May 21, 2024

How popular is football in the Netherlands? Visit your local cafe and find out, we did...and WOW!

Published June 6, 2023, 12:20 a.m. by Courtney

When we moved to the Netherlands the one thing we discovered really quick is that football is king! So, with World Cup 2022 in full force and the Netherlands are up against USA, we head over to our local cafe (Cafe Bergpolder) to see what it's was crazy in a good way! The good people of the Netherlands love their football, love their local cafe and love to celebrate together!

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welcome back to soul to soul travels and

yesterday it was the United States

against the Netherlands in the World Cup

yeah you want to know who we rooted for

stay tuned

next on soul to soul travels

that too



all right so here we are we attended the

World Cup yesterday not the actual World

Cup we went over to Bird polder Cafe

shout out to Ariana and his place uh you

want to know who we rooted for we're

from the United States we now live in

the Netherlands but this is who we

rooted for

that's right the Netherlands she looks

so awesome in a hat she really does so

here's the thing we went over to Burke

Boulder Cafe and we watched like a lot

of other people a lot about it we're

gonna cover that in a second there was a

lot of other people but you know what

we're gonna also talk a little bit what

it's like as Americans coming over

watching uh football For The First Time

in the World Cup and so anyways let's

cut away we'll be right back and we're

going to let you know what it was really

like to watch football at the cafe

all right so we did go to Burke polar

Cafe the other day we're trying to we've

watched how many how many World Cup

games have we watched so far here the

Netherlands we've done three and we're

trying to break it up into uh our

favorite cafes whether it's a bird

polder a shoe bag uh shout out to

shebang Karen uh the USA just happened

to be playing on birdpolder's night

that's all but

what we didn't really know or realize at

the time is how popular when we moved

over here uh football really was yeah it

was huge I just thought it was like uh

like England yeah Manchester United and

and Liverpool and all the names that you

just know right off the top of your head

well I guess in Germany and now that it

makes sense it's all over it's all over

the world

so what I did was I jumped online and I

googled uh the most watched or the most

followed Sports the 10 top and I'm not

going to cover the 10 but football came

up as number one across the world it has

3.5 billion followers that's a lot that

is a lot wow the next one number two uh

honestly shocked me it's Cricket with

2.5 billion cricket cricket watch

cricket I I we saw Cricket one time uh

on on TV oh on TV right yeah it was on

TV I didn't understand it to this day I

don't understand it uh number four was

hockey and we're not talking about

American Hockey on Ice uh the oh back to

the cricket cricket has 2.5 billion

followers 2.5 billion wow hockey uh

again not not the ice hockey Phil hockey

check this picture out right here just

as I did this I happened to look outside

and these two ladies came up right here

they're college students I believe and

they had their field hockey sticks so I

played field hockey in school

were you good no but you looked good

though I don't think I don't know

so field hockey 2 billion number six uh

is I didn't see this one coming either

badminton has 950 million followers and

number eight just to round that Alpha is

uh table tennis or we know it as ping

pong and they have 850 million followers

so once again coming from the United

States we only know the four basic

sports that's been really grilled into

US football basketball baseball and ice

hockey and ice hockey yeah so but I can

tell you the golf I don't know if that's

a sport but anyways that's extreme


so sorry I mean golf is a snooze Fest I

mean but anyways anyways


so we went over to Brooke polder and so

let's start off with there was a ton of

people just a ton of people go ahead and

check this video out right here I'm just

so just to scan the room there was a ton

of people check that out yeah


so but I want you to kind of just notice

also uh on this picture right here and

I'm looking at it right now the two

young ladies uh at the end of the cafe

bar right there uh standing next to our

friend Frank they have no relation

whatsoever uh but anyways shout out to


so here's the thing is in the cafe which

is so different than watching sports

back in the United States which is in a

bar right yeah exactly yeah in the cafe

you have families you have friends uh

you have college students coming in you

have older people you have younger

people it is such a national Pastime

here it is unbelievable and the reason I

want you to keep it keep an eye out on

these two young ladies on the end there

because they play a critical part or one

of them does in the celebration at the

end she was so cute uh but you know

watching football I hear in the cafe

everybody seemed to get along yeah yes

and they just

it's so busy that they people just find

an empty chair sit in it it could be

right next to you it could be right

behind you you could be bumping up

against each other absolutely there's

like a tiny little path that if you need

to go to the restroom

excuse me pardon me yeah this is like

you know it's like no big deal it's a

big deal find a seat and sit wherever

it's half of them are standing and

that's fun it is a lot of fun and here's

one of the things about it also is there

wasn't anybody there that I can honestly

say was just smashed and was causing

obnoxious or whatnot uh it was just a

well well-rounded group and that's one

of the reasons like we like to watch

that in the cafes but also check this

picture out here and I believe it's the

same picture these guys right here in

the front they brought Flags they

brought balloons one of them I'm gonna

go ahead and play this tape right now uh

they brought um

uh a horn they brought a horn yeah so

check this out right here


well and the funny thing is is


uh one of them would go to the bathroom

the other was would uh fill the chair up

with the balloons

came back it was like oh man he's

pulling them all out and whatnot right

uh here is a video right here that I

happen check this out I happened to

catch it as they scored the goal and

this is what it's like in the cafe I

wonder called this court it was just

unbelievable just absolutely so check

this out







all right so that's it can get crazy I

mean it can just look at all the people

that are in there it is just absolutely

nuts yeah and you know what I would have

think that this is probably pretty tame

too some of the celebrations and some of

the watch parties it could be I don't

know I I mean yeah I mean it was it was

a lot of fun a lot of people getting

excited and as you're watching the video

you can hear a horn in the background

you can hear a couple of horns and I

really didn't turn around but check it

out uh check this video out right here

it is the girl and her family and her

sister and her brother they're

celebrating as a family uh the

celebration this is when they actually

won and they're wrapping it up and we

did get Mom's permission and we did get

Mom's permission to show the kids that's

for sure uh they were such a great

family so cute they were so into it as a

family it was just unbelievable yeah it

was fun to watch them and that was one

of the things that I really love about

going to the soccer game or the football

games well Habits Stay hard man they do

they do so check this video out





so once again uh watching the World Cup

uh in a cafe with a bunch of people just

having a great time it's just such an

awesome thing it really is it's been

awesome you just get caught up in the

excitement you do you really get caught

up into the excitement I can tell you

this when they came out

when they came out and they played the

national anthem for both teams and they

started playing the American national

anthem I guarantee there was about eight

people that were just like what are they

gonna do so uh you know they're just

such great people they really are and

people that we have come to know in that

particular Cafe but we like to go and we

like to watch our local home team and

who is that uh Fine Art

Fine Art yeah but they actually have

three teams here

Sparta Excelsior and finer I believe

that to be correct but is our their our

favorite so what I did was I looked up

and I wanted to know exactly where fine

order feynord uh landed so I looked up

how many actual soccer teams there were

that were being ranked in this is


world rankings football

Etc in my defense right now I'm just

saying what does this say World football

soccer clubs ranking there you go as of

November 27th 2022 so the number one

football club is can't take a guess


Bayern yes I wanted to know where Fine

Art landed

and they landed

where is it where is it

number 41 number 41 they landed at

number 41 which is pretty cool because

there are actually

actually boom boom I said it

why do you keep pulling up that one

picture I don't know it's pretty awesome

picture though uh it because they're

opening up in the background


technical difficulties here

we got to start this over

don't you think

there is two thousand

eight hundred and twenty all together

oh you're such a trooper

I'm not computer savvy when it comes to

this part 2820

soccer teams football teams that are

being ranked and just for the just for

the record uh number

2820 is uh Trinidad Tobago I'm not even

going to try to pronounce that Rangers


rangers Football Club

that's good to know

we love going down to the local cafe and

watching Fine Arts yeah uh it is just a

lot of fun a lot of locals get into it

again a lot of families get into it yeah

the only time that we don't watch is

when the game is at

9 P.M

it's 9 p.m man I'm telling you we're

gonna have to start breaking out of that

and start going if we're going to be

serious fans

yeah yeah

uh at 9 00 PM I gotta be honest I'm like

on the verge of going to bed at 9pm but

I'm sure if I'm out enjoying it with

everybody else I won't be either that or

I'll be sleeping on the tabletop one of

the two

so anyways we absolutely hope you just

enjoyed this we did root for uh the

Netherlands on this versus the United

States because quite honestly the

Netherlands is our home now yeah

so and thank you so much for watching

this episode of the Netherlands 10

minute Tuesday

till next time till next time

you say that part until next time we'll

see you there cut scenes touchings

boy that didn't turn out like I thought

it was going to okay



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