May 9, 2024

Top 100 Greatest Romance Movies of All Time

Published June 8, 2023, 7:20 p.m. by Bethany

These romance movies are the best of the best. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most romantic films in history. Our countdown includes "About Time," "Palm Springs," "Ghost," and more! What's YOUR favorite romance movie? Let us know in the comment!

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I think I've just fallen in love with

you all over again welcome to Ms Mojo

and today we're counting down our picks

for the top 100 greatest romance movies

of all time so without further ado

just breathe for this list we'll be

looking at the most romantic films in

history we'll be focusing on live action

flicks so sorry to all you Beauty and

the Beast fans out there watch out for

spoilers and let us know if we missed

any of your favorite love fests in the

comments below


number 100 set it up we've arguably been

in a bit of a rom-com drought of late so

we have to appreciate the good ones when

they come and 2018 set it up was

definitely a high point in a sea of lows

it is in my possession I got this

hello are you okay I'm fine no I'm

talking to my pizza Glenn Powell and Zoe

Deutsch are assistants who team up to

try and make their bosses less High

Strung by getting them together of

course while playing Matchmaker the two

end up falling in love themselves love

despite thing when you know they're all



like all these reasons why it shouldn't

work out what really pushes set it up

over the edge is the undeniable

chemistry between Powell and Deutsch the

energy between them leaps off the screen

in a way that reminds us of the rom-com

pairings of yore and we're here for it

you are

unbelievably bad at beer pong

you're a sore winner and you use too

many exclamation points

and yet


number 99 the princess switch Vanessa

Hutchins has been such a comforting

constant in our lives for so long first

with the High School Musical franchise

and later by becoming the queen of

Netflix holiday Fair the most important

film from that second category is

without a doubt 2018's the princess



who are you Hutchins embodies both Stacy

and Lady Margaret to identical looking

people leading opposite lives they trade

places and love blooms I was worried

about this

the wedding about

Who You Are

after today

I'm not worried anymore

Prince Charming the romantic comedy was

so successful it spawned not one but two

sequels in those Hutchins got to flex

her chops further by adding a third

character lady Fiona to the mix the

truth is I've always wanted to be you

just got carried away this time there's

no denying the trilogy is great fun we

have to say though nothing quite beats

the charm of the original I guess

Christmas wishes really do come true

number 98 the lovebirds sometimes love

needs a little action and Chaos

the lovebirds features Issa Ray and

Kamil nanjiani as a couple who witness a

murder freak out and go on the run while

looking for answers the movie has a real

chaotic Flair to it and Rey and nanjiani

played that aspect up perfectly but in

addition the pair have a very natural



their relationship is in a rough spot at

the beginning of the story and they

actually break up before we get to the

murder plot as time goes on the wild

things they go through bring them closer

together it's a fun watch containing

just the right amount of absurdity while

remaining grounded where it counts I

like them

I don't think they should break up

number 97 her there's just something

about the color in her The Pastels and

soft Hues add an extra level of

Romanticism to the already achingly

lovely film Spike Jones's sci-fi romance

features Joaquin Phoenix as a

professional letter writer Who falls in

love with an AI named Samantha oh God

see so many things

I guess that's what I love most about it

you know she isn't just one thing

so much larger than that oh thanks

Theodore Phoenix delivers a quieter

performance than he's usually known for

and it's lovely but the real standout of

the film is Scarlett Johansson as the

voice of Samantha we don't really have

any photographs of us and

I thought this song could be


a photograph

captures Us in this moment in our lives

together we never see the actress but

her inflections and choices make it feel

as though she's more than just a

disembodied voice her chemistry with

Phoenix comes through loud and clear

this in turn makes the story as a whole

feel extra credible elevating the

finished product where are you going

a mirror to explain


but if you ever get there

come find me

nothing would ever pull us apart Number

96 Edward Scissorhands


snow never seemed so romantic Tim

Burton's Edward Scissorhands is an

unexpectedly tender film Edward a

Frankenstein's monster-like creature

with scissors for hands is informally

adopted by a family and develops

feelings for Kim the daughter


the film has all the style and Panache

of a Burton movie but the core story is

one of great love and loneliness Edward

and Kim find a connection that's not

based on superficiality but something a

bit deeper and more special of course

this movie comes with a side of tragedy

but that doesn't take away from its

romantic soul


number 95 Punch Drunk Love who would

have thought that Adam Sandler could

embody a true blue romantic lead the

answer is Paul Thomas Anderson

apparently and it's a good thing in

Punch Drunk Love Sandler plays the

socially anxious Berry Who falls for

Lena played by Emily Watson I'm going to

Hawaii on Friday Hawaii I was thinking

about going there really I was thinking

about going there on business well if

you're gonna go I'm probably not gonna

go though


man because it's so great over there and

if you were there we could

say throughout the movie we get to go

beneath the surface of Sandler's funny

guy stick in order to effectively unpack

themes of isolation meanwhile the

romance that unfolds between the

characters is an odd one but that works

to the story's advantage

I don't know

that's insane

I'm guessing it was a mistake

you can advantage of it while it's

offered indeed their strange delightful

interactions have an intoxicating feel

that's hard to let go of when they come

together at the end we can't help but

root for them if you could just give me

that much time I think I can get enough

mileage to go with you wherever you have

to go if you have to travel for your

work because I don't ever want to be

anywhere without you number 94 Bright

Star All Hail Jane Campion queen of

eroticism and romance bright star

despite its PG rating is no exception in

her Stellar catalog it is a experience

Beyond thought

poetry soothes and emboldens the soul to

accept mystery

I love mystery the 2009 film spotlight's

poet John keats's romance with Fanny

Braun in the Years prior to his death

Campion Delights in the longing Romance

of keats's poetry and the cinematography

evokes a sensuality that's intoxicating

touch as a memory

I know it the camera noticeably focuses

on the small touches between Keats and

Fanny with each one seeming more

prolonged and romantic than the last and

that's saying nothing of the main pair

portrayed by Ben Wishaw and Abby Cornish

who have a rapport for the ages all that

mixed with the poignant script makes for

an emotional watch quick

and rest number 93 It's a Wonderful Life

now we know what you're thinking it's a

wonderful life is mostly remembered as a

Christmas movie not necessarily a great

romance but we'd like to bring up a

Counterpoint the love between George and

Mary is out of this world you want the


just say the word and I'll throw a lasso

around and pull it down hey that's a

pretty good idea

I'll give you the moon Mary every moment

between them is electric but our

favorite is probably the scene where

they finally get together in the days

before speakerphone a conversation with

a mutual friend calls for some Close

Quarters we can both hear come here

we're listening Sam

well look I have a big deal coming up

that's going to make us all rich

watching their eyes drawn to each other

like magnets the power passing between

them is palpable it's a perfect

encapsulation of what makes this 1946

classic so great even without the

heartwarming holiday Fair





number 92 Annie Hall if you trace a line

backwards from the romantic comedies of

today you can arguably follow it

straight to Annie Hall the the medium

enters in as a condition of the art form


well well to me I I mean it's it's all

instinctive you know I mean I just try

to feel it there are several other

important stops along the way to be sure

but there's also no denying this 1977

work is a seminal text for so many

filmmakers and its nuanced Love Story

still holds up love is is

too weak a word for whoever I love you

you know I love you I love you yes I I

have to invent the story centers on

Alvey who attempts to decipher and

examine his prior breakup with a woman

named Annie Hall portrayed spectacularly

by Diane Keaton the script is funny

fresh and was contemporary for the time

offering a new take on relationships

between men and women but the thing is I

mean since our discussion's here I feel

I have a right to my own feelings I

think you would have been happy because

I really asserted myself number 91 train

wreck when we first heard that Amy

Schumer was going to pen and be in a

film Loosely based on her life we

expected it to be a hilarious romp train

wreck definitely brings the humor but it

also contains a tender romance do you

like me

yeah yeah see I really like you

so we should be a couple

no no I have pla plans Schumer plays a

woman also named Amy Who falls in love

with Bill hader's Dr Aaron Connors she

likes Aaron but has a hard time not

screwing things up at every turn what do

you want me to say we're just having a

fight you insulted me and that's and I

just I will talk about it and we'll work

through it what's wrong with you that

you want to be with me I I'm a drinker I

don't care I've been with a lot of guys

I don't care the whole thing is funny

and moving and the highlight of it all

just might be Bill Hader as the Romantic

lead his performance ties all the aptly

laid out threads together and it pays

off not everyone saw that coming but

clearly he and the entire movie is full

of surprises I really want to impress

you yeah yeah I want to show you I could

work hard and and put myself out there

you know oh I got that and not be afraid

to fail no I got I got the metaphor

number 90 The Proposal Sandra Bullock is

without question a rom-com queen but by

the time 2009 rolled around she hadn't

been in a big one in a while thankfully

that all changed with the release of The

Proposal Mr Gilbertson

Margaret and I

are just two people

who weren't supposed to fall in love

but did in it she's an editor-in-chief

who pretends to be engaged to her

assistant brought to life by Ryan

Reynolds to avoid being deported it's a

comedy of errors and perhaps feels

nonsensical at times but there is a

surprisingly soft romance that makes the

whole thing believable

oh God I can't see it Bullock and

Reynolds are the perfect pair to pull

off the slapstick humor while bringing

the strong chemistry game at the very

same time in other words the proposal

has a little bit of everything you want

in an entertaining rom-com

M I'm gonna take that as a yes oh okay

number 89 There's Something About Mary

I'm tired of talking about stuff

let's talk about you

are you okay number 88 Forgetting Sarah



number 87 the f word AKA what if I'm

intentionally being much worse in bed

than I actually am so that it can just

keep getting better and better forever

it like very slowly over many many

decades so that we hit our sexual peak

in our 90s yeah that's the plan actually

is if the last time we have sex is also

the best number 86 the age of Adeline

all these years

you've lived but you've never had a life

please free yourself for Alice

staying unlocked

I don't know how

E5 Silver Linings Playbook this

acclaimed film taught us to dance in it

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence

skillfully portray love interests who

have been having a hard time to say the

least I told your therapist that you

were in a superior mental illness

category hey calm down leave me alone

can I just explain myself please after

Cooper's Pat comes home following a stay

at a mental health hospital his goal is

to mend his broken marriage Lawrence's

Widow Tiffany is willing to help make

that happen but she needs assistance

winning a dance contest in exchange

romance ensues and the tension is

evident listen I don't know what choices

you've made you got to deal with it

right now okay we're in this

we're in what the movie deftly weaves

weighty themes of mental health and

Trauma within this romance in a raw and

real way holding the audience's

attention hey it didn't earn eight Oscar

nominations and a Best Actress win for

Lawrence by accident you love me

yeah I do

number 84 Alex Strangelove look Alex I

really don't



number 83 The Wedding Planner you said

Steve would you like to dance

and even if I did I'm not the one who's


it was a dance hoopty dude didn't mean


and why'd you almost kiss me


number 82 Nick and Nora's Infinite

Playlist would you be my boyfriend for

five minutes



okay just be cool just be cool

let's go with it okay

number 81 Breakfast at Tiffany's I'm not

gonna let anyone put me in a cage I

don't want to put you in a cage I want

to love you the same thing no it's not

number 80 Queen and slim you've heard of

Bonnie and Clyde but what about Queen

and slim Melina matsuka's 2019

directorial film debut follows two

people who commit a crime in

self-defense and flee y'all okay yo you

seem jumpy no we're fine we just uh we

took a wrong turn somewhere and got lost

the duo named Queen and slim hardly know

each other having just met on a date

before the incident as the film goes on

and their circumstances become more dire

they fall in love I'll never let go of

your hand the movie is Bleak and quite

distressing tackling issues of race and

Injustice but the romance between its

Central characters gives it a dreamlike

quality that's impossible to ignore

actors Daniel kaluya and Jody Turner

Smith ride the road of the characters

ever-changing relationship together

straight to love and it's an important


as long as my lady remembers me finally

that's all I need number 79 Friends with

Benefits look I can live without ever

having sex with you again be really hard

hey I want my best friend back because

I'm in love with her number 78 date

night we could we could still fool

around only if you're into it I mean no

no I would love to let me just swim

okay you know what no it's honey I'm

totally fine if we don't number 77 made

in Manhattan there's something you don't

know okay

oh God how do I tell you this

look the first time that you saw me I

was mesmerizing


number 76 Singing in the Rain


just for me

number 75 Amalie Paris has been called

the city of love so it's no wonder this

French film became so associated with it



follows its titular character around

Paris as she makes it her life's work to

bring joy to everyone around her in the

process she sometimes forgets about her

own loneliness but that all changes when

she acts on her attraction to a man

named Nino

is it a crime

the relationship between the pair is

quite sweet but the film exudes pure

romantic energy even outside of that

Central couple indeed Amelie takes

pleasure in the little things like creme

brulee and stone skipping on water in

Paris and in this story romance is




number 74 Lost in Translation does it

get easier



it gets easier

oh yeah


thanks number 73 Sabrina if David we're

here now

expecting the kiss and chew



here's a kiss from David

thank you

number 72 The Wedding Singer

grows old with you


number 71 The Sound of Music I don't

remember anymore

your face is all red is it

I don't suppose I'm used to dancing

number 70 Harold and mod their

relationship is unconventional to say

the least but that doesn't make it any

less lovely I love you


this 1971 cult classic tells the story

of Harold whose greatest passion in life

is death despite his young age he meets

the much older mod at a funeral for

someone who was unknown to him a regular

occurrence and the two have an instant

connection Harold taken with Mod's Love

For Life eventually Falls for her you

sure have a way with people

oh well my speech

it's a strange story and one that wasn't

well received by many at the time but as

the years have gone by audiences have

started to recognize the romance

inherent in Herald and mod the two find

love Despite All Odds and learn

important lessons along the way you see


I feel that much of the world's sorrow

comes from people who are this


allow themselves to be treated as that

number 69 You've Got Mail don't cry


I wanted it to be used

number 68 if Beale Street could talk it

was no surprise to me when I finally


he was the most beautiful person I had

seen in all my life number 67 Brooklyn

someone who has no connection with the


someone who's only yours

and you'll realize

that this is where your life is

number 66 the half of it I'll see you in

a couple years

number 65 Moonstruck 1980s Cher and a

young attractive Nicholas Cage what more

could audiences ask for I'm in love with


snap out of it in 1987 director Norman

jewison gave the people what they wanted

with Moonstruck Cher is Loretta a young

Widow who's found love again in the form

of Johnny played by Danny Aiello when he

takes off to see his mom before she

passes Loretta is tasked with convincing

his estranged brother cages Ronnie to

come to their wedding but when these two

meet sparks fly off the screen

immediately where are you taking me

to the bed

oh God okay I don't care I don't care

take me take me to the bed Sharon Cage's

characters have such a wacky connection

you wouldn't think they would work

together but something about their

shared intensity and originality is

Magic that and the film's well-executed

premise make it a winner do you love him

Loretta Ma I love him awful oh God

that's too bad

she loves me

number 64 Greece



number 63 Four Weddings and a funeral

is it still raining I hadn't noticed

the truth of it is I've

loved you from the first second I met


it's you're not you're not suddenly

going to go away again are you no

I might drown but otherwise no number

62. atonement


number 61 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

take the lady's luggage back to her

place she has alternate transportation


you bet I am

number 60 about time if you could travel

back in time and bolster your love life

would you you'd probably give it a try

but if there's anything to take from

about time it's that living life in the

moment is the best option

as long as does


longer if I can the film follows Tim who

can go back to the past and does so to

improve his luck with women among other

things he meets and falls in love with

Mary with wacky time travel related

hijinks occurring along the way he never

loses you don't think he's going to win

and then he just pulls something out of

the bag and would you know he wins again

as their life together progresses Tim

starts to experience the consequences of

time travel as a moving father-son

storyline is explored it's a tough

lesson to learn but he eventually

decides to live in the present happy

with his family what could be more

romantic I just tried to live every day

as if I've deliberately come back to

this one day

to enjoy it as if it was the full final

day of my extraordinary ordinary life

number 59 From Here to Eternity

58 to all the boys I've Loved Before hi


number 57 The Fault in Our Stars all of

our labors will be returned to dust

and I know that the sun will swallow the

only Earth we will ever have

and I am in love with you


number 56 Serendipity well now every

time you go personal books or you're

gonna have to go inside and save us


this is just wrong you don't just have

the most incredible night of your life

with a perfect stranger and then leave

it all to chance do you

do you number 55 Love Actually I thought

you didn't know my name

of course I do

to us you are perfect Love Actually

wasn't necessarily a slam dunk with all

the critics when it was released but for

audiences it was basically an instant


as poisonous

the movie follows a slew of different

semi-interlocking storylines most having

to do with love around the holidays with

rom-com staples like Hugh Grant and

Colin Firth and established greats like

Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson starring

it's no wonder everyone fell hard

there's heartbreak laughter and of

course plenty of love the movie has been

dubbed a holiday classic over the years

and even if it's not your favorite of

all time you probably can't help but

smile whenever it's on All I Want For


is you

number 54 The Bodyguard



number 53 The Bridges of Madison County

wow I've never said it before

this kind of certainty comes but just

once in a lifetime number 52 the

apartment did you hear what I said Miss

cubely guy absolutely adore you

thank you

Shut Up and Deal number 51 the shape of

water he sees me

for what I am

as I am

he's happy

to see me

every time number 50 Brief Encounter

sometimes the most romantic movies

involve the tragedy of heartbreak I

won't die


I want to be remembered

yes I know I do too Brief Encounter

Spotlight Celia Johnson and Trevor

Howard as two people who have a random

run-in at a train station they spend

some time together and quickly feel an

attraction to one another the only

problem they're both married to other

people how often did you decide that you

were never going to see me again

several times a day

I love you

I love your wide eyes

the way you smile

your shyness the film has a dark almost

stormy feel to it with cinematography

that notably uses the smoke of the train

station to its Advantage it gives the

story an overall doomed quality and you

just know there's no way these two will

end up together it's unbelievably sad

but a beautiful portrait of Love

nonetheless it is true for you isn't it

this overwhelming feeling we have for

each other it's as true for you as it is

for me Isn't it

number 49 Jerry Maguire you

just shut

you had me at hello number 48 while you

were sleeping well good night


I'll see you when I see you


number 47 The English Patient you're

wearing the thimble

of course


I always wear it I've always worn it

always loved you number 46 Love and

Basketball a play you

what one game one-on-one

for what

your heart number 45 Palm Springs at

least in here we get to be together you

have lost your mind

is that so bad that's what love is all

about don't be so afraid of it Andy

Samberg showed us all he had romantic

lead talents in Celeste and Jesse

forever but he took things up a notch in

this part science fiction part romantic

comedy film proving he's still the guy

for the job I can survive just fine

without you you know

but there's

a chance that this life can be a little

less mundane

with you in it Palm Springs climbs out

of groundhog day's Shadow following a

romance between two people trapped in a

Time loop on the day of a wedding

Sandberg Stars alongside Kristen

miliotti and both actors get their time

to shine but the best parts come when

our heroes are trying to get out of the

time Loop together they're both adapted

playing the full spectrum of silly to

serious and littering that with romance

along the way I'd rather die with you

than live in this world without you

emphatic period number 44 Carol would

you like to

come why

long enough space number 43 his girl

Friday I suppose I propose to you well

your practice you did making google eyes

with me for two years until I broke down

on Walter and I still claim I'm as tight

the night I proposed you of you to be

the gentleman you've forgotten all about

it but not yet

you're losing your eye you usually be at

a better than that number 42 A

Star is Born hey

hey I just want to take another look at


number 41 always be my maybe Sasha Tran

can I hold your purse for you

that was the bad version

it was good

you liked it I loved it kiss already

number 40 13 Going On 30. we'd like to

formally request Jennifer Garner and

Mark Ruffalo in more romantic comedies

please you wanna know a secret

you're the Swedish

13 Going on 30 is all about Jenna rank a

13 year old who longs to be 30 flirty

and thriving when her wish suddenly

comes true she now portrayed by Garner

has to handle all that comes with

adulthood that includes repairing her

relationship with childhood friend

Maddie played by Ruffalo I don't know

anything about you

all right I haven't seen you since high



we're not friends anymore Jenna in the

Years Jenna missed the two had a falling

out but she's determined to fix things

you can see where this is going of

course love blooms Garner's masterful

performance is full of comedy and

tenderness plus she and Ruffalo have a

wonderfully sweet Rapport that brings

the script to heartwarming life

I've always loved you number 39 the

holiday you know I've never been to


I've never been to Europe


if I come over there will you go out

with me on New Year's Eve

number 38 Definitely Maybe I really

thought you would have heard through the


and let us in or run down the stairs

number 37 crazy Rich Asians I know this

is a far throw from a Hidden Paradise

wherever you are in the world

where I belong

number 36 The Philadelphia Story but I

hope to make it up to you by going

through what it now is originally

planned but I hope to make it up to you


by going

beautifully through with it now

as originally and most beautifully

planned number 35 My Big Fat Greek

Wedding we couldn't leave out the

highest grossing romantic comedy ever in

the United States now could we why

because I came alive when I met you in

2002 My Big Fat Greek Wedding delighted

audiences everywhere and for good reason

nier vardolos is Tula a young woman of

Greek descent who embarks on a romance

with Ian who's white and Protestant Mr

Burke College she's strong nasty


cultures clash as she tries to introduce

him to her family's world making for a

lot of fun a little conflict and a whole

lot of romance for dollos's portrayal is

wildly relatable and endearing and we'd

be remiss not to praise John Corbett's

performance as Ian plus the story itself

is just plain entertaining put it all

together and you get a rom-com that's

been winning people over for decades

okay here tonight we have apple and


we all different

but in the end we all fruit number 34

pretty woman so what happened after

he climbed up the tower and rescued her

she rescues him right back


number 33 love Simon are you

disappointed that it's me



number 32 Crazy Stupid Love do you

remember me

so far major yes still want to take me





number 31 say anything


number 30 500 Days of Summer just

because the main couple doesn't end up

together doesn't mean the story isn't

romantic in fact in this case that might

be the very reason it endures Tom was

right yeah I did


I did

it just wasn't me that you were right

about in 500 Days of Summer we run the

entire course of Tom and Summer's

relationship and post breakup lives in

non-linear fashion we see things mainly

through his perspective as he attempts

to process what went wrong but watching

the events of the film play out it's

clear to the audience that Tom's

recollection is heavily biased well I

think you're just remembering the good


next time we'll look back Aya

I really think you should look again

despite the happy moments they shared

the pair was never going to work it

isn't that often what happens in real

life I really do hope that you're happy

number 29 Bridget Jones's Diary I like


very much

apart from the smoking and the drinking

and the vulgar mother

very much

just as you are number 28 call me by

your name call me by your name and I'll

call you by mine

down here

number 27 The Way We Were the girl is

lovely Hubble

why don't you bring it for a drink when

you come

I can't

I know

number 26 Notting Hill I'm also just a


standing in front of a boy

asking him to love her number 25 Ever

After what is that phrase you use

oh yes

once upon a time there have been a

number of Cinderella adaptations some

better than others when it comes to

1998's Ever After there is a strong

argument that it's one of if not the

best you swim alone climb rocks rescue

servants is there anything you don't do

fly what makes it so great is how it

turns the usual interpretation of

Cinderella on its head there's no magic

in this tale just love and a whole lot

of heart a bird middle of a fish Senora

but where would they live

and I shall have to make you wings it

stars Drew Barrymore as a woman named

Danielle just like the Cinderella we

know Danielle plays servant to her

stepmother and stepsisters and falls in

love with a prince but the story has a

much needed feminist bent with the

relationship between Danielle and her

prince unfolding in a real and

respectful manner we love to see it

supposed to be charming and we princess

are supposed to live happily ever after

number 24 Moulin Rouge

stuff online

now you're


you're gonna be perfect

tell number 23 the big sick support it

okay that's a common misconception of

yelling anything at a comedian is

considered heckling heckling doesn't

have to be negative so if I if I yelled

out like you're amazing in bed that'd be

Heckle yeah

number 22 It Happened One Night going to


it's a system on my own

number 21 Sleepless in Seattle


number 20 in the mood for love it's

interesting that one of the greatest

romantic stories of all time involves

almost no physical contact between its

leads but the intimacy between Maggie

Chung and Tony Leong's characters in In

the Mood for Love is one of the most

sensual things committed to screen




the pair stars as two people whose

respective Partners begin to cheat on

them with one another what starts off as

an innocent Bond over the Betrayal soon

develops into deep feelings


will the two start an affair of their

own will they find their way to each

other and end up together in the end the

answer to both of those questions is no

but that doesn't stop the tragic love

story from holding immense appeal

number 19

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind do

I know you

if you could erase a relationship from

your mind would you do it that's the

question at the heart of Eternal

Sunshine I can't see anything that I

don't like about you

but you will

you know you will think of things and

I'll get bored with you and feel trapped

because that's what happens with me

okay there's a number of ways to read

the premise of this film it could be

about two people who are destined to be

together but need a little push or it

could be about two people who are

fundamentally wrong for each other

ignoring all the signs they should move

on however you interpret it though

there's no denying that Eternal Sunshine

gorgeously plays with memory and the

idea of love lost in a melancholic yet

endearing way

going to be gone soon

what do we do

number 18 Moonlight sometimes a movie

comes out that defines a filmmaking

generation Moonlight felt like one of

those movies you can only imagine

someone touching me

I'm the only one

it follows a young black man Chiron

throughout his life from childhood to

adulthood over the course of the story

he deals with abuse in his family as

well as confusion surrounding his own

sexuality and ideas about gender roles

he also has significant interactions

with someone named Kevin I want to do a

lot of things that don't make sense

I didn't say it all makes sense

granted the oscar-winning film is mostly

about the protagonist discovering his

own identity but the way writer director

Barry Jenkins captures the intimacy

between shyron and Kevin makes for some

of the most romantic shots of the last

decade this enriches the already

magnetic material giving us a masterful

tale about love and acceptance in all

its forms

shoe money but

I ain't got no worries man number 17

portrait of a lady on fire portrait of a

lady on fire is one of those films

that's passionate in every sense of the


it's about Marianne a painter who is

hired to create a portrait of a woman

Eloise prior to the latter's wedding

throughout the course of events the two

women form a deep romantic Bond oh kiss

come on

writer director Celine siamas project is

filled with lingering looks and hidden

glances that are nothing short of

captivating but make no mistake this

isn't merely a story of repression

instead it's about how freeing it can be

to let go of the restraints placed on us

even if only for a Time the truth that

comes with the heart-wrenching ending

only drives that point home more


yeah foreign

number 16 La La Land some of the most

romantic movies of the golden age of

Hollywood are musicals La La Land takes

the color and joy of those iconic moving

pictures and paints them over a modern



Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling bring Mia

and Seb struggling artists in Los

Angeles to Vivid life the two strike up

a messy real entrancing relationship but

career paths and circumstances drive

them apart you got to give it everything

you got


it's your dream

what are you gonna do

I get to follow my own plan you know

stay here the story ends on a

Bittersweet note with Mia and Seb seeing

each other years later both wildly

successful what follows is one of the

greatest montages in recent memory is we

essentially get a dream ballet of what

their lives could have looked like

together it's equal parts romantic and

devastating just like the film itself


one two one two three

number 15 A Walk to Remember this one

goes out to 2 000 teenagers everywhere

one of the earlier Nicholas Sparks

adaptations A Walk to Remember was a

massive box office hit do you love me


while some might call it sincerity trite

we think the earnestness on display is

what makes it work so well the movie

sees Mandy Moore as Jaime a Reverend's

daughter who gets involved with Rebel

Landon played by Shane West when he's

forced to join the school play


develop but things take a turn for the

worse when he learns she has terminal

cancer he basically spends the rest of

her time trying to make her dreams come

true and it's as poignant as you'd


with more love than lots of people know

in a lifetime

and then she went

with her unfailing faith has the tissues

Blaze number 14 Roman Holiday Audrey

Hepburn and Gregory Peck gallivanting

around Italy who can ask for anything


you were great back there you weren't so

bad yourself

Roman Holiday is one of the

quintessential romantic comedies of

1950s Hollywood but this movie's secret

weapon is its bittersweet ending PEX

stars as Joe a journalist who sets out

to get a story on Hepburn's Princess

Anne what starts off as a job however

quickly turns into more what now today

is going to be a holiday but you don't

want to do a lot of silly things

the two joined by his photographer

friend Irving Traverse around the city

of Rome gradually falling more and more

in love but sadly all good things must

end still Joe Nix is the story his

feelings for Anne winning out and

although they can't be together they'll

always have Rome thankfully so will we

we believe that your highness is faith

will not be unjustified

I am so glad to hear you say it number

13 ghost it's difficult to make an

erotic hit when one of the lead

characters can't physically touch the

other for much of the run time but don't

underestimate the power of Demi Moore

and Patrick Swayze also Pottery never

underestimate the power of pottery we

know he's alive in that scene but still

wait for me wait for me

I'll be coming home to wait for me

after Sam is killed he returns as a

ghost to help his girlfriend Molly to

figure out what happened there's a lot

of mystical elements at play including

Whoopi Goldberg as a psychic and they

add an exciting fresh layer to the story

so where is he I can't see him I can

only hear him

I'm right here

it doesn't help Sam of course there's

also plenty to be said about Swayze and

Moore's on-screen Bond their character's

final goodbye alone has us weeping

whoever said romance and fantasy don't

mix wonderfully I love you Molly

I've always loved you

ditto number 12 Brokeback Mountain I

wish I knew how to quit you

why don't you Brokeback Mountain follows

the Romantic relationship between Jack

and Ennis two Cowboys who meet in 1960s

Wyoming their physical and emotional

bond is strong but self-loathing and

Society threaten to keep them apart it's

nobody business but ours

you know I ain't queer

me neither as the movie goes on it

becomes apparent that a happy ending is

not in the cards for these men Stars

Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger give

achingly poignant performances while the

script reflects the deeply personal

consequences of Oppression by the time

the credits roll we're left with a

gut-wrenching feeling in our hearts that

we can't shake but no matter how many

times its ending breaks our hearts into

pieces we'll always come back sometimes

I miss you so much I can hardly stand it

number 11 The Princess Bride is this a

kissing book wait just wait when does it

get good keep your shirt on let me read

everyone loves a good adventure story

and some of the best adventure stories

have a romantic heart at their Center

for as silly and swashbuckling as The

Princess Bride can get it never loses

sight of that fact the romance between

Wesley and Buttercup might initially

strike you as slightly trite like the

grandson in his bed you may feel like

skipping the kissing and getting to the

action but as the movie goes on the

electricity between Carrie Elvis and

Robin Wright's characters slowly pulls

you to the couple's side this is true


I think this happens every day by the

end just like the grandson you too won't

really mind sitting through those

swooning romance scenes if you're like

us you'll enjoy them so much the movie

will become a comforting go-to I'll

never doubt again

there will never be any number 10 10

Things I Hate About You you're just too

good to be true

Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You 10 Things

I Hate About You is more than just your

average teen comedy it's the movie that

gave us Heath Ledger as a certified

heartthrob for one thing well maybe

you're not afraid of me but I'm sure

you've thought about me naked huh

am I that transparent

I want you I need you oh baby oh baby

Ledger's portrayal of Patrick is just

part of the equation there's also his

Dynamic with Julia stiles's cat which is

Caustic sexy and utterly delightful and

the story of these two outcasts coming

together will always be timeless 9 30


I'm early

whatever I'm driving now 10 things is

full of Comedy to be sure but watching

as Patrick sings Frankie Valli cat

recites her poem and the couple's

heartwarming reunion at the end we can't

help but be swept away that's because at

the end of the day what drives the story

and takes it to the next level is love



it's not every day you find a girl who

flash someone to get you out of


number nine Dirty Dancing

well documented by this point that

Jennifer Gray and Patrick Swayze didn't

always get along on the set of this 1987

classic however what's also well

documented is the fact that this

translated to Pure magnetic passion on

screen Dirty Dancing is a coming-of-age

story that defined a generation and one

of the sexiest movies of all time

gray plays baby a teenage dreamer Who

develops feelings for Johnny the dance

teacher at The Establishment she and her

family visit over the summer the film

has everything Forbidden Love a

beautiful location great songs and two

stars at the top of their game we

certainly had the time of our lives

number eight Romeo and Juliet it's a

classic but with a Twist before he was

the king of the world in Titanic

Leonardo DiCaprio was playing one of the

most identifiable romantic characters of

all time Romeo

oh Romeo where for out thou Romeo in

bazlerman's Romeo and Juliet he Stars

opposite Claire Danes in a modern yet

traditional take on The Bard's

well-known play he and Danes have an

amazing connection right up to the

film's inevitable tragic end just try to

watch that meet cute through the fish

tank without a huge grin on your face go

on try we dare you and have my lip

system that they have took sin for my

lips oh trespass sweetly urged give me

my sin again

they also make their characters feel

real allowing audiences to really

believe in the love story of course the

whole thing is bolstered by lerman's

Flawless Vision in other words the 1996

flick is a must watch

such sweet sorrow that I shall say

goodnight to lip immoral number seven

West Side Story in 1961 Jerome Robbins

and Robert Wise changed the movie

musical game forever with West Side



it All Began tonight I saw you and the

world went down

based on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

the film follows rival gangs one white

one Puerto Rican in New York City Tony

who's on the side of the Jets and Maria

the sister of the shark's leader end up

meeting and falling in love so much to


you're not making a joke

I have not yet learned how to joke that


I think now I never will obviously

tragedy ensues there have been several

iterations of this story on stage and on

screen but we're always drawn back to

this one everything from its sets to its

beautifully melodramatic performances to

its stunning choreography evokes romance

at its biggest and boldest






number six The Notebook if you're a bird

I'm a bird


strange that 2004's The Notebook could

make that one of the most romantic lines

ever but that's what happened it follows

Noah and Ally two lovers from Opposite

Worlds threw their lives together apart

and back together again this film could

have been a just okay adaptation of a

Nicholas Sparks novel but then came Ryan

Gosling and Rachel McAdams I want all of

you forever you and me every day the

spark between their characters is

undeniable from the moment they meet

whether they're fighting which happens

quite often or kissing which also

happens quite often every movement

between them is charged with passion the

couple's happy ending mixed in with the

Bittersweet sadness of the film's Final

Act only solidifies its place as one of

the best

I think our love can do anything we want

to do number five Pride and Prejudice of

course we needed to include an

adaptation from Jane Austen one of the

absolute masters of romantic fiction and

Pride and Prejudice might be her best

work I thought the Poetry was the food

of Love of a fine Stout love it may but

if it is only a vague Incarnation I'm

convinced one person it will kill its

Stone dead so what do you recommend to

encourage affection


even if one's partner is barely

tolerable this film version directed by

Joe Wright gives us Keira Knightley as

Elizabeth Bennett and Matthew mcfadion

as the grumpy yet endearing Mr Darcy

when the story starts these two have no

interest in each other but as their

titular Pride and Prejudice start to

fade away the pair falls deeply in love

please do me the honor of accepting my

heart we all know that Austin has

written some of the most romantic lines

in literary history in this movie

crucially puts the most pivotal ones to

good use with nightly and McFadden

knocking their readings out of the park

its power is virtually unmatched you

have Bewitched

so and I love

I never wish to be parted from you from

this day on number four Titanic I'll

never let go

we'll never let go of this movie as one

of the most romantic ever before Titanic

was released in 1997 plenty of people

thought it was going to be a major flop

the production was so tumultuous there

was no way it could be anything else

right wrong so you want to go to a real

party the film is an absolute

Masterpiece and what Kate Winslet and

Leonardo DiCaprio accomplish will go

down in cinematic history the

relationship between Rose and unhappy

girl from a privileged background and

Jack a dreamer from the wrong side of

the tracks is one of the most indelible

romances ever committed to screen not to

mention the pure production value on

display Titanic is in the simplest terms

epic in every regard when the ship docks

I know it doesn't make any sense

that's why I trusted number three Before

Sunset when it comes to portraying

enduring romance Julie delpi and Ethan

Hawke have it down yeah what was I

supposed to say that I remember the wine

in the park and US looking up at the

stars fading away as the sun came up the

before Trilogy which includes bookends

Before Sunrise and before midnight is

one of the most romantic of all time but

our favorite movie in the bunch comes in

the middle you can never replace anyone

because everyone is made of such

beautiful specific details set nine

years after Jesse and celine's one

romantic night in Vienna Before Sunset

sees the couple finally reuniting it's

pure wish fulfillment everyone wants to

know what happened to The One That Got

Away wants to know what could have been

in Before Sunset our characters get to

live out that fairy tale and it's done

absolutely impeccably baby you are gonna

miss that plane

I know

number two When Harry Met Sally since

1989 there have been a plethora of

wonderful modern romantic comedies but

the best in the bunch came out that year

and remains practically impossible to


oh oh

God When Harry Met Sally features Meg

Ryan and Billy Crystal as its titular

characters chronicling their

intertwining lives throughout the years

you might not expect it but their

chemistry is some of the best that's

ever been seen in a rom-com you know the

first time we met I really didn't like

you that much

I didn't like you yeah you did you were

just so uptight then you're much softer


you know I hate that kind of room

sounds like a comp

really it's an insult okay you're still

as hard as Nails his humor plays off her

sassiness well and you can help but find

yourself invested in their story if

you're not crying by the time Harry

gives his speech at the New Year's party

you're stronger than us Nora ephron's

writing Rob Reiner's Direction the

acting in all hooks us and doesn't let

go and it's not because I'm lonely and

it's not because it's New Year's Eve I

came here tonight because when you

realize you want to spend the rest of

your life with somebody you want the

rest of your life to start as soon as

possible before we continue be sure to

subscribe to our Channel and ring the

bell to get notified about our latest

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them if you're on your phone make sure

you go into your settings and switch on

notifications number one Casablanca

several decades later Casablanca is

still the best romantic film we've ever

seen and I was wondering

yes well I'm so lucky why I should find

you waiting for me to come along

Humphrey Bogart is Rick a sullin

nightclub owner in the titular City

during World War II and Ingrid Bergman

is ilsa his long-lost love Casablanca is

about many things like enduring in the

face of fascism and doing the right

thing even when it might be difficult

it's also about love pure and

unadulterated and the things we'll do

for someone when we truly care about

them inside of us we both know you

belong with Victor you're part of his

work the thing that keeps him going

that plane leaves the ground and you're

not with him you'll regret it maybe not

today maybe not tomorrow but soon and

for the rest of your life Bogart and

Bergman are both brilliant giving

unrivaled performances in a

game-changing movie we'll never forget

this one

is looking at you kid

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