May 27, 2024

The Spiritual Money Movie ~ Master your Financial Reality

Published June 16, 2023, 5:20 p.m. by Liam Bradley

money and spirituality are a conversation often as polarizing as spirituality and science. This is likely because in many spiritual teachings, money is related in some way with being evil. For example, a common phrase of the day comes from Bible, which says "the love of money is the root of all evil."

We took it upon ourselves to learn about money and take the conversation seriously, attempting to find the understanding which walks the middle line - how do we understand money from a spiritual perspective without putting it before God? How do we live with money in the world when it is so polarizing when spirituality is involved?

Through this documentary, let us walk down this path together.

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Our mission at spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a sacred space to explore and experience your spiritual journey. Our intention is to share and explore spirituality in an open-hearted way, with respect for all walks of life, honouring that which is beautiful and divine within each of us, nature, and the universe. spirit Science is about the open-hearted exploration of Science and spirituality - Free of Dogma or rigid belief systems and doctrines, and the elevation and transformation of human consciousness, as we move into an era of love and light.

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money what's the first thing you think

of or feel

when you hear that word is it grief

joy anger really think about it

does the word money inspire positive or

negative feelings

or maybe you're that one person in the

bunch who's just like

i recently did a survey with people who

subscribed to the spirit science email


and asked a wide number of questions one

of which was

what do you struggle most with in life

the number one

highest response was you guessed it

finances this told me it was time

at long last that we have a candid

spiritual discussion

about money see if we can't change our

relationship with physical resources

i mean think about what would happen if

there were like a hundred thousand

benevolent spiritual millionaires

all using their wealth to make massive

and beautiful change in the world

hmm well let's talk about it

allow me to begin today by asking you a

question what would you do

with a million dollars if you're

anything like me

you might go to work putting those

resources to use benefiting humanity in

some way

for me personally i want to work with a

big animation team and video production


and make an amazing stream of content

for youtube and spirit mysteries

and maybe even one day launch a

worldwide theatrical release

of something really special but hold on

we can't even do that at all yet there's

a big money blockage in the way

but what is this block you might ask

well it's a pretty big one

and it's existed for thousands of years

in the relationship

between money and spirituality within

the human consciousness

i discovered this blockage for myself

nearly nine years ago when i created

this little cartoon series

you might have heard of it it's called

spirit science

sorry of course there's a lot of praise

on this series

but a lot of people also warn me with

grave and fear

spirituality and money don't go together

if you make money doing

something spiritual you are a sellout

now i very often take all the comments

to heart even these ones

and for the last nine years i struggled

with this whole

money and spirituality thing i chose to

avoid looking at the conversation

in general sometimes because i didn't

want to upset my audience

you guys but what i found was that

choosing that paradigm

forced me into a very limited box of


as spirit science grew i had more and

more responsibilities but i didn't

usually have much in the way of

resources to delegate tasks

so i just had less time to spend on

making videos as a result

the next thing you know people were mad

at me for not making more videos

talk about being stuck between a rock

and a hard place

the reason i'm telling you this story is

because i know that i'm not the only one

who is has or will one day struggle with

this problem

but i have good news for you we can

transform the entire dynamic

and it all comes down to the

relationship that we have with money

and our spiritual selves this applies to

anything really

literally any problem can be healed and

transformed if we understand it fully

if you are someone who has ever

struggled financially you've come to the

right place

today everything begins to change

understanding money actually begins with

a conversation not about money

but with god


you could call it spirit the all the

source field the energy that makes up

all of the particles

and wave forms of reality whatever

floats your boat

you see spirit is found in all things

there is nothing separate from the

eternal oneness

we have this conditioned idea in society

that god and the heavens are

always above us and beyond us in some


but what about inward what about outward

what about

even downward oh no no sorry don't think

of downward

that's the devil's lair right well even

the devil is not separate from the

supreme oneness

at the deepest level we have to

understand that everything

is spiritual because all things are

connected through this infinite field

that makes up reality

that goes for money too now i

understand that it may be difficult to

comprehend the idea of god or spirit

and that's often the point the hermetic

philosophies describe

god to be unknowable and indescribable

because the imperfect and impermanent

cannot easily apprehend the eternally


but fear not because with every day

every moment

each of us has the opportunity to

explore deeper the mysteries of life

and the connection we have to this

underlying substance behind reality

substance is a very key word here it

will be

critical in bridging the gap between

this cosmic discussion

and money you see there is a substance

underlying all things

we understand scientifically that when

you zoom in close enough to the bits of


we find a seemingly never-ending field

of energy

continuous field of energy that is never

depleted or empty

so even if we are experiencing lack in

our lives

the energy substance that makes up

everything is never lacking

in anything the lesson here is that

through the awareness that energy is

everywhere and constantly permeating all


we come to know that there is this

foundational abundant stability at the

basis of everything

in a very spiritual perspective we can

perceive this

as if the whole of god is present at

every moment through all of space and


limitation as we know it does not

actually exist

what does exist however is the

consciousness of limitation

there are pockets of poverty there are

victims of deprivation

absolutely and simultaneously there is


infinite and universal energy from which

all things descend

we exist within this energetic field

just as a fish

exists in water with that mindset can

you ever truly run out of ideas and

opportunities for health

love and prosperity the key then

to limitless wealth is that this endless

substance can move through you

if you open yourself to being a conduit

for it

and it can take so many different forms

it can take the form of creating


health food money or any other kind of

experience that you want

generally speaking we open ourselves to

experiencing this abundance

through our creative ideas ingenuity and

will to do good work with a loving heart

so with all of that as a primer what


is money well the simplest way to look

at it

is energy a reflection of a value

exchange that you can create in the

world with others

as you create value others are willing

to exchange their own energy for it

and money is the physical reflection of

that energy

but be warned not all money is created


money can be created in a positive or a

negative way

you can have a thousand dollars of

selling heroin to addicts

which is well a pretty dirty money

actually or a thousand dollars of

supporting people

in creating deep personal transformation

in their lives

much cleaner money the biggest lesson

i've learned about money lately

has been that in order to start creating

it we have to be willing to shift our


change our belief system about it and

look at it differently

doing this we open ourselves up to a new


where we exist with a spiritual fullness

that creates wealth as well you have to

be willing to love money

just as much as you love other aspects

of life not that you're making money

into like

the thing that you're all about but

honoring it

as another foundational aspect of life

along with

other things like food or growing a

garden or

i don't know going to the gym or

watching a movie

now not to get super biblical but there

is an interesting quote that i want to

share from jesus

who says for where your treasure is

there will your heart be also

we must remember not to base our

security on that which is physically


but on the inner energy within you when

spiritually rooted

making money is not the end goal but

happens as a result of one's good works

in the world

and supports you in continuing the good

work at greater levels

we've been taught a lot of things about

money and a lot of those things aren't


today we smash those money myths once

and for all

money myth 1 money is the root of all

evil you've probably heard this one

before right

tell me where did you first hear this

idea parents

church leaders friends maybe family


it's an idea that's been passed down for


and today we find it deeply ingrained in

our belief systems about the world

but allow me a moment to let you in on a

secret are you ready

the first time that this quote made it

big was actually in the bible

from timothy 1. now what's interesting

about the book of timothy

is that for so long these writings were

attributed to saint paul

however it is now recognized by most


that timothy along with nearly half of

the other writings attributed to saint


were inauthentic writings that simply

signed his name on them

the reason why this is so significant is

that when you get into the original

writings of saint paul

you find him using all kinds of language

that would indicate he was actually a


mystic practicing an early christian

version of the mystery schools

in fact there are books written about

this subject alone

at the top of the list i recommend the

gnostic paul by elaine pagels

the jesus mysteries by timothy freak and

peter gandy

and the book of spirit by your very own

patch man

we're going to do a whole series about

this in the future once the sumerian

epic is done

but for now let's stay on the subject of

money the reason i'm sharing this with

you is because many of saint paul's

original writings were very pro-mystic


but later on the roman empire adopted

nicene christianity

and forged some letters from paul

including the book of timothy

where they say that the love of money is

the root of all evil

along with legendary phrases like but i

suffer not a woman to teach

nor usurp authority over the man but to

be in silence

geez timothy you hate money women what's

next homosexuality

oh you yes indeed

ah sorry i need a sec seeing things like

this makes my stuffing come out

as you might be aware of the holy roman

empire passionately and

violently insisted that everyone follow

their specific version of christianity

leading to a very depressed society and

culture that would be both very


and impoverished for at least a thousand

years and these belief systems are still

lingering about

in our consciousness today it's wild i

posed this very question on a poll on

instagram and facebook a while back

and asked the root of all evil is either


or ignorance and the response was pretty

divided with about half of the audience

saying that money was the root of all


but here's the thing that myth it's a


it's an idea that keeps poor people poor

just by believing it

just think about it if you're poor and

you believe money or having an

appreciation for it

is the root of all evil you're going to

consciously or subconsciously

avoid having it at all costs having

money will

either consciously or subconsciously

make you feel like you're going to go to


if you have it and so you get rid of it

the moment that it shows up

even if you're not religious the idea

could arguably be ingrained

in the mass subconscious at this point

as well

in this same vein it's interesting to

see how the original phrase got so


while it's impossible to say for sure

where the translation got mixed up

it probably lies in the original

translations see

the original greek phrase read for the

root of all evil is the love of money

but it does have multiple

interpretations and translations

for one the phrase money can also be

translated as silver

maybe paul was secretly a werewolf

during the reformation period

martin luther translated the phrase as


is the root of all evil which

incorporated greed and hoarding into the


most people agree though that luther

referred to the love of money in strong

accusations against the catholic church

because he saw the whole idea of paying

your way out of hell as

inherently sinful something that the

catholic church at the time was very

guilty of

perhaps the general mindset regarding

money changed around this time

in the partner's tale of the canterbury

tales the partner expresses a similar

mindset by explaining that he can preach

all about how avarice and money are evil

while using his position to disguise the

fact that he himself

engages in such a disharmonious

relationship with money

as far as things relate with us we

should be mindful that as creators of

our reality

participating in this field of

collective human consciousness that our

beliefs about ourselves

and the world dictates what kind of

actions that we take

if we feel that either money is the root

of all evil or just loving it or

appreciating it is evil

then we limit ourselves from learning

about it on a deeper level

think about it if money is a reflection

of energy and everything is energy

and the energy from which all things are

created is as we've explored in a

spiritual sense

this universal unconditional love then

why is it that we practice

unconditional love for everyone and

everything except

money of course we should cleanse

ourselves of our greed

and not make the pursuit of money be the

only thing that we are after

at the expense of everything else our

connections with each other and whatnot

but if we outright deny this important

aspect of life

we ultimately give our power over to the

people who would use this collective

wealth in negative ways

just something to think about money myth


all rich people are i'm not saying that

money myth 2 all rich people suck

let's look at another money myth

specifically the way that wealthy people

are commonly viewed in society

there's an ingrained mentality that rich

people are all

greedy jerks right generally most people

with tons of money

are wrapped into the elite ruling class

of the world

in fact the more money you have the more

likely you will be associated with the

illuminati by conspiracy theorists

now you've probably heard this one

filthy stinking rich

right this common mentality sets a

standard for yourself

that you could never have lots of money

because anyone with money is

filthy and stinky too

it's so funny i mean think about it

if all rich people are greedy jerks i

mean you don't want to be a jerk right

so it's probably best that you're not

rich now

let's be clear certainly there are rich

jerks in the world

but there are also poor jerks and

considering that there are significantly

more poor people

than wealthy people in the world we

could probably make a good argument that

there are more poor jerks than rich ones

either way here's the key money is


and it will basically amplify what's

already there if you're benevolent

money can help you be more benevolent if

you're a greedy jerk

yeah money can make you more of that too

now let's be clear that a lot of money

has been made extorting

others in the world and that's not a

paradigm that i support

and i get that this is where a lot of

our collective negative associations

towards money comes from

but we have to temper that attitude by

observing others who have done brilliant

things with their wealth

if we adopt the idea that all rich

people are greedy jerks then our minds

automatically try to find ways to throw

shade at good-hearted people

and even if you genuinely don't like

them for whatever reason

we have to take into consideration that

they are people too

and they're doing their best with the

position that they're in to make a

positive change in the world

if we are willing to look at money

differently as something that we can use

benevolently for the benefit of mankind

then we open up the potentials of us

actually creating it

and we step into a new way of life for

ourselves and those around us

money myth 3 it's all about the deals

speaking of our collective relationship

with money let me show you something

both funny

and very interesting to begin though i'd

like to introduce you to my friend ariel

she's one of my new artist friends who

is helping to create the new spirit

science episodes

and when i spoke to her about this

script she sent me this picture with a

lull attached it's a meme that seems to

accurately describe our collective

relationship with money

and our perspective of value healthy

groceries for a hundred dollars

no that's too expensive but a dinner

date for a hundred dollars well you know

that's reasonable

a therapist for 130 bucks that's absurd

but a trip to target for 130 dollars

well they've got great deals

now an average college class might cost

a thousand dollars that's way too


but an iphone that's a thousand dollars

no no that is a necessity

to me this meme accurately describes a

mindset of lack

we've been conditioned to think in deals

instead of what's truly valuable

the result of this is that it becomes

easy to miss out on potential

opportunities to invest in ourselves and

our personal growth

that's also the other side of money not

just making it

but spending it which is so valuable for

us to learn and integrate into our lives

every time you spend money you are

investing your own personal energy into

what you believe is valuable

so the question then becomes what do you

value most in life

yes you could spend a thousand dollars

on video games

or you could spend that same thousand

dollars on a backpacking trip around

some foreign land

or maybe taking a specialized course to

help you get better at doing something

that you love

i think james frick said it best when he

said don't show me where your priorities


show me where you spend your money and

i'll tell you what they are

money myth 4 you have to be a cheapskate

there's a common mentality about living

on a budget and if you live on the cheap

you'll save money and one day you'll

have a big pile of dollars

however you create your own reality and

if you're focused on this cheap

mentality then that's what you'll

continue to create

on the other hand if you change your

mentality your focus

to generating wealth rather than

pinching pennies

imagine how your reality could be


money myth 5 financial freedom most

people believe financial freedom means

having enough money

so that you don't have to work but this

myth is broken

because having financial freedom today

doesn't mean you'll have it tomorrow

instead try the term financial


this means knowing that you have the

skills and ability to make money

no matter what happens it means you

never feel like you have to be at the

mercy of external forces when it comes

to your financial life

this is what it means to truly be open

to allowing that cosmic

energetic stability to permeate your

life as we discussed before


now that we've shattered some classic

money myths it's time for us to begin

really rewiring our consciousness

and putting ourselves into a place where

we can start opening to making money and

getting to that place

where you never have to worry about it

again let us begin with a psychological


that describes how we view money in

relationship with value

in the world today in this particular


people were asked to judge five

different glasses of wine presented at

various prices from five dollars

to ninety dollars before drinking

participants were told how much each

bottle of wine cost

after tasting them all the participants

generally agreed that the most

expensive wine was their favorite and

the cheaper ones were their least

now maybe you saw this coming but it was

later revealed that the wine presented

as a 90

bottle and the wine presented as a 10


were actually the same drink that means

that in the mind of the taste testers

the price tag itself changed their


and gave them a better or worse

experience not only did participants

report enjoying the same wine with a

higher price tag more

they even had increased activation in

regions of their brain

hypothesized to be associated with


this study teaches us a few valuable

lessons one

it would seem is that the more you pay

for something the more you tend to value


this is commonly reflected in an analogy

about books

if someone just gives you a book

randomly you're less likely to read it

than if you're personally invested in

buying it

we can also see this with wedding rings

in society today

you might be familiar with the fact that

diamonds aren't actually very rare

but they have a long history of being

marketed as if they were so they could

be sold for very outlandish prices

because of this perception of value

around them though a wedding ring that


ten thousand dollars versus one that

costs only a hundred

says a lot to the young couple due to

the value that's been attached

to it now i'm not saying that it's a

good thing that cheap diamonds are sold

for thousands

but rather if we can recognize the

relationship between

price and personal value we can make

better choices about what we spend our

money on

actually let's stay on the wedding rings

for just one more minute because this is


the first recorded evidence of a wedding

ring concept actually appears to have

come from ancient egypt

over 3000 years ago the writings depict

couples presenting each other with

braided rings

fashioned from hemp or reeds which would

eventually be replaced with bands of

either leather

bone or ivory the more expensive the


the more love was believed to be shown

the hieroglyphs show that egyptians

believe that the ring symbolized undying


and eternal love between the couple

because the circle has no beginning or


with the center opening symbolizing a

door to the future

the reason i'm sharing this is that we

have this curious tradition that would

take an individual's love and

demonstrate it with the symbolism of

both the ring and its material

which would then translate into a

physical value and worth in a monetary

sense however

we must always remember that the money

doesn't buy love and that even in the

egyptian tradition

the love came first and the ring was a

reflection of the love

while the material and its value played

a part it was more of a psychological

trick if anything

giving couples a sense of feeling that

their love was indicated by the worth of

the material of the ring

this is significant because it's not so

much the dollar value that's necessarily


but how much something is worth to you


for some people a thousand dollars is a

lot of money

an astronomical amount for others that


thousand dollars is not worth very much

at all so we each have a different

identification with our perception of


and this is important to identify if we

want to shift that at all

on that subject let's look at value in

another way

from the perception of the service

provider in the case of someone who is

offering a product or service

sometimes having a higher price tag is

actually the best

possible choice because it will allow

for a higher quality of service

for example let's compare going out for

a premium dinner

versus the drive-thru at mcdonald's

there is an entirely different kind of

experience here

and the environment itself will most

certainly play a part in how you feel

personally about the experience

not to mention the quality of the food

the cleanliness of the environment

the atmosphere everything i don't want

to say that it's always best to go with

the most expensive route

especially if it's unnecessary in that

particular situation

in truth sometimes premium is better and

other times

it's better to just let all that go for


it's like the difference between a fancy

trip on a cruise around the caribbean

or a camping trip to a beautiful place a

few hour drive from home

now in this thought experiment notice

what happens in your mind

when we look at these two options it's

not uncommon for people who can't afford

a luxury

cruise experience to immediately start

judging it as negative

because it's out of one's reach and if

you're someone who is

well for lack of a better word fully

loaded how do you feel about camping

and i don't mean glamping i mean a tent

and a fire

and just being in the rawness of nature

does the experience feel beneath you

these two potentials could both be

wonderful but our perception and

relationship with money

will often dictate how we approach the

options we have in our lives

and more importantly how we feel about


in my life i once had a friend who

absolutely hated apple computers

apple was the worst he would declare and

list off all the ways that max

sucked and why windows was superior in

every way

he was very passionate about this

subject however after several long


eventually the truth came out he hated

apple products because he couldn't

afford them

and if he could afford a macbook well

he'd probably love it

the hate and disdain that he felt

towards this physical product

actually had nothing to do with the

product at all it was all about his own

sense of value and self-worth

and the negative relationship that he

had with money so the question then


how do we shift this how do we transform

our relationship

evolve our mindset when it comes to

money the first stage in wealth


is to recognize our limitations where we

are living them

if we have fixed beliefs about who we

are and what we're capable of

or not capable of we'll have to break

these down if we are to evolve beyond


we can't break free without calling out

our blockages

true transformation begins within and

that's where we must start

speaking to this further the most

widespread disease of our time may very

well be i can't itis

it is contracted by many of us early in

life from our elders and peers

in fact society has made a song of it

that has neither rhyme nor reason but

it's heard everywhere

i can't because i'm poor i can't because

i'm sick

i can't because i do not have ability

i can't because there's no opportunity

or perhaps i'm just very very old and so


and so forth few people use more than a

small part of the tremendous

god power within but you can alter the

pattern of the i

can't tune and in fact you must there is

no progress in the realization of

prosperity unless you do so

this calls for knowing really knowing

that you are a spiritual being

living in a limitless universe endowed

with the whole potential energy flow

of the cosmos if you believe i'm an

average sort of person

then you will create an average sort of

life let go of

i can't and begin to identify yourself

as the living

enterprise of the infinite one you are


an average person you are you a unique

individualization of the universal

creative process

affirm for yourself now i can because i

am so are you ready to make some money

or perhaps you need a bit more time

affirming the cosmic power within you

you can only become truly accomplished

at something you love

don't make money your goal instead

pursue the things you love doing

and then do them so well that people

can't take their eyes off you

civilization's currencies have evolved

and devolved throughout history

while gold and silver have always had

value and a long history of being made

into coins

egypt's grain-based resource economy is

another example of how things have been

done in the past

the bottom line is currency has changed

drastically throughout history

and today we are no different as new

technology is breaking barriers between


we can and have been for some time

communicating around the globe at

unprecedented rates no longer does the

geography that separates us

separate us emotionally in terms of

communication for transactions

this isn't any different you can buy

international goods through companies

like amazon

which allow almost anything to make its

way around the planet

technology is what makes this possible

but in the same way that the internet

revolutionized communication

some people are claiming that

cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are bound

to revolutionize the world of money

and exchange if this happens our system

of material value

would completely be decentralized from

any one nation

the reason bitcoin was invented was to

give the power of currency back to the


or so they say as it is now most

people's money is held by a few

massive centralized banks though of

course it's against the law to steal

their customers money

there is nothing else really preventing

them from doing so or otherwise

manipulating our currencies in their


if they can get away with it in fact

this is what happened in the global

financial crisis of 2008

when banks started taking more and more

risks and eventually going bankrupt

but even though the fallout of this

harmed normal people around the world

the banks were forgiven by a government

bailout this

naturally gave a lot of people mistrust

for the centralized banks

as well as the government they felt

trapped by letting these institutions be

in control

of something so integral to all of our

lives so

satoshi created bitcoin a currency that

could not be manipulated from a central


but had enough security and rarity to

convince people to own it

in fact you can even read in the first

block of the bitcoin blockchain

2009 chancellor on the brink of the

second bailout for banks

we won't get into exactly how bitcoin or

other cryptocurrencies work

for there's plenty of other videos that

explain that but we will briefly say

that one of the biggest appeals about


is the fact that they can securely

handle transactions without going

through a centralized agent

or third party basically this means that

nobody runs bitcoin

there are no bitcoin police presidents


there is only the blockchain the

blockchain is a growing list of records

with an encrypted message

that tells you who has how much currency

it's continually encrypted with new


which can be decoded over and over to

reveal the true history of all


the message doesn't grow in length but

by continually decrypting each block you

can effectively see the transaction

history back in time the longer this

blockchain of history is

the more secure the currency is because

it gets harder to tamper with

each time and bitcoin is getting pretty


but sure bitcoin may be secure you say

but what value does it have

well often when talking about the value

of something economists refer to its

hardness no this isn't physical hardness

but it means to describe how difficult

something is to find or create

one reason gold has been so valuable for

so much of our history

despite its limited practical use is

that it's been hard to fake

and hard to find in other words it's


and rare the mysterious creator of

bitcoin who is only known as

satoshi nakamoto took this into account


bitcoin is mined and given out to

holders of the currency

who helped secure the network through

computing power but

every so often the amount of bitcoin

given out decreases

until eventually none will ever be

created again

generally in the blockchain bitcoins are

registered to bitcoin addresses

which requires nothing more than picking

a random valid private key

and connecting that up creating a

private key can be done in seconds

but guessing or hacking one is so hard

that it's practically unfeasible

to be able to spend your bitcoins you

need to know the corresponding private


and then digitally sign the transaction

on the downside though

if you lose your key you can say goodbye

to all of your gold

since the bitcoin network won't

recognize them anymore

in fact in 2013 one user claimed to have


7 500 bitcoins worth 7.5 million at the


when he accidentally discarded a hard

drive containing his private key

i bet that was a fun dinner party


so if security and rarity gives

something value then the buzz around

bitcoin seems to make a lot more sense

and the dream some have of

cryptocurrencies replacing normal money

is a bit harder to argue against at the

moment but the idea of a decentralized

currency system

is an intriguing one a world where no

money is owned

by major corporations or governments

that would sure make corruption and

greed harder to emerge

so can you buy a hot dog with crypto or

a car

or a house am i going to get rich by

putting my life savings into dogecoin

maybe it depends on the fluctuating

value let's be clear though

this video is in no way financial advice

but we will be exploring the idea of a

world in the future

which has adopted the idea of a

decentralized currency

and what benefits and consequences that

will bring

at last it's time to explore how you can


your spiritual money right now now you

might be familiar with this material

but for those who aren't allow me a

moment to introduce you to two men

and their legendary book napoleon hill

andrew carnegie

and the book think and grow rich

this book is truly the ultimate

spiritual success manual

having sold over a hundred million

copies and helped to create more

millionaires in the world than you can


this book came about in 1937 when a man

named andrew carnegie commissioned a

young napoleon hill

to write a book about how he became the

wealthiest person of his generation

the world's first billionaire by today's


i mean technically he wasn't a

billionaire but with the inflation

of the dollar today he would be several

times over

now just to get this out of the way i

feel it's important to note that

for those who read it you'll probably

notice a bit of a sexual bias in the

language used

the book was clearly intended written

for men when it was published in 1937

that said the principles they explore

are relative for anyone who is on the

journey of wealth transformation

and while i don't support the sexist

attitude the core information is

valuable to explore

this book documents the ultimate success

philosophy and formula

for anyone who is seeking to generate

wealth in a way of thinking that mirrors

the understanding of the ancient greek

mystery schools

i'm not even joking this book literally

teaches how to create wealth in your

life by being psychic allow me a moment

to share a few key passages to show you

what i'm referring to

truly thoughts are things and powerful

things at that

when they are mixed with definiteness of

purpose persistence and a burning desire

for their translation into riches

or other material objects more than 40

years ago

the author working in conjunction with

the late dr alexander graham bell

and dr elmer r gates observed that every

human brain is both a broadcasting and

receiving station for the vibration of


in a fashion similar to that employed by

the radio broadcasting principle

every human brain is capable of picking

up vibrations of thought

which are being released by other brains


all of this was written in 1937 now

when you begin to think and grow rich

you will observe

that riches begin with a state of mind

with definiteness of purpose

the author reminds us that our state of

mind is of the utmost importance

success comes to those who become

success conscious

failure comes to those who indifferently

allow themselves to become failure


he concludes the introductory chapter by

informing us that if we can learn to

follow the 13 principles of thinking

and growing rich literally anyone can

lead a wealthy and prosperous life

going over the principles take up the

majority of this book

but allow me a moment to run through

them with you

principle one is desire we must have a

healthy desire for what it is that we


this is akin to being able to

consciously focus on what you're wanting

to create

for what we think and feel actively

creates our reality

if we choose to just get what life gives

us then certainly

we're not going to end up with much we

have to be clear about what we want

and be willing to go after it principle


is faith quoting directly from the book

faith is the head chemist of the mind

when faith is blended with thought the

subconscious mind

instantly picks up the vibration

translates it into a spiritual


and then transmits it into infinite

intelligence as in the case of prayer

infinite intelligence is often used to

describe god or spirit

principle 3 is auto-suggestion a term

which essentially means

self-suggestion the agency of

communication between the conscious

and subconscious minds this is your

ability to program

your own subconscious mind by making

sure to feed it

creative and healthy thoughts instead of

destructive ones

principle four is specialized knowledge

there are two kinds of knowledge

general and specialized general

knowledge is the kind of stuff you learn

in school

random bits of history and math and

literature and stuff that by itself

isn't really good for much specialized

knowledge on the other hand is knowledge

that is organized and

intelligently directed towards the

fulfillment of your dreams

principle 5 is imagination what they

describe to be the workshop wherein all

dreams and desires are given shape form

and action

there are two forms of our imagination

the synthetic imagination

which arranges old concepts ideas or


into new combinations which doesn't

create anything new

and the creative imagination which is

the mind-opening bridge to infinite


which allows you to conceive of entirely

new concepts

the faculty through which hunches and

inspirations are achieved

principles 6 7 and 8 all go together

they are

organized planning decision and


this is the practical ability to form

definite practical plans of action

making decisions on them and executing

them consistently

and persistently until you begin to see


procrastination is the killer of dreams

so while you might be worried that

oh i mean what if i don't make the right

decision any decision is better

than sitting there and doing nothing and

you always continually refine

and improve as you go speaking to


napoleon hill explains that one of the

most common causes of failure

is the habit of quitting when one is

overtaken by temporary defeat

every person is guilty of this mistake

at one time or another

when defeat overtakes a person the

easiest and most logical thing to do is


and that's what so many do however

failure is a trickster

with a keen sense of irony and cunning

it takes

great delight in tripping one when

success is almost within reach

principle 9 is the power of the master


the master mind may be defined as

coordination of knowledge and effort in

a spirit of harmony between two or more

people for the attainment of a definite


it basically means don't try and do

everything yourself

if you can team up with people to

achieve a vision do it

principle 10 is the mystery of sex


yes the mystery of sex transmutation

very simply it means the switching of

the mind from

thoughts of a physical expression into

thoughts of some other nature

i'll just leave that one here but it's a

very interesting chapter

principle 11 12 and 13 are called the

subconscious mind

the brain and the sixth sense and it's

when this book really becomes a mystery

school of its own

they explain that our minds are

receivers and emitters for thoughts and

emotions into the collective field of


that we're connected to everyone that we

must train and use our subconscious for

connecting to

infinite intelligence aka source spirit

or god

and through opening to infinite

abundance we begin to direct ourselves

toward the creation of value in the


which produces wealth as a result we

also develop the faculties of our

psychic mind

the sixth sense through which infinite

intelligence may

and will communicate voluntarily without

any effort from you

this is the apex of the philosophy but

which can only be truly mastered

once the other principles have fully

been understood and integrated into the


the book concludes with a final chapter

on the six ghosts of fear

where they describe that the sixth sense

will be blocked as long as you embody

the following fears

the fear of poverty criticism ill health

loss of love of someone

old age and death we must tackle these


and overcome them within us through

meditation and other conscious

engagement with ourselves

and this will support us in activating

our own sixth

sense now i know these 13 principles

alone are a lot to digest

so you might need to rewatch this video

and take notes but that said

there's one more thing from this book i

must share with you

think and grow rich also describes the

six step action item formula

to begin creating your spiritual wealth

right now

take note if you want to completely

transform your financial reality

i encourage you to pay close attention

to the following

step 1 determine what you want to

achieve or accomplish

decide what your goal is your goal must

be specific enough that you know when

you have achieved it

it is also important that you are

emotionally engaged in achieving the


your desire for the end result must be

strong enough to motivate you

to do what you need to do even when you

don't want to do it

step 2 decide what you are willing or

need to give

in return for what you desire nothing

worthwhile comes without a price

for example time money a change of habit


what changes do you need to make to your

life or lifestyle

that will allow you to achieve your goal

step 3 set a specific date when you want

to achieve your goal by

this gives you a set timeline to work

with as you develop your plan

step 4 develop your plan begin

at once whether you are ready or not

what steps are you planning to take

that move you toward your goal do not

wait for the plan to be perfect

start right away you can and will make

adjustments as you go

step 5 write a clear and concise


of what you want when you want it what

you are willing to give

and the steps you plan to take to

achieve the goal

step 6 read your statement out loud with


a minimum of two times a day first thing

in the morning

and right before you go to sleep this is

the most important step in the process

and adding to this visualize yourself as

if you've already achieved your goal

do this as often as you can during the

day even if only for a few moments

and that's it but fear not our journey

into spiritual money is not over yet

there are still some very important

things we have to explore

change our mindset transform our

financial reality

sure that sounds easy enough right but

what if we're feeling stuck

what if we don't have enough time to

transform our reality because we're too

busy making ends meet

well not to worry because it becomes

easy to shift our paradigm if we can

clearly see where we're at in this


and now that's exactly what we're going

to do

we all have different stories you have

your own set of unique experiences

beliefs and ways of looking at the world

once you know your wealth archetype

it becomes very easy to focus in on what

information will be the most useful to

you in this life

the six wealth archetypes are the caged

lion the chained magician

the hustling treasure hunter the

innocent prisoner the castaway

and the unfulfilled king or queen as we

go through these

feel into which one feels most like you

beginning from the top

picture that you are a caged lion the

king of the jungle

wild fierce born to hunt but one day you

were captured by hunters

and put into a cage you say to yourself

i'm gonna get out of here and then

you'll see how dangerous i

am but over time you grow tired and soon

you're thrown

a piece of meat you try to resist it

because you are the king of the jungle

but you need to survive and so you eat


day after day month after month you

slowly become accustomed to eating the

meat you are given

you're not starving but you're not truly


you get trapped in this routine and

there's this voice screaming inside of


frustrated angry and impatient then the

doubt creeps in

i've been stuck in this cage for so long

do i still have what it takes to hunt

what if i can't survive on my own the

caged lion is the frustrated nine to

five employee

they are the people who know they can

provide for themselves they can be

successful in life but they have

sacrificed that life for the predictable


even though it makes them miserable

inside but what if i told you the key to

unlocking the cage

is dangling right in front of you and

sometimes the lion tamer leaves the door


because he believes you don't have the

guts to step through it

well let's move on for now but we will


the second archetype is the chained

magician imagine you are a powerful


you have powers most people can only

dream of you are full of creativity

energy and imagination boundless energy

that allows you to think fast

learn fast and act quickly however

the village elders around you have

prohibited you from using your abilities

so that the other people in the village

who can't use magic won't feel


your powers are unique and different and

go against conventional wisdom

and even though you can bring great

change for your village the elders warn

that staying with tradition

is safer than trying something new

the chained magician represents all of

the millennials and new generation of


who feel suffocated and pressured by

their parents and society

people who have heard their whole lives

play it safe nobody in our family has

ever done this before

you can't make a living doing that get a

degree get a good job

get married and buy a house and so on

remember going on your own path instead

of what others have told you

doesn't mean you don't love them you

might feel alone and misunderstood

but as you go out in the world and pave

your own trail

you discover that there are far more

magicians like you out in the world

you can take the chains off anytime for

the only one who can stop a magician

is themselves

next we have the hustling treasure

hunter who loves to go on adventures and

find the next

biggest chest of gold they love the

thrill of the chase

the allure of a new opportunity going

after the shiny objects in the sand

but it seems like finding treasure maps

excites them more

than the actual search for the treasure

chest itself

when they find a new map they exclaim

you just wait

once i find the treasure i'll be set for

life you'll be sorry you missed out

however as they follow the map they

realize it requires them to chart rough


and uncompromising landscapes and so

they quit

they say there was no treasure the map


but don't worry the real treasure map is

out there and i'll succeed on my quest

these are people with lottery mentality

believing external factors are what

determine success

they jump into the latest money-making

schemes like bitcoin

network marketing drop shipping day

trading etc

they announced they've found the

opportunity of a lifetime but when it

doesn't work out at first

they are quick to jump to their plan b

their plan c and their plan d

if we recall think and grow rich however

we all face temporary setbacks

and we must be willing to persist

through them to gain our wealth

the hustling treasure hunter can achieve

great wealth as long as they can follow

their map to the end with passion

commitment and love

the fourth archetype is the innocent

prisoner imagine you were jailed for a

crime you didn't commit

how would you feel if you had followed

all of the rules played by the book

and did everything right and still ended

up a prisoner

these are the people who did well in

school got good grades

listened to their parents maybe even

earned a scholarship

perhaps they became doctors lawyers

accountants engineers

but deep down they still aren't


they appear successful on the outside

but inside they are stressed

burned out and empty some even take

antidepressants to aid

low humming anxiety they say i did

everything i was supposed to do so why

do i feel lost and empty inside

what did i do wrong the biggest struggle

here is that they don't think they can

stop living this way

because it would be irresponsible so

they bottle it up and the feelings get


the mistake of the innocent prisoner is

believing that conventional wisdom was

the key to happiness

instead of listening to their own

heart's calling

the fifth archetype is the castaway

imagine you are in a plane crash in the

middle of the ocean

the only survivor who washes up on shore

you realize you are truly alone

and you must fend for yourself you build

yourself a shelter

you hunt your own food and you even make

a fire but every day it's a hustle

you can't preserve food so you're always

on the hunt

always just surviving this routine

becomes your life for years

the castaway is the struggling solo

entrepreneur you are starting your own

business but you feel alone

every day is a struggle hunting for food

and water to survive

you're always on the lookout for new

clients or fulfilling the jobs of others

if you get paid you can afford to eat

and when you find your first client

it's like starting a fire for the first

time you want to celebrate

but you have no one to celebrate with

the castaway has to do everything in

their company and never quite making it

to the point when they can rest

because if they stop working they will

not survive

the mistake of the castaway is living

life as a lone wolf

while they have what most consider

freedom they are lonely

and they have no long-term sense of

future certainty

finally we have the unfulfilled king or


this was the person who conquered many

obstacles and are finally sitting on the


it wasn't easy you've worked hard for

years or decades to get to this position

and you have everything you've ever

wanted fortune lifestyle and status

but for some reason your happiness is


instead of joy other things fill your

mind what if other kingdoms attack or

try and take you over so you build up

your army or fortify your defenses

and you feel satisfaction for just a

moment and then another fear sets in

and you itch for the next achievement

this archetype is the overachiever the

one who was always at the top of their


worked hard succeeded in life perhaps

it's a talented ceo

an executive senior partner or other

high up position

but deep down they're afraid that their

peers will outperform them

and strip them of their title that

they've worked so hard for

but from this place of motivation

achievement does not lead to happiness

it's a trap they have to achieve more

and achieve

more and inside they are always


the mistake of the unfulfilled king or

queen is the one who finds it hard to be

satisfied unless they out

did everyone else but as a wise person

once said

you can't win the race of fulfillment

running on the track of achievement

now this brings us to the end of our

wealth archetypes do any of these sound

like you

if so don't worry and you're not alone

and i have good news for you each and

every one of these has a solution for it

if not multiple solutions now we're

going to explore some solutions very


however if you're interested in going

deeper into all of this

i'd like to take a moment to introduce

you to the book from which these

archetypes come from

it's called unlock it by dan lok unlock

it is dan's latest book

and it is truly a spiritual successor to

all of his previous work

for me personally unlock it really

helped bring a lot of clarity to my own

understanding of wealth and value

creation in the world

so i highly recommend giving it a read

and if you're interested

you can find links in the comments below

to get yourself a copy


in my own spiritual wealth journey

learning from many books and some

amazing mentors

i have found that creating money

actually boils down to one

simple thing are you ready here it is

wealth is a byproduct of value creation

let me say this again wealth is a


of value creation in fact creating value

generates so much more than just

wealth value creates meaningful


deep connections authentic

transformations and so much more

you can see this in several ways in the

world both in how it works

and how it's broken in society stemming

from our understanding collectively

and individually we often complain about

these rich people ruling the world

and certainly they're people with

massive wealth in the world and they

influence society in literally whatever

direction they want and it's not always


now for just a moment let's put the lack

of heart aside

and look at this from another

perspective how did they earn it

for example in the case of all these

super rich oil men they provide the

global human society with a source of


that's in very high demand they're

creating value for billions of people

and are thusly some of the richest

people in the world we know that there

are better

cleaner sources of energy and that these

people may even fight to suppress those


certainly however if we're looking

purely at how these people got so


we can still see that they created value

same with any other massive company

apple microsoft mcdonald's

walmart they all grew to being these

billion dollar companies and industries

by providing some kind of service

whether it's healthy or not

aside that's how they did it they

provided something that millions or

billions of people

want to spend their money on but let's

not just focus on these oil tycoons and

other massive companies

is it possible to create value in a

healthy positive way

well certainly how about jk rowling who

through her passionate writing

inspired and influenced generations of

people with her incredible storytelling

the results she almost became a


same with oprah who used communication

listening to others

and an exploration of the unknown to

inspire tremendous wealth

which she still uses today to influence

the global conversation

in the direction of love wisdom and


we can also look at vishan lakiani the

creator of mindvalley

who supports a massive community in the

awakening process

helping people connect deeper with

themselves and each other

if we can understand the relationship

between value creation

and wealth we can plant the seeds of new

industries and establish a new

generation of spiritual business

or at least establish for ourselves a

method of working and creating resources

in the world that is in alignment with

our spiritual centers

you can see this big disconnect then

when you ask the average person

how do you make more money in life most

commonly you'll hear the response

well you put in overtime you get more

shifts and you work harder

however what you'll find is that the

results of this mentality

are like the approach a little deluded

if you're working eight hours a day and

getting paid minimum wage and struggling

to get by in life

the solution is not working 12 hours a

day that's just a recipe for becoming

burnt out

stressed tired and maybe even a little


think about it instead of working harder

at a low income job

the key to solving your financial

problems is by creating work for

yourself in the world that offers

greater value to those in need

how can you be in service in a greater

capacity and

if you truly want to be in spiritual

alignment with yourself

can you do so and also do something that

you're passionate about

now let's explore a practical example

here if you're working the checkout at a

grocery store

the amount of value that you're creating

is not very much

that job is easily replaceable it

doesn't take much training

and so the companies who are hiring

checkout people are not going to pay you

very much

because that's how much it's worth to

them and please understand

if you work at a checkout in a grocery

store this does not mean you

are not valuable just this particular

skill is lower on the value ladder

but imagine now a good programmer an

artist or an animator

or a specialized skill that is less


these are skills that are in high demand

and low in supply

companies will hire quality skilled

individuals and pay them very high


for producing quality material for their

company in fact

sometimes companies are based around it

like apple being started from steve jobs


even spirit science was started in my

parents basement built off of nearly

10 years of personal practice animating

and learning which stemmed purely from

my own interests and passions

so the question you have to ask yourself

is what value are you adding to society

or your community at large

in my wealth journey perhaps one of the

most practical perspectives that i've

learned to make this understanding real

in how to bring value and create wealth

in the world is that it really all does

boil down to skills

now in the past i've spoken about dan

lok in my experiences of dan

he's like a fusion between a taoist monk

a kung fu master

and an ancient chinese military leader

that is if you were to merge

all of those together within a soul and

make him a very heart-centered

compassionate businessman

dan's mission is the elevation of wealth

and financial confidence in the world

and he does it by helping people to

elevate their minds and supports them

in being in service to humanity in all

manner of ways

the reason i bring this up is because

dan speaks often on the subject of high

income skills

he explains this dichotomy of skills

value and wealth creation

and teaches that if we want to generate

more resources in our lives

for the use of making life better for

both ourselves and society at large

we must learn skills that are in high

value and doing so provides you with

financial confidence

knowing that you have the skills to

generate wealth by offering high

value service to others gives you the

confidence that even if something was to

happen and you lose all your money

you'd have the skills necessary to

produce more because you are a valuable

person with valuable skills

everyone is valuable in life but some

skills are more valuable than others

based on how easy they are what they

take to learn how much effort is

required to get good at it

and so on this in my understanding is

the bridge to the creation of wealth

can you pair your own inner value with a

valuable skill

to become an instrument of service for

the world

speaking of value there's something else

that is tremendously important here

even more valuable than our money and

please take this super seriously if you

want to shift your financial reality

your time is far more valuable than


time is in this dimension a limited


and while yes we are striving to evolve

into a species that exists beyond the

limits of time and space

we haven't yet crossed that threshold so

we must be mindful that in our existing

state each of us

only has a limited amount of time in


you really can make as much money as you

want and all that's required is putting

in the effort to see that it's done

this is where it becomes a challenge for

many people who are working those 10

hours a day at minimum wage

and they feel like they can't escape the

wheel yet their existing job

or jobs takes so much energy that they

are exhausted

and thus drained from being able to

pursue their passions or learn a new


this is incredibly important to know

more than ever right now in 2020

with the change of the economic

landscape of the world now

is the time the opportunity to create

massive transformation in our lives

and in the world by taking some time to

learn new skills and

implement them in the world through our

work and our intentions to be in service

to humanity

so if you are wanting to generate more

wealth the first thing you have to look

at is how much

value are you creating in the world is

the job that you have now limited

in how much value you can supply to

others all it takes is honoring both the

masculine and the feminine

and striving together to create a new

paradigm of social harmony

so wrapping up this whole thing

ultimately as sifu dan lok would say it

for all of us that have struggled with

money it seems as though what we have

is not a money problem but a skill


if we can learn some high income skills

especially one relative to our wealth


we can completely transform our

financial lives by creating value in the

world in a meaningful way

that impacts the lives of all of those

who your work touches

as we were drafting the finale for our

money series something very important

came up to be explored on the subject of

resource-based economies

which is the usage of resources in the

world today

scientists studying how many resources

people consume have found that


the higher the overall income of a

region the more the people there tend to

consume an excess of resources

something especially prevalent in the

middle classes

to top it all off these consumption

rates are growing

but instead of being concerned about the

growing population

these researchers are worried that the

growing demands of our current


are a much bigger threat for the most


some of these resources include things

like transport and industrial costs

like fuel and water further household

consumption is seemingly giving rise to

more than 60 percent of global emission

to put that in perspective that's

between 50 and 80

of the total resources that we use not

only are resources being used

unnecessarily but according to the

journal of industrial ecology

the growing consumption rate on food and

international goods in households

has significant environmental impacts

that are just

not sustainable it's thought that one of

the main reasons behind this excess


is the increasing levels of disposable

income in our society

enabling consumers to soak up resources

far past what is needed for them to


though at first this may be a depressing

thought it's also an exciting


more and more people around the world

are waking up to issues like our

vulnerable environment and social


and actually it's middle class citizens

who can do the most

about it if a cultural and mindset shift

occurred where people agreed to consume

less of what they didn't need

a significant amount of pressure could

be relieved from our environment

this would hugely free up more resources

and help to promote our collective


now one of the most important steps we

could take to sustain everyone in our

current population

as well as growing populations and

protect our environment

is to collectively make the decision to

consume less unnecessary goods

we know the world though and that is

much easier said than done

baked into many of our modern cultures

is the importance and glamour of living

a materialist life

one that is ultimately based on

consumption many people are misguided by

their desire to be materially wealthy

so much so that they don't even know

what they would do with the money if

they had it

maybe buy a mansion or a nice car or

some other quick

fixes to the illusion of poverty but

even though most people don't become

wealthy in this way

the mindset has trickled down into what

is basically a consumer culture

today there is always an exciting new

version of the thing that you already

have that works completely fine

and many people are convinced that the

status of owning such things

is so important to their lives and their


seriously i remember in high school that

when you got a new pair of shoes

it was like the thing that everyone

talked about for a day

everyone you saw even people you didn't

really know would compliment you on your


shoes and then the next day nobody cared

but there was some sort of status

associated with getting new shoes

in reality the addiction to consumption

is an ever-present issue that functions

much in the same way as any other kind

of addiction

many people can relate to the dopamine

release of buying something

even if you never actually get your

money's worth out of it

there really is an effect in your brain

that feels good to own the newest things

before your friends in this kind of


it's important to be honest and open and

approach it from a position of


if buying and spending is something

people do to relieve stress

then shaming people for consuming more

will only make them feel

more stressed and ultimately make the

problem worse

what we really need to help make

ourselves conscious of our consumption

is shifting our sources of satisfaction

to something else

such as doing good work helping others

and making connections

this isn't a simple issue of course but

like any problem

the first step to solving it is looking

at it without judgment

curbing consumption and freeing up

resources is something everyone can work

on right now and maybe this is the first

step to living in this new kind of world

one where no one is starving or in

poverty it's not all doom and gloom


while on average most middle and upper

class areas are consuming and polluting


there are some cities thriving today

which live a much more environmentally

friendly ideal

copenhagen in denmark and porto alegre

in brazil

are both middle or upper class cities

and yet copenhagen has experienced both

economic growth

and emissions reductions by working with

local planning programs to make the move

towards renewable energy sources

way easier these cities are

demonstrations that if a city

collectively sets an intention to do


it can be done because as we already

know from many new emerging scientific

explorations today

intention and observation steers reality

are there even enough resources in the

world to allow everyone to thrive

the answer to this is as you might have

guessed not so necessarily a simple


because human life is very complex and

as you attempt to answer one question

it opens up many more yet with almost

every initial complex problem

it is possible to create solutions for


food production can be completely

transformed if we were to invest

in something like vertical farming which

would lead to a whole new slew of

innovations on how we could make

something like that possible

as long as we remain open and flexible

to new ideas

and are willing to invest in ourselves

in the long term there's really no

problem we can't solve

but you see this does take a shift in


from thinking of short-term profits to


lasting solutions this is where the

whole resource-based economy thing comes


which is essentially a different kind of

economy than capitalism a system in


all goods and services are available

without the use of any system of debt or


like money credits or barter all

resources become the common heritage of

all people not just a select few the

challenge with this kind of system

is that what happens when some

individuals create tremendous value for


and others do the bare minimum yet they

both have access to all of the exact

same resources

the question arises is that fair or


the way we overcome this challenge is

with a collective shift in consciousness

and this is something we'll talk about

more soon now along the journey to

creating a resource-based economy

is where central planning systems

seemingly enter the conversation

in the face of the logistical challenges

of getting separate industries to work


and provide for all people efficiently

and effectively

central planning also known as planned


seek to unify and harmonize the control

of certain industries

in a nutshell it's an economic system

where a central planning group

such as a government controls and

regulates production

distribution and prices among other


as opposed to the current model where

prices allocate resources

this type of system is naturally pretty

large scale and ambitious

and gets a very bad reputation with

certain people in the world

for being socialist in nature due to the

interlocking nature and dependence of

the industries which supply necessary

goods though

planned economic systems aim to increase


by managing and coordinating multiple

massive industries to achieve

a single charitable goal just getting a

system like this off the ground

can seem like an impossible task it's no

wonder so many communists throughout


sought change so aggressively now

one serious option to achieve a planned

economy seeks to do so by more

harmonious means though

something known as the venus project is

a central planning system with plans to

start small

and make use of advanced technology to

organize societies

and distribute resources intelligently

but their vision goes even further

for in their own words they say we call

for a straightforward approach to the

redesign of a culture

in which the age-old inadequacies of war


hunger debt environmental degradation


unnecessary human suffering are viewed

not only as avoidable

but totally unacceptable reflecting on


i feel it is important that as we move

forward collectively

we take ideas like this and build them

into the framework

of new developing systems the plan to

transition to this kind of system

exists with the awareness of the

failures of more extreme

and aggressive pushes to radically

transform the capitalist economy

which it's coming from instead these

guys are focused on how they can grow

organically from inside our current

system and have plans to transition from

a semi-capitalist

starting point to a fully centrally

planned city in the long run

the cities and the planning are designed

to be universal and

scalable so a small community with merit


interest could easily be grown to

accommodate more and more citizens

and in the endgame one without thanos

new cities like this could be initiated

around the world

to some this may seem like a pipe dream

or even a complete impossibility

and it's okay to have your own opinions

and feelings on the matter don't get me


what almost everyone can agree on though

regarding the venus project

are its end goals no one logically wants

to live in a world with war

a hazardous environment poverty or

unsustainable resource production

what the venus project is doing uniquely

is stating that

actually we don't have to in fact

we should strive to create an earth

without these issues

without any call to destabilize our

current systems or societies

the venus project aims to show what

progress can be made

and allow people to hop on with their

success or learn from their mistakes

to learn more about the venus project

you can visit their website which will

link in the description

whether you believe global suffering is

best solved by central planning

or by just everyone doing their part or

everything in between

i hope this video has helped in the

exploration that we all have a role to


and that we can all make changes today

and move forward to reduce waste and

access in our own lives

paving a way for a future with freer

resources to share with those less


and support for expanding education

across the board

so that everyone has access not just to


but knowledge and wisdom that we can use

to make the world a better place

and if you ever feel like the future is

hopeless remember that there is always

something you personally can do to make

a difference

and that if you make a genuine

difference in your own life

it will ripple out people around you

will sense the change

and if enough people do this amazing

things can be accomplished

one step at a time throughout this


we've talked a lot about the

interconnection between money and


and evolving our spiritual relationship

with money as well

and all along the way we've been

striving towards this end goal for the


ultimately ending with the question is

it possible for everyone on earth to


all of the resources they need not only

to survive but to live comfortably and

in harmony with the world and each other

it is a simple fact that at the moment

our resources are not spread out in a

way to reach this goal

but the question is are there really

enough resources in the first place

our thoughts on this mirrors the

thinking of gandhi who says the world

has enough for everyone's need

but not enough for everyone's greed

humans have undoubtedly been

increasing their density on earth quite

rapidly in recent history

in the last 10 000 years we've gone from

no more than several million humans

to nearly 8 billion strong given our

current system of resource management

which for the most part is based on

capitalism and the potential growth of

the population to 11 billion by the 22nd


we are in a time unlike any other as the

population has never been this high


and there is no historical precedent to

tell us whether our current system is

sustainable in the long term

but researchers have another concern not

with a number of people

but with our unsustainable rate of

consumption something that we looked at


so far as we've been exploring money and

spirituality together

one of the primary comments in the

opposition to this exploration

has been that the existing financial

systems are corrupt

because it allows some people to have

millions or billions of dollars

and others to have absolutely nothing so

of course

a shift to a different kind of financial

system for us as a species

seems to make sense discussions of a

resource-based economy

often emerges in this kind of

conversation but what is it really going

to take to get us there

and can it really work the challenge

here is that we exist in a world of many

different systems

and these systems were designed in

particular ways

based on existing levels of

consciousness that we had attained

if we were to watch human evolution over

the last several thousand years

we would see this continuum of

developing systems and the introduction

of new systems as

old ones became out of date this is

important for us to realize

especially for those of us who have the

mentality of smash

the old paradigm because doing so leaves

us with anarchy

and may not actually support us in

moving to a new

better system for all of humanity it's

for this reason we made the spiritual

money series at

all as we found that shifting our

thinking first

it supports our evolution instead of

just mindlessly rebelling against

and destroying something that we don't

like as humanity continues to evolve

over the next 10 20 50 100 years

and beyond we should be striving to

develop and implement new strategies

solutions technologies and most


ways of thinking into our social and


systems allowing us to become more in

harmony with each other and nature

and when opportunities arise to make

quantum leaps like implementing a

full-scale resource-based economy

we shouldn't be afraid to take that leap

of faith and try it

worst case scenario we fail providing us

with valuable lessons on how to do it


and then we do it better and then we win

it's very critical that we realize this

that if we approach money and economic

systems with a destructive attitude

we will only create more destruction


destruction is necessary but we must

also be mindful that the best approach

is a creative one

where destruction of the old is just a

natural byproduct

as people utilize new technologies in

brilliant ways

supporting humanity and becoming more

conscious of themselves and the world

around them

looking at the way that our species acts

at least right now

is that not everyone is thinking for

themselves most humans act like pack


following the herd the ideas the systems

and guidelines that have been

established by others around them

even most of our opinions are not our

own but often a regurgitation of things

that we've heard

and resonated with in some way because

of this

we are conditioned to fight each other a

lot because that's why we are spoon fed

so often

such as for example in political media

left wing this

right wing that didn't anyone tell the

news that the left wing and right wing

are a part of the same bird

anyway this same challenge seems to be

at the heart of why so many people

dislike capitalism because there are

system builders with a lot of resources

at their disposal

who implement systems for the masses to

follow that generally don't encourage

health wellness

or freedom of thought however the seeds

of our salvation can be found in the

same systems

if free thinkers and system builders

could exist within the capitalistic


and implement solutions and systems on a

large scale for millions

or billions of people to use that

encourages connection

health and wellness we would see a new

world so quickly

as humanity collectively wakes up to a

higher truth

and insists on living more in alignment

and harmony with themselves

and the universe the capitalistic model

could actually be used to create a

resource-based economy

without having to see our civilization's

collapse in the process

shifting to a resource-based economy is

completely possible

but in order to truly see something like

this manifest we first

have to shift our way of thinking

mindlessly rebelling against the old

paradigm won't

actually create anything new it's going

to take each of us

shifting and living differently until we

hit that point of critical mass

and enough people act as creators and

make something new that replaces the old

paradigm altogether

it's for this reason we've been

exploring money and spirituality

because we found that it was important

to bring a holistic approach to all of

the aspects of life

and money is a very root chakra issue a

foundational aspect of life that we have

to overcome

if we want to see the whole world thrive

part of that is recognizing that even if

we existed in poverty for a long time

we don't have to stay there we can

participate in the existing systems

and become a conscious creator and

change the world around us

and even generate resources in the

process to do so

like him or hate him i feel elon musk is

a really good example of this

utilizing the existing systems and

technologies he has moved humanity


in huge ways such as developing vehicles

that are light years ahead

of any other vehicle technology you can

literally fall asleep at the wheel of a


and you're almost guaranteed not to

crash not to mention his other work

inspires dreams of colonizing other

parts of the solar system

so the question then becomes what are


creating in your life actively what are

your dreams in life

and in what ways are you moving towards

them if you are someone who has

unconsciously allowed the world to crush

your dreams

and get the better of you don't worry

you're not alone

and there is good news there's something

you can do about it

it all begins with a shift in

consciousness a shift in thinking

when you look at the world differently

look at limitations

and see opportunities it empowers you

with the freedom to behave

differently too to take actions rooted

in possibility

it is only when we believe the existing

story when we believe that there is

nothing we can do about the

circumstances of our lives

that we are disempowered to do anything

about it

today i'd like to invite you to cast off

your limitations where you have them

go inside and connect with your dreams

your vision for your life

and then begin to move towards it and

if you don't know where to start and

you're looking for some help you are

invited to come and check out our

special nine

hour long master class called spiritual

money mastery

this workshop goes deep into everything

we've learned about money as

energy and how to utilize money as a

tool for being in service to humanity

the more that we collectively shift this

perspective the faster we can create

a new paradigm of life for us all with


thank you so much for joining us on this

journey into spiritual wealth

and we'll see you again soon for even

more spirit science



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