April 27, 2024

Identity Politics Destroys Movies and Television, and By Extension the Culture

Published June 8, 2023, 7:20 p.m. by Bethany

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hello everybody and welcome back to

Auden's movie blog

I am the critic who's a cynic hope

you're doing well today we've got

another amazing article from the Mary

Sue dot-com and if you've never been to

the Mary Sue calm I recommend don't go

check them out because of articles like

this as you can see the the title pretty

much says all that you need to know why

the next Big Bang Theory needs to be

written by women yes everything in this

world needs to be broken down by race

and by gender according to the social

justice warrior nonsense people what

they do not understand is that if you

just write it for that very small group

of people and again it is a very small

group people they might be in the you

know their philosophy might be accepted

at the higher realms of politics and

Hollywood itself but it's a very small

people because guess what happens when

you try and make a social justice

warrior film or social justice worry

series it doesn't do well because when

people watched it I said this several

times before and I'm gonna keep on

saying it people watch movies and

television shows and any part of media

culture to escape they want to escape

from the monotony of everyday life and

also too they want to escape from the

problems of everyday life they don't

want to just be reminded of it

constantly but awesome not only that but

they don't want to be preached to again

unless you're going to watch a

documentary unless this is going to be a

documentary about nerdom then why in the

hell does it have to be written by women

why can't you just say I hope the next

Big Bang Theory stays on target I hope

the next Big Bang Theory deals with

different issues instead of just going

off on these random tangents you know

actually breaking it down from an

objective standpoint just saying oh you

know what would fix Big Bang Theory oh

if there were there was women writing it

no that that's not how it works

just ask the box office for Ghostbusters

2016 oh they don't Ghostbusters needs

right now it needs an all-female cast no

no it doesn't that was a film that no

one wanted and guess what you know what

else no one is asking for a new Big Bang

Theory written by women oh but I guess

that's just my white male privilege but

you know just have to check that at the

door I guess but oh my goodness let's

let's just see what they have to talk

let's see what this again this is from

let's see who's this Kate Gardner Kate

Gardner writes

just so many amazing articles for this

site but let's just go into it today the

curse was finally broken and CBS

announced that the Big Bang Theory was

blessedly coming to an end and I I will

say this I loved Big Bang Theory for the

first three or four seasons I fell off

from it for a while and I heard that

it's kind of gone through a lot of major

changes I hear that

that it's just kind of not even that

it's gone through made the change but

rather that it stayed so consistent it's

say it stayed the same so much that it's

gotten boring that it just doesn't do

anything different and in that in the

fact that it refuses to make any type of

really major change it just stays

uninteresting now of course that's just

from what I have heard from people who

kind of give it up on the series I

personally liked this series enough just

because I thought that the comedy was

actually pretty spot-on it thought the

comedy was pretty great there was some

really great commentary on a lot of

things in geek t'v and a lot of things

on fandom that I thought were very well

done so it might be a series that I

eventually go back to especially now

that there is an end in sight I might

actually want to go back and watch the

entire series just to see what actually

I miss to see if the opinions and the

thoughts of all the people that I talked

to about this were true you know again

this is coming from someone who has

liked Big Bang Theory again for at least

the first three or four seasons alright

let's see what it has to say the

long-running series has drawn frequent

criticism first depictions of women

people of color and disabled characters

that often times turns them into

punchlines for the audience to laugh at

rather than well rounded characters and

there it is once again all that matters

in this world everything nothing else

matters except for race and gender

that's all it matters and if you don't

think that's what matters in this world

then you are a racist and a sexist and

guess what it's that kind of logic that

get you no views and get you no money

just saying the show also is a horrible

way of viewing nerd culture through the

eye though an argument could be made

that the terrible Leonard with all his

gross Ness is a pretty accurate

depiction of white male nerd entitlement

in wish fulfillment or no he's just a

nerd how about that he's just a

character ridden as a nerd you know you

can say whether you can argue whether

his character is well-written or poorly

written but for you to say that is an

accurate depiction of a white male nerd

entitlement and wish fulfillment and

gross that's just your subjective view

again you can talk about having a poorly

written character and you can make those

points you can make there's arguments

you can point to parts

of his character you can point to scenes

point to lines that he said that prove

that but just to say oh he's gross and

he fulfills this so-called white male no

fulfillment the entitlement nonsense

you're just again preaching to whatever

choir it is that you're preaching to

stories about geeks are popular because

geek culture has become something easily

commodified and marketed but films and

television series centered around nerds

fans and others who operate inside the

culture tend to be written by white men

to be about white men and take a more

mocking look at what it means to be a

geek again every single thing has to be

broken down by race no how about this

for a simple fact when you look at the

vast majority of comic-book readers when

you look at the vast majority of people

who are actually taking in this content

who are they usually white men but even

then just because a story has white male

characters just because a story has

certain characters with certain

backgrounds does that mean that that is

just for them last time I checked in

that group of friends not only are there

women and knowledge of those did those

female characters get added in more as

the season went on in a very good way I

thought the integration of those

characters was very well done but also

are you forgetting the fact that there

is a that there is an Indian character

that's been on since the very beginning

oh but I guess since that person it's

not a enough of a person of color

unfortunately because the entire group

isn't people of color that that's why it

doesn't work if it was that the entire

group was a person where people of color

there was that one white person then it

would be okay again if you're breaking

things down by white black and whatever

that is where your problems going to lie

how about instead is this a well-written

show or not and again I have heard

several people give very good strong

arguments as to why a show is bad but

the fact is is that we keep following

into it rather these people these XJ w's

keep falling into this mindset that

something is good or bad based on the

race and the gender of those involved

that's that's a problem because again

when you're breaking everything down

that way guess what you're doing you're

dividing people you are dividing people

and you are creating this division and

guess what it doesn't help Society it

does not help the culture as much as you

think that you might be helping

you're not you're actually making things

a lot worse all right

that forgotten comedy centered on a

group of friends all white with one

token woman plot to steal plotting to

steal the Phantom Menace before it was

released okay that was talking about

fanboys talking about Oh Lord the worst

scene is when the gang is being tested

on if they're true fans they trivialize

about sex they're all stumped save for

our token woman that apparently proves

her there they're true Star Wars fans

not the best joke it wasn't funny back

then it's even less funny now think

that's actually kind of funny because

it's a commentary on geek culture now do

I think that it's fair do I think that

it's you know is 100% accurate no no

absolutely not I mean there are people

out there who will call people like me

who talk about Star Wars all the time in

CIL's in people who are never gonna

marry or never gonna have sex etc but

you know what I'm a merry man and in

fact is I'm a married man and sometimes

people just don't want to admit the fact

that there are people of all various

backgrounds married single gay straight

black white doesn't matter where you

come from who are part of nerd culture

and just because a character just

because one show happens to feature

certain characters of a particular race

of a particular gender does not mean

that that show is just for those people

again this is going back to that same

conversation that we've been having

about Star Wars the fact that people are

trying to say that we needed Rey so that

women could have a character that they

could connect to when you already had

women who could easily connect to Luke

Skywalker because Luke Skywalker's

character was a universal one it did not

hinge or did not rely on him being a

male he just happened to be a male and

this is the problem again when you break

things down in this way by gender and

race and when you actually start to put

those thoughts that you're putting out

there to scrutiny they fall apart they

disintegrate because they just don't

hold up they don't work and you just

make yourself even look more foolish

interesting enough it's the why a

literature that has seen the rise of a

more nuanced take on geekdom primarily

through female authors who include a

more diverse array of characters in

their books Rainbow rels fangirl and

Breschel Scarlett Epson hates it here

Hanna Moskowitz and the Kate Allison

Gina Fenn guess what all those are

series that I've never heard of you know

so it's cuz you're white male yeah but

the last time I checked

who's reading those books who's buying

those books I bet a very specific

audience but guess what it's not gonna

have a wide appeal for the very reasons

that you're putting out there because

when you as a writer when you as a

creator focus more on gender focus more

on race try and make that your sole

focus instead of a good story guess

what's gonna happen you're gonna isolate

your audience and guess what that does

it separates it divides that's what it

does that's what again social justice

warriors and again you can say that

that's an offensive term or not it

doesn't really matter because it's just

telling you what it is it's someone who

trying to again push their own political

ideology on someone else when in reality

all that it is and all that they're

doing is just trying to make excuses for

why their products aren't working aren't

succeeding and trying to blame race and

gender for it instead of the fact that

no the reason why it's failing is

because you focus so much on race and

gender that you lose elements of the

plot you lose elements that people are

actually interested in that are actually

engaged in it's the same reason why I

can talk about Black Panther the same

reason why I can talk about Luke Cage

there are obviously things that I cannot

connect to from a cultural standpoint

but I can at least respect that there

are certain elements of that that are

still well done and well written now I

can also have my critiques of it as well

from an objective standpoint things that

aren't well written things that aren't

well done but guess what is the same

thing just because of the race just

because of the gender of the individuals

does not create good or bad content it's

the content of does that but as I said

if your content is based on nothing but

identity politics that is where you're

gonna fall apart

that is where your narrative and your

the strength of your narrative is going

to either make it or break it and when

you just focus on those things guess

what it's gonna break and again never

heard of any of these things again these

again they're obviously for a very

specific audience but guess what you're

not gonna get that wide range appeal and

guess what just because I have not heard

of it does not mean that I am some

sexist that I am some white privilige

sexist who have never ventured out to

these things the reason why is because

there are stories that are written for

certain people there are stories that

written that are written for general

audiences these are obviously not

written for general audiences are also I

would have heard of it or else other

people would have heard of it or else

these would have been more mainstream

titles but

and when you get so caught up in

yourself when you get so caught up in

your own identity politics guess what's

gonna happen no one's gonna listen to

you and no one's gonna buy you anyway

guys what are your thoughts about this

do you think that this and again I

haven't really even gotten into the

whole BIGBANG thing because Big Bang

Theory is dead long live whatever comes


just let it be about women again that is

their this is pretty much just the

overall a sentiment when it comes to

these sjw's is like no let's be about

women people of color in fact just like

female women of color if we could even

get that because that would be the coup

de Gras in these people minds they judge

people they judge product based on

diversity and while diversity is a

positive thing while diversity is a good

thing if you are going to force

diversity for the sake or at the sake of

a story or a narrative and then you get

mad when people complain because your

narrative or your story isn't very

strong and isn't being well-received and

then you try and cry racism sexism you

need to look back at where you start in

the first place which was where with

race sex gender etc anyway guys what are

your thoughts about this do you just do

you even care about the MarySue at this

point do you even care with this I mean

do you think that they have anything

wise to say here do you think that the

next Big Bang Theory the next thing

about nerd culture needs to be written

by women starring just women I mean when

you just look to the evidence of what we

have before us guess what happens it

just doesn't work what do you think one

of the reasons why jessica jones is seen

almost universally by men women of

various backgrounds as one of the weaker

Marvel shows because they cared so much

especially this last season they cared

so much more about making sure that

every episode was written by a woman

rather than making sure that every

episode was made by the best person for

the job that is the problem that we're

seeing in Hollywood not just in movies

but also with our television show so let

me know your thoughts below I would love

to hear them also if you like this video

please hit that thumbs up hit that

subscribe please share this video as

well if you liked it I'd appreciate it

helps me out a lot have a great day and

as always god bless


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