May 15, 2024

S1E24 - Power Hour TV Show June 25, 2023 – Beauty in the eye of the beholder!

Published June 27, 2023, 12:20 a.m. by Arrik Motley

"A symphony of beauty is within all of us we just need to see it with our hearts eye!” by Sanet Van Breda

Beauty is often associated with qualities such as symmetry, harmony, balance, color, form, and overall visual appeal, although it can also extend beyond the visual domain to encompass other aspects such as emotional or intellectual beauty. What is considered beautiful can vary greatly among individuals and cultures, as it is influenced by personal preferences, cultural norms, and societal standards.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is a popular saying that highlights the subjective nature of beauty. It means that perceptions of beauty vary from person to person and are influenced by individual preferences, experiences, and perspectives. What one person finds beautiful; another person may not necessarily see in the same way. Beauty is a highly subjective and personal experience, and it can differ based on cultural, social, and personal factors.

Your Host Sanet Van Breda from Johannesburg South Africa

Sanet Van Breda is the founder of Self Love Ignites Me, a company that promotes self-love and mindfulness to help people realize that they are the most important person in their world. After losing a significant amount of weight, Sanet incorporated all of her learnings and experiences into creating the Monarch Butterfly Program. She is a certified Mindfulness Teacher, Master NLP Practitioner, Master Life Coach, and Executive Business Coach. You can listen to her YouTube videos and book a free Discovery call on her website at

Jakkie De Haas

National Business Enablement Manager. Worked for 29 years at Absa, held various positions. Last 6 years at G4S, responsible for processes, projects and training. Proud mom of 3 beautiful daughters, 3 gorgeous granddaughters.

Anilda Davila

Anilda Davila, a former educator/discipline school climate program specialist and now an international best- selling author facilitates educational interactive life changing Mind-Body Holistic Wellness Seminar Series to guide individuals on a spiritual elevation path to physical, mental and emotional wellness. More than a decade of research, first- hand experiences and her interests toward Natural Preventive Alternative Integrative Health led her to become a Certified Alternative Integrative Health Body Work Practitioner and Mind-Body -Holistic Emotional Wellness Ambassador. Anilda is a grandmother of three beautiful, wise children and currently resides in the state of Delaware.

Nicky Cuesta

Nicky Cuesta is a loving wife and mother who strives to live her life on purpose centered around her family. As a Master Business Life Coach, she assists women in realizing their goals and creating lives they desire. Nicky takes a holistic approach when coaching women; taking into consideration every area of life so as to ensure success throughout their journeys. Nicky is on a mission to empower women in her community to lead with confidence and achieve their full potential through her Building a Leadership Mindset Book, Podcast, Community, and Coaching Program. To this end she has founded Ladies of Leadership "Demanding Our Presence" Community as an effective way of doing just this - supporting each other while pushing each other forward to new heights of achievement. Nicky's journey has spanned over 20 years, yet her recent success has thrust her into the public eye. Her message of hope, encouragement, and empowerment is making a profound impactful statement about life - something you can follow along on her social media handles where she regularly shares insights, wisdom, and lessons of life from Nicky herself.

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can I tell you a secret I am one year

older I had my birthday last week

but I don't feel older I feel sexier I

feel beautiful and today today our

session is all about beauty

and I know that saying the beauty is in

the eye of their beholder

how if I'd ask you what does Beauty mean

to you what will you say

to my beautiful ladies and gentlemen we

are all the girls beautiful ladies all

from the diamond beauties that is coming

to give us some of these Sparkles some

of their

beautifulness I love that one I think I

made it up but maybe there is somebody

that I've called it like that

beautifulness to my beautiful ladies

and gentlemen

as you know the last few years I am

telling everybody they are beautiful

I had a few people that said to me sing

it because you keep on telling us we are

beautiful when I look myself in the

mirror then I will remember but the next

seat I am beautiful

maybe I must look through sunette's eyes

to to me

and yes I am beautiful

how incredible that testimonial was so

beautiful I loved it I loved it and that

was from a gentleman

how amazing

one of my things I've decided the last

four years

I want to be authentic

I want to give my heart and be happy

every day

and I remember my husband said to me

Sinead I wish you could stop telling

everyone they are beautiful

and I made a decision not to stop

I made a decision to keep on continuing

and then my beautiful ladies and

gentlemen I've got so many people that

came back to me this isn't it

thank you for telling us that we are


we could only see it after hearing it a

few times from you

so then I always go thank you thank you

my beautiful Lord for giving me the


to say that people are beautiful because

they are so if I can ask you to breathe

a little bit with me and then I'm gonna

apply e360 TVs and video as they are

sponsoring me and then I will bring up

my beautiful guests we worth Siri so I'm

not sure where yucky is and we will try

and found out where she is

my beautiful ladies and gentlemen take a

few deep breaths with me

another one in

last one in

wiggle your toes wiggle your body wiggle

your shoulders you are here you are


and can I tell you how many miracles

happen because you are in the present

moment wow so let me play at the video

of e360 TV

and then my beautiful ladies and

gentlemen I am gonna bring up my

Beauties from the diamond beauties

forever group oh I got the message my

beautiful ladies you are welcome to join

our amazing women group Diamond Beauties

Forever on Facebook

where we Inspire each other each and

every day

and and make sure to uplift each other

when the other person needs that so here

is the video of e360 TV


a very short video a very short video so

we are live I am bringing Yaki into the

stream highly yucky I love my new one

I love my beautiful and now the and my

beautiful Nikki so ladies before we

start we actually have a Nikki that says

hello a welcome or she already greeted

the lady so thank you for that we've got

another lighting so I just quickly want

to tell the ladies hello from how do you

pronounce it honey you New York so my

beautiful Diamond beauty of course you

are on the group and Facebook sometimes

don't allow your nines to appear please

write your name in the front or back as

the following lady have done so here's

another lady greetings from Windy fall

outside hello windy here I have my

beautiful guests I lit and start let us

start so before we start ladies I have

done a quote for us

so let me just read it a symphony of

beauty is within all of us

we just need to see it with our hearts I

I love that when I have told my husband

look at my beautiful I always give you

my quotes or poems and he said I like

the first part that's very nice as out

and I hug him and I said Thank you thank

you my husband I love you I love you so

if we can start my beautiful Yaki I know

you for many years

I believe almost more than 20 years and

um we meet on a bridge

at the Absa and you say to me oh you

Beatrice's wife and I said yes and we

got together see each other but the last

two and a half years we are still

speaking to each other like glue so if

you can please introduce yourself

and tell us what does Beauty means for

you thank you

thank you sunette and good evening

everyone that's watching and what a

privilege to be here

um as an exit I'm Yaki de Ross and I'm a

proud grandmother of three beautiful

adorable granddaughters

I've got three daughters of my own as

well I'm a wife going for 39 years of

marriage this year and then lastly I'm a

career woman

I believe in building relationships

covet turns to workplace and as women in

a men's World specifically in my world

we can make a difference if we stand

together and acknowledge us the beauty

that each one of us bring to the

workplace and to our family and friends

you also asked me

um I just want to confirm the question

where do I find beauty is that correct

so we will go to that to the next spot

by beautiful yucky so I'm gonna first go

to another and to Nikki and then we will

come back with the questions so my

beautiful El Naldo I know you've since

last year January 2020

and wow you are amazing you are such an

inspiration and my girl you just go go

go go go I love it you have energy like

you cannot believe so please if you

could introduce yourself and it also

tell us what does Beauty mean for you

oh wow well first and foremost uh

I want to thank you deeply to be part of

this conversation okay it is a blessing

because I post a lot about technology

and for me to be able to share this

space with you

live where uh England right in South

Africa we are in South Africa oh my

goodness South Africa so imagine to

being connected this way so I'm really

deeply uh appreciated for uh the

invitation today and


to me beauty is uh anything that is


of God's eyes

in God's eyes that's what Beauties to me

you know a lot of uh us have been

bombarded with uh media nowadays with

the image of what beautiful is what

beauty is but in reality we have to dig

deeper than that and find those traits

within ourselves those attributes that

really make us who we really are in the

eyes of God which is the most important

uh person in this world and to me as a

Christian and uh and because he's the

one that has said the standards for

everything he's the one that created the

most beautiful things we have on here

and we have to recognize I appreciate

that so thank you for having me

thank you another and tell us a little

bit about yourself do you have kids do

you have grandchildren oh yes I have

three beautiful grandchildren uh 13 19

and 25. I just turned 71 this year

that was a big celebration last year

when I turned 70. but I still have my

stamina and my energy thank God you know

to be after them uh

uh I moved to Delaware recently that's

why uh they live here in one area of

Delaware and that's where I moved to

Delaware from Philadelphia I'm

originally from Puerto Rico

wow thank you my beautiful and now that

that's what I said you've got energy

like this now tomorrow you are amazing

my girl amazing and then I would like to

introduce Nikki so Nikki and I know each

other not so long but we had two coffee

chats already and Noel Nikki we had this

beautiful forever dance

and you know I would I would love to if

you can tell us about your beauty mark

because yours was your Forever dance is

still the most unique one that I have

done tell us about yourself and your

your beauty mark but first of all

I want to say thank you for your

inspiration you are you your group and

your the way that you are inspiring life

is all over the world you have inspired

me as well so my beautiful Nikki if you

can introduce yourself and then also

tell us what is beauty in your eye but

then can you please add can you please

add your food and your beauty walk as

well please

yeah so good day everyone my name is

Nikki from Philadelphia Pennsylvania I

am a mom a wife an author speaker and I

just love waking up every morning just

doing what I was put here to do my

purpose but first and I thank you so

much for inviting me on your show for

just having a great conversation with me

and really tapping into me and who I am

right because that's what this is all

about it's all about the growth and

connection and the relationship building

but we had you introduced to me a

Forever song and I was just about to

host an event on my first event called

empowered to inspire and my theme song

for that event was it's my time to shine

so when I

uh decided to pick an anchoring section

in my body I actually picked my beauty

mark I have right here and I have to say

three times Empower Empower and Empower

and let me tell you how that has changed

uh my view in the last three weeks uh

just repeating and doing it over and

over and it's just been now part of my

life so I just thank you for that

thank you so much for that Nikki and I

just want to say thank you for doing I

actually are 30 ladies and um four

gentlemen if they can do

um a video for me for my website I just

needed four and you yours was the second

one I received I was over the moon so

thank you also for that I cannot tell

you how appreciated I am that you sent

it through to me my beautiful Yaki so if

we could install it with your questions

um I have another question before we go

to that question so I'm going to ask

this for all all the ladies what does

Beauty mean to you personally personally

and how you define a definition involved

over the years because I think what what

we Define as Beauty when we're young and

when we're older is definitely different

sayaki if you can help us with that

question please

all the other ladies

um when you're young you look at Beauty

and you see slim ladies you see

beautiful ladies with wavy hair

um beautifully dressed so the the Outer

Image in your younger days is much more

important and as you grow older

you realize that beauty is seen

everywhere even on a cold Winter's day

this beauty so Beauty for me is

something that I can see something that

I can feel something that I can hear and

something that I experience so your

whole my whole vision of what beauty is

actually broadened over the last couple

of years and that is what beauty is for

me because you can find beauty within

anything if you look for it

you are situated and Yaki is on a

beautiful mountain in we call it the

bushfeld here a very remote area

beautiful lots of trees and her sunsets

is like amazing amazing so maybe I can

ask you Yorkie when you have time in

this week coming if you can post some of

your beautiful sunset photographs either

of your stoop that's it's so beautiful

it's so beautiful

thank you so I I'm gonna ask the same

question to another let me just bring it

up what does Beauty means to you

personally and how has your definition

involved over the years okay before we

go into the question I forgot to

introduce formally myself before because

I got into the

the greeting uh am I uh I am

a holistic health practitioner

Ambassador for holistic wellness and

also I've just recently became an author

of the book imagine living on vibrant

energy on February 15th of this year in

which I advocate for holistic medicine

and also for people to dig more into a

spiritual elevation in their life and

their mental and mindset uh in terms and

regarding to what mental health really

means to them

and uh to in order for us to eradicate

the stigma around that that topic so

um check on that and they all one thing

that I advise in the book is that uh for

people to follow the law which is living

in Grace

acting in faith and walking in love

do we keep those things in mind if life

becomes very simple so to me beauty is

living a Godly life you know showing the

character traits with their in all of in

all of us because the greatness is in

each one of us

dig deep to find them when we can find

it ourselves okay we won't be able to

find them in others

so you may find beauty in nature you may

find beauty in the Arts in this art

expressions and music in poetry and all

that but the most beautiful beauty is

the one that we can able to to manifest

through us in our actions in our way of

being in this world in order to carry

out the purpose what we all hear

amazing amazing and my beautiful and now

though from from your younger years

still a bit lighter how that beauty the

definition of beauty have changed over

the years well you know what I I was

writing uh

uh something about


experience that I had when I was 45

years old I met my father for the first


and I believe remember when I found the

first photo of myself as a child

and I couldn't get myself to look at it

because I realized that beauty is like


if you don't if you don't know what love

feels like or looks like you don't know

you don't you can't see the beauty in

yourself you can see you know the beauty

in that photo

so I realized that and that's why my

book is called imagine even on vibrant

energy imagine love because you have to

find a way to find that within yourself

sometimes you know to recognize and

appreciate yourself so

I remember I was invited to a seminar in

which we had to bring a child photo and

I realized I didn't have a photo of


and then later on in life at the age of

45 I met my father for the first time I

found a photo and I can bring myself to

look at it because of experience I had

I'm a childhood trauma Survivor and I

remember that's all the photo brought me

those memories

so imagine not being able to look at

yourself as a child

and also at an older age

yourself in the mirror

because that is not the beauty is

analysis within you according to you

world standards and what I was thinking

and your mindset which is what I like to

work with people it's all about the

mindset of the person


and today I find myself that yeah we we

have to be honest we strive with uh

every day trying to be more attracted to

the world you know I put on a nice blue

dress for you and if I bring it down I

look more sexy

and you know not all the time you want

to be on camera because you know we have

this you know idea of how we're supposed

to look to the world so you know I I

still you know uh have to get over some

of those things you know because of what

I said experience that I just described

to you you know it's like lack of

self-confidence sometimes within

yourself because of the things that

happen to us


that's true thank you so much analdo so

I have many that's here and she said uh

Yaki can I go to that mountain please so

ladies our beautiful uh Mandy is taking

all those beautiful pictures and the

last few I don't know if you saw the

last few ones that have the the

raindrops or the dough drops onto the

leaves it is oh yes how beautiful so for

me Mandy you have an eye of beauty

because doesn't matter what you have uh

in front of you with your camera

your pictures is so beautiful thank you

so much so my beautiful Nikki let me go

to the same question let me just go and

see where I've put it


what does Beauty mean to you personally

and how has your definition involved

over the years

wow it's it's really interesting to talk

about this topic right here right now

because actually my service today

actually just uh evolutionized my

perspective of beauty

um like Jackie explained before just

things that

um that kind of what we were what we

think the norm is is that slim slender

sledder wavy hair and then we have those

things that happen to us that kind of

take ourselves from seeing ourselves

beautiful but

um I I think Beauty to me right now in

this age moving forward is that if we

don't believe that we're God's

Masterpiece we we don't have that beauty

in order for us to have that beauty we

need to believe that we're worthy we

belong and we're made exactly the way

we're supposed to be you see so that's

what I want to share

wow I have Goosebumps I have Goosebumps

so my beautiful ladies and gentlemen

most of you know I lost the whole person

invite but can I just tell

um for me I laughed my face my eyes is

my beautiful future and my hands I

always loved my hands I loved mine I

love to talk too much but when I had to

go and do it where I fit clothes on I

hated it because then there is mirrors

everywhere and then I will see my fat

bum and my hips and then I did I could

only shop at one shop there was in South

Africa we don't we have one shop for big

clothes I know in America you've got

lots of shoes but in South Africa we had

only restore there is some shop that

have the bigger clothes now but the big

one I was using it was only Donna clay

the name change later to Donna so can I

tell you my beautiful ladies when I go

in the shopping mall boss Donna I would

look at this sign

and I will have my heart will like be

our flower and I will say thank you my

beautiful daughter for dressing me for

so many years but today I'm not gonna

come in to die I'm gonna post you

because I cannot go to any shop and buy

any in any clothes so for me just that

my beautiful ladies just that passing

that shop acknowledge that I had to wear

the clothes that was inside there was no

other choice

I I really tried to make my own clothes

but I am not good with

fitting I can do

Crow Shooting and I can do embroidering

but not that because then my garment my

one arm is longer than my heart I could

never get that Rod so um just

acknowledging that I I was big

and now I can actually like I said I

love to look at my full body and I also

do a shower talk so some some of the

ladies on my monarch butterfly program

laughed at me I don't know if you

remember yucky when I tell everybody I

do a shower love talk so when I go into

the shower I don't think about anything

it took a long while to get that right I

just say thank you for my eyes thank you

for every part of my body

and then when a thought comes in my mind

I will say to my thought I I'm gonna

deal with you when I step out of shower

and then sometimes the thought came keep

on coming in and then I give it to Jack

so I'm another and Nikki you will not

know about Jack but Jack is so beautiful

it takes all the things that he pockets

for lighter and sometimes you don't want

it back in your life then you will say

Hit the Road Jack I don't want you no

more no more in the road Jack and that

thought is out of your head so my

beautiful ladies just and gentlemen just

that you have been born

that you are worthy enough

and because you are worthy enough you

are beautiful I cannot tell you how many

times I had to stand or sit in front

ladies and tell them

that Austin if they can see themselves

in the mirror what did I see

and then I see all their faults all the

things that's not right and then I will

tell them what I see in them and then

some ladies that is very cannot see the

good in them or in their face or their

beauty I will do this I know my husband

calls me a drama queen but I think I

need to demonstrate and Jackie is

laughing because she knows what is

coming so I will tell the ladies that

really don't see their beauty I will say

you actually slapping God through the

face to say you didn't make me beautiful

ouch you have to do it like that you

know you mean it so that's what jacking

off because I have shot quite a few

ladies in the in my uh modern butterfly

program and then I have to just rap and

say sorry I beat you but that was for a

demonstration it was right and then I

must just say

ladies realize especially

ladies realizing that they're all

beautiful they don't need to go and look

at the media or look at models

and look at other people I can just come

inside and look at their own Beauty so

my beautiful Yaki if I can come back to


yes just your a question for you

can Beauty only be seen and where do you

find beauty

thanks honey before I answer that

question Mandy Robinson you are very

welcome come to South Africa there's

space for you you can come and stay by


that says God made me beautiful and it's

actually a song sing and a children sing


but when you feel when you sing that

song you you feel the beauty you

experience the beauty

can I quickly just say and so the ladies

and Nikki and another the song goes


is that right that's right so it says

Jesus made me beautiful and she keeps on

repeating that and then they touch the

the children are touching yeah and it's

such a beautiful

yeah and then it's like catchy tune so

this is a very big thing in especially

in schools in South Africa that I call

that they have this Afrikaans song God

has made them beautiful so my beautiful

Yaki thank you so much for bringing this

song in because it's very popular in

South Africa so you're welcome to


all right

um tonight the first question you asked

me is scan Beauty only be seen no

definitely not

we can also hear Beauty we can hear

Beauty in music in lyrics in poems and

then most of all and for me personally

when a child or a loved one speaks to

you or when you speak to them

I think we all have noticed that when

you speak to a loved one and we as

grandmothers and as I said I'm a very

good proud grandmother when your

grandchildren talk to you you can hear

that love in their words until they tone

our voice

the most beautiful words I've ever heard

is I love you Omar I love you Grandma

and so I want to close this question

because I thought about a quote from

John Key to sperm out on a Grecian earn

which says heard Melodies are sweet but

those unhurds are sweeter which implies

that it's not only hearing scene but

also that

beauty that comes from within it's The

Melodies that you can't hear it's much

sweeter it's much calmer and it's more

beautiful so sometimes just sitting by

yourself and listening to what comes

from within brings Beauty to your soul

as well and that is how God created us

amazing amazing so we have two before

going to another with her question I


um this beautiful Diamond Beauty please

let us know who it is love love seeing

God might be beautiful oh wow amazing

and then another one powerful we can

hear Beauty

wow that's amazing thank you so much for

that yucky so another

and now though here is your question

what do what to do when you are

struggling to see the beauty inside of

you so you alerted to that when trauma

happens to you as a child in it's


if you don't go through that because

to realize that you are beautiful but

this is such a profound question I'm

sorry I'm sorry static could you repeat

that again the last thing you said

um it's such a profound question

um let me just bring the question up

again what

do you struggle to see beauty inside of

you yeah that was the reason I sent you

the question because I felt that that

was one of my struggles you know even

though people look at me like why are

you so beautiful I knew this and that

and sometimes you don't see that in

yourself right uh though I realized like

I said to come to terms of what true

beauty is now for me right but the thing

is that I want to show you

this is me enough for what I'm talking


it's in the first page of the book and

it says act on faith

okay now let the darkness of the past

blind your present

block the lightness I Stillness of the


um so


what I did was I tried to uh come up

with different ideas

of what people can do when they struggle

to find

Beauty in themselves and the thing is

that they cannot find themselves because

it is it it


why would you say it um they have not

experienced what beauty is

even though I have all these uh degrees

and all this knowledge in my life you


I did not know I was merely crawling

when it comes to the word of the

scripture and the word of God

and I realized that that I didn't know

what forgiveness was I didn't know what

love was

and one of the experience when I found

that photo was I was taking care of a

man that was never in my life my father

when I found that photo so for some

reason the Holy Spirit had guided me to

that experience so I knew

what love could be unconditional love

without even myself knowing it so that's

what my life is manifested by the holy

spirit it's not even by myself even the

job that I help and that's what I feel

really blessed about my life because

even though it brings me to

instead of sadness sometimes you know

melancholic kind of thing I realized how

beautiful it has been how beautiful how

God how good has God and faithful has

been to us sometimes we don't understand

what we're going through our versities

in life you know all the darkness that

we're experiencing nowadays you know but

there's a reason for all that

and it's to separate the light from the

dark is to come closer to him to seek

him more in our lives so I I wrote them

a list of things that people could do

that are simple for them to do okay in

order to get to know what beauty and

love really is and he's like uh Jackie

was saying just get in touch with nature

as we saw the pandemic happen what did

everybody do go outside they had nothing

else but

admire and appreciate nature admire the

God's creation you can see it when you

see the sun the Sun hiding behind the

cows at night time when he's coming

rising in the morning you know there's

no such beauty like that and a lot of

people still practicing that so I'm very

pleased with that that people are really

in touch with that part of uh Beauty in

around us because when you uh be more

aware about that about those things that

are simple things in life which I call

the simple things in life that's the

first thing that we try to be more aware

of then we can start cultivating what

beauty is in us for example uh being

part of the church I like to help the

homeless so by me going out there and

providing for those in need and seeing

others doing acts of kindness for me

that was cultivating that love that

never existed in me you know

and that beauty that never says to me

because it's the same thing uh I live in

a place where I get up in the morning

and I hear the bird shipper chirping and

I love music and I love dancing salsa so

I'm missing like all you know like all

the garlic uh music around me but being

in a peaceful atmosphere where you can

appreciate those simple things in nature

like the bird chirping that's priceless

you know that is really Priceless and uh

if you don't mind I'm gonna go over some

of the things that I did on a research

it says 11 ways to feel beautiful

he says be gracious about your posture

for example if you stand still

full belly full chest then it gives you

some kind of sense of confidence so you

start feeling uh gracious and and more

confident with yourself to Standing Tall

uh breathing deeply okay like shallow

breathing crease tension in your system

so take those deep breaths because

that's part of life that gave you breath

the Breath of Life be in tune with that

remind yourself to breathe all the time

whether right colors like today wearing

blue that lift up your spirit you know

so sometimes put a little call on

yourself on your lipstick like Elena

does with her product you know that

brings a little uh more confidence in

yourself too uh put on a happy face I

have a Facebook page called yoga

laughter if you want to check it out in

which I help people I went to a training

to uh have you uh laugh for no reason

like you say you go in the shower and

you have this happy attitude and song

that you sing the same thing you can do

in the car you feel in some kind of way

you start laughing for no reason okay

you say fake it till you make it well

it's true

that happens biologically in your system

that that helps you you know so my

beautiful and now that can I ask you if

you can give us one more and then will

you be able to give the diamond Beauties

all of it I think that uh people

sometimes you you pay a compliment to

someone or praise

you're like okay no say thank you okay

because you're giving back if the person

is being kind to you by you saying thank

you you've been giving back the person

you're putting that into practice so

sometimes we have to praise God also for

what he has given us and mother nature

for providing for us what we what

sustains us thank you peace thank you

thank you so much for now that I would

love to hear all of the 11 points so if

you I can ask you if you can post it on

the diamond Beauties we will really

appreciate that thank you so much my

beautiful Nikki

I want to ask you you have written uh

author uh Authority book called building

leadership mindset

can you tell us a little bit about that

and then also can you also add you are

gonna do some beautifulnessness to young

children and Inspire them I will I also

want to be part of that because when I

saw it um over the weekend I thought I

need to sit up time because I wanted

also to make sure that the beautiful

younger children now from 12 to 21 That

Money Matters

and relationship because those two

things are so important so if you can

first tell us about your book and then

your new project I cannot debate for


yes yes so building a leadership mindset

actually was born uh when someone just

asked me what my story was

and at first I thought I didn't have a

story but the last 20 years before that

question was asked it was me really

finding out who I was transforming into

who I am today but I didn't even know

how to deliver that so when someone

asked me it was you know a little bit

about my journey in Corporate America

and hitting a glass ceiling and just

taking a leap of faith and creating a

path for myself so that started last May

of 2022 it really goes on my journey


uh courage all the way to success right

and for satisfaction

um on a journey so basically my chapters

fell out create success and I kind of

wanted just to share a few points of my

life of how to build a business you know

my journey what type of team and when

you have to surrender

uh to all of it right because sometimes

we just do too much sometimes we have to

step back so it's really just building

that mindset for everyone who um is in

this space or if you're looking to start

something right

so with that that actually formed into a

podcast which actually formed into a

course program which then I created my

own Community ladies of leadership and

recently we have decided that we wish we

had this 20 years ago right a a

mentorship to support us and provide us

with all the tools so that we can


um the the struggles that we kind of go

through with self-confidence with

um just knowing what our voice is what

are we meant to do what our purpose is

so that's ladies rising and that will be

coming out very soon we are we do have a

full setup program but we are looking


um for people to be a part of that so we

will definitely connect the net and it's

really a mission it's a movement for all

of ladies and Leadership to really again

provide those tools to the younger


um starting with young ladies from 10 to

17 and then graduate them into an

entrepreneurial program and then go into

a alumni program where they can come

back and serve just like we did for them

so that is my mission and my vision

vision and I am excited about that new

Journey beautiful

wow it's gonna be amazing it's going to

be amazing because I believe that there

is so much out there there's so much

knowledge so much

um you know you can get anywhere but

especially they don't have

this is how we went through that I don't

have that

um wise of all the person going through

that and maybe make it a little bit easy

for them so before we continue I'm gonna

ask you your golden nuggets for the

viewers but I would love to play my

video and then find out from the viewers

if you like this video if not then I

will go back to the drawing board and go

and do a new one for next week so please

my beautiful Diamond Beauties mention it

in the in the diamond booties if you

love it or not so ladies we are back in

a minute


thank you

hello my beautiful ladies and gentlemen

are you ready to be inspired welcome to

my amazing Power Hour TV show that I

have every Sunday 12 o'clock Pacific

Standard time I am Sinead from Bridal

all the way here from Johannesburg South

Africa and yes I have a mindset

cultivated and a heart to heart


self-love and mindfulness have saved me

I've got have amazing gifts and we're

gonna blow your socks off

please join us every Sunday have a

beautiful day look after yourself


and Keep on Dancing


well thank you my beautiful ladies

what do you was that you in that photo

no way


beautiful oh my goodness wow thank you

thank you you made my day so I quickly

want to say I uh

and Jonah I know I call you and Jonah

but it's

and yeah I cannot practice now but I

pronounce you and I'm not correctly so I

do apologize Angela

say again Yaki

I said I was just coughing okay and then

I somebody said this is phenomenal oh

wow I told I told him I've got beautiful

gifts it's gonna blow their socks off so

my beautiful ladies let me go to the

last question


lastly what Golden Nugget of wisdom or

advice would you like to leave out

viewers with regarding their own

perspective of beauty and embrace it in

their lives say Yaki if I can start a


Sunday I think it is for me it is about

doing away with all your old perceptions

about what beauty is

because if I look at it back if I had to

say to myself when I was 12 years old

what would I have told myself at that

stage because that stage it was really

about the out to be Beauty only

and it would have been believe in

yourself so those are the Nuggets that I

want to leave for our younger viewers

and even for the older viewers is

believe in yourself

you are uniquely you do not compare

yourself to others

and then also if you know that you have

done your beasts it is that

you do not allow others to make you

believe otherwise

and then I firmly believe in meditation

and a few things that we need to say to

ourselves more often is

you made it you are beautiful you are

uniquely you

you made your mark

and each one of us know what our purpose

is and the purpose is not usually

something to be big it can be something


and live it spontaneously

amazing my beautiful Yaki I remember

just that this about two years ago I

told everybody you are amazing that's my

second favorite word and boom shakalaka

I love my word

but for those who don't know boom

shakalaka is a mic drop but you have to

go like this


but all I want to say when I said to the

group you are amazing remember you're

amazing you are beautiful you are loved

and above all you are enough Yaki came

back to Mississippi and she said Sinead

do you know what you say spells able so

do you know you tell you able us

to continue leave our Mark soul up give

to other people because you you are have

given us this so thank you for that I

always remember Yaki when I say amazing

beautiful loved and enough yakis I will

thank you for that my beautiful and

Wilder if you can give us your golden

nugget please

oh yes uh well

I would say

just be don't be a judge be an observer

Observer of Life Observer of others okay

without judgment

and uh when we do that

we have to realize that

what we see with our own eyes

is temporary it's fading away

our true beauty is unfading okay because

of the attributes of the doer our body

is just like a material item okay you

can burn just like every other object

around us but our spirit what carries

the attributes of God

the fruits of the spirit those are the

ones that are Everlasting and those are

the ones that people recognize

ultimately as they get to know us that

physical we at first we make a first

physical impression because what we see

with our own eyes right and everything

looks beautiful but if you get to know

the person deeper you realize that

person that's so beautiful when they

start demonstrating behaviors that are

not so Godly or that are offended to our

own or don't it's not our preference so

beauty is not permanent okay physical

beauty is not permanent but spiritual

beauty is so


wow I love it thank you so much and then

we have a comment here yes like the

color sharing uplifting words in your

own Journey Through the pictures that is

for my video thank you so much I really

appreciate it so my beautiful Nikki what

is your beautiful golden nugget that you

can come and bestow on us

why have two and one is being very

intentional in two different ways that

can help you throughout your day to

really see your inner beauty and project

that in everything you do and one is

just mirror work you have mirrors all

over your house and use them to talk to

yourself and talk into yourself that

love that you want to reciprocate back


um we're looking for

for that beauty or for people to see our

Beauty but if we can't see it ourselves

we need to start being intentional and

manifesting that into our life and the

second one that I absolutely use is I I

set an alarm very intentionally

throughout the day to re-remind myself

on either the mission the journey

um that I'm on but now you have inspired

me to add some beauty uh affirmations on

there as well so that I can continue to

believe it myself so I'm taking one

thing and adding something else to it

and one thing that I've been doing so

there you go there you have it and uh

it's just a beautiful thing when you

really believe

in your beauty

wow you are beautiful you're amazingly

beautiful I want to add something uh

send it I used to have a student that I

had a uh what do you call it a cliff

clip clip yes and guess what she was the

most popular student in school

because of her personality wow today

she's a nurse so I'm glad she's blessing

a lot of people out there with her

personality and her Charisma so I have

Goosebumps I have Goosebumps thank you

so my beautiful ladies and gentlemen I

have also a golden nugget before we get

a dance out so my forever song is

Walking on Sunshine and because of

copyright I cannot play it but beautiful

Jennifer Gerard have written a song for

me and we can apply it now but before we

go I want to give you something

Post-it notes

write love notes on Post-it notes and

stick it everywhere in the house

I love you you are sexy ah

you are sexy You Are My Sunshine I

actually have my goal my notes there

um sunit I love you

um You Are My Breath You Are My Sunshine

you are amazing

you are clever because that was one of

my default points I always thought my

husband think I am not clever but

meanwhile he thought I I was the clever

one because I could see the bigger

picture and I thought I thought he's not

clever so we had a beautiful discussion

about two years ago when we started my

website and wow wow both of us are very


so I have another meeting here

it says love the love note idea wow

thank you thank you thank you so my

beautiful ladies I want to say thank you

for honoring us and being on this show

I believe that all three of you are

amazing and all three of you have so

much that you are sharing to the world

from my side I want to say thank you

thank you for everything that you are

doing not only for yourself because it's

important to start with yourself but to

your families and to other people so


thank you so now will you have a dance

with me please like this you know the

viewers at home please have a dancer and

like I promised Sonic I can't prepare


this hat will be for you when you visit

America oh wow thank you thank you I

love it


so I can fly away


that's right


everyone bye-bye bye love you thank you

for having us

thank God


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