May 20, 2024

Health, Wellbeing & Lifestyle TV show

Published June 16, 2023, 7:20 p.m. by Monica Louis

Health, Wellbeing & Lifestyle is an independent TV show which educates and inspires the community around the hot topics of health, wellbeing and quality lifestyle and promoting the services of small businesses in those sectors.

The show will be broadcasted weekly on C31.

For more episodes please go to the channel Health, Wellbeing & Lifestyle.

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hello and welcome back to our program

and first today we have mark karatsu who

is a business consultant and coach and

he's here today to talk to support

positive psychology and how it affects

lifestyle change Mike how well how

important is positive psychology and

lifestyle change it's it's critical

Linda I think it's very important in

order to get change that the person has

confidence that they can achieve it so

in addition to of course believing in

the importance of change and the way

that what we like to do that is set

small achievable goals nothing too much

too soon because success ends up fueling

more motivation and better performance

down the track we also like to make sure

that people are using positive language

and we're very perceptive to make sure

that there's no negative descriptions or

negative words occurring we also I think

like to celebrate successes and there's

a lot of literature out there talking

about the importance of praise and

recognition in the business field

there's some studies out there saying

that and encouraging leader has a team

with 31% more productivity than others

and we also know curiously that praise

properly directed can be more motivating

than money right and so how can so when

you talk about negative languaging words

descriptions what can be done about that

a lot of times the negativity it comes

from the individual themselves the way

they talk talk about themselves people

these days have very high expectations

you'll find that people have got a lot

on they're doing an enormous amount with

their family with their work and you can

sometimes hear them talk about the fact

that I should be doing better I'm not

doing enough now what we like to do is

reframe that talk about the wonderful

job they're doing already and then talk

about steps that we can apply in order

to create more time for them perhaps to

do the things that they love to do or

whether it be

the gym or yoga or a meditation class

sometimes if you're receptive you'll

also hear them say things like over

generalizations like if I don't finish

that 3 kilometer run by a certain time

it'll prove that again that I'm a

failure which is obviously not correct

it just means that they haven't done it

at this time another example might be

black and white thinking you often hear

people say for instance I'm no good at

yoga but the truth is they're normal at

Yoga that the fact is is that they

haven't had any practice at stretching

yet so it's those sorts of thinking I

think that any business coach or

lifestyle coach needs to pick up on and

correct so easy for us to get down in

ourselves isn't it very much so and most

of us is achieving a lot yes that's very

true and you know when you talk about

that and how to sort of we hear about

positive mindset we have lots of people

you know inquiring about that how does

that play out positive mindset and

optimism is enormous ly important if you

if you read the research our brain tends

to anticipate things that is going to

occur and that sometimes brings out a

certain form of behavior which is

conducive to positive lifestyle change

now there's some very good body of

research on that one that I particularly

like occurred by a psychologist called

Ellen Langer in 1979 and she took a

group of 75 year old men away for a

retreat she said I want you to behave

the way you did in 1959 in other words

as if you were 55 dressed like you're 55

act like you're 55 talk like you're 55

and she then tried to map out what

occurred after that retreat now

remarkably she found that after that

retreat that they had better posture

improved flexibility there I cited

improved by 10% and interestingly random

people that had not known these people

were asked to try and predict their age

before the retreat and after the retreat

and on average they said that they'd

they were younger by an average of three

years after the retreat so that's fairly

strong research and there was been

another bit of research about mindset

where the psychologist one of which was

Langer again took a group of hotel maids

I think was in America and told one half

of them that what you do for your work

is very good exercise and very good for

your health and the other half received

no such good news now they found several

weeks after this good news was imparted

to the first group that they actually

had lost weight and they had lower

cholesterol their emotions would you say

in well-being and lifestyle change well

according to the experts that have

really studied this field very important

one particular academic and

psychologists who I respect Martin

Seligman has dictated that positive

emotions are one of the five important

pillars towards well-being and what he's

suggesting there is things like or joy

serenity hope and love and many others

are very important to us in being able

to have a balanced and flourishing life

so what I think is or should be the

intent of everybody is to make sure that

each day they try and incorporate

something in their life that gives them

those moments and certainly more of

those moments of positive emotion than

negative emotion because I suppose it's

it's fairly obvious that if all you do

doing dealing with every day is negative

emotions and that's going to be a bit of

a bit of a drag and a downer for you all


I suppose you could say like you know

you walk down the street and if you

smile at somebody they'll be taken aback

but then they might smile back

well you're touching on a very

interesting area there which is called

the contagion effect and which basically

means people's moods really translate

into other people so if you give a smile

to somebody else it's very likely that

you're going to spread that bit of

happiness with someone else and yes

you'll get it you'll get

a smile back and make in the long run of

the world a happier place well that's a

wonderful thing for our viewers to know

isn't it maybe go out there and smile at

others yes it is and they also talk

about the importance of an act of

kindness is very important in in

spreading goodness and making both the

person who receives it and the person

who gives it feel better apart from

those benefits what what other benefits

would you say positive psychology bring

to us and what would those well apart

from assisting in lifestyle change I

think positive psychology brings its own

own rewards there's a very very good

body of evidence from reputable

researchers and psychologists that

happier people have better relationships

they are more engaged they are more

productive they have a stronger immune

system and they even live a longer and

healthier life so happiness is it's in a

sense its own reward and it's also can

have an upward spiral effect if I'm

happier and things start to work well

for me I become even even happier and I

go on a spiral of upward happiness so

yeah it's it's it's a very very powerful

force and they say that it is shawn

Achor a very well respected academic in

America has written the book and he

believes that happiness comes before

success and not the other way around

which a lot of us have being taught well

that's wonderful thank you Mark for

sharing all of that today it's been an

absolute pleasure and for more

information about Mark and lifestyle

change then please go to our website

health well-being and lifestyle Comte

you and we'll go to break now and after

the break we'll be back with Vicki

Jamison here to talk to us about tips

for looking younger

and next we have Vicki Jamison who's

here today to talk to us about her top

tips for staying younger

she's a skin nutritionist so she expert

in her field

welcome Vicki thank you so what would be

your top 5 tips well it's really simple

and it starts off with looking at what

really ages our skin prematurely so the

three things that age us prematurely are

sun pollution and also stress so my five

tips that everyone can do and they're

all really simple so the first one is of

course to protect against the Sun which

is using an SPF every single day and one

of the key things I get asked a lot as

to what what number should I have so SPF

15 is the best because it has the less

chemicals and toxins in it so it's

better for your skin and better for your

body so 15 and then to reapply is

actually a best idea the second tip is

cleansing your skin every night well in

fact we all have pollution on our skin

if you think about how much is around

Melbourne you can see it in the in the

sky so that will break down your skin

absorbs at night whatever is on your

skin so we want to wash that away before

we go to sleep the third thing is

actually breathing I'm talking about

abdominal breathing or meditation or

that kind of diaphragmatic breathing

where you're breathing from your tummy

so we're actually expanding the lower

part of our diaphragm and that actually

does this really amazing thing in our

body it triggers to the nervous system

to relax so it gives the nervous system

a really good break from our busy life

and always being switched on which would

normally break down our skin ah so when

we're on we release cortisol and when we

were just busy that's what breaks down

our skin so it breaks down connective

tissue all over our body but

particularly our collagen so if we don't

do anything about that we will get saggy

your skin and you'll see deeper lines so

that's kind of a key and it's really

easy to do

now if you can't sit still start with 2

minutes a day and build up to 5 minutes

and then 10 to 15 minutes 15 minutes is

ideal every single day

and then the fourth thing is actually

using some skin care so I go for

non-toxic skin care that's plant-based

but also very science-based

so what I mean by that is using

plant-based ingredients which are really

healthy for our skin and help feed it

like food but can also process to the

lower level where our skins being made

so once it gets down there that's how we

can start our skin keeping nice and

healthy and vibrant and young and making

the right kind of cells so things to

look for are no parabens because those

are the toxins and no chemicals takes 26

seconds for your skin to absorb

chemicals into your bloodstream so we're

also having a health effect which then

may come out on our skin so think of

pimples eczema that type of thing it

could be a good indication that you've

got too many chemicals in your products

and then looking for something that will

will work every single day so keeping it

simple and the last tip my number 5 is

nutrition and hydration so those seem

like really obvious but they directly

impact our skin so our skin reflects

whatever we are putting in our body just

as much as what we're putting on our

skin so obviously a high plant-based

diet but also making sure and this is

particularly important for women over 40

or as our hormones change and we come

into perimenopause and menopause we

actually start eating a way out our

muscle tissue and that's also our

collagen and our interface and

everywhere in our body so to stop that

sagging we need to get enough protein

and then we also need to have enough

nutrients going into our into our body

so while we say Whole Foods you're also

nowadays need supplementation but a good

supplement the water is very important

because it helps move everything around

so the function

of our skin is actually to get rid of

toxins and to heat regulate so the water

content actually keeps your skin

hydrated moist so you get that great

glow that will keep you looking a lot

younger and then it also obviously you

are feeling better because you can get

things moving around in your body

wonderful for more information on Vicky

and skin nutrition please go to our

website thank you thank you

welcome back and now we have with us

Tracy Jo diem who's a raw food advocate

and she's here today to talk to us about

raw food and gluten welcome Tracy thanks

Linda first of all I'd like to talk

about what raw food actually is so raw

food is food that has not been refined

chemically processed canned or heated to

over 48 degrees Celsius so the reason

why I wanted to talk about gluten and

raw food is because gluten is such a big

issue for a lot of people nowadays

celiac Australia tell us that there's

approximately 1 in 70 P people in

Australia who actually have celiac

disease and this is a really high number

but another concern is that they say the

majority of the people who have celiac

disease actually aren't aware of it and

further on that one in 14 people

actually are saying that they have a

gluten intolerance so what is kit kit

what is at least glute celiac disease is

that a complete intolerant what is that

so yes celiac disease is is basically an

allergy complete allergy to to anything

that contains gluten and if it's

consumed by someone who has celiac

disease it causes inflammation and

damage to the structure the stomach so

and it can't be reversed the only way

that it can be treated is with a

gluten-free diet so it's actually

incurable so so raw raw food is actually

either low inclusion or completely


and that's why it's important to include

some raw food in our diets especially

for people who have an issue with gluten

content the other thing to remember is

that when we're going going out and

looking for foods that are labeled

gluten-free do check the labels turn it

around and have a look because then it

may say may contain traces of gluten and

that's really important for people who

have celiac disease because any trace of

gluten can actually be life-threatening

we see a lot of gluten-free products in

the shop or little label labeled

gluten-free products they are actually

good for us no actually they're not all

good for us because a lot of the

gluten-free products like bread for

example contain a lot of refined sugars

that's something we're going to be

talking about next week so it's

important to make sure that we include

raw food in our diet especially when

we've got a gluten intolerance oh that's

great and for some more like top tips

for our viewers what would you say is

your absolute top tip for our viewers I

would say that if gluten is an issue for

you make sure that you're including lots

of leafy greens and vegetables and

fruits and seeds and grains that don't

include gluten like oats barley rye and

wheat oh that's fantastic thank you and

now we'll go to break for more

information on traci and about gluten in

foods then please go to a website health

well-being in lifestyle comte you after

the break we'll come back with Nancy

Becker who is with us today to talk

about meditation

welcome back we have dawned here today

who is a remedial therapist and he's

here to take today to talk to us about

corporate massage so welcome John

thanks Linda now what would you what

would you say the top benefits of

massage in the workplace massage therapy

for an individual is a major component

of their physical well-being so wellness

and staff well being is a really

important topic these days a lot of

organizations are investing in staff

wellness so to have physical therapy at

the workplace for people and gives any

opportunity for physical change in their

body which can lead to distress immense

will refresh and a real chance to

refocus going forward for the rest of

the day a lot of people when they have

access to a table massage in the

workplace it's generally back soreness

shoulders neck usually go for a back

shoulder next sequence of massage and

people they get bad posture habits over

a period of time specially sitting at a

desk looking at screen all day so puts a

lot of stress on the muscles in the back

and the shoulders like to get a good

good release through the shoulders and

neck and really helps people feeling a

lot lighter when they leave their

treatment and yeah a bit of a bit bit

refocus is going forward for the rest of

the day so what would be the difference

then between say if people were in the

workplace can they be on a table or is

it better in a chair what's the

recommended way sure so two ways you can

go about workplace massage obviously the

table massage is a bit longer drawn-out

sort of treatment but the seated massage

is something a lot of places go for

especially in a corporate environment

it's a lot more accessible to have more

people come through that in the time

frame so seated massage certainly has

its benefits as well gives people the

opportunity to get away from their

workspace and turn on turn their brain

off for a little bit it's still got the

element of human touch which goes

towards some relaxation and obviously

all that together goes towards their

mental reefer

it's either way massages can be an

uplifting experience with somebody and

certainly some people look forward to

when they're after work that day to have

that supplied for them yeah well that's

fantastic and what would you encourage

people to take on corporate massage or

any any sort of massage really isn't it

sure you know what would be the

difference between corporate and other

massage its corporate massage a lot of

people involved in a high stress high

pressure environment so it's good for to

encourage people to get away from their

workspace for even if it's a brief

period of time in a day and help them

refocus as well as having some some

de-stress and physical change in their

body it's not just for corporate

environment a lot of people on the tools

and these sorts of things they can

develop muscle tension as well as stress

so massage certainly works in any

situation and whether it be in the

office people on the computer desk or on

the tools oh you have a tip for anyone

out there who for instance about massage

order what would be your top tip for

instance for massage I would say have it

if you don't have access to it try and

do that it's a major component for

people's physical well-being but you

can't underestimate how much a good

strong treatment can contribute to a

positive mindset for an individual and

if a lot of people in the one workplace

can access that certainly contributes to

a happy work environment and for more

information on Jon or corporate massage

please go to our website thank you very

much and we look forward to seeing you

next week here on health well-being and

lifestyle thank you




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