May 10, 2024


Published June 5, 2023, 5:20 p.m. by Arrik Motley

Here's the reasons you should not use a free vpn. I found out some pretty disturbing things which I didn't know. Are free vpn's safe?

Recommended vpn's

IPVanish :

Express vpn :

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once I put viagra in my eyes to make me

look hard hello again everybody welcome

back right so today we're gonna be

talking about free VPNs and the actual

dangers of using them that users may not

be aware of so that means said don't

forget see that subscribe button and

let's crack up


so what I will ask is can you share this

video because I do think a lot of people

are unaware of this stuff I'm going to

cover in it so do me a favor and quickly

just press that share button down there

thank you very much right there so many

of you may already know about the

dangers of using a free VPN but there

are a lot of different aspects of it

that do kind of [ __ ] me up [ __ ] me up

being like worry me

so that's all gonna covered in this

video and also in the links in the

description down below will be links to

VPNs that I actually recommend and no

arses well before you start this isn't a

sales pitch we'll talk about that more

at the end of the video of all right so

first of all if you if you kinda new to

it what what is a free VPN or what's a

VPN in general it basically masks your

IP address so your internet service

provider can't see what sites you're

accessing on your Android device your PC

and things like that as long as you're

connected to a VPN your internet service

provider doesn't really know what's

going on and a lot of people also use

them purely to get past box so if it

providers blocking links and streams

from a certain side the VPN will bypass

this wrassle next you've got the cost of

servers so for a VPN service to run

it's obviously not free for them so I

have been doing my own work on this and

I have been talking to people or do

actually run VPN services and the stuff

I found our I didn't know personally and

one thing that stood out the most is if

you not being sold a product you are the

products which will make sense in this

video right so data is now more valuable

than oil and that's quite valuable [ __ ]

right there

well bandwidth is one of the things that

free VPN services need to have so you

think about that when this millions are

hundreds of thousands of people using

these free VPNs

where are they again the money from to

actually run these servers Raso one of

the things I didn't know is when you

connect to a free VPN they can actually

access your DNS so if you're visiting

website say you want to visit Google

calm the bear version of and

then any websites you actually visit

they can kind of manipulate at the

absence of their own adverts so they get

revenue from that

but one of the scary things is is there

can direct you to different places where

they can actually see your login details

for accounts and things and that's one

of the things that did ship me off and

I'm not saying all free VPNs will do

this but what I'm trying to say is if

it's free there's got to be a way of

them making money to cover these costs

so another way of them making money

selling your data so say in selling your

data doesn't necessarily have to be your

details it can be your IP so your IP

address could be used by people that

need to access a residential IP address

and this way you know actually connects

it to a VPN server they will be

connected to a residential one so it

helps them bypass buying on fake cards

and fraud and things like that like [ __ ]

added at norm itself as well that can

also put malware and adware onto your

device and I do see people saying if

you're only using a VPN to access such

as the u.s. Netflix if you're only using

it for like geo lock comes in our region

lock content you're saying well you're

not because you're still connecting to

the same VPN server as you would be if

you were using it for torrents in so

he's still exposing yourself the same

way well the most scary thing for me in

that is the DNS pause how they can

direct you to their server and they can

make webpages look exactly the same so

that you could visit Google and it could

look exactly the same that you sign into

it and both they've got your username

and password I don't personally know how

it works it's quite small how they do it

but it is also shared it and then you've

also got peer-to-peer VPNs as well call

a VPN is warm

I think urban VPN is peer-to-peer as

well and how this works if you connect

to a peer-to-peer VPN server then you

will link to somebody else's IP address

false or the people using the service at

the same time will be connecting to your

IP address as well so that means

whatever bob down the road is looking at

is actually going through your IP

address so your internet service

provider can see what bob up the road is

doing through your address and then what

it looks like is if you buy a premium

VPN service that is peer-to-peer it's

like if you premium your IP address

get used by other people you're just

jumping onto people's IP addresses that

are using the free version which to me

defeats the objects of having a VPN in

the first place well yeah wants to do

this video just to make people aware of

it because like I say I've only done a

little bit of homework on it and I

didn't know half the scary stuff that

can happen just from using a VPN so I

went on to ask people as well what's the

difference between a premium VPN and a

free VPN and what they were saying a lot

of the free VPNs is over 200 on Google

Play Store but the majority of those are

Chinese also owned by Chinese residents

and another thing as well is their

government can ask for any details they

want from anything that's happening in

that country and this kind of no privacy

laws and things like that inside that

country from Y hear and read but using a

premium VPN you'll find that the best in

places where there's actually laws

enforced and things like that I'm not

very good at talking about stuff I'm not

a lawyer but you're also paying for the

service so that's covering the cost of

what you're gonna be using it for so

what they're basically saying is they

don't need to do with that kind of stuff

they don't keep logs so they don't know

what you don't know your stuff details

and things you can look into a more all

I'm gonna say is if you're getting

something for free but yeh cost them to

run it it's not actually free but what

I'm gonna do I'm gonna leave all the

free VPNs on their website so let's

crack on dog so they're still able for

you to download install and use as you

as you wish right just purely wanted to

make subscribers aware of this because I

do think there will be a hell of a lot

of people that aren't aware of it or

will say is a do leave links in the

description down below to the premium

VPNs which I recommend and I don't trust

they are affiliated links so I do get a

little bit of commission it's a way of

supports in the channel but you can also

go online and just search him direct and

get him from there I'm not trying to

push the fonts here but do comment down

below your thoughts on this did you know

about it already is this stuff I haven't

mentioned it is actually people should

know and also do you think well I don't


but I'll go to be people that don't care

but I feel with as many subscribers that

I have got I need to make people aware

of things like this so like I say if you

are interested in a VPN check them out

down below I Percy say to you stay away

from free VPNs or if you are using a

certain VPN do a lot of homework on it

make sure you read the small print and

all that kind of stuff we I am sorry to

be the bearer of bad news this weekend

Brits put my mind at ease no enough


so that means said door forgets in our

subscribe books and enjoy the rest of

your weekend and I'll see you soon Sarah



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