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Curious George 🐵Skunked 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵Kids Movies | Videos For Kids

Published July 1, 2023, 8:20 p.m. by Courtney

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Curious George Season 4: George becomes a personal trainer for Professor Wiseman, goes on a Junior Sprout field trip, helps restore a classic movie theater, and is the special guest monkey at Allie's kindergarten!

Curious George is a sweet African monkey who can't help but run into trouble. George's friend, "The Man in the Yellow Hat," tries very hard to care for George and is always saving the day. The show's themes are about learning, forgiveness and playful curiosity.

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George rush to show it to the man with

the yellow hat then he realized he

forgot something George what's wrong


someone left that in the elevator

Oh George did we bring the skunk home in

the basket we have to catch it without

scaring it or you know oh we can't let

that happen

split up catch that skunk

the skunk was pretty confused to wake up

in a strange new place and had really

wanted breakfast stop cut come back

you're caught


oh boy stop

I'm organizing one elevator trip for all

the floors to cut down chances of

scaring the skunk skunk Shh

don't do that right sorry


when that skunk finished eating it would

have no choice of where to go

the coast is skunk clear okay going down

wait for me don't frighten it oh this is


he's a domesticated skunk he's odorless

oh so that's the skunk that George saw

wait'll George finds out we were all

worried about nothing

George's plan was working in another

second that skunk would be captured by

monkey ingenuity


Oh George you didn't see a wild skunk

oh yes you did

don't anyone move


it's I mean she's happy as long as

nothing scares her we're okay

that ends our program of mellow jazz now

high rates from the 1812 overture Oh No





we may have a rule violation here oh my

gosh we gotta follow up oh boy

George could see his house from up here

no need to panic George there is a

proper method for getting a balloon back

down on the ground why'd you stop cuz

this is a truck not a dock rule mr.

Quinn roll like the wind but I have a

moat up then you motor like the wind I


it sounded like bill wanted to go back

home this sure looked like a steering

wheel so George decided to steer them



oh no it's going higher

the flame George right now the important

thing is stopping this blue maybe those

sandbags were the balloons anchors



I've got you George


I know now don't worry I'm gonna help

you this is what happens if you don't

follow the rules getting stronger you

can tell from that flag down there could

be worse huh

at least the winds not blowing us toward

the ocean


Oh No the wind changed it's blowing

towards the sea you know what that means


hey pull that cork it will open up the

vent and you can fly out the top the vet

it lets hot air out so that's how you

make a balloon go down George useless


Oh No

the winds picking up I've got you George

I was a little worried but there's a

proper way to worry without panicking my

camera oh I forgot to take pictures

that's a great one

George you took the pictures for me


if I didn't and you did


George thought all night about how he

could keep his toys set up

the next day Betsy and Steve rushed over

to play let's set up as fast as we can

no time to waste it's not as big but

it's also not on the floor does that

mean we don't have to spend time putting

it all away you're so smart why couldn't

have had a monkey instead of a brother


you guys will never escape but George

had an idea


fearless George had to think fast


okay now we're tied to the robot huh

you'll never get the one balcony great

idea I'll help you set it up out there

you can leave it as long as you want


this is great George we don't have to

waste a lot of time building in and then

putting it away a polar bear with a

suitcase the same size as the one of

ones this needed investigation ring get

everything inside George wondered if the

store might have a solution to keeping

his toys out of the way I thought you

might pick them up


but then again maybe not the pyramid was

too tall now it was perfect how did this

one move so smoothly it rolled things

that roll move smoothly but Train

boxcars were just right


storms over he found it

the missing 1s with the aid of his loyal

pterodactyl pencil well that was

certainly an unexpected twist he

returned the missing one to where it


another mission accomplished by fearless

Jorge hero of heroes let's play again

this time George is a wizard trapped on

the South Pole by penguins and if we run

out of time we just roll it under the

bed whether he was being a wizard or

cleaning up toys fearless George was up

to any challenge


all the stars were in Nice rows all

except one George could fix that that's

when George learned how windy it is in a

moving car can you imagine it took the

town a hundred years to complete that


absolutely wild when they say all

hundred stars on the anniversajubilaria

how wild would they go when they saw no

stars George had to tell the man about

what happened just the guy we need can

you come help with the costumes sure

George do you mind staying here and

helping with the anniversajubilaria

Thanks a good place to start was where

the stripes flew out of the car and it

was good old jumpy he'd understand

George needed this but jumpy didn't care

you wanted it George didn't want to rip

it no squirrel could resist a three for

one trade he found two more now he had

six getting all the stripes was going to

be easy for this clever monkey



now the river had six George had none


this was the safest place for them will

now be unveiled after the band plays

that's earlier than planned earlier


those warn't table runners they were

micing stripes let's give a warm welcome

to our town founders Paul George could

think about was where to look for those

last two stripes so the original name of

this town was

oh my word George already had eight

stripes one more made nine now he only

had to find one more stripe George had

no time left

hey George did you see my kite I found a

great tail on the ground right in the



it must wanted birds nest the Eagles

have a nest on top of Mount Endeavour



in just a minute we'll be unveiling the

anniversajubilaria now with 100

hard-earned stars 10 stripes with 10

stars makes 100 stars

Wow everyone I've ever known is here but

not George he's gonna miss the big 100

oh sorry but we can't wait any more



George Oh careful mr. Quint wouldn't

want to spec this was about the hardest

George had ever worked on something no

one would ever know about

Georgia had a great day still even

counting by tens 100 was an exhausting




that bleep is now being picked up by the

minis external microphone and the louder

it gets the closer you are to the

bleeping gift all pilot the mini from







I'm going

well turtles and fly and

let's you good

me hate you George do you see it there's

only one explanation

when George retracted the grabbers he

saw the crabs run away and then he saw

something else


that was a part of Wales okay now that

he had control George took command

because monkey always gets his bleeping





sounds like he's getting warmer he's

chasing it of course George doesn't know

the meaning of give up or dental floss






huh the light went out

the bleeping stopped no George I'm

afraid that means the battery died

you'll never find it in the darkness

George was disappointed he couldn't find

the gift he went so deep that was

nothing down there at all

nothing there was lots down here living

in the dark and the fish were completely

different from the ones he saw closer to

the surface




where are the tools



there were other lit up fish too they

were swimming around something the

recorder George didn't know if they were

just curious about that thing or helping

him but he couldn't have found it

without the help of his glory fish



there he is and he's got it all right I

put a new batteries all the information

was saved we asked the right monkey for

health thought you might like a copy of

the last thing it recorded it's always

nice to have pictures of your friends

and how many friends can light

themselves for a perfect picture every



but cities are noisy places double-oh

monkey couldn't hear or see Steve

anywhere luckily super spies used more

than two senses he'd use his nose but

there were a lot of snips to sniff


he'd need a smell to out smell all the

other smells he'll be done brushing his

teeth any second that's really strong


I hope this works the recital is in two


gotta go to that place I go to do that

thing I do that has nothing to do with

dance recitals did aunt Margaret guess

though huh

she must have switched detergents this

is super smelly


double-o monkey could smell steve from

here his tracking devices were working

like a charm oh no Steve scent was

drowned in a sea of similar smells

George would never be able to pick up

Steve's trail turkey is able to follow

the crumbs otherwise I'll be covered in

whatever Steve is making me this time

Steve's trail ended here which room was

Steve in huh he could smell the backpack

- hello monkey couldn't see through the

window maybe he could feel what it was


it felt like a jar and it was wet paint

that was a weird Goodluck gift

although Betsy did love to paint maybe

Steve had a whole set of paints for her

George had to warn her


double-o monkey was too late luckily

super spies are very fast on their feet


this is for you it's beautiful

thank you but why did you make me a vase

because it wasn't anything that could

slop on you look it's supposed to be you

doing your solo

it sure was lucky you were here George

that vase was smashed into a zillion

pieces double-oh monkey saves the day


oh boy

what he sprained his ankle how can i

train for the race without him you want

to be my personal trainer okay hi George

professor Wiseman called she said you

tried to help her train for the race

well don't give up I think it's a great

idea and I found something that might


it's an old training video I used to

watch called run for your life are you

ready to run like you mean it you might

want to take notes tip number one before

you hit the road you gotta get graceful

you gotta stretch those muscles


stretching does feel good okay what's

next George


time to run oh but not too fast right

alright then let's go

ah thanks much better so far professor

Wiseman's training was going great

and then not so great


I don't think running is for me George

I find it well boring hmm I'd much

rather be carbon dating uh stromatolite


the training coach didn't say anything

about boring the problem is I don't have

time to be bored I should get back to

the museum

thanks for trying George oh you want to

show me something George okay let's go


is this a ferris wheel okay I've never

been on one of these before

what an amazing view the gorge took her

to all his favorite places oh I never

knew running would make me feel this

good I have so much energy now thank you


for the ferris wheel for the balloons

for teaching me that running is fun okay

I'm ready oh no I forgot my water oh

thanks so you really think I can do this


the professor seemed to be doing

everything right she ran at a steady



do you see her I don't see her she looks



that's a cramp in your leg George and

they can be very painful hi there I

thought it'd be fun if my personal

trainer finished the race with me




they actually ran a race apparently they

thought I needed to work a little less

and have fun a little more that's right

because all work and no play

he's a crummy way to spend your day -

thank you for helping me learn that

lesson I want you to have my medal in

this direction green in this direction


George couldn't believe what he was

seeing someone was trying to break that

branch somebody was not being a sprout


hey are you a monkey cool I always

wanted a monkey but my mother said no

George had to do something and fast

this tree was in trouble


Hey return the headgear monkey George

didn't mean for the hat to get wet or

the man but George couldn't wait around

he had to check on that tree hey and

Vicki please we're not lost we're just

misplaced according to my compass this

way is north this Way's south and east

and west are here and here but without a

map that doesn't really help us but you

know what we can determine our precise

location using an analogue watch but

just need to know the true local time do

you know the true local time I have

another idea

let's ask George to climb a tree and

know I left George in the tree George

where are you George George wished he

could think of a way to get the branches

back on the tree he needed something

sticky really sticky like


another great monkey invention the tree

wrecking man was coming back and he'd

probably want to keep on wrecking you

were one crazy monkey I haven't run like

that since hey where's my lopper that

thing I was cutting branches with George

can you hear me

George I'm sorry I left you in that tree

Oh dr. green-bean nice to see you

sorry we're late we've had a rough day

tell me about it first this monkey ran

off with my hat and now my tree lopper

has vanished


Hey what's going on well put mud on this


ah so dr. green-bean was cutting some

branches and you thought he was hurting

the tree oh you should have asked oh

wait oh you're a monkey well anyway this

is called pruning you make a careful cut

and it doesn't hurt the tree at all

he's right George I've pruned many a

tree in my day you see George too many

branches are bad news they blocked the

Sun and then the fruit can't grow but

hey I'm proud of you George you behaved

just like an honorary sprout in fact I

would say your effort on behalf of trees

qualifies you for full sprout stats nice

city kid okay sprouts let's go get some

lunch and dr. green-bean can tell us

everything he knows about trees bill are

you coming in a minute I'm still trying

to figure out where we are Oh mr. sprout

master according to this you're going

the exact wrong weight you're going the

right way

never mind proceed




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