make some t-shirts I

think okay so they're drawing or whale

on a to-go box I don't have it to go box

but I did get this floral foam put that


stubbed my toe that's awesome so they

drew away all pretty common favorite

animal but I'm pretty unique myself I

have a kind of a weird one I I really

like dogs here let's see it it's gonna

take a little bit I guess take a little

bit of everything


there's my dog now we need to put some

paint on here and then we it'll go onto

the shirt

screw it I'm drawing a snake I guess

it's more like a worm boom I just drew a

snake so alright now we're going to take

this put in a little put in a few places

oh is it supposed to be blue Oh God

isn't gonna soak through I don't know

and then we have navy blue

these look this these look like the

exact same colors can you I don't know

I'm sure if the camera is picking that

up okay

this doesn't look how it looked in the

picture but whatever please please look

like a snake

oh my things 45 bucks you kidding me


the dye was kind of expensive the foam

is wasteful the shirts are just buy your

own shirt okay




okay so I guess this is for people who

are really into puzzles he's ruined all

your puzzle pieces by the way but

whatever this looks awful what am I

gonna do this way am i a fan of these

aren't even these aren't even blue I

don't know I got scammed are you serious

I got navy blue and denim blue and

they're both they're both black or ink

is it looks like ink I just tripped on

the jean bag oh my god so there's a next

one you pretty much just should put it

put a shape on the shirt and then spray

some paint over it so that it's kind of

like some negative space and whatever

shape you want will be on the shirt

remaining so I'm actually a big fan of

shirts so I cut out this little I'm

gonna put this shirt on there and then

hopefully this color is a little bit

brighter than black but at this point I

have no expectations support that in

there so here goes nothing that looks


awesome I just have a feeling it didn't

work I'm gonna let it sit for a little

bit and then we'll do a big reveal okay

it's been a few minutes and now we're

gonna remove the stencil thing Wow I

love five-minute crack it looks like a

bottle of wine threw up on me are you

okay well that's gonna be the video

because I can't take this anymore

that five minute countdown clock has

expired hope you guys like my crafts

definitely do the baking soda face mask

tonight it was it was good I'll admit

but everything else

don't don't waste your time more money

or happiness this is a joke the ink is

seeping through the shirt right now onto

my skin it's so mash the like button if

you are currently wearing jeans with

suspenders subscribe and hit the post

notification bell if you're new to the

channel and last but not least if you

guys want to support me a little bit and

help me pay back that $200 I just wasted

on this video you can get a Neptune

bottle a link in description I started

this brand in high school thanks for

watching I gotta go grocery shopping


our audio test

I am the audio best


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