April 29, 2024

Genius Autistic Doctor Reveals Weird Symptoms Due To Inhaled Smoke

Published June 25, 2023, 9:20 p.m. by Naomi Charles

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why did you lie you said that you

inhaled smoke but there was no evidence

of smoke so what do you gain by lying to

your doctors it was

in a lot of pain and it was all

happening so fast

my stomach nausea what are you feeling

it's really Soren I feel like I'm

getting some help over here

four milligrams of ondansetron

Airway information

we need a full blood panel and abdominal


what is causing her abdominal pain

she drank with alcohol people drink

whatever they can drink oh she's Muslim

wouldn't let me touch her religious

people aren't immune to hypocrisy there

are other ways to explain the presence

of methanol it's also produced by the

liver when the body is exposed to

certain caustic chemicals if inhaled

caustic chemicals could also inflame the



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