June 1, 2024

Dr. Becker Lists Antioxidant Sources - Your Health TV

Published June 16, 2023, 7:20 p.m. by Monica Louis

Dr. Richard Becker, co-host of the TV show Your Health with Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker, lists antioxidant sources.

Your Health TV was brought to you by Bio Innovations.


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do some specific antioxidant vitamins

and other substance is there any

antioxidants and explain to everyone

what those individually do okay let's

start with the carotenoids and the

vitamin C carotenoids carotenoid big

word sounds like carrots yeah

carotenoids in the vitamin C group okay

the carotenoids are a form of vitamin A

our body takes these carotenoids

transforms it into vitamin A as we need

it okay so it's not vitamin A it's a

different substance that's reverted into

vitamin A okay these character nodes are

found in carrots red and yellow peppers

pay attention to what food source

because I'm going to ask you a question

about something in common here it's easy

to spot carrots red and yellow bell

peppers apricots cantaloupes

this substance this type of substance is

carotenoids promote normal vision helps

to fight infection prevent cancer it

helps with healthy cell repair and

division there are over 500 different

carotenoids found in nature 500 that's

that complexity the symphony of

nutrients and food sources and whole

food sources so folks let me ask you if

I synthesized one of those 500 and it

doesn't quite pan out in studies and

preventing disease do you see the flaw

the fundamental flaw it a tuba does not

a symphony me you know I think I'm not

falling for it and I know you guys

aren't either how about your vitamin C

group these are flavonoids founded in

oranges strawberries tomatoes in a

various greens that helps to initiate

antibody production that fight infection

promotes gum health keeps our arteries

soft and pliable that's astros chlorosis

it prevents hardening of the arteries

forms collagen and connective tissue now

in the carotenoid and vitamin c group

those foods we mentioned what's the

commonality what do they all have they

have a bright color don't they

so if you're picking out brightly

colored fruits and vegetables and you

have a mosaic of color on your salad

plate you're fulfilling your carotenoids

and vitamin C requirements it's just

that simple you're getting that symphony

of nutrients then we go to vitamin E

vitamin E is a profound

only strong antioxidants found in things

like nuts almonds walnuts abundant

vitamin E hazel nuts seeds peanut butter

even has it in it

wheat germ helps to prevent the

breakdown of cholesterol into its

components that can be toxic to us and

it shields us from certain types of

cancers vitamin DS whole grains that's

how you get at Whole Foods

magnesium very important mineral and

things like spinach one of the reasons

the spinach protects from skin cancer is

the antioxidant promoting magnesium

lycopene has found the tomatoes and

carotenoids selenium garlic asparagus

and grains zinc these are all critical

and so that wide variety of foods

provides this in that complex nature

that really does fight disease okay

let's name just a few classic high on ty

oxidant foods can you think of some

right off the top of your favorites I

like to just it what I want to say hey

I'm gonna I need some more antioxidants

in my diet I think immediately of color

I like berries blackberries raspberries

the deeper the color the riparian the

antioxidant berries are very good the

broccoli the tomatoes we mention red

grapes now white grapes have

antioxidants but the deeper the color

the more the antioxidant that's really

the message of today so white grapes are

good but red grapes are even better

garlic and onion spinach now Spanish has

that deep green but it's it's really an

illustrious green if it's colorful it's

good for you tea tea has more an

toxicity especially carrots oh boy

nothing better some carrot juice soy

beans sweet potatoes at that deep orange

bright orange color that's your clue

whole grains and don't forget your

spices oregano has 40 sometimes the

antioxidant level of apples so your

spices count in this absolutely coronary

artery disease cancer macular

degeneration Alzheimer's disease

arthritis the autoimmune diseases liver

problems you name the disease folks low

antioxidant levels promote these

diseases and you lessen your risk

including skin cancers we found today is

that amazing now I think we've made the

point very clearly today that your Whole

Foods diet is your primaries

source of antioxidants but you know what

Cindy I live in the real world the same

world that our viewers do and there are

days when we just don't eat right we're

too busy we're behind schedule we have

to eat some fast food here there and the

other and so you need a supplemental

source to be sure that you have that

peak level of antioxidants and today you

know we have four different multiple

vitamin blends in our bio innovations

and if you really want that natural

boost of antioxidants I would go with

the berry blend multiple vitamin and

trust us folks our vitamins are natural

source we extract our nutrients from

food sources organic sources so you

don't you don't have those concerns with

non-organic that berry plant is it two

or three servings of it's three three

six or sub-series a very pretty every

yeah every time actually I think it

tastes the best I like the berry put it

in some soy milk or rice milk sure shake

it up and it's good orange juice yeah so

you get that full dose of your

antioxidants in the berry blend great

for vision great for cardiovascular

health great for everything other ways

to add more is to of course take more

vitamin C you can take more

beta-carotene little extra e little zinc

selenium magnesium all those nutrients

are in the multiple so you're doing that

just fine so you know this antioxidant

although it's it's some chemistry there

folks if we just think about it as

metabolic byproducts that damage us and

if we can pass that hot potato around

put a little paint on the ship so it

doesn't rest so that ship can sail for

many decades to come you really have the

essence of the chemistry behind it and

then when we go to our foods just think

about brightly colored fruits and

vegetables create a mosaic of color and

when we're talking about greens it needs

to be a whole grain then you're going to

meet your needs and then you're going to

be fine with this whole concept add a

little extra supplemental antioxidants

get that berry blend is a great source

getting on the auto-ship program there

allows you to save shipping you know I

take my vitamins every day and I do it


per month I see I don't like running out

and think well I have to go to the store

I have to or I want it there I wanted to

come to me so that's how the auto-ship

came around plus your save on shipping

alright I think we covered that pretty

good don't you think

alright folks we have a break when we

return let's take a call


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