May 9, 2024

10 Movie Reveals So Bad You Almost Walked Out

Published June 8, 2023, 7:20 p.m. by Bethany

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ah the movies there's nothing quite like

him yes sat down in the cinema hopefully

engrossed and then a weird reveal comes

around and gives you the Joe Pesci and

Goodfellas special wiping out all your

enthusiasm or causing enough frustration

for you to contemplate packing things up

and making a hasty exit from yawn

inducing plot twist nobody asked for to

blatant character assassinations stupid

subplots and some of the worst

Blockbusters CGI you'll ever see these

plot points and character Reveals All

fell totally flat I'm Ewan you're

watching what culture and here are 10

movie reveals so bad you almost walked

out number 10. blofeld is Bond's

stepbrother Specter it was a poorly kept

secret that Christoph waltz's Specter

villain Franz oberhauser was actually a

new take on legendary Bond antagonist

Ernst Stavro blofeld and despite much

initial excitement about this blofeld's

reintroduction to the franchise was a

damp squib Walt certainly did a fine job

bringing a quietly menacing presence to

the character but the late stage reveal

that blofeld is Bond's long-lost step

brother and has been the Puppet Master

behind the events of the previous films

was tough to take seriously the familiar

relation was literally a plot point in

the third Austin Powers movie as well by

the way a revelation so ridiculous and

it only makes sense in a parody of a

James Bond film and yet Specter ill

advisedly forged an unconvincing family

link between hero and villain while

straining to connect the darts between

all the prior Craig starring 007 movies

number nine Rhodes is shrike now you see

me but the first I don't know 85 of its

run time now you see me he was an

entertaining if superficially slick

Heist film that dropped a final twist so

lousy it damn near LD down Cinema is the

world over in the movies closing minutes

it's revealed that The Mastermind Behind

The Four Horsemen the focal quartet of

magician thieves is none other than FBI

agent Dylan Rhodes played by Mark

Ruffalo as it turns out Rhodes is really

the secret son of magician Lionel shrike

who died 30 years earlier well before

filming a risky Escape trick in an

attempt to rejuvenate his career which

had been derailed by Magic debunker

Thaddeus Bradley played by Morgan

Freeman basically Rhodes entire scheme

was an elaborate ploy to avenge his

father's death yet because there was

basically no way for the audience to

guess this twist ahead of time it came

off as cheap and manipulative a random

gacha moment for no sake but surprising

the viewer number eight The Scorpion

King The Mummy Returns

oh that's that's him

look at those eyes that grin the is that

hair well I guess if I squint it looks

sort of not that bad bad we have gone

from cool gooey mummy to a universal

bamzuki that reference will be lost on

all of our non-uk viewers but hey for

those who know you know in a recent

episode of the orador Cruz VFX artists

react the FX supervisor John Burton Jr

reveal that the sequence was effectively

ruined by Dwayne Johnson's busy WWE

schedule which prevented him from being

photo scanned for the scene as is

standard for complex scenes such as this

there has also been talk of Studio

crunch ahead of the film's release date

so that would also explain things either

way while this woman did not land and

still looks horrendous I kind of love

CGI The Rock way cooler than Black Adam

I think we can all agree number seven

Dom betrayed his family to protect his

other family the fate of the Furious the

eighth Fast and Furious movie marks the

point at which the franchise's wheels

really began to come off following

Furious 7's affecting farewell to Paul

Walker's Brian O'Connor the heart and

soul the series I think we can all agree

it was painfully clear that the

franchise had reached its natural

endpoint but but Vin Diesel and the Gang

pressed on and the fate of the Furious

is Big Marketing Hook was that Dominic

Toretto had turned against his family

it's eventually revealed that Dom has

been helping Cypher because she

kidnapped his former lover Elena and to

Hannah the point home further Dom then

learns that he has a son fathered with

Elena During the period where he

believed Letty was dead it's at this

point that the Fast and the Furious

descended into grown-worthy soap opera

territory number six Maisie is a clone

Jurassic world Fallen Kingdom Jurassic

world Fallen Kingdom is a film of two

halves one a disaster flick said on Isla

nublar in the midst of a volcanic

eruption and the other a quasi horror

movie set on a fancy estate on the

American Mainland neither half is

particularly satisfying but you get my

meaning it's also a film that introduces

a head-scratching narrative wrinkle

after the action shifts away from are to

the estate of Sir Benjamin Lockwood

played by the always brilliant James

Cromwell sure shortly after we meet

Lockwood's granddaughter Maisie it's

heavily implied that she is in fact a

clone of Lockwood's dead daughter as is

then later confirmed you know what is

really weird in a Jurassic Park movie

human clothing even the whole human

dinosaur hybrids were gun shtick we

almost got in Jurassic world one would

have probably felt slightly less out of

place than this and to top it all off at

the end of the film it becomes clear

precisely why this off-kilter subplot

was introduced to give Maisie some form

of kinship with the dinosaurs and

justify her lend them loose into the

world all the same it doesn't really

convince but rather than quietly forget

about the poorly received subplot follow

up Jurassic world Dominion further

muddied The Waters by retconning

maisie's origin story and revealing that

Lockwood's daughter birthed Maisie

herself just the most pointless sequels

in the world number five Deadpool X-Men

Origins Wolverine X and Origins wolver

Marine serves as a potent reminder of

what can happen when Hollywood doesn't

even show The Faint edition of respect

for a beloved combat character we get

this guy oh look at him though the

Wolverine spin-off promisingly cast

Brian Reynolds in the role of Chatterbox

anti-hero Deadpool he ends up dipping

out the story relatively early on only

to then be reintroduced in the third act

as the mutant Weapon 11. It's probably

trite to litigate on this again but man

he just looks so bad Origins Wolverine

is not a good movie up there with the

worst the X-Men franchise gave us and

knife are Mortal Kombat pool is a

timelessly cringe moment in the comic

book genre number four Michael's evil is

literally contagious Halloween ends

before I get into this I do think it's

worth saying that I think I dislike

Halloween ends for reasons that are

different for why everyone else dislikes

Halloween ends I love the back Clash 2

David Gordon Green's Trilogy Kappa came

from the focus being on Rowan Campbell's

Corey Cunningham and not on the series

Mainstay Michael Myers well I totally

get that Michael is a draw after all the

issues with ends for me comes from it

not committing enough to essential

conceit I think he'd be left with a much

stronger film if you made that Michael

was out of the picture entirely diving

into the idea that evil does not die and

merely changes shape and that you can't

get revenge on evil it's something you

have to live with those ideas are

crystallized in the movie but they're

punctuated by bizarre nostalgic

callbacks moments of fan service and the

subject of this particular entry nigh

explicit Supernatural features the idea

of evil corrupting and Trauma Cycles

repeating is all well and good but ends

as too far into goofy territory by

having Corey literally be infected by

Michael's evil the moment they make

contact the editing here undermines what

could have been a subtle and Brilliant

thematic Twist on Maya's mythology Corey

takes on Maya's mannerisms where there's

still a mask a sort of totem that grants

him strength it's a shade to explicit

compared to the believable Terror of

John Carpenter's original and that for

me sums up the Lost potential of the new

Trilogy number three high tea is the

mole Men In Black International for the

moment the first trailer dropped for Men

In Black International and mentioned

that the plot centered around the mall

with an MIB fans immediately pointed

their fingers at High T Liam Neeson a

legendary head of mib's London Branch

they also asked themselves why the hell

Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones weren't

there but hey this movie somehow still

got made it's seemed so obvious that

some even pegged it as a cheeky

misdirect but lo and behold deep into

the third act we indeed find out that

high tea is the mole his body having

effectively been hijacked by the

parasitic aliens known as The Hive in

turn allowing them to infiltrate MIB the

wise Mentor being the secret compromise

bad guy is a Trope as old as time and

that the fourth Men In Black movie tried

to pull it off without any subversion

whatsoever is all you need to know about

Wyatt pales in comparison to its

predecessors number 2. John McLean's son

is a CIA assassin A Good Day to Die Hard

A Good Day to Die Hard is one of the

worst ever action sequels and that feels

bad to say because I love me some die

hard I really enjoy the first four one

and three directed by John mctin are two

of the greatest action films ever made

and John McLean is an immortal character

played by one of our most talented genre

performers in Bruce Willis it's not fun

to be negative on die hard but sadly A

Good Day to Die Hard is truly diabolical

a bizarre creation that went wrong from

the first step with a script that

completely misapprehended the appeal of

the series there is so much wrong here

but the worst part is the reveal that

John McLean's son jack is now a CIA

assassin we have gone from Plucky New

York every man foils a hostage crisis to

supercarp joins secret agent Sun for

post-soviet hijinks

it is so far removed from the franchise

DNA and a tragic way to lay a beloved

action series to rest and number one Rey

is Palpatine's granddaughter Star Wars

Episode 9 the rise of Skywalker Star

Wars the rise of Skywalker didn't

exactly get after the mostellar Star by

us pulling the resurrection of Emperor

Palpatine totally out of nowhere but it

became clear all hope was lost with that

mid-movie reveal yeah you know the one

that's some classic abramsing right

there despite the previous Star Wars

film The Last Jedi having kylo Ren

inform Rey that her parents were

nobodies thereby implying that she

herself was a nobody halfway through the

rise of the Skywalker he earned an

infuriating PostScript to his prior

remark come Milo reveals that Rey's

parents deliberately chose to become

nobodies because in fact Rey's father

was the Clone son of Palpatine oh God it

gets worse every time I have to say this

aloud this makes Ray Palpatine's

granddaughter they shed their identities

and then shipped right off in an attempt

to protect her look whether you're a fan

of episode 8 or not this was basically

really bad Reddit levels of writing made

Canon a grotesque attempt to win back

fans alienated by the previous movie

with a contrite familiar link between

hero and villain further compounded by a

truly baffling Skywalker addendum in the

film's closing scene truly cowardly

filmmaking and those were 10 movie

reveals so bad you almost walked out

were there any other Bad plot twists and

reveals that we missed let us know down

in the comments below and while you're

there if you enjoyed this painful look

back through memory lane then please be

sure to give us a like if you're new

here too and fancy more then why not hit

subscribe button as well either way I've

been you in it's been a pleasure and

I'll hopefully see you next time bye


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