April 27, 2024

Jews are making a lot of money in business. Here’s WHY…

Published May 29, 2023, 7:20 p.m. by Arrik Motley

There's no denying that jews are successful in business. In fact, they are overrepresented in many industries, including finance, media, and technology. But why are jews so successful in business?

There are a number of reasons. First, jews have a long history of being entrepreneurial. For centuries, they were banned from owning land or holding most jobs, so they had to be creative in order to make a living. This experience gave them the skills and mindset needed to be successful in business.

Second, jews value education and have a strong work ethic. They understand that hard work and dedication are essential for success.

Third, jews are risk-takers. They are not afraid to take chances and innovate. This willingness to take risks has led to many jewish-owned businesses being at the forefront of new industries and technologies.

Fourth, jews are good at networking. They have a strong sense of community and are always looking out for each other. This networking has helped them to build successful businesses.

Finally, jews have a strong sense of family. They understand the importance of family and work hard to support their loved ones. This commitment to family has made them loyal and reliable employees, which is an important quality in any business.

There are many reasons why jews are successful in business. Their history of entrepreneurship, dedication to education and work, willingness to take risks, and strong sense of community and family all play a role.

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welcome back to my YouTube channel my

name is Beryl Solomon and today we're

going to be discussing 10 Jewish

business Commandments these are things

that we have known for over 3 000 years

and they are coming to you right now in

this video if this is your first time

here please smash the Subscribe button

please give me a like and leave a

comment I would love to hear from you I

might even hit you back in the comments

so let's go 10 Jewish business

Commandments let's roll number one is we

don't blame other people or other

communities or other races for our own

problems even during the Holocaust after

that happened and we left Germany and we

went to every other corner of the world

we did not look back with a chip on our

shoulder rather we looked forward to

build with positivity and with hope we

leave the past in the past and we look

brightly towards the future number two

we aim for abundance in everything that

it is that we do our Benchmark is God

himself God is abundant he is unlimited

so when we approach business or when we

approach creating wealth for our camp

for ourselves or our communities we look

at God as our Benchmark so we aim for

abundance not enough just to get by but

abundance because God himself is

abundant number three we do not abandon

our children especially when it comes to

making a living we have a tradition that

says that if a person does not teach his

child how to make money it's as if he's

teaching his child theft why because if

he doesn't know how to make money his

only option that he has to feed himself

is to steal so we have a big emphasis on

teaching our children how to make a

living number four

we find businesses that are Kosher and

that also make a lot of money let me

give you an example you will be very

hard-pressed to find an Orthodox Jewish

man or a woman for that matter that will

own something like a strip club or in

the pornography business why because it

is not a kosher business we want to make

sure that we bring God into whatever it

is that we're doing we want to make sure

that we could sleep well at night so we

try to go into we don't try we go into

kosher businesses that also make a lot

of money so there's plenty of kosher

businesses out there but those

businesses don't make money so the

business has to be kosher and has to

make a lot of money

number five we do not work

for other people we try not to work for

other people there's a tradition that

back in the in the days of the Torah

that if a person was a slave and they

chose to work for their slave master

after seven years they were punished in

a certain sense by nailing a nail into

their ear and putting it on the wall why

because ultimately a person should not

be a slave to another person but rather

we should only be slaves to God and we

want to work for ourselves and only have

God on top of us that way we're able to

bring down his infinite blessing

number six we try to help members of our

own community that means that if we

could award a person in our community

from our synagogue a contract we will

try and do that because we believe in

supporting each other like a family

imagine every community in the World

Imagine where you live right now if

everyone gave you the opportunity to win

that business before they gave it to

anybody else imagine where you would be

in your business in your career to start

doing this in your communities look the

next contract that you're going to award

for your painting or your accounting or

whatever that might be trying to give it

to your next door neighbor try to give

it to the person from your church or

your mosque or your whatever support the

members of your community

number seven we like to go into

businesses with high profit margins and

low risk and low competition right you

don't want to bet all of your money on

the farm at the end of the day you don't

want to get yourself so ingrained in

making a living that you don't have your

head left for anything else you want to

go into a business it makes you a lot of

money but you're not knee-deep and

Eyeball is deep and having to figure out

that business because life is a balance

it's not just about making the money but

it's about living a balanced life so

there's plenty of businesses out there

that you can make money and still have

your head so that you could devote it

towards higher Pursuits

number eight be honest in all of your

business dealings one of the Ten

Commandments is Thou shalt not steal now

a lot of people mistake this they think

that if they can steal

and people won't find out then it's okay

to steal no we believe that there is an

eye that sees an ear that hears and all

of our Deeds are being recorded in a

book this extra layer of honesty and

scrupulousness is what has allowed us to

remain in business for long periods of

time contrary to popular belief or

popular culture that Jews are not honest

in business guys let's be honest you

can't be around for this long in

business and be dishonest for sure

there's some characters just like every

race every religion every people has

that are not doing the right thing and

we pray for them that they figure out

the right way the right path The Godly

path but at the end of the day our Torah

our Bible our Ten Commandments tells us

Thou shalt not steal number nine

give charity

when God sees that you are a good

business partner for him meaning he

gives you a hundred dollars and you take

a tithe from that you take ten percent

and you give ten dollars to your local

community center your local Whatever It

Is God will believe that you are a good

business partner for him and God will

want to do more business with you by

sending you more clients and more

contracts because the return on

investment with you is better than your

Uncle Jimmy who doesn't give a penny to

anybody give charity number 10 probably

maybe the most important trust in God in

everything that it is that you do

you ever notice that Jewish people are

always starting businesses always going

into new Industries

always doing new things why what is the

foundation of it because we trust in God

that trust allows us to take a leap to

buy that piece of real estate that trust

in God allows us to take the leap to

hire that employee or to make that

investment or to start that new form or

to launch that new piece of technology

because we believe that we're not in

this alone rather if we jump

we're connected by a safety rope that

will save us so number 10 is trust in

God you could do that right here right

now guys if you made it with me this

long into it I want to congratulate you

I want to give you a blessing that

everything should go well revealed good

in your life and your business and your

career please do me a favor smash that

subscribe leave me a like leave me a

comment it's been a pleasure and honor

dealing with you and being with you this

far and I'm gonna try to put out one of

these videos at least once or twice

every single week to keep you guys

informed and make sure everyone gets

wealthy together God bless have a great



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