June 10, 2024

7 Must Watch Movies for Web Developers

Published June 9, 2023, 9:20 p.m. by Bethany

7 Must Watch movies for Web developers

These are my 7 shows I would recommend anyone working in programming, coding, or web development to check out.

I've included some of my personal favourites here, and why I reckon they are fun and enjoyable to check out, even if you just do basic html, css or JS, or if you are a programmer or coder of the highest level haha!

1. Jobs

2. Silicon Valley

3. Social Network

4. Social Dilemma

5. Mr Robot

6. IT Crowd

7. Black Mirror

#development #movies #shows

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seven must-watch movies for web


these are the ones that i've personally

enjoyed watching and they're also the

ones that i would recommend other people

to check out if they wanted to know a

little bit more about

what goes on behind the scenes in terms

of coding and programming

first on our list is jobs a movie about

steve jobs

who as we know created apple now this is

my favorite movie and first on our list

simply because i'm a little bit of an

apple fan but there are other reasons


the main reason is that it's a biography

showing how

someone in technology used their own

mind their own skills

to build something from their own home

from their own garage

into a fully fledged business that's

scalable and is one of the biggest in

the world now and it's

great inspiration because it shows that

whole journey and it shows that it

wasn't easy

there were struggles and problems along

the way and

there were hurdles that couldn't be

overcome as well as this could

from a developer point of view there's a

lot of things i can empathize here when

i watch steve

because i've created my own startup i've

tried to create my own websites and

apps and stuff like that in the past and

i know that sometimes it's just not that


steve gives me the motivation to see

that he put in determination

and inspiration into everything he did

he never gave up

and he always put his whole heart into

it and these are lessons that i take

away from that

it also means that when i'm watching i

notice that he didn't do it alone

he had a team behind him he had his

friend steve wozniak

which was a brilliant genius as well

these are all lessons to be learned when

you're trying to do things because

sometimes i tried to do them on my own

it just didn't work out and having a

team and knowing that you have to put in

that extra mile and really care about

what you do

other lessons i took away from this

movie number two on our list is silicon


this is a show that i've really enjoyed

simply because it pokes a lot of humor

at us programmers and techies and the

whole startup scene in general

as you can imagine it's a satire on the

traditional silicon valley

there is a character in there called

richard hendricks and he is a general

techie with no real social skills

he's thrown into situations like trying

to get an investor

or creating his company from his

backyard or garage or

somewhere where he's renting and just

trying to get it off the ground trying

to turn it into a real business

from a developer point of view i've

really enjoyed some of the jokes on

for example how cloud computing isn't

really in the cloud or

how for example we as techies are always

pushed to do things as soon as possible


sometimes that's just not realistic and

sometimes just how

making one small change can blow up the

whole system

i swear i know character types just like

guilfoyle or richard hendricks in real

life and

it's always fun to see them jump into

all these different situations

i probably didn't learn a single thing

watching this tv show but i

enjoyed every second of watching it next

up is number three

the social network this is a movie

released back in 2010

and it's one that talks about how

facebook was created by

mark zuckerberg and this is quite the


it is a bit of a movie that really gives

you the nitty-gritty

of what it's like to create a startup it

talks about how mark zuckerberg started

off at university with his idea for


and how he went on to create it but as

we know nothing in life is so simple

so while this story talks about how

facebook grew from a single university

to all over the world it also talks

about some of the struggles mark had to

go through

things like people trying to sue him for

ownership of his company

as well as trying to get legal involved

to make sure that you're protected when

you're creating a business so big

i enjoyed this because it gave a more

gritty version of what it's like to make

a startup

without as many jokes as silicon valley

might have provided as a developer this

basically taught me that

whenever you're making something

successful you have to make sure that

you protect yourself because

you never know who's going to come and

try and get you number four on our list

is the social dilemma this is a newer

movie released just this year in 2020

and it talks about the social impact

that social media is having on us as a


and this is an actual scary thing to

really be concerned about

because it wasn't until watching this

that i realized that there are lots of

factors at play

things that try to grab our attention

and keep it for as long as possible

so whether you're on tick tock or

instagram or even on facebook

these platforms are trying to make sure

that you're staying on there as long as


and this means that you have less

attention for regular life

as your attention decreases so does your

threshold for

being able to get the fastest and best

and most enjoyable engaging content as

soon as possible

all of these platforms have little

algorithms at play to try and understand

who you are as a person

and try to tap into that to make sure

that they're feeding you the best

content to keep you on those platforms

and this has an effect on us as a

society if you really want to understand

this then i would recommend watching


whether i'm a developer or a designer or

anyone in general this was really eye


and as a developer this makes me realize

there are tricks to making sure that

things are engaging and

while sometimes it's great to implement

everything you can to be able to do so

sometimes it's not in the best interest

of society

next on our list is number five mr robot

this is a tv series that has a bit of

drama and thriller in it

it's about a guy called elliot who's

technically working in cyber security

but he's also a bit of a hacker and what

i enjoyed about this

is because it gives a personal view at

the person rather than the technology

a lot of us are working in front of

computers a long time and

it means that sometimes we might have

issues like depression or anxiety

and this is brought to light especially

in this show there are other cool

aspects to this show as well

things like whether corporations

businesses and military

are using technology for the right

purposes and whether we

as a society need to do something to

change that or at least make our voice


and these are real world situations you

hear things like elon musk talking about

the dangers of ai

and sometimes we just don't listen to

that kind of stuff as a developer i did

enjoy the fact that i understood some of

the tropes here that were going on

things like ip addresses and networking

and security

but from a general point of view this is

something more to enjoy as a drama

rather than something to learn about

technology or even something as comedy

number six on our list is the i.t crowd


is a personal favorite of mine and i

would almost recommend it to anyone

in the tech industry whether you're a

developer or you're working in it

now this is really enjoyable because

it's a comedy series

about technology and some of the

misfortunes that

always happen when you're working with

it things like have you turned it on and

off again

or is it plugged in or have you tried

checking the firewall

and is the ip address plugged into the


little trophs like that you'll see here

played out into full sketches

and this is why i enjoy it so much if

you want a quick

laugh there are great episodes here and

i think there's about four seasons to

check out on

there's lots of little situations about

what it's like working in an office with


and working with general people who just

don't understand it and this is why i

love it so much

so whether you're a developer or a

designer definitely check this one out

and last on our list is number seven

black mirror

i didn't realize i would enjoy this show

until i started watching it because it

is a little bit of a horror

there are some scary aspects to this

mixed with technology

the tv show for this is on netflix and

you can check it out

it basically covers what happens when

technology gets out of control

and starts controlling us as a society

there's lots of different aspects to


things like killer robots or when

augmented reality becomes more realistic


real reality all of these are things

that we need to consider as we grow in


capability in technology and things like

maybe tracking every single person on


and checking what they're doing and

giving them a rating that we can track

and visually see

whenever we're going out to date them

more all these crazy things that

are slowly actually being implemented in

the real world and things that we need

to look out for

it's a scary glimpse into our future and

this is why i like this show because it

really pushes the boundary

of what's possible in that future i hope

you guys enjoyed this one are there any

that i missed and that you watch or

would recommend to

others especially as a developer let me

know in the comments below

otherwise make sure you guys hit like

and subscribe because like 90 of you

haven't which is really strange

i'm not sure why but do it


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