May 17, 2024

I Put 1,000,000,000 Christmas Lights On A House (World Record)

Published June 8, 2023, 1:20 p.m. by Courtney

Watch until the end to see how insane the houses look

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i bought over one million christmas

lights and not only did i buy all these

christmas lights but i also bought these

three houses sean you decorate this

house cassidy this is your house and

this is sarah's house whoever's house

looks the best will keep it we can do

this all right it starts now

i picked it up

why would you steal my light there's

literally like two million wait you go

yards no no don't do that don't

we're gonna go with a mr beast themed

house we're gonna manipulate jimmy to

vote for us pretty much we're not going

to win if i'm putting down lights okay

i'll point and tell you what to do this

is my house you want to win it the why

are they so tangled

look at it why did you grab the tangled

one i don't know there's a million

lights over there and you grab these

there's actually two million you're

right i have a confession so one million

looks better than the title but there's

actually like 1.7 million lights over

there it clickbaited i have a million

but it's 1.7 million yeah quick video

would have been 2 million so that

reverses everything

the challenge is officially underway

shot and if this house looks the best

it's yours you literally have a house

how old are you 18.


it's crazy how they put so many lights

on their houses and they barely made a

dent in this pile chris's house is

looking really nice chris you're doing a

good job

you sure about that

carl you're doing a good job

chandler's house on the other hand is uh

is what whoever's house looks the best

keeps the house i know

we'll we'll we'll just move on


hey okay

you guys are probably wondering how are

we going to determine which house looks

the best well here's how we have four

judges and tomorrow morning they're

gonna rate each of your houses our first

judge is matpat the host of game theory

this channel this channel this channel

and all these other channels our second

judge is quackity come on up here i'm

taking bribes

and our third judge is damaris she is a

random subscriber that we randomly

picked the fourth judge is probably the

smartest human being on the planet he's

probably really great at everything yeah

our fourth judge is me hey everybody

we're gonna rate your houses on a scale

of one to ten whoever has the most

points after all four of us judge their

house wins the house let's go hey

you're wasting time get back to



i got some pliers here cheers to be

specific i have some shears here tanner

you can clip one string of lights


oh no it got the bush i got all the

bushes yes you get to cut one cord on

chandler's house be nice i'm in last if

you cut one of the ones dangling oh my

goodness no wait that's my favorite

before you do it i want you to look

cassie in the face

carl you better destroy him chris this

is the only strand of life that leads to

top of your house if he cuts this does

he cut everything please don't cut that


did it cut off the roof no

that light does nothing

there i only lost a bush so hey we're

checking i actually lost three bushes

i'd say our only competitor is carl

right now and this is war we're taking

him down it's funny how chandler's

pissed off but he's taking it out on his

own house he's mad that he's falling

behind and setting himself more behind

he's pointless why is this here this

stupid fluff

doesn't mean anything lettuce to santa

guess what they're empty

is that a tree

did he just he just tackled the tree

these are our trees

that's sabotage but it's funny so i'll

let it slide


all right we're clearly behind i need to

call everyone i know we are going to win

this let's do it hello help five minutes

later i'm glad y'all are here because

we're exhausted i was home snoozing in

the bed counting

look we got to make a comeback the

hallows are here

yeah all right let's get it

i'm really exhausted

i think my family's got it down i'm

gonna go sleep take a nap

and then be back before the you know

before it's over good night

so chandler just went to bed what and he

said he said you're taking over the


i can't believe that boy lasted this

long to start with you guys have been

doing a good job the pile is starting to

deplete as you guys know i bought over 1

million christmas lights

but that's not all i bought i also

bought hundreds of inflatable

decorations and you guys can use them


yeah go for it hey come on snowman's

mine he's mine

what are you doing you're gonna take him


oh it's so difficult oh my god it's so

so difficult i got chills and it's not

just because it's 38 degrees outside

it's because there are 10 minutes left


judges are you ready i was born ready

let's go

that's it

that's it we're gonna be judging the

houses one at a time starting with

chris's house so if you're not on

chris's team leave like i said before we

have cards ranging from one to ten and

before we write chris's house we need to

do a tour of it chris you have five to

show us anything and everything about

your house judges give him your

undivided attention so the theme is

actually mr beast videos okay

so the first one we have a lot of snow a

lot of ice

from i spent 24 hours in an ice block do

you recognize this thumbnail deserted

island yes see that's the palm tree

that's pretty creative let's see if you

guys can guess what mr beast's video

this is oh i know this one adopting all

the dogs in a dog shelter yes look at

those cute little dogs they're all

hanging they're actually pretty creative

for the final video we have team trees

one of the best videos of all time one

of my personal favorites this laptop's

hooked up to a drone what did you want

to show us if you guys see that it says

sub 2 quackity and matt let's go

let's go

did it say sub to mr beast too well so i

know what i need to know time is up

judges select your score and put it face

down my sister needs this house so bad

guys please let's start with matpat what

are you rating their house out of ten

i'm giving it

a 10. yes yes

i am rating it a 9.

obviously it was creative i didn't know

it was a 10. there were little things

here and there my score was don't hate

me i love you it's nothing personal

an 8 out of 10. that's not bad that's


i don't know why you hate me but that's

not that bad

if neither of them score a 37 or higher

you win your 300 000 house head on over

to the dungeon i'll let you know what

they score all right great job up next

is the hollow family let's go on a tour

we welcome santa every year with his

favorite saying ho ho ho

we have snow with the north pole


right up there that's the landing strip

where santa likes to land and take off

to bring gifts chandler what does this

say back here it spells out beasts oh

let's start off with this well it's the

back we're starting off with matpat what

do you rate their house out of 10. an 8

out of ten solid okay

my score is another solid eight okay


i am going to give you guys a lucky

number seven please don't hit me

i'm also gonna rate it a seven there are

some you know things here or there that

could be better scored at 30 out of 40.

i can't tell you what chris scored now

we're going to judge carl's house so you

had over a million likes we had probably

half of that in the front lawn i don't

think it's a contest on who has the most

lights i agree you guys really put

lights out here around the corner

i will admit i like what they did with

the lights here this is kind of cool

this is legit what if i were to tell you

there's an entire backyard what is this

i gotta say this was a really solid

house guys only thing that was missing

was a theme and for that i give you a

nine oh

very solid my score for you guys is also

a solid nine i gave you guys a 10.

i give it a nine which means you guys

have the exact same score chris has what

is up with you guys

now people think our videos are rigged

why would you do this i'm sending tyler

to get a fifth judge one of the fans

over there watching they're gonna decide

which house wins a few moments later the

tie is between that house and that house

so what i want you to do is i want you

to take a quick lap around that house

and that house and form your opinion on

which one you like better i'm sorry

because our whole thing is the theme and

she does she's not gonna understand that

that's the reason it tied in the first

place is because he didn't think i had a

thief ashley doesn't know whose house is

who so she's not being biased so purely

based on the lights on the houses which

one did you think was decorated the best




we didn't stop working all night and it

paid off i can't believe it's holy cow

straight hours of hard labor shawn's

literally a high schooler with a house

holy cow congrats dude now i know you

two must be very sad but as you remember

there was a car in your driveway let's

walk over to it may not have won the

house but the runner-up prize is the car

in the driveway i know it's a car and

it's really awesome but compared to a

house it still hurts i have a confession

to make you didn't actually win this

house what what did we want now i know i

said at the start of the video that i

bought these three houses and that was a

lie but i did buy a 300 000 house down

the road and here's me giving it to sean

i can't wait to see sean's reaction come

on in to your brand new home oh my god

as i said before this house cost over

300 000 and it is all yours



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