June 1, 2024

Joe Vitale TV Show Attract Money Now (3)

Published June 9, 2023, 10:20 p.m. by Monica Louis

www.JoeVitale.com Joe Vitale of The Secret teaches his 7-step formula on how to attract money fast using the Law of Attraction in his own national TV show and with his free e-book at http://www.attractmoneynow.com

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I didn't know anything about marketing

or selling or business 30 years ago I

wasn't trained that way

I wanted to write novels I wanted to

write plays and I did write both but

what I had to do was learn how to think

about opportunities because

opportunities are everywhere

entrepreneurs hear see feel taste

opportunities for example whenever you

hear yourself complain about something

or you hear somebody else complain about

something that's an opportunity for you

to create a product or service to solve

that complaint people that are

entrepreneurs see that and hear that and

take action on that was one of the

principles that I got from Joe is very

important is that he takes action if he

has an idea that he gets inspired by if

he has an idea that he knows gets him

went up and has the possibility of

making some money he wants to get it

right away he wants to get production

started letting the product out sell it

money likes beat another thing with with

Joe is that he has a little pad a note

pad that he carries and he taught me I

never even knew these existed all bold

notebooks little mold pads and he takes

them out as soon as he hears an idea

that pad is open and he starts writing

it down and he starts to take action on

it so another idea that Joe has given me

about making money is to document

to light them down so they so that

they're there and then go through it and

start to send it out start to put

feelers out into the universe into life

with other people to say is this idea

have legs or is this idea something that

you're gonna put on hold for a little

bit that maybe bill in another direction

with somebody else I came upon Joe

Vitale and his works so I read the

attractor factor and gave it to my wife

to read and it was due to that book that

has caused me to re-evaluate what I was

doing I left my job in the corporate

world and I decided to pursue my passion

I wanted to attract what I felt like was

my calling in life which is fitness and

so in 2006 I started using some of Joe's

techniques that I learned in terms of

internet marketing and attracting those

people and those resources into my life

to create multiple streams of income in

the fitness industry so when you have to

train yourself to think like an

entrepreneur but my book helps you do

that and I have a coaching program and

there's lots of other ways to do this

but I'm trying to do here is give you

stuff that you can take to the bank so

what I would encourage you to do is

number one investigate checkout look

into Joe's products look into his books

the attractor factor check out the movie

the secret and by thinking in terms of

applying his methods and choosing to go

down the road that you were

go down to whatever your profession is

you will have an amazing discovery and

that is that all of a sudden

opportunities will start coming your way

you'll start thinking in terms that geez

I can create products right here from my

home right here off of my home computer

whether it be an e-book or a DVD or some

sort of seminar the opportunities are

really unlimited so what is my life like

now that I've been working with Joe

Batali's technologies for four or five

years the difference is amazing I have

now basically created the life that I've

always dreamed of the beautiful thing is

this is translating out into my entire

extended family everybody is showing up

with more wealth and more abundance in

all of their lives I can travel anywhere

at any time

I can do whatever I enjoy doing for as

long as I want whenever I want with

whomever I want and it's truly a magical

existence for me now the income just the

raw money that I've learned to attract

Dwarfs my previous income dramatically

the cool thing about that is the income

comes almost effortlessly I find myself

working in maybe two hours Betsy and I

are living in a very nice two-story

house on the Golf Course outside of the


instead of driving around in the truck

with a quarter million miles of it

you've got to leave although a nice


do you take vacations whenever you want

to you apply the seven steps you start

today and you start by reading my book

which you can have access to for nothing

I've taken away all your excuses go and

do this and tomorrow is going to be

sunny it's going to be brighter and it's

going to be wealthier because you're

going to begin to attract money now my

first book was the absolute beginners

guide to internet wealth which has been

a tremendous regenerator and list

builder for me and it's also sold fairly

well on amazon.com and that was the

warm-up a couple of years ago the

largest nonfiction publisher on the

planet heard about my story and asked me

if I'd write a book about that so I

wrote you're affordable Empire how to

make money anywhere doing what you love

and there must have been a thirst in the

market for that because it became the

best-selling business book in the

country it's about clarity it's about

being able to use my mind

so once I became comfortable with using

the law of attraction I realized that it

happened to me naturally all the time

and again it's the same mind I've always

had and it's the same you know it's

throughout the same degree is the same


there's something about judge

technologies that I've learned from his

books could allow me to focus become

clear and just do the next right thing

and over time that's generated a

tremendous business and this came from a

lot of practice but it became pretty

ingrained in me and it's part of my

daily life now it feels like it flows

through me and even when I have an

obstacle arise which always happens to

everybody at some point in their day

maybe several times in the day and I

just I can't say enough about how

awesome it is to be witness to that to

have these techniques in this

methodology applied all around me so

that we're all experiencing this

mathematics this life that I've created

it's open to anybody out there anybody

who has a passion or a desire that they

would like to follow in life but I look

at this as I look at everything else

is it's an opportunity to attract what

it is I want into my life it is

conscious creation this is something

that I learned from Joe and his law of

attraction principles is that

unconsciously create and when you come

to the point that you feel this flow

through you this interaction with the

universe really is what it is it just

moves through you and you realize that

you are consciously creating your life

and that everyone can consciously create

their own lives they'll get my book go

read the book online www.traknetpm.com

but whatever it takes whatever you think

is right now take positive action that

is in your favor that is nourishing you

you owe it to yourself you deserve

success you are loveable you are

wonderful you are going to be prosperous

save your mind take action and expect

the preceding was a paid advertisement

for dr. Joe Vitalis of attract money now


brought to you by hypnotic marketing


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