May 10, 2024

6AM MORNING ROUTINE while working 9-5 //motivation & productivity tips, fitness habits

Published May 27, 2023, 7:20 a.m. by Bethany

1. Get up early: It’s no secret that successful people are early risers. Getting up early gives you time to get ahead of the day and start ticking off your to-do list. If you’re not a morning person, start by setting your alarm clock for just 10 minutes earlier than you usually get up. Once you’re used to getting up earlier, you can gradually increase the amount of time you wake up before your usual time.

2. Exercise: A morning workout is a great way to get your day started on the right foot. Not only will it boost your energy levels, but it will also help you to focus and be more productive throughout the day. If you’re not a fan of going to the gym, there are plenty of other ways to get in a good workout. Taking a brisk walk or going for a run are both great options.

3. Eat a healthy breakfast: Starting your day with a nutritious meal will give you the energy you need to power through your morning routine. If you’re short on time, there are plenty of healthy breakfast options that you can make ahead of time. Overnight oats, smoothie bowls, and chia pudding are all great choices.

4. Make a to-do list: Before you start your day, take a few minutes to write down everything you need to accomplish. Having a list of tasks will help you to stay focused and on track. As you complete each task, be sure to check it off your list.

5. Set a time limit for each task: One of the best ways to boost your productivity is to set a time limit for each task on your to-do list. This will help to keep you focused and prevent you from getting sidetracked. Once the time limit is up, move on to the next task on your list.

6. Take breaks: It’s important to take breaks throughout the day in order to stay refreshed and focused. Every few hours, take a few minutes to step away from your work and take a short break. Go for a walk, stretch, or grab a quick snack.

7. Make time for yourself: In addition to working on your to-do list, be sure to schedule some time for yourself each day. This can be used for anything from reading a book to taking a relaxing bath. Taking some time for yourself will help to reduce stress and improve your overall productivity.

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good morning everyone it is 6 a.m and

here's a live video of me throwing a


good morning and yes I use a sleep mask

every day in the mornings I wake up and

do my little Daisy temperature tracker

this is a fertility tracker and I use it

just to keep track of my cycle then it's

time to get ready the first thing I do

before I even go to the bathroom oddly

enough is brush my teeth then I brush my

hair go to the bathroom get dressed and

today I'm just gonna wear some gym shark

shorts a sports bra and a free people

top doing a little jump for you putting

my hair up is always such a struggle

because my hair gets really bumpy in the

mornings but it's so dirty right now

that it just went right up without a

fuss and then it's time to pop my

contacts on because I am blind as a bat

and I've honestly been wearing contacts

since the fifth grade



then I head downstairs and go through

the whole entire routine of setting

myself up to go into the office right

after the gym so that involves making my

coffee I usually set it on a delay timer

so it's ready when I get downstairs I

have been drinking my coffee black

lately and really liking it so sweet

stuff lately I have not been liking but

my husband sneezes and I pack my lunch

so I'm eating leftovers from the night

before some hummus grab some blueberries

from the back

and pack it all up into my handy dandy

lunchbox as well as some boiled eggs the

boiled eggs are so good and they're a

very quick breakfast for me for when I

go into the office and then a banana

I also packed my micro Factor packs from

first form I love these they make taking

my vitamins so easy and then I set up my

little protein shake that I take right

after my workout so I'll put the almond

milk in and then I have these little

containers that I got from Amazon that

are so handy for like salad dressings or

protein whatever you need that's small

I'm going to link it below they're

really great

I packed that up and I head out the door

as you can see I have so many bags

and I tried to blast some music and wake

myself up in the winter months it gets

really hard for me to find motivation in

the morning I mean I'm sure you all can

relate that getting to the gym in the

morning when it's still dark out is

really hard to do but I listen to some

good music I stretch my body out I just

try to connect with My Mind Body

Connection if that makes any sense

that's just kind of what I think about

is trying to connect to my body and not

just kind of float through my workout

and then I go ahead and do some cardio

So lately I've been Increasing cardio so

I do about 20 minutes of cardio today I

chose a StairMaster and then I head into

a full body day so on Mondays I love

just kick starting with a full body

workout where I use pretty much every

part of my body my legs my arms my abs

and my cardio system intensely in the

beginning helps warm me up especially

for a full body Day lately I have been

using the healthies app for some

inspiration but I will say that I am

expecting there to be some updates made

because it could be a lot better but it

is for my favorite influencer and I love

it so I actually recently joined this

gym as of a week and a half ago so I

really needed inspiration and I was

feeling very tied down to my current

workout routine I was dreading it I was

not looking forward to going into the

gym or are working out in general and

that made me really sad because I

absolutely love being able to move my

body like this because it is truly just

such a gift if you are feeling stagnant

in your workouts I really recommend that

you find some sort of inspiration

whether it's you're on a budget and you

have to find inspiration with what you

have switch up the workouts to be

movements that you really enjoy and just

challenge yourself with the intensity

and volume what I've done is I've just

changed my setting of where I'm working

out and now my workout is complete and

it's about 7 50 in the morning good

morning everyone it is Monday morning

and that has

oh my God yo I'm so tired I'm so tired I

hope my coffee's so hot I don't know

Steve Yeti is staying true

oh yeah baby we're in service that is

the perfect temperature

hot enough where it's hot but does it

scald your tongue to where you're not

able to taste for three days

oh that's so good I'm gonna pop a

screenshot of the coffee I used I set up

last night so I didn't get a chance to

show you but we just did our 6 a.m

routine on a Monday morning and I slept

maybe six and a half hours last night

I'm pretty tired not gonna lie I usually

do a solid

um a solid seven and a half so losing

about an hour kind of sucks but

um we went to Knoxville Tennessee this

past weekend to see my cousin get

married and it was so much fun but

travel is just always exhausting as it

is rewarding so just gotta see the pros

of it but as usual running late to the


buy a solid 10 minutes it's gonna be

fine everything is fine but yeah let's

go ahead and get rolling this chart

shows is essentially all of the hiking

cycles that we've gone through since

1983 so 83 87 89. all right everyone we

have made it to the office and

this week is gonna whoop my booty so I

took a week off of vlogging last week


I was just running on absolute E I feel

a little bit better this week but

when Luke and I don't have weekends at

home I get really antsy and we're

getting so much better about it and we

have like them planned out in advance

but this morning instead of feeling

refreshed like I should oh my God I'm

teetering this morning instead of

feeling refreshed like one should after

a weekend I just felt tired

um because trouble takes it out of you

especially because my job is really

demanding right now it's just this weird

season of all my clients have very

intense strategic needs while still

operating under their usual scope of

work so it's not just like going in and

ensuring deliverables or moving and

grooving it's going in ensuring

deliverables are moving and grooving and

undergoing very harsh and heavy

strategic decisions and conversations

which is great because that's one of the

main reasons why I love my job so much

but it's also one of the hardest parts

of my job because it really just takes

it out of me so all that to say this

morning we are going to be positive I'm

going to enjoy my coffee I'm going to go

on a couple walks around the block today

and hang out with my co-workers have a

delicious lunch that I packed and just

try to make the most out of my day I

mean the day is going to happen with or

without you so I might as well be

extremely present in the moment because

this is actually an interesting

conversation that I can get into later

but as a Believer your story is already

written like God has written your story

and he knows what's going to happen to

you day by day so the argument is okay

then what's the point like what's the

point of me trying if I it's already

going to happen to me and for my from my

perspective the point is lean in and

that has been a huge motto for me this

year 2022 is leaning in and

trusting the experience and trying to

make the most out of it so being very

present being intentional being more


when things happen to me rather than

letting the situation guide who I am so

that has been huge for me

um and we're gonna try to do that this

morning but I am so happy you guys are

here I didn't get a chance to intro

earlier but if you are new to the

Channel please feel free to subscribe I

do a lot of Lifestyle content like this

and you can follow me on Instagram I

love love love all my subscribers and

followers and you guys are really the

best and yeah I can't wait to have you

guys along let's go into work




my docs and I haven't worn my dogs in

two years just not really my style

anymore but they're so comfortable

and I just needed black boots I think

I'm going to get a pair from Sam Edelman

so if I do get them I will talk about

them later but I'm on a budget now so

delayed gratification not an if but when

so a lot of people actually ask me what

I do for work and I am an account

manager at a small advertising agency in

Atlanta and I focused on B2B personally

with my clients I have had startup

clients and clients that are new to

their space and has been really fun to

work with them in that and I focus on

kind of all facets of digital marketing

so ads SEO content development anything

you can think of that can be done in the

digital space is something that I focus

on with my clients

so when it comes to work building up

productive habits through small changes

is key every morning I do not wake up

motivated ready to tackle the day and be

super productive at work sometimes I

literally have to fake it till I make it

to myself over a long period of time I

have built up systems that allow me to

be the person that I want to be I

actually read a little bit about this in

James clear's book about building up

habits it's called Atomic habits and I'm

going to link it below but he lays out

that if you want to reach a goal there's

a clear two-step process deciding the

type of person that you want to be and

proving it to yourself through small

wins every day some days I wake up

feeling unmotivated and lost and I often

don't feel how I typically do until the

next day when I go to sleep and reset

maybe I'll hit a lighter workout that

day and I'll usually give myself a

little bit more grace at work accomplish

machine only what is needed in taking

more breaks to try and find more joint

intention in what I am doing I go on

walks put on a face mask if I'm working

from home

do some laundry during my lunch break or

run to the store anything that gives me

some breakup throughout the day and I'm

not just staring at my computer grinding

authenticity is everything when you are

working on yourself because you in your

heart know when you are Faking It versus

when your intentions are real and

believable by none other than you

guessed it yourself

only the eggs only the egg

you can have this one

establishing goals that you want to hit

but coming to terms with the actions you

need to take to get to those goals is

even more challenging and useful in the

long run

if you do all of this without setting a

clear intention and having buy-in from

yourself it will fail that's something

that I have done before I was

inauthentic in how I approached some

goals and I failed and I felt really let

down by myself

I did come here



take me to the ruins




every living thing

okay I hate when I'm walking and there's

just like

smoking cigs in their vehicle and

staring at me

no I don't want to talk to you sir thank

you leave me alone all right so I have

reached a point in my day where I am

pretty tired and I'm just not feeling

very motivated and I'm just going to

make myself a short list you guys

already know sorry if you can hear the

plane up above but you guys already know

I love making a short list of three to

five items and if I get those items done

I either

reward myself with a walk or I go ahead

and leave so I think I'm gonna do the

leave option because it's already around

three so I'm gonna do three to five hot

items and skedaddle and hopefully I can

edit this Vlog tonight because that

would be so fun if I could get it up

tomorrow all right let's go ahead and go

my favorite

but when I started waking up at 6am to

work out and get some life stuff done

before I went to work it wasn't through

watching a YouTube video unfortunately I

did that for some inspiration to see how

others did it but ultimately I had three

reasons that I wanted to start waking up

early to start my day

one is I'm way sharper in the mornings

and completing a workout makes me more

alert and happy through the days I feel

so much better and that was a huge

driver two I wanted to have more time

after work to relax the gym is usually

less crowded as well

so those were my three reasons sharper

in the morning having more time

afterward to relax and spend time with

Luke or family and friends and three the

gym is usually less crowded if you're

hoping to find more productivity in your

life and maybe even start waking up

earlier definitely establish number one

who you want to be and why and make sure

that you yourself believe in it to your

goals what do you want to achieve to

become this version of yourself

three this is personally I think the

most important step take these small

steps that you can take to achieve your

goals you do not have to go 0 to 60 in

one week take small steps maybe it's

waking up early to do a devotional a

couple chores or go on a short walk then

you can ease into waking up earlier and

hitting a small workout it all is

movement towards your goals small steps

are still strides do not discredit

yourself and soon enough you'll look

back and see how they were strides huge

strides towards becoming who you were

meant to be because you had buy-in from

yourself hello everyone it is now what

time is it

5 16 and we are about to leave

today was kind of rough as I said

earlier I didn't get a lot of sleep so I

was very groggy all day and I kind of

felt like I had a film over my brain and

I couldn't really think straight I don't

think people

especially me when I'm trying to just do

stuff at night understand just how

important sleep is especially because

my God my heart rate just spiked so high

as I told you guys before my FM radio or

AM radio before it just depends on the

day just automatically comes on and it

doesn't make a whole lot of sense here I

want to move because the lighting is a

little weird sleep just really impacts

My overall performance at work sleep

really just

really FS me up if I don't get enough of

it so tonight I'm hoping to go to bed


I know that I want to edit this Vlog

today because I do have a free evening

so hopefully I can get it done and if

not I can finish it up tomorrow or the

next day but my eyes are just so tired

like they kind of hurt they're achy

that's the best way to describe it

they're so achy right now and I'm just

in a little bit of pain not like severe

pain but just looking at the computer

all day and being tired and straining

and just doesn't it doesn't feel very

good so I don't know how much of the

editing I'm gonna do


my God

my favorite vloggers right now are

Michelle Reed Abby afslin and

who else do I like I love Rachel Vin I

really love the Abbey Aston and Rachel

van Vlogs because don't mind me just

stabbing a sweet potato as we speak

um they're very realistic to my

lifestyle and that's a huge reason that

you guys like my channel from what I've

heard is you just really oh you just

relate to my content

because you know I go to work I have a

nine to five I have to pay bills I get

stressed over normal U.S

American things and I think that's one

people that's one thing that people

crave is just relatability

oh my God I'm gonna give myself a black

eye just hope that you guys always feel

like you can relate to my content I mean

if I could support myself full-time on

YouTube that'd be great but right now

working corporate life I'm making a lot

more and in the end I am not ashamed to

say you work for money I'm trying to

make that cash flow but I also am not

trying to sacrifice who I am as a person

in the meantime I obviously care a lot

about my values who I am how my company

treats me I could have gone the finance

route and just sold my soul for five

years and got in a huge bonus just sign

and yeah a lot of people do that at big

four companies or large investment Banks

I chose small I mean I work at a startup

agency with about 45 people right now

and I love it and they treat me well and

that's what I value but for the most

part I go to work because I'm trying to

make money so

right now

I don't I barely make anything on


which is so crazy because then I compare

myself sometimes to content creators I'm

like oh wow they have

so much time or they don't have to worry

about this stuff I have to worry about

like getting stressed because clients

are being cuckoo or I am just strapped

for time or I misprioritized or you know

of having to relate to several different

team members and all these different

teams and then I listen to podcasts and

stuff with creators that that is their

full-time job

and it's it's a very stress-free

environment and it makes me a little

envious and I'm gonna just admit it

because it does and I shouldn't be

because if I was given the opportunity

to make more than the income that I

currently am

through scaling back how much I work

and doing something that I really love

to do I would do it I mean anyone would

do that any anyone would do that you'd

be a fool to not but

yeah right now my content is relatable

and I like watching content that I can

relate to it's fun to watch stuff with

creators that you know they don't have a

full-time job and it's a different

lifestyle than mine and it's refreshing

because I don't want to just keep

watching stuff that's just like me but I

just have to be careful when I do to not

be envious because I have to remind


if you were given this opportunity

you would too and you can't blame them

and you just have to be happy for them

and you know everyone faces their own

problems it's all relative I mean the

more money you make does not mean the

less problems sometimes it even means

more problems and the more opportunity

that you have in your career growth does

not mean less problems it's just

different problems everything is

relative and it's it's all about

perspective and

yeah that's just my point of view on it

I wanted to randomly share that but I'm

gonna go ahead and make dinner really

quick and then I have a very very very

exciting announcement to do with y'all

um well it's to do because you're gonna

witness me do it and then we're gonna

talk about it um so let's go ahead and

cook also Sprite Zero just slaps love

the time has come


I have been waiting for this day

I honestly haven't really been waiting

for it

I am going to be entering into my first

brand partnership not just a one-off you

guys know I've worked with Caraway in

the past Caraway home I love their

product I literally use the pots and

pans at least three times a week

great product if you're interested and

you want my link let me know because I

can get it reactivated

but it's not about them

I am partnering with first form

Yes you heard me right the brand that I

have been taking

their supplements for the past

seven years I think way before YouTube

even entered my mind this was back in

2015 I believe or maybe it was 2016 that

I was introduced to the first form brand

and it was introduced to me through my

CrossFit gym it was everyone's favorite

protein and it was my favorite and I

have been using it steady ever since


they reached out to me and it honestly

was like a this isn't real moment


I never thought that my channel would

get to that point where I would be able

to partner with a brand that I already

know believed and loved way before they

ever knew who I was and this is the case

now so all that to say you're looking at

a first form athlete and I am just so so

so so so happy that I am partnering with

an amazing company yes this is going to

be super fun because I'm gonna get to

know everyone that I'm working with on

the first form team as a person

but for the most part this is a business

Arrangement because I believe in the

product and I'm going to promote it to

y'all I have turned down so many

Partnerships I'm not just saying that to

flex I'm saying that to show you guys

I'm on my channel only ever going to

have brands that I actually care about

and that I actually use

like I don't think I would have a brand

on here just for the money or the cloud

because I have a full-time job and I

have savings and I I don't need to say

yes just to say yes for the money I want

to say yes because I believe in it and

you guys know

you can see it all over my face if I

don't believe in a company so first form

if you don't know they're a supplement

company and I am a tried and True

Believer in their vegan Power Pro that

was kind of my favorite over the last

few years and I have been introduced to

a slew of products since and I'm just so

excited to be partnering with them and

to be able to provide y'all a link to be

shopping and to try some of the products

that I use every single day and really

love so I'm about to sign the contract

if you are interested I hope I get my

link before this goes live but you can

look at the products below if you shop I

do receive commission I'm going to be

transparent about that because you're

going to be supporting me and my channel

and being able to make more videos and

get equipment to make my videos better

and so on and so forth

um and there's I don't think there's

anything wrong with that

um I'm going to be very very transparent

and honest with you guys about every

brand partnership that I enter into

so all that to say I'm going to go ahead

and sign this and then I'm going to

finish up dinner and then we can chat

later but I just wanted to announce that

and thank you guys so much for following

me for believing in me and for watching

my videos it's you are the reason why I

get to work with awesome Brands like

this and yeah you guys rock





put back together

I'm trying to get a little scattered so

I might stop vlogging soon but I love

taking the greens and the Reds together

and I always get this mustache and

because I'm Vlogging right now I can see

it and it's embarrassing

but when I'm not vlogging I forget that

it's there and I'll like walk around the

house and then I'll go find Luke and

he's like

what's on your face


be warned if you live alone don't leave

your house without washing your face a

little bit


thank you

take me to the Jungle

teach me


okay three things I use the barbecue 101

seasoning on that from Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's has my favorite seasonings

ever I love the barbecue 101

um the seat the pickle and the seasoning

that one's pretty good

the onion salt is also really good

the mushroom Umami this is really Savory

so be careful when you use this one I

actually taste little hints of spice in

there like spicy

this one is an all-time favorite I buy

three every time I go

favorite that I think I actually ran out

as I went through that really fast

oh that's depressing

spice cabinet is like out of control

does anyone else have like a lot of

controls my tablet

because oh there it is haha it's tiny my

number one my boo


sweet garlic

oh good especially on green beans I like


steam my green beans a little bit and

then I'll saute them in oil at a really

high temperature kind of like Wok style

to kind of give it a crispiness on the

outside and I cook them with that and a

little bit of salt and pepper

oh so good

um but yeah we are waiting on our

potatoes and I had two realizations

I actually hate the taste of time

I tried to like it

I just hate the way it tastes

um I tried to kind of get it out of here

because I tried one of my zucchini

because it came with time in it

and I kind of got it out and then also

why do baked sweet potatoes take so long

I put them in 20 minutes before anything

else and they're still like


not ready which is upsetting because

everything else is ready

it's like one of the hard things about

cooking is sorry my greens mustache is

timing everything timing is just so hard

I remember somebody told me a while ago

they're like I just don't get how you

time in everything I'm like it's because

I don't because you know my sweet

potatoes probably have another 20

minutes and everything else is already

ready we're just gonna hope for the best

and that I don't overcook anything so

fingers crossed




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