April 28, 2024

Ben Shapiro Likes *His* Politics In Sports, Not Yours

Published June 22, 2023, 4:20 p.m. by Courtney

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In this Majority Report clip, Ben Shapiro whines about sports.

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let's take a little bit of a break and

watch someone whine about something that

I find I don't know

look I it's possible that Ben Shapiro is

a big sports fan it's not inconceivable

he's a little sports fair he's a little

sports fan but all this I think just

sounds like a lot of BS to me like you

are he claims he's a lifelong reader of

Sports Illustrated and I would bet that

the only episode or whenever he would

episode the only what do you call it I

only remember what you call that now

with magazines issues yeah the only

issue of Sports Illustrated that he kept

was that was the swimsuit edition every

year but here is ben shapiro boom owning

the fact that sports has been ruined for

him know me it's been ruined because

it's so political now clay it doesn't

make me wonder whether inevitably we're

gonna end up with basically two sports

leagues whether whether at some point

people are just gonna want a sports

league that does not allow this sort of

stuff to impede the play or or get on

the field and people are just gonna view

that because i gotta say that's called

the NCAA folks i've been fairly tolerant

through this stuff in terms of in terms

of watching sports my entire life

they're only a couple of times where

I've really turned off the TV one was

you know when it came to Sports

Illustrated I was a lifelong subscriber

of Sports Illustrated's Mitzvah

incidentally incidentally Sports

Illustrated is a magazine it's not

turned off the TV he's just sort of

makes it hard for us so just in case you

got confused and he was he was so

invested in this he got Sports

Illustrated for his Bar Mitzvah yes yeah

I had Sports Illustrated subscription

for like another 1012 years they steep

the old issues in a box I mean that's

how much I enjoyed it and then when they

decided you know it's important for us

to feature Caitlyn Jenner on the cover

when Bruce Jenner had not been an actual

athlete for three decades and all of a

sudden I'm talking about transgenderism

in Sports Illustrated okay I'm done I

can't do this anymore because this has

nothing to do with sports and I said

scribe to a sports magazine I'm not

doing this anymore and the other is

drunk at my friend's house when I get a

little math problem here I get a little

math problem so his story has he gone

and he he was subscribing to it from

when he got it for his Bar Mitzvah and

he subscribed to it for 10 to 12 years

he said right

and so he's 36 now that would put him it

was 25 so it was about 10 or 11 years

ago when did when did Caitlyn Jenner get

on the cover do we know believe that was

2016 that's only four years ago so he

had more or less stopped reading Sports

Illustrated but then stopped again

nothing to do with sports but like don't

this do the swimsuit editions have

anything to do with sports well so sure

I'm sure you would quit it then - yeah

it was aware they now issue I mean it's

also like yes I stopped reading because

there was one cover I didn't like he was

also Republican can we just remind

everyone that well but strange Pierrot

had some other issues there but go ahead

let's continue on I subscribe to a

sports magazine I'm not doing this

anymore and the other is during the

Kaepernick protest when it became

incumbent on people to somehow approve

of the hands up don't shoot symbology

that was being put out by particular

players I'm tempted to do the same with

the NBA now that now that you have

LeBron James who was willing to

basically virtue signal on behalf of the

China communist Chinese government but

rip drew brees it's getting to the point

where I don't want to watch sports but

my place positive frogs that can of

comfort oddities what why did he I use

he was drooling all over himself why why

did LeBron rip drew brees and that do

you know drew brees last week I was

asked about kneeling teammates and he

gave this sh walk about my dad sir to

them oh so in other words drew brees

injected politics into sports but it's

only when LeBron wrought response to

Drew Brees does he decide I'm not gonna

I'm not gonna get involved in sports

anymore because one was patriotism Sam

that's not political

yeah it's not political when the white

guy says something preserving your

freedom right all right let's continue I

just want to be clear on that it was the

idea that LeBron answered another sports

figure who said something political that

was making everything political Chinese

government but rip drew brees it's

getting to the point where I don't want

to watch sports Matt my place of comfort

has been removed from me and it may not

be it may not be restored until there

are actual sports leagues that remove

politics from the sports

I can't wait for Adam Carolla to slam

this guy for being such a snowflake oh

okay I can't follow sports if someone

puts out a magazine cover that I don't

appreciate or I have to hear LeBron say

something I'm gonna I'm not gonna watch

any more basketball this season I'm in

fact that's it I'm done watching

basketball this season and baseball what

do you think about that I stopped do you

think he even realizes that there

there's no sports teams playing anymore

no I don't think he has any idea yeah I

stopped I stopped last week was the last

time I was gonna watch any sports it's

like listening to Lindsey Graham talk

about sports I don't know Lindsey Graham

could could like sports I bench bureau

could like sports for all I for all I

know but I mean what a baby what a baby

I don't have my safe space anymore drew

brees can say whatever he wants but when

LeBron starts to speak up then we're

getting political what a baby what baby

is this I can't I can't tell this is

fake or not this is on goodreads say it

so papa dad me and the 2005 White Sox

championship season by Ben Shapiro to

those is there as they use a White Sox


yeah sounds like a a literary hangover

investigation Oh God


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