April 26, 2024

Busting TikTok Life Hacks That Will SHOCK You!

Published May 23, 2023, 4:20 a.m. by Bethany

Looking for some life hacks that will help you navigate the political landscape? Look no further than TikTok! From tips on how to get your voice heard to how to make a difference in your community, these life hacks will have you covered.

1. Know your elected officials

One of the best ways to make your voice heard is to know who your elected officials are. Take some time to research your local, state, and federal representatives and familiarize yourself with their platforms. This way, when you contact them about an issue that’s important to you, they’ll be more likely to listen.

2. Register to vote

If you’re not registered to vote, now is the time! The process is simple and only takes a few minutes. Once you’re registered, you’ll be able to participate in elections and have a say in the direction of your community, state, and country.

3. Get involved in your community

There are many ways to get involved in your community, and getting involved is a great way to make a difference. From volunteering at a local soup kitchen to joining a protest, there are plenty of ways to get your feet wet. Find an issue that you’re passionate about and get involved in the fight for change.

4. Educate yourself on the issues

In order to make informed decisions, it’s important to educate yourself on the issues. Stay up-to-date on current events and familiarize yourself with the different positions on various issues. This way, when it comes time to vote, you’ll know exactly what you’re voting for.

5. Spread the word

Once you’ve educated yourself on the issues, it’s time to spread the word! Talk to your friends and family about the issues that are important to you and why they should care about them too. The more people that are informed about the issues, the better off we’ll all be.

These are just a few of the many life hacks that will help you navigate the political landscape. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to making your voice heard and making a difference in your community.

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i'm rog and i'm noah and today we're

going to be testing life hacks to see if

they're real or both starting with this

pineapple back

okay all right guys so there's a new way

to open a pineapple so what you're going

to want to do is with your bare hands

okay grab the top and you're going to

want to twist it off bet none of you

guys knew that you could do this with

your hands

okay step one complete and you get a

little tip right there yeah so you could


okay oh my god next step you're going to

want to go outside and you want to start

hitting the bottom of the pineapple on

the ground okay i don't know for how

long but you just got to feel it out for

30 minutes 30 yeah damn all right here

we go might as well get started now

you're doing great honey thank you

okay you guys are definitely going to be

shocked if this really works


i got the megan knees right now

it's kind of a look for you bro thank

you bro next step you got to roll it out

ow oh my gosh it's so hot oh the

concrete is so hot

if you have a friend to do this with you

do this yep


i like this okay then you're gonna grab

it and i saw them like keep hitting the


dude i'm so excited to see if this works


okay ready so you see these things on

the side yeah you could pull them out

and it's a pineapple piece wait what i

just feel like these are gonna rip yeah

they're like really flimsy yeah like you

see what i mean how did he do that i

guess these sides are not like strong

enough i guess we're gonna mark this as

a fail no that's not a good way to start

the video we never start with fails can

i throw it yeah go ahead



straight from the ground baby let's hope

this is the only fail in this video and

let's go do some more life hacks so i

have some miracle berries where you eat

this and it's supposed to change your

taste buds depending on what you're

eating so supposedly it turns something

that's usually sour like lemon juice and

makes it sweet i don't know how this

works but here is the paper it says

flavor tripping it lasts 30 minutes

healthy inside happy outside and also

shows the most effective food items that

will change the taste of so we have some

peppers to see if the pepper will still

be spicy lemon juice to see if it's

still sour so i'm excited to see if this

actually works so this is what they look

like that's weird fish food bro it just

doesn't look right i did hear that these

work but i've never tried them before so

here we go


all right cheers see what it tastes like

you're chewing a little dissolve

i think it's going to start dissolving

it tastes like raisins yeah this

literally tastes like a raisin

okay get it all over your tongue too

so we're gonna let this dissolve wait

about five minutes and i'm sure it'll be

in full effect

okay it's gone it's dissolved we're

gonna start with spicy this is a serrano

pepper this is supposed to be really hot

i'm actually scared okay right you think

it's gonna work yes okay here we go

bro that did not work at all

oh my gosh that's so spicy

you want to try it yeah no go ahead tell

me if it works

did not work at all oh is that a chili

pepper not as a chili pepper serrano is

that the same thing but it's so bad

we just ruined our whole taste buds and

on top of it tasted like the pepper

now i'm scared to do the sour


because it still tastes like apple it

tastes like a green apple do we do

something wrong no we ate it okay well

cheese bro wait is it supposed to be red

this is like high quality cheese i feel


bro no this is the deciding factor right

here do i dare even go for the lemon


bro did we do something wrong like i

said just chew it let it dissolve for

like five minutes and that's exactly

what we did we had to have done

something wrong but i don't know all

right guys i'm gonna take another one

before the lemon juice just to like

double confirm if it works

okay see you guys soon

all right the real test is lemon juice

okay here we go i'm just used to this

being really sour

oh yo that's actually sweet it worked

for the lemon juice it kind of tastes

like lemonade you want to try it yeah

all right

it tastes like lemonade with like less

sugar yeah that's what it tastes like no

that's a good explanation so all right

we got the first success of the video

telling you the rest of this video all

successes so we got a little science

experience experience so

you're gonna pour me

i'll match your energy bro all right so

you're gonna pour milk into a plate if

someone said i'll give you a million

dollars to not spill one drop on the

table then i'm not getting a million

dollars if i don't spill anything around

me this video has to get five million

freaking likes whatever

oh my god oh

it was close that was good i'm gonna

grab some food coloring or some in the

middle like yay one two it's supposed to

make a cool little rainbow effect so so

you have the food coloring in the middle

of the plate you take a q-tip and you

dip it in dish soap and then once you

put it in the middle the colors are

supposed to expand ready

did stop no no no

how dude charlie i must have did

something wrong



okay wait that looks sick okay that

looks cool but it was supposed to do it

in like a more dramatic effect hold up

but it worked bro look at the purple the

pink whoa dude look it's still coming

out oh

bro that's so sick dude this is crazy

that's a success that's definitely a

success i don't know again who thinks to

do these things but they're cool there's

actually another cool rainbow hack so

we're gonna try that we're gonna be

creating a spectrum of light with tape

and markers and your cell phone so

you're gonna put some tape at the top

like yay like not kanye like just you

know this the saying yay

okay and now the fun part start coloring

away so you could pick any colors you

want we're gonna just do the rainbow do

you think it's actually gonna work bro

it should it's like a nightlight

got the colors here what it looks like

from the bottom and now we go into a

dark room to test it out all right

you're gonna put your phone down like

this and place the tape over the light

did it do something yeah brother looks

sick that's not how it looked like in

the tick tock but it still did create

something that's like it's like a 88.5

success yeah no dude it works though i

think it looks good all right we're good

we're good that was dope that was dope

fun science experiment so we're gonna

make like we're gonna put string around

the balloon glue it on there let it dry

and when you pop the balloon the string

is supposed to hold the shape of a

balloon without the balloon being there

i like that hey that was like some bill

nice stuff that you just said we'll

start with we have spray hey we have

spray glue i've never seen this it would

have been nice to know in school but

yeah let's see how effective it is it's

like tagging here

don't tag out there guys unless it's at

your school whoa no

guys i don't think you understand how

scared i am for this i want this to work

so bad

let's do it

kind of not really wait it kind of looks

sick though what is this bro wait

slow-mo that this is not how it was

supposed to look bro

what is happening today guys bro that

looks sick as like a little ornament on

something ornament you're like you know

what you know what i'm actually gonna

keep this for christmas and in my next

christmas gift so this will be on the

christmas on the ornament i promise you

guys i am saving this

and if you remember it then you're a

legend we're not remembering that

everything's not working still a fail in

my books this would be cool if it worked

so if you get a q-tip and a lemon you

can use it as invisible ink so we're

gonna write a secret message on this

paper take the q-tip rub it on the leg

you're trying to escape somewhere what

i'm saying right

it's literally a secret message bro okay

so we'll go

l i you know where i'm going with this

one just like okay guys now if this

works better like the video you know

what i mean

you could still lowkey kind of see it

but it might pop out a lot more when we

light this candle and hover it over

all right here we go

oh oh my gosh it's burning bro

oh my god

i think you did it too close to it oh my

gosh okay we're gonna try this again

because it works i don't care we're

probably just doing everything wrong bro



oh i kind of see it

oh wait

can you read that

can you read that it's not a fail

because we finally got a success yes bro

it's not like the cleanest and stuff but

i just don't know why people would do

that there's no reason like just write

with like a sharpie or something i don't


all right guys nice little summer hack

you can make a tie-dye shirt with these

popsicles right here the way i saw it on

the tick tock didn't look as cool so

we're gonna try it our own way so first

step is you wet the shirt okay get it

nice and wet baby

all right

next up you get your popsicles start

putting them around the shirt you think

four in the middle and then like the

rest all around so


okay one right here one right there

maybe like up here okay so we have them

evenly spread out along the shirt it

actually already looks cool and now it

shouldn't take long but it's supposed to

melt supposed to wash it down and you

should have your tie-dye shirt don't

know if i'm gonna wear it but we'll see

if it works

our popsicles have melted this is the

final result now we got to pick up the

shirt it actually looks dope doesn't it

all right here we go oh look at that bro

that looks way cooler than the tick

low-key look at the back too it's like a

little plus sign on the front oh yeah

dude this is actually sick so the way

they did it on the tick tock is they

hosed it down after so

okay literally didn't do anything i

don't know what the point was to hose it

after so it looks like the color went

away but

you see the colored water it looked way

better before hosing it so i guess

that's a success if you guys have ever

lost any small objects on a thick carpet

we have a hack for you all you need is a

vacuum and some pantyhose and what

you're going to want to do is you want

to put the pantyhose over the vacuum

like this

and then you just turn it on


got one item a little sd card


you got an earring

and you got a penny so just like that i

recovered three of my lost items works

pretty good finally another success so

you can open a bottle with another

bottle cap how i saw is they put their

thumb into the cap like this and they

use their other thumb for force i think

i smell the seven up imagine like you're

in need of this seven of it's like i

need it right now right time and you're

outside of a 7-eleven

that wasn't it


guys we tried another bottle and i just

heard it you hear that yeah wow guys

just freaking get a bottle opener there

is literally no point of doing this at

least let's just get another success you

know what i mean see this is the realism

of the videos guys like when you see

them on tick tock we're literally here

to see if they work or if they take long

or how it is



okay it worked but i'm telling you it

took us like 30 minutes and a broken

nail yeah broken nail almost broken

thumb so i wouldn't suggest that but

nothing's successful it's a success at

the end of the day all right i'm gonna

show you guys the easiest way to put a

trash bag into a trash bin so on the

court it makes sense because your shots


my shot's trash no warm-up no practice

i don't know bro like it might be your

shot you were talking about you must

have gotten it confused brother you must

have gotten me confused baby if you

could stop interrupting my life my fans

are trying to learn some life hacks so

you guys have been putting trash bands

you guys have been putting trash bags in

wrong your entire life here we go so

usually go like this whatever you put it

in it takes long but when you do this

flip it upside down let all the air out

like like that flip it and too small

too small for this but you guys get the

gist right

like just didn't really work with

that one right there

i think our trash can is just a little

too big bro yeah we're gonna go for a

success because we need more of them for

the final one i've been saving this till

the end life saving because it's a

lifesaver so i've been saving it till

the end

nothing all right so if you crunch this

fast enough supposedly it lights up in

your mouth for like a second

so we got charlie here he's gonna turn

off the light thank you okay ready set

hold up let me crunch it ready


oh wait oh i brought my teeth hold on

right yes

turn it on


i'm gonna break my teeth i couldn't

crack it all right so the first attempt

didn't work but we realized we had the

wrong savers bag i think the green bag

yeah i think it's the green one but i'm

not gonna lie to you guys we tried this

off camera like 10 times and it wasn't

working and now my teeth are hurting so

charlie here

is gonna try it out and speed run it so

hopefully we see at least one spark all

right three two one go


yeah it worked

you saw that right yeah i did so it's

not every life saver then yeah i think

it's certain lifesavers it's crazy

because on tiktok literally half the

ones i saw said it didn't work but the

other half said it did work so i guess

it just depends on how you do it respect

if you guys know the science behind the

lifesaver hack let us know in the

comment section down below but anyways

that was fun


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