May 21, 2024

Пробуем ЕДУ из ФИЛЬМОВ !

Published July 2, 2023, 7:20 p.m. by Bethany

В этом ролике мы попробовали еду из фильмов !

Этот ролик получился ОЧЕНЬ ИНТЕРЕСНЫМ и СМЕШНЫМ !!!

Смотри ДО КОНЦА и поддержи нас ЛАЙКОМ !!!

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Hello everyone! My name is Vlad A4.

Glent, Seryoga!

And today we will try food from movies.

We have 24 dishes.

Each of us chooses a card, gets a dish,

and rates it. Naturally, he describes the sensations too.

Also we'll talk a little bit about this movie.

Well, at the end we will find out the most delicious dish from the movies,

which you will definitely need to try.

As you can see, we have prepared well.

I think you need to like it right now.

We have a location, popcorn, all sorts of elements from movies.

Even Hasbik in 3D glasses.

Guys, we are waiting for your like!

So, we have Glent in a Spider-Man costume. How do you like your outfit?

I really like it. I'm the biggest fan!

Seryoga will have Jack Sparrow!

Captain Jack Sparrow!

Well, guys, listen, it really seems to me

that our subscribers don't know what movie I'm from,

because the movie is too old and quite mature.

But everyone knows this movie!

Here, I wanted to sort of check this.

Subscribers, please write in the comments what movie I'm from.

Well, if you are experts, also write the name of my character.

I want to sort of find out, well, if you know or not.

Also, guys, to make it more interesting for you,

do not think that all the dishes will be good.

I think there will be something bad from the movies.

So, Glentik, turn on your spidey senses and pull the first movie.

Actually, I've already decided. I have the most favorite movie - Spider-Man is 2.

So I want to take the number #2.


As far as I understand, this is some kind of witch,

so maybe some kind of witch food.

Okay! I want the number 4. Because A4.

And me... Wow, wow, wow.


The Spider-Man universe is New York and London,

so I think maybe there will be some kind of burger, or hot dog.

Now, it's my turn and I'll choose the number 5.

Ho! Bullseye! Deadpool!


It will be chimichangas, and I'm 100% sure, 110%!

And what is this?

These are some types of shawarma, only Mexican.

I don't even know what they include.

So let's find out!


Well, who's the first? Come on, you!


Look what I have.

Whoa! Are these some kind of quails?

I don't know, I feel sorry for them, I can't.

I can, here, try asparagus. I don't care about asparagus.

Asparagus tastes a little bit like corn. Delicious.

The only thing I can probably try is this hip here.

Guys, what if it's pigeons?

We'll never know about it.

I just found out where this dish is from specifically.

There was a royal dinner in the movie, and Maleficent refused to eat this dish

and considered it an insult because she is the lord of the forest,

and they brought her birds.

But I'm not Maleficent, so I can try.

It doesn't look like chicken, I don't know, probably because of the sauce.

Awesome! Don't care that much anymore.

I need to put some kind of score.

And, so, based on the score, we will probably also understand how much you liked it.

I'll give this dish 65 points!

Well, let's go! Let's go!

I have here, here, look, some kind of thing sticking out.


- It has a name. - What is it?


This dessert is a dough that is fried like French fries in boiling oil

and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Here, there's also, I think, chocolate sauce.

Damn, dessert is, of course, cheating. Immediately the score will be high.

And where was it in Spider-Man? I don't remember at all.

No, there was, there was churros. They said "churros" many times.

And in which one?

I do not know, but many times exactly in Spider-Man,

I have heard the word "churros" many times.

- Guys! - Is it delicious?

I'll explain now. It seems to me that the taste is perfect.

You know, there are cookies that are in the form of such a flower,

where there is some kind of chocolate in the center, too.

- Oh, yes! - That's really tastes the same.

But a little fattier, because it's like more fast food.

The taste is fine. I give 85 points out of 100 to the first dish!

Let's move on to my dish!

The dish from Deadpool is...


By the way, they're fried, I thought they were just in pita bread.

Deadpool was constantly talking about chimichangas in the movie,

and he also took off his mask at one point and ate it like this.

Look at what's inside. There's some kind of stuffing. There are peppers and onions.

And it tastes like fried dumplings,

only slightly sweet-spicy instead.

It's delicious, so I'll give this dish a fairly high score.

Well, it'll be 78.

Well, guys, let's move on! Now, wait.


A new round! And I'll get the number 12! Oop!

Ai-ai-ai! A little quiz.

It was trending a while ago literally six months ago.

- Octopus game? - That's close enough.

- Well, have you guessed it already? - Yes, it's Squid game!

Yes, of course!

Well, it's clear that it be these sweet things.

It looks like I'll also have dessert. Lucky!

So, come on, pick a number! And my number is 14.

Okay! Garfield, and please, can it not be cat food?

So, now it's my turn, and I choose number... Oh, I'll choose 10!

Will I'll be... Give it here!

Ha, the Lord of the Rings!

I didn't look!

There may be something interesting there.

They're Hobbits, they have their own kind of food there - some kind of hoof, an ear.

Yes, there aren't only Hobbits, there are also elves and goblins.

Okay! Let's see our dishes.

So, the dishes are here!

And I'm turning into a slightly different character now.

So, I was alone, and now I'm Sanya the white.

The hero of the Russian film.

What a turn, so unexpected. Who's trying first?

Let me! Well, basically, it's clear, right?

I will 100% be given the most difficult one. It's an umbrella.

- Look, an umbrella? - Listen, well...

And they gave me a needle to cut out, look.

Yes, you know, you are Vanga, really, that's it, take it.

Of course! Of course!

Listen, I've never done this kind of thing in my life.

Guys, let me try to cut out and find out

if I would have survived Squid Game or not.

Come on!

So, Garfield, Garfield, Garfield. Garfield...

By the way, I know what you have! Lasagna!

Yes, I saw it too.

Para-pam-pam-pam! (lasagna)

An Italian dish! Lasagna!

The cat loved lasagna. Such interesting cat.

I understand. That's very similar.

There is a pasta called "Bolognese".

There's meat, tomatoes, and pasta.

This is the taste, well, 90% the same, it's just in the form of a square.

Damn, it's fine. I give it 86 points out of 100.

- Hmm. - Really not bad.

So, well, let's move on to my dish and...

What are these bags?

Some cabbage envelopes.

- Cabbage rolls? - No, look. - Awesome!

Really, what is it?

It's some kind of Hobbit sandwich.

And the cabbage is so unusual. I've never seen one like it. Look at it.

So, while I'm turning around, I'm trying to remember where it could have been,

at what point in the movie, and in general, what movie.

I think the cabbage is just like a wrapper.

And this is some kind of cookie. Let's try it.

It was kind of weird.

No, no, no!

Yeah, that's it, I lost, guys.

Yes, all.

Well, that's it, you didn't make it to the second season.

I'll finish the review of my cookies. Come on.

They're sweet, by the way!

I was told from behind the scenes, this is the elven bread "Lembas", can you imagine?

And the most important feature of this bread is that it did not spoil,

because it was wrapped in special cabbage leaves.

This is special bread for travelers.

Can you imagine how thoughtful the elves are?

They have specially developed bread that does not go bad, for months.

Guys, I've almost eaten half of the lasagna. It's very tasty!

Meanwhile, on squid game. We're trying our sugar honeycomb.


Ugh, what a terrible taste.

- Ugh, this is terrible! - Really?

How do people eat this?

We were prompted from behind the scenes that it is made from sugar, caramel, and soda.

That's really the taste of soda in your mouth. Just what is that taste?

If you had this sort of thing, did your parents ever made you a caramel.

By yourself, at home, it's a similar taste.

But it's a little swollen for some reason.

No, dude, soda is fierce taste in general. Even my saliva tastes a little different now. Ew!

Honestly, my expectations are completely destroyed.

I thought it would taste better. 13 points.

And I forgot to give my dish a score, 70 points.

It's very tasty, but a little dry.

Reallly want to drink. I ate 1/4 of it and that's it, I'm thirsty.

Well, cool! Moving on!

Well, I'll start this round. The number 15!

- So, I'll get nm,ber 3. - And I have 22.

So, let's open it up! I have "Birds of Prey".

- Well, a movie about Harley Quinn! - Oh, my god!

Yes, there was a movie like that, recently enough.

0 ideas in general, what could be there.

Mine too.

Okay, I have the Chronicles of Narnia.

Narnia is a wonderful country in a closet, and it can be something awesome there.

Because everything there is cool, all royal,

and there will be some kind of feast.

And I have...

Oops! Oops! Sasha the White is leaving.

Hey, Sanya, come back!

That's it, a character from the Matrix is here now!

So, the one who wrote in the comments about "Matrix", then you are well done!

Okay! Let's go, let's see the dish.

Well, let's see what kind of dish was in Birds of Prey.

- What? - Foil. - What?

At first glance, this is some kind of sandwich in foil.

Well, yes, a roll with egg, bacon, and cheese.


Ah, I remembered when I saw it.

The film began with Harley Queen eating breakfast.

And as soon as she was going to bite it, the mess started.

And in the end, she didn't have time to finish the sandwich,

and at the end of the movie she finished it.

This sandwich is just breakfast.

Oh, even a hot one!

This is a spicy fried egg with bacon, cheese, and bread.

I'm just drooling.

I give these dishes...

If it weren't for the hotness, it would be more, well, as it is - 55.

I will definitely make myself such a breakfast one of these days.

Damn, it looks cool! With bacon!

Well, Chronicles of Narnia, let's go! And this...

Turkish delight!

What is this?

So, that's it, I know the story!

There was an evil sorceress in the movie.

This thing is enchanted, and if you eat one piece -

that's it, you can't stop!

And the evil sorceress could use it.

- Ay-ay-ay! - Let's go!

- Do you know what is enchanted? Sunflower seeds! - No.

In my opinion, yes. I know something enchanted in our world.

It's real! The Subscribe button, my friend. Don't you understand?

That's some kind of magic. Magic, really!

I'll show you right now.

Just no matter how you ask, no matter what you do, they don't subscribe!

No, the audience is getting bigger,

but still this percentage does not change. Let's see.

This is a page. We scroll down.

And we see that 55% watch with a subscription and 44% without a subscription.

Really, guys, well, you're bewitched.

Here, with you for sure, there is something upon you, some kind of enchantment.

Well, you just can't. No matter how much we ask you.

You have some kind of blocking from subscribing.

In short, guys, really, subscribe to the channel!

Well, what does it cost you? The button was pressed, and here, I will eat this delicious

treat in your honor!

Well, okay, it tastes, damn, well, it's impossible to describe, really.

You need to try this thing.

It is called "Turkish delight", sold in stores.

Some kind of gelatin, but more dense.

Gelatin plus marmalade, dense, with a lot sugar. Awesome!

Well, cool stuff, really!

Well, I'll probably give even 80 points.

Very, just very sweet.

In short, guys, I have Matrix.

I haven't seen the Matrix, by the way.

Wow, cookie! It looks delicious!

What are these cookies? Who knows?

You'll find out if you watch the movie!

So, okay. In short, cookies with coconut chips.

Such a fairly ordinary cookie.

You just have to try and understand, delicious or not.

Wow, wow! It turned out a bit harsh.

Here, with a cup of tea...

Wow, are all your wishes being fulfilled ?

Mhm, I want a lot of likes under the video!

No, with tea, really, guys, delicious cookies, only slightly salty.

In short, are you ready to rate the cookie already?


In short, I give 35 points to the cookie. Not very tasty.

Well, tasteless, slightly salty. There is no pronounced taste, the taste is dull.

- Not impressed? - Yes.

Well, guys, let's move on!

I take the number 1. So, I took it.

Oh dang! Not bad!

Harry Potter! Harry Potter!

At this moment I take the number 17.

Oh, oh, oh. Oh, no, I don't want to, I don't want to!

Guys, it's just it, done-zo!

Oh, I haven't watched, but you should know.

Game of Thrones! There, there, well, there was nothing delicious there.


And I pulled the number 20. And under this number we have the movie Free guy!

- Yeee! I know! - A very new, modern film.

Not bad, by the way, it's about games, about games.

Okay, let's find out!

And I have here...

- Ice cream? - Oh, yes!

He was there with this, with his lover, eating ice cream, remember?

And, at the end of the movie, yes, he wanted to have ice cream with her.

And in the end, he ate it.

This gum-flavored ice cream, bubble gum.

Let's check it out!

Well, really, it's so chemical.

Oh, I'd rather eat chocolate or vanilla. Well, why do something like that?

Oh, you know, it's like, imagine a cold gum that melts in your mouth.

That's the ice cream.

I see!

So, and I'm going to put a score now.

Well, I'll give this one 30. Well, it's alright, not for everyone.

So, Harry Potter, of course, there will be butter...

- What?! - Pie.

I don't remember what moment it was in.

A dense, dense top, like this. Like a souffle.

Well, this is some kind of lemon pie.

Vlados, didn't you understand right away?

It's Ron Weasley's Mom's signature dish.

In fact, we were prompted.

Yes, it's not clear where this comes from, but let's try.


I don't know, help me determine.


Some kind of liquid lemon... Will you try it?

No, ew!

If you ever decide to try this,

immediately take 3 liters of water with you.

So, this is really bad. I'll give it 15 points.

- Give 5. - Yes, 15, fine.

No, basically, well, something unusual like that, but just some bullcrap.

So, Spider-Man arrives into the Game of Thrones universe, let's go!

- What's there? - There's a wild boar, guys.

- Really? - No. There it is.

A big chicken. Eat the big chicken now.

Well, really, well, what the hell? Why so unlucky...

And why does it smell a little bit like that?

Well, for the sake of content, you have to try.

We are told that this is the main character's favorite dish.

One of the main characters. Come on...

John Snow. Bite, bite.

Hot chicken?

- Is it warm? - No.

Well, what can you do? That's how they lived.

It was terrible.

Probably, if I had eaten it 2000 years ago, it would have tasted better.

But now, it's some kind of bullcrap. I don't like it, I don't like it.

Disrespect. I'll give you 3 points. Moving on!

- So. - 11? - 2 drumsticks.

And I have...

The Grinch! Something about New Year's Eve.

Turkey. No, there was a turkey. Tangerines!

Damn, of course, it was in the movie. Just swamp moss.

I took the number 7. I'm going to walk like captain Jack Sparrow.

And I have the Avengers!

I'm sure you know what it will be? Shawarma!

At the end of the movie, when they defeated all the enemies, they went to eat shawarma, at the very end.

And I, guys, will take the number 6.

Guys, I have Home Alone.

If they bring me fried chicken again, but in a different sauce, I will explode, really!

We are waiting for the dishes!

So, the dishes were brought to us. Let's see... Oh my God!

In short, yes, when the child was left alone at home,

he decided to break away and eat ice cream.

Oh, nice! Just, just nice!

- And what taste is pink? - Peach.

In short, this dish is called "Sunday".

There are 12 balls of ice cream - banana, chocolate syrup.

There must be a cherry somewhere here.

Well, it tastes like ordinary ice cream with a banana.

But it looks unusual!

I tasted every ice cream ball.

Basically, it is very tasty! I like the dish, it's refreshing.

And summer is coming soon, I already want, you know, something cold.

In short, I'll give 86 to this dish. Very tasty, I really like it.

Okay, Grinch, let's go! La-la-la-la!

Oh no, oh no! This is some kind of liquid that the Grinch likes to drink.

Shrek's poop.

I think he was restoring HP to himself with this thing.

First, let's smell what it is.

It smells awesome! Something vanilla.

Okay, we're collecting this liquid.

- Wow, wow, wow. - Delicious?

Where did you get this? Now, I do not know, how to describe it.

It's like vanilla pudding.

Do you know, there is a pudding that you eat with a spoon?

It's as if it was liquefied to such a consistency,

and, I don't know, it's very tasty, really very tasty.

Nice explanation, damn it.

Well, the pudding was thinned out, very tasty.

Some kind of pudding with very tasty ice cream, try it.

Well, this is, in short, the pudding was liquefied, very tasty, I don't know. Holy crap!

It's really hard to find the words, it's just very tasty.

So, do you want to try?

No, I still have my dish ahead for me.

So, some information: The Grinch is an evil character

who wanted to steal Christmas, so that there would be no such holiday.

And, behold, the civilians wanted to feed him with this sweetness,

so that he would feel the sweet taste and become kinder. Like this?

But awesome! I give... I wouldn't eat that much.

Well, in short, 60 points out of 100. You can't eat much of it.

Oh, and in the meantime, I'm tired of wearing a hat on my head, I'll take it off.

So, we open the dish!

Is it not a shawarma?

It's a doner in the pita bread! That's right! Shawarma is only here in Russia.

In short, I understand, it looks like this without foil.

Pita bread. Inside, as in shawarma, there is chicken, fresh cucumbers,

tomatoes, onions. Well, but it's hotter.

Let's check it out.

No, it wasn't spicy. The same, basically, like a shawarma,

only without, probably, mayonnaise or, well, some kind of sauce. A little dry.

There is an interesting fact about this shawarma.

In short, after the release of the movie where the Avengers ate this shawarma,

sales of this shawarma increased by 80% in New York, can you imagine?

Yes, there is a similar story, only with the A4 channel and YouTube.

Here we are, when we ask you to subscribe, the popularity

of the button to Subscribe is also rising many times more,

and people are starting to subscribe to other creators.

So guys, the more you subscribe to the A4 channel,

the more other creators do better. That's the story.

They even said thank you to us, the rest of the creators.

So, I will rate this American shawarma at 66.

Okay! Moving on!

So, another digit was left with a four at the end.

And I, here, will have 16, it's above 24. Oops!

And I will have the number 9.

So, in short, I have Ant-man.

I thought it would be funny if there was just one grain of sugar.

Ha, nice! And I have Batman!

And I also have a cool movie - Star Wars!

Oh, I've never watched.

Have they ever eaten there at all? They are constantly going somewhere and fighting.

But there were no accents on food there for sure.

Let's find out!

I'll start and ...

- Obviously not sugar. - Chocolate-covered nuggets.

Wait, I know what it is, guys. It's like fried ice cream.

Precisely! Fried ice cream! Well, try it, try it soon!

Now, I'll break it down, let's see what's inside.

Yes, it's fried ice cream!

It's cold inside, it's ice cream inside. Well, are you ready?

And how did they do it like this?


How they made it so that they fried ice cream and has it not melted?

It's still cold inside.

How? What have you done?

In short, inside the most ordinary ice cream,

but the breading, well, like real chicken nuggets.

So what about the taste?

Well, like ice cream with sweet, so crispy,

even like a little corn breading.

Well, I'll probably give it 50 points.

It's kind of cool, but it's kind of weird. 50 points.

Okay! Now Batman!

- What kind of milk soup? - No, I know, it's probably cheesy soup.

I won't eat, I don't want to. Can I put 0 points immediately?

You can switch with Seryoga.

- I can give you a shapalakh. - No, it's cheese soup.

Well, a tiny bit at least.

- Cheese soup is a cool, really. - I hate cheese soup.

If you make cheese soup, it's a bomb!

The smell is just disgusting.

Just a greasy substance with a taste of fat. I'm scared!

Let me honestly rate, guys. Don't listen to him. Let me...

Well, give, give! Well, really, cheese soup is pretty good.

This is complete bullcrap!

Here, I don't want to try it after Glent's description.

But in general, cheese soup is fun.

Yes, it's fun. I will try.

This one's not the best, is it?

This is not the best soup, it even looks like semolina, it's a little sweet for some reason.

We were told here that it turns out it's not cheese soup, it's onion soup.

Well, I say, nothing has changed. 0, 0 points!

Attention, please! This is the most terrible thing!

Okay, now my dish, Star Wars.

- Just... - Fried broccoli or what is it?

In short, look, it's a vegan steak.

It's made from a bunch of different vegetables and toasted.

It was eaten by the military from Star Wars. Most likely, the rebels.

It was their version of dry rations, here.

By the way, the taste of my dish is quite good.

I don't like fried vegetables myself, but here...

Hmm, really not bad!

It seems to me that there is sorrel there for some reason, I don't know, it looks like that.

I don't know, but I feel cabbage for sure, I feel asparagus, broccoli.

- Well, the meal is so-so. - It's called "gas".

Well, it's different, by the way, fried. There are not enough beans yet.

So, I'll give this herbivorous meat...

Well, it's unusual for me. 67 points. Above average.

- Not bad, not bad! - Okay, guys.

Well, let's move on to the next round!

Okay! I open it right away. Alice through the Looking Glass. Here it is.

I hated this movie!

By the way, Alice, turn on A4 kids!

Don't thank me! Alice, max volume!

So, now I'll pull the number 18. So, I have...

- Oh, the three of us are here. - Rangers?

Alvin and the chipmunks! With glasses, in the center, and Glent!

And I have the number 13. The adventures of Paddington.

Oh, I know! This is a version of Winnie-the-Pooh, only British.

So, let's find out what kind of food there is as soon as possible!

I was told that I have such a dish,

which the main character was just a fan of, he adored it!

In short, it should be very tasty! And this...

A sandwich with honey? Honey sandwich?

Wait, it's like jam, or what is it?

I don't know, now...

Dudes, this is very tasty!

Like an orange with honey?

No, there is no honey here, it's just orange jam and it's mega-tasty.

And what is it? What score is it worth?


- Really, very tasty! - Nice!

Alice through the Looking Glass. And we have...

It's the Grinch again!

And, well, there, in Alice through the Looking Glass, they were constantly drinking tea.

The clue was that it was an enchanted, mysterious tea.

Well, try, try!

It seems to me that this is the taste a horse feels when it eats hay.

I got it!

And as if they tried to save it with a little coconut milk.

- And how do you like it? - Well, strange, 10. 7 points, 7 out of 100.


So, let's move on to my dish!

- Alvin and the chipmunks loved to eat... - Cheesy...

- Balls! Yes! - Cheese balls! What kind of song is that?

- Well, they had such a song, you know? - Come on.


- Really nice one! - Not bad.

- Give it to me. - Here.

Everyone loves balls, everyone loves balls!

Cheese ball, what can I say?

Corn sticks, only with the taste of cheese, it's so bright. This is, here, 96!

It's very tasty!

Well, let's move on!

- I'm taking the eight. - And I want to take 19.

And what will I take?

Oh, I have Charlie and the chocolate factory!

Well, maybe you'll have dumplings?

Or endless candy? There was one.

So, I have under the number 23, do you know what movie? I watched it.

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets!


This must probably be a very cool dish if it got here in our video.

I have Pirates of the Caribbean! Yeee!

- Okay, guys. - Do you want to switch?

- Rate the cosplay! - Cosplay!

Well, your face, of course, is more like this, you know, more weary.


So, well, here it seems, look, there is a leak on the ship,

but it's still not completely clear what's there.

Come on, Seryoga, open up, show me!

- Something solid? - No, it looks like it...

- It's jelly! - Jelly.

- Quiet, quiet, quiet. - Baby.


- That's what I didn't expect! - I don't understand. (octopus in jelly)

I don't like octopuses, and even more so, in jelly.

What's happening? Explain.

In short, this is one of the dishes that was presented to some,

you know, galactic emperor, as a kind of gift. Well I do not know...

Will you try one of these?

Well, we'll have to try. Let me bite the jelly first.

Cold, tasteless, red jelly.

Well, okay, a little sweet, a little bit at all, far away somewhere sweet.

And now I'm going to bite an octopus. Holy crap!

Have you ever even tried an octopus in your life?

There is no such thing.

- It's creepy! - Ugh, I'm going to bite.

It's really just like a gum, you chew gum.

Its sauce is sweet, on top of it.

I don't know, it looks vaguely like a shrimp.

Here, you know, it is also so tough, and some kind of taste is like this, like shrimp.

No, it's fine. In fact, octopuses are very tasty.

- In short, your score? - 11, here.

Let's go! Let's see what we have in Pirates of the Caribbean.

- Another dessert of some kind? - I really have desserts all day.

But, by the way, my winner is not dessert, yet. (profiteroles)

In short, there was a scene with these things. Let's try it.

- It's called "profiteroles". - Profiteroles.

Professional trolls. Well, how does it taste?

Sweet, unusual, cool, cool.

Really, not bad, but I'll give 85 points, like churros. Sweet, cool.

And I have... Hey, damn it!

Well, Charlie and the chocolate factory, so many... Okay, though.

Cookie with M&M's. Okay then.

Mmm, it's really delicious!

No, actually, the cookies are not bad, quite tasty.

Perfect! It seems to me, I'd put these cookies at 83.


Guys, this was the last dish, and we are ready to sum up.

According to the results of this video, I took the top 1 toast with orange jam

from Paddington! It was very tasty!

I took 1st place, imagine, with cheese balls, 96 points.

From Alvin and the Chipmunks!

I have lasagna in 1st place. It was really delicious!

Well, guys, this is the end of the video for today!

You can try some of these.

Well, I have a little suggestion for you.

And why don't you put a like under this video

and we'll film a video "Trying food from video games", eh?

It will be cool!

Well, guys, thanks for watching this video to the end.

Well, that was it, my name is Vlad A4!

Glent, Seryoga! Bye everyone!


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